I Will Make You Perfect (Firestarter)

Ronan yawned as he leans back in his chair, kicking his feet up as Astrid spoke "Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice, Mrs. Stereli. My boss has come in need--"

"--Of a bodyguard." Ronan interrupts, bored of the formalities, "Though I'm sure you could guess that. Someone with a perfect record and female."

Mrs. Stereli blinks, "A female? Of course. But, I will inform you that my agents have a strict no romance or sexual relationship rule."

Astrid bursts into laughter, covering her mouth. She shakes her head, shoulders shaking. Placing a hand on the counter, Astrid sits down next to Ronan. "Oh you don't need to worry about that, he's gay." She grunts as Ronan elbows her sharply in the side.

"Yes, a female, will that be a problem?"

Mrs. Stereli nods, "No, sir, it won't be. We have the perfect candidate. She can be here tomorrow morning."

Ronan nods, sighing heavily and rubbing his forehead, "Okay,write up the contract."
"For the hundredth time, Callie, stop trying to grab me and just do the exercise." Jace was starting to lose his shit with his client. She was the most persistent one out of his roster, but she also paid the highest. He had been dealing with her for about 2 years now and had to keep telling himself that it was because of her money that he was able to afford all of the things he needed to spy on Ronan.

After a grueling 3 hour long session, Callie finally left and Jace was able to be alone in his own thoughts. He stepped onto the treadmill and began jogging lightly. He needed to blow off his anger. It didn't take long for his thoughts to return to Ronan, wondering what he was doing and if he was okay after the events of their night together.

His finger tips tingled at the memory of Ronan's soft skin. The fact that he had finally gotten to touch Ronan was enough to make him smile widely. If only his other dream would come true, Ronan coming to the gym in need of a trainer.
Ronan sighs as he reads over the final contract, tapping the pen against his chin. He shakes his head, frowning slightly as he twists his fingers into his hair. He else's thrown to the paper, signing him a signature with a smooth flourish.

He hands the papers back to the agent and looks over at Astrid, "I'm going to go nap."

Astrid frowns, "You should get some exercise." She crosses her arms.

"Probably, but I'm tired. . ." He mumbles.
As running only served to increase Jace's adrenaline, he moved to the bench press and added his usual weight of 200 pounds and started on his reps. He needed to vent out some stress, but his mind kept reverting back to Ronan.

He need his wicked little creature. Jace didn't care what lengths he was going to be forced to take. He was going to have Ronan to himself one way or another.

He could still remember how soft Ronan's skin was and how beautiful he smelt that night. He wasn't going to last much longer without another night just like that.
Astrid rolls her eyes, "You're always tired. You'll feel better with some movement. You won't stay pretty without it either. Maybe get a trainer, someone who can help you, encourage you and tell you what to do so you don't have to think about it."

Ronan looks up at her, blowing a strand of hair from his face. He contemplated the idea. A trainer. . . He certainly has enough money to afford one. Well, more money than he knew what to do with. And there was a decent gym a few blocks away. . . "Fine, but only if you find me the trainer. I don't want to put effort into it. And, it was your idea."

Astrid laughs, "You never put effort into anything. You rely on your pretty face with nother behind those big green eyes of yours." She pokes his forehead, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways, there is a trainer there that has good reviews. Jason or something, hold on, let me look online. . ." She pulls out her phone, the dim screen barely casting a shadow onto her face as she types into her search engine. "Ah, Jace. His name is Jace. Let me DM him for you, and I'll vet him out. I'll get back to you later, okay?"

She says this as she's typing up a message on (face book? Instagram? Idk) Hey there, Jace, I have a potential client for you, just curious about some credentials and experience you have. Please do reply when you get a chance!
Slamming down the barbell, Jace sat up and tugged lightly at his hair as he tried to calm down. His mind had been racing with things he should have done with Ronan that night he had taken him and he was starting to get pissed.

