RP Hunt Flexible Long-Term Partner?

Jul 15, 2024
I'm new to the site so I'm going to do my best here LOL. The character limit got reached so I'm going to post my male characters information and the leftover girlies in a comment reply thing.

Before I get into the grit of it, here's what I'm ideally looking for. I'm seeking someone who doesn't mind if I don't respond all of the time, as my life is a chaos point. Sometimes I'll be really active and others I wont. I'll communicate, but yeah. Now, onto it! This is all very adult, so be warned.

Firstly I will love you if you rp canon characters from the worlds that have them, however other OCs are just as welcome to me and I'm interested just as much.
Secondly, I will ALWAYS roleplay as a submissive or at MINIMAL MAYBE a switch when it comes to bdsm or relationship stuff. Will some of my characters need to be forced to be submissive? Yes. I quite enjoy that aspect of roleplay though.

I adore dark things. This is including but not limited to, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome/lima syndrome, and varied kinks we can talk about (the list of things I'm not into is so much smaller).

In the next very long part you'll see the worlds I like to rp in, but I'm welcome to all sorts of things minus most anime. I'm not much an anime person.

This is a long and detailed list so I'm so sorry ahead of time. I hope it doesnt scare you away. I have images I relate to each character I can provide to whoever is interested.

Cheshire Hughes: Cheshire is my longest standing brain child and will always be described as a roughly 5'4 girl. She's plus size in a curvy fashion with freckles and skin on the paler peach shade. Blue hair is her trademark and icy blue eyes. She has numerous tattoos and is best described as a nerdy goth to pastel goth. She does wear glasses and is an artist with an absolute love for baking. Her age varies dependent on story (always 18+ obviously) Pansexual, Polyamorous.

Cheshire has been known for these forms at current:

-Shapeshifter (Werewolf Healer)

-Cyberpunk Ex-Corpo Kid (Fanfic)

-Medieval Healing Witch

-Modern Healing Witch

-Modern Shapeshifter/Power Absorber

- SCP (Carrie but with Shadow Beings)

-(Less likely but) Normal Human

-Mass Effect Andromeda (My Ryder/Fanfic)

-StarWars (Smuggler/Fanfic)

- DC Comics (Residing in Gotham, I've got a mini plot that would slide in pretty well with Gotham Knights or otherwise)

Persephone "Percy" Lockheart: Percy is a character that is a lot to handle for most people. She is probably the character I let out a lot of my trauma into to cope with it. That being said Percy is a borderline bimbo of a character. She uses an external mask of being really dumb to cover up sadness and depression. She's the type to say yes to someone even if she doesnt want to. She's a plus size, 5'6, large breasted girl with peachy skin. She will always be depicted with pink hair and green eyes that she wears contacts over. The contacts give her the appearance that her eyes are a mixed array of blue, purple and pink. Her style of clothing is basically whatever she feels like wearing. She's the type to wear a band-aid on her nose, stickers on her face and will wear a leather jacket with the same love as a Lolita dress. Percy's also known for having a Tamagotchi she's kept alive for six years! She's a character that openly practices a more childish nature and has a, more than likely, unhealthy love for Pandas, plushies, candy, and coloring. Percy is 19-20 unless stated otherwise. Pansexual, Polyamorous

Percy has been known for these forms at current:

-Modern Normal Human

-Modern Witch (Enchanter through Music)

-Medieval/DnD Teifling (Or Fey) Bard Healer (I dont follow DnD rules when I rp, but that'd be her theme)

-Modern Witch (Emotion/Persuasion)

-Babyface Wrestler (Yup I do WWE worlds)

-Cyberpunk (Fanfic)

- Mass Effect (Human / Fanfic, not Shep, will explain if youre interested)

-Watchdogs 2 / Watchdogs Legion (I usually ship her with Wrench X X)
-Far Cry 5/Far Cry New Dawn (I also have a plot for this I enjoy if you wish to play altered/canon characters, but I also have plot for Ocs)