The sudden ping on his phone snapped his attention back to reality. He hadn't gotten a message on his Instagram in a while, making him curious about who it could possibly be. Seeing the photo of a woman left Jace rather unimpressed, but then he recognized her. It was Ronan's agent! How luck had swung his way so quickly, Jace couldn't say, but he wasn't about to turn down the opportunity to get a little closer to Ronan.

Without wasting a second more, Jace rushed to type up his reply: Hey there, it's great to hear you have a potential client for me. I have more than enough openings and time to help them meet their fitness goals. As for my credentials, I have my PhD in Kinesiology. For experience, I've been working as a trainer for quite a few years now. I work both at the gym on Spruce and Nightingale, and I offer private sessions as well. If your client is free and willing, I'm currently at the gym now if they would like to meet.
Ronan flops back onto his bed, sighing softly and draping an arm over his forehead. He groans softly, sighing as he lifts his phone to start scrolling through posts. His posts mostly, reading the comments. He frowns slightly, as he keeps scrolling, there were, of course, hate comments. Everyone had haters.

Even though Ronan knew this to be true, it never lessened the blow against his emotions. His 'fragile little ego' as Astrid had once called it in an attempt to cheer him up. He shouldn't even be reading these, as it was technically Astrid's job to read through these and take them down as a page moderator.

His gaze catches on one of his very first images, a selfie of him and his mother on vacation. He had just gotten his first job, and while working fast food as a teenager wasn't much. . . He'd still managed t save up money to treat his parents to a nice trip to an amusement park.

He jumps slightly as Astrid pokes her head in, "Aye, you, get up and get dressed. You, my tiny little friend, are going to the gym." Currently, she was typing out another message, this one simply stating they would 'Be there in a jiffy'.

Ronan stares at her, "Huh?" He tilts his head, and then blinks.

"Oh, yeah. . . Okay." He grumbles sitting up.
Relieving the confirmation of their arrival, Jace quickly gets up and heads to the locker room. He needed to look presentable and ready to go for when Ronan would arrive. He was still in a small state of shock at the idea of finally meeting Ronan in person without there being any kind of barrier between them.

Jace's heart races and his muscles twitch as he tries to think of the best way to go about talking to his wicked little creature without giving away his obsession. He wasn't about to fuck up his first and probably only chance to make Ronan like him.

Slipping into a new muscles shirt and basketball shorts, Jace walks back out to the main area of the gym and starts getting a few things ready. He was going to make this as professional and realistic as possible, having a prepped contract with small areas to fill in certain information about Ronan and their agreement on when they would meet.
Ronan was slow dressing, he didn't really have anything workout friendly in his closet, and well, he also hated lose clothing. After staring blankly into his closet, brain working overtime to figure out what the hell to wear, he eventually settled on an old T-shirt, the graphic to faded to really know what it was, and a part of exercise shorts.

The shorts probably would have looked better on a woman, but it was either the shorts or leggings. Actually, leggings would be better. Yeah. He changes to shorts into a pair of workout leggings and yawns. He was so damn tired. He wanted to go to sleep.

He grabs his keys, refusing to let Astrid drive him, it was short enough to walk. Besides, hopefully the fresh air would wake him up. He pokes her arm as he passes her, "Come on. Let's go." He pushes out the front door, rubbing the side of his face. Walking down the long, carpeted hallway, he reaches the shiny elevator doors.

Astrid leans forward, pushing the button, and almost immediately, the door opens, revealing the bland inside.

The rest of the trip passes in a blur, Ronan following Astrid the few blocks to the gym as she leads the way inside, peering around. Her friendly demeanor is replaced with cool professionalism. Calm and collected.

Meanwhile, Ronan looked ready to fall asleep on his feet, something he has done, and could certainly do again if something didn't come and stimulate his brain.
Jace waited at one of the tables positioned towards the front of the gym, meant specifically for signing up new members. While he looked cool and collected on the outside, Jace was experiencing a tornado of emotions and thoughts on the inside. He thought he was in a dream, but no dream would make him feel so anxious.