Maxine Warren: Maxine is a character who took form the more I used her in tabletop roleplay (City of Mist) She's a tough girl who came to kick ass and drink beer and she's all out of beer. Maxine is my more hardcore character. She's one who was hardened by her trauma and hardships. She is 5'5, Cherry red hair and bright green eyes. She's more on the tan skinned nature, but unlike the top two, Maxine has a very fit nature to her curvy body with abs to accent it. Smoking and drinking are things she does a lot as well as coping through sex. She's typically of the rocker aesthetic, leather and chains. Maxine is the type that takes a lot to break through the walls and get through to her softer side. Otherwise? She's feisty and gaining anything over her is quite a feat. Maxine is usually 30 years old and age will vary to story. Pansexual, Polyamorous

Maxine has been known for these forms at current:

-Modern Hellhound Shifter

-Modern Werewolf

-Medieval Werewolf

-Cyberpunk Street Kid

-Mass Effect (My Shepard, can also just be something else in that world)
-StarWars (Force Sensitive Bounty Hunter)

-WWE (Heel)

- Medieval / DnD Barbarian Shifter/Werewolf (I dont follow DnD rules when I rp, but that'd be her theme)

Nyx Vis'phira: Nyx baseline started out as my Asari character for a Mass Effect tabletop game. She has since adopted a human form for when I write her outside of the Mass Effect world. As an Asari she is primarily purple skinned with vitiligo. This means that her blue skin has purple patches and freckles along it. She was roughly 50 years old(or whichever is an Asari 18, their aging is different) and blue eyes. About 5'4 herself she is a more lean character with wider hips. As a human she has dyed purple hair and is a rather elegant girl. Human years she's 18. Pansexual, Polyamorous

Nyx has been known for these forms at current:

-Mass Effect (Asari OC/Fanfic)

-Modern Human

-Modern Witch (Healer)

Millie'dra Vas Lyra (currently Vas Yakshi): If you couldn't tell by the name, Millie is also a Mass Effect OC. With pink skin and an almost navy-mixed teal hair color, she's a Quarian. Skilled in medical knowledge from a young age. Millie is 18 and was somewhere on her pilgrimage when she was caught stealing from a slaver queen. This basically wound her up as the "slaving Queen" took fond of her. Now she lives as a prized toy, complete with a modified Quarian suit of a rather beautiful green color. Millie is currently ONLY from the Mass Effect universe, but I will update this if anything changes. Rp would probably involve her having escaped the Yakshi's ship.

Kaelie Reynolds : Another Mass Effect OC mostly. Though she has a StarWars general variant. This Kaelie sports dark brown hair and a tan complexion. Kaelie is a rather normal character in the sense she had a 'normal' childhood. She was one of the youths who got bored when left alone and caused trouble. Never really getting great grades, she was forced into a military program where she was the example of a person who turned their life around. Truly, she just enjoyed being able to torture, stab, and have access to many deadly weapons. Now, she's an ex alliance soldier who essentially faked her death to avoid having to work for the alliance any further. She went AWOL and became a freelance mercenary type, spending most of her time in places like Omega picking up work.

Kaelie has been known for these forms at current:
-Mass Effect (Fanfic)

-StarWars (AWOL Trooper)

Kaelie Cyrus: (not to be confused with my very unoriginal naming of the above Mass Effect psycho)

Kaelie was a character out of my norm completely. She's a 5'4 well...psychopath. Everyone has their one crazy person right? She's mine. Silver-grey hair with darker roots and a rather pale set of blueish eyes sets her in a more eerie aesthetic. A biker/goth look to her clothes only adds to it. Kaelie was kidnapped into a religious cult after she assaulted one of their guards. After being conditioned and 'repenting' for her sins, she became their weapon. I will not make a list for this character as she's only ever a human. There's nothing more to her. She's 18. Pansexual, Polyamorous (despite incredibly possessive of her partners)
(Jk, mini list)
-FarCry 5/ FarCry New Dawn (shes connected to one of the canon characters, Id love someone to rp the canon but as mentioned many times I love OCs too)