His heart damn near jumped into his throat when he saw Astrid and Ronan walk through the front door. Standing up from the table, Jace makes his way over to them with a friendly smile and small wave. "Hello, you must be my new potential client. I'm Jace, it's nice to meet you."

Extending his hand, Jace smiles at Astrid before looking at Ronan. He kept his voice calm and refined as he spike, not wanting to give off any bad impressions. "I'd like to thank you for taking the time to meet me here. No better way to see if hiring a trainer is right for you other than meeting them in person, right?"
Ronan looks up, remaining silent before looking to Astrid. She sighs softly, "For the love of God. . ." She mutters under her breath, swooping over and taking Jace's hand smoothly, shaking it.

"It's nothing. If anything I dragged poor Ron all the way here myself." She laughs softly, looking at Ronan for a moment, letting go of Jace's hand. Ronan blinks and sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. Astrid speak back up, her tone chipper, "I'll look over the papers while you two. . . Get to know each other."

Ronan watches her walk away, towards the table to read over the papers. He glances at Jace, tilting his head to the side. "I'm assuming you know who I am. You don't look too dumb."
Jace had come to know a little about Astrid, having followed Ronan for so many years, but he could tell she would be his biggest obstacle when it came to getting closer to Ronan. His wicked little creature relied on her for almost everything.

Turning a smiling at Ronan, Jace chuckles lightly at his comment and scratches the back of his head. "I've seen a couple of your videos, yeah. It's nice to meet you." He needed to play it cool and not come off as a super fan, more like stalker in his case. Nothing would scare Ronan off faster than the idea of being stuck with someone who knew everything about him.

"But your internet personality isn't what I'm interested in. If I'm to be your trainer, I'd like to.get to know the real you so I can always be respectful." Jace's eyes held a strong level of sincerity as he spoke. He wasn't lying about wanting to know more about Ronan. "Would you like me to show you what this gym has to offer while we chat?"
Ronan sighs, already starting to feel exhausted. Emotionally mostly as he nods. "Uh huh." He stretches, lifting his arms above his head.

"I'm not here to gain muscle. Just to. . . 'cheer me up'. Or something. Or, rather, I'm here because Astrid told me I should be." He shrugs slightly. Though, inside, he winced. That sounded like Astrid controlled his life, and she didn't. He just trusted that she knew this was better than bed. Probably because he knew it too. "I'm not a physically activity kind of person. I like calmer things. I don't know why she thought a gym would be good. Yoga or something like that seems more my pace."

He blows a strand of hair from his face, crossing his eyes slightly as he watches it flutter up, almost as if it would do what he wanted, and then settle back down between his eyes. He huffs softly, annoyed.

Glancing back at Jace, and then over to Astrid, as she glances up and smiles encouragingly. "But I guess I can indulge what she wants for once."
Ronan was even cuter than Jace could imagine. Despite his grumpy attitude, Ronan was everything Jace hoped he would be. Even the way those beautiful eyes crossed made Jace's heart rate spike. "Well, don't worry about gaining muscle or even losing weight. A big focus would be just helping to bring up your energy levels and add some more gentle activity into your life."

Gesturing towards the gym, Jace walks at a steady pace while Pointing out various sections of the gym. The pool and steam rooms were the big highlights of the gym, and were also some of Jace's favorites. "If Yoga is more your style, that is definitely something we can do for you that way it can help reduce any stress, both mentally and physically. We have a yoga room here, but with most people coming to this specific gym to lose weight of gain muscle, I would be able to give you private yoga sessions that way it's solely about you."

Jace continued to glance at Ronan ad they walked through the gym, smiling at him warmly. "Is there anything in particular you like to do in your free time to have some form of activity? Walking, swimming, maybe even just some meditation?"
Ronan walked behind Jace, his footsteps dragging slightly as he tuned out the other man's enthusiastic rambling. He caught bits and pieces of Jace’s words, but nothing really stuck. It was easier this way—just letting the noise wash over him without trying to make sense of it. His eyes wandered around the gym, which was far larger than he'd expected. Sleek, high-end machines lined the walls, each more intimidating than the last. Rows of treadmills, ellipticals, and weights, all gleaming under the harsh fluorescent lights. Ronan barely understood half of what any of it did, and he didn’t care to learn.

Honestly, none of this mattered. All Ronan wanted right now was sleep. The soft, sweet embrace of sleep sounded better than anything Jace could suggest. His mind felt foggy, and the thought of curling up somewhere quiet, away from all the noise and effort, seemed like the best option.

He blinked, realizing that Jace had shifted gears and was now asking him a question, something about fitness goals or routines. Ronan sighed, feeling the weight of the moment, and ran a hand through his hair. Physical activity? Really? He couldn't remember the last time he'd even thought about exercise. Maybe back in high school, when he'd been forced to endure gym class just to earn that mandatory PE credit. After that, he'd made it a point to avoid anything remotely physical. Honestly, he had no idea how he'd managed to keep his figure over the years. A metabolism miracle, maybe? He shrugged inwardly. It wouldn’t last forever, that much he knew. Sooner or later, age would catch up with him, and he’d have to face the consequences of his laziness.

"Uh, sleep?" he muttered, still half-distracted.

Ronan snorted, shaking his head as he sauntered over to a nearby stool and plopped down, spinning lazily on it. "Yeah, sleep," he repeated with a dry chuckle, leaning back against the counter. "If you want my honest answer, I'd say sleep. And more sleep."

He spun the stool again, letting his head tip back as he closed his eyes, as if just talking about it could pull him into that blissful state. The rhythmic creak of the stool beneath him became oddly soothing, like a lullaby, as the gym’s bright, noisy world faded into the background.
Jace tilted his head and smiled softly at Ronan, admiring the way his wicked creature acted with so little care for anything. If only he knew how much Jace wanted to spoil him rotten while hiding him away from the world. "I can understand the appeal of sleeping. While I know it's the best thing for the body, I actually don't get much sleep at all."

Jace chuckled softly and took a seat next to Ronan, leaning against the wall behind them while looking up. "We could always just go on walks that way you get some sunlight. Vitamin D is still important, and I don't think your agent would like you being forced to take supplements constantly."

Standing from the bench again, Jace motions for Ronan to follow. "Come on, let's you and I get something to drink in the lounge area. They have juice, coffee, and snacks as well. I can even make you a smoothie if you'd like." He knew Ronan wouldn't be able to resist the offer. Based on his videos, Ronan always had coffee, smoothies, or specialty juices in his hand.
Ronan glanced at Jace with a raised brow, his spinning stool coming to a slow halt. "You don’t sleep much? Doesn’t that mess you up?" he asked, though his tone was more idle curiosity than actual concern. "I mean, I know they say it’s bad for your skin. You might want to think about that." A small smirk tugged at his lips, teasing but not cruel.

When Jace suggested walks, Ronan snorted, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Sunlight? Right. Because that’s what I need—more people stopping me every five minutes to take a picture or ask me what moisturizer I use." He straightened up slightly, brushing an invisible speck off his sleeve. "But hey, if you want to walk around with a human spotlight, be my guest."

The mention of drinks and snacks caught his attention, though he masked his interest behind a nonchalant shrug. The idea of a smoothie was tempting—it had been a while since he’d had anything resembling a treat. His strict diet left little room for indulgence, and he was constantly aware of the ticking clock that dictated when and what he could eat. Still, he couldn’t resist needling Jace a little more.

"Juice, coffee, snacks?" Ronan echoed, pretending to mull it over. "You realize I can’t eat half of what’s probably in that lounge, right? Unless they’ve got plain celery sticks and maybe some almonds." He stood, stretching languidly before shoving his hands into his pockets. "But sure, let’s see what gourmet misery they’ve got on offer. I wouldn’t mind a smoothie—just don’t go overboard. My agent would have an aneurysm if I showed up with ‘unapproved calories’ in my system."

His smirk widened as he followed Jace toward the lounge.
Jace chuckled and shook his head as he walked into the lounge. He found it adorable how Ronan acted like his agent was his mom or something, always following her rules even though she wasn't around. Once they were inside, Jace walked up to the kitchenette area and gestured towards the spread of food.

Freshly cut fruits, vegetables, low calorie chocolate chip cookies, almond butter for dipping apple slices, keto style cakes to allow sweet treats while avoiding fattening ingredients, and just about any kind of drink someone could want. "Don't worry about what your agent might say. She already knows about all the snacks I provide here and she was pleased by them."

Pulling out a blender along with some fruits and low fat Greek yogurt, Jace begins putting together a fresh smoothie for Ronan while humming softly with the soothing music that plays in the lounge. His muscles flex a little as he works, but not even by his own doing, just from how he handles himself. Adding everything into the blender, Jace mixes it until it's the perfect consistency before pouring it into a cold glass and adding a straw.

"Here you go, one smoothie for my honored guest, even if he just wants to throw it in my face." Jace smiles and winks playfully at Ronan as he hands the other his smoothie. "Would you mind if I asked you something just a little...personal? It's perfectly fine if you're not comfortable though."
Ronan sighs, his gaze hungrily taking in the spread of food. He blinks as Jace starts to make a smoother, and opens his mouth to protest. Before he can make a sound though, the hash grinding sound of the blender filled the room and Ronan pressed his lips together. He glances at the clock hanging on the wall, and then as the mouth watering smoothie.

The moment the blender turns off and shuts up, he sighs, "Approved or not, it's not an eating window. I can't consume it." He turns away slightly, shaking his head slightly. "My diet doesn't just restrict what I eat, but also the times I eat."

He lifts a shoulder into a half shrugs, blowing out a breath, gently pushing the glass away. "Thanks though." He tilts his head to the side, "Addison isn't my agent. She's my manager." He rests his chin into his palm, smirking.

"She looks for people wanting to hire me, or people I want to hire. My agent for the modeling company I work with is a man, and he gives me the diet."
A small muscle in Jace's neck flexes at the mention of Ronan's male agent, someone who got on Jace's last nerve and would soon end up in a body bag with a cinderblock tied to his ankles if he touched Ronan in any way. Seeing the smoothie getting pushed away didn't help either. While Jace was madly in love with how Ronan looked, he cared more about making sure he was healthy and happy.

"I think that agent of yours might be a little dumb if he's going to prevent you from drinking a smoothie wont do anything other than provide you with the vitamins you need and keep you feeling full without adding weight." Grabbing a small protein shake out of the fridge for himself, Jace cracks it open and takes a swig before leaning back against the counter.

"So what would it take for you to join this gym? I know its not to build muscle or lose weight." He laughs softly, struggling to not let his eyes roam over Ronan's figure. "I hope it's not because someone has been causing you problems or anything." He frowns, faking concern for the other.
Ronan blows out an even breath, closing his eyes, "I'm perfectly healthy. I'm not really hungry right now. Maybe a little, but not much." He leans forward, resting his chin on his palm, "I have a slow as hell metabolism, even when I am active."

His head tips to the side, thinking for a moment, debating. "It would be super easy for me to eat a little something every time I got the slightest bit hungry. But that will eventually add weight with my metabolism. I know my body, and I have a perfectly healthy diet given to me by professionals." He drums his fingers over his chin, humming.

"Sure, I do wish I could eat a few cookies every now and then, and I do. But I can't do it too often."

He pokes his finger over the top of the straw, lifting the plastic, removes his finger and watches the slurry of fruit and yogert fall back into the cup. "And, while this looks delicious, smells fantastic, I'm not going to eat it. Addison would like it though."

His gaze moves back up to Jace, "As long as you don't make me any more food without asking me first, I'll stay. How does four-fifty per session sound?"
"Well, I guess it would be nice for you to give her the smoothie. She seems to do almost everything she can for you." Addison was the only person Jace was even remotely okay