-Supernatural hunter

If you made it through I hope your pillow is the perfect temperature at night!
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Carrie Reagan: Carrie is a 5'6 ball of chaos. Blue haired and tattooed she's a fighter by nature. She's a vampire and also leans toward the goth look. Born in America she moved to London after killing a mob boss. I wont really be listing her forms as there are none. She's just a vampire. For those who know Vampire: The Masquerade, she's a Brujah. Turned at 19 and has been a vampire for roughly 20 years. Enough said. Theres really only one version of her who is not a vampire where she is living in New Orleans and theres some questionable magic stuff at best going down. Pansexual, Polyamorous

Serenity Fries: Serenity is kinda also self explainatory if you understand that last name lol. She was created for the Batman universe. The test-tube daughter of Victor Fries (one of the often overlooked villains in my opinion). Serenity was created from his and Nora's DNA to give Victor that bit of life with Nora he'd truly wished to have, family. Serenity, despite having a much more mild case of the sickness her mother has, will often go out into Gotham to steal things for her father as she doesn't need a fancy suit to survive. She has ice powers and doesnt quite understand how strong that her ability really is. She was aged quickly during Victor's creation phase and is 18 though mentally she's pretty close to characters like Starfire where some things need to be explained despite her being homeschooled in Victor's manor. She's an elegant girl with almost doll-like clothing choices. White hair and crystal blue eyes. Her skin is near paper pale and she's cool to the touch. Pansexual

Jazmine Todd: Another Gotham brain child.
Jazmine is not one to escape the common happens of Gotham's streets. A shocking event forced her to distrust heroes and become Red Hood.
Jazmine is dark reddish-black haired with a white streak at the front, hazel eyes. Pansexual

(These are my male characters I'll play. I prefer to play them with other male characters (male presenting) but am open to others as well)

Crowe Kingsley: Crowe is a rather oddball character. He's 5'7 and lean in build. Rather pale. He was a sheltered guy who often will be depicted as struggling to figure out how to be his own person after that conditioning. He's 18 and also tends to lean toward goth as a lot of my characters do. He's unsure of his sexuality but knows that he's at least attracted to men to some degree. With a lot of piercings and a few scars from his years, he's oddly innocent.

Crowe has been known for these forms at current:

-Modern Human (Supernatural Hunter)

-Medieval Human (Supernatural Hunter)


-FarCry 5/ FarCry New Dawn

Lucifer "Luke" King: Lucifer was one of my first male characters. He's a feminine male, short in stature. There's two main appearances for Luke based off the two forms. Ones a tan redhead with green eyes whos a human and the other is a goth vampire. Recently he's gained another form. Pansexual.

Luke has been known for these forms at current:

-Modern Human (Doctor)

-Modern Vampire

- Medieval style fantasy (Pheonix healer, wings consistantly visible and black and red in color)

Doctor Flint Cristole: Flint was a spur of the moment character who only has one form. He's a doctor and a phoenix. He served as a field medic since he can remember, and he can remember every time he's died. Flint appears in his mid 30s and has many scars over his tan skin. Longer red hair and green eyes with a rather muscular build. He's 6'0 and yes, he sparkles. Flint's body glitters with small ember-like shines. He's always professional though he struggles with the concept of 'sin'. He doesn't want to be 'impure' though some may try to convince him otherwise (and might!) When killed he does indeed just...come back after a period of time. He can indeed grow wings that are about his height in length and he can tuck them up if needed. Bisexual.

Jessie Hawkes: Jessie is a newer boy for me. This background can be altered and adjusted depending on whatever roleplay we're choosing to do.

Jessie had been sick for as long as he could remember. He was constantly moved in and out of hospitals as the doctors tried to figure out whatever illness he had been suffering from. This stressing his single mother/father but they never stopped supporting their boy. There were no answers, no rare disease and no sudden revelation. Nothing seemed to work but Jessie didn't seem to be declining too rapidly.

He spent a lot of his time online on various forums and roleplay sites from online mmos to chat sites. He did digital art but mostly wrote stories online for people to enjoy. These stories were soft and fluffy romances between partners that never seemed to reach sexual in fullness. It seemed to be because of his own inexperience, which he never shied away from admitting. Even his roleplays shied from it, though he was never afraid to try even if it seemed badly played out.

My favorite way to spin this is someone turning him into a vampire to save his life, but I'm open to many variants.

Again, if you read this, have a perfectly warm cookie.
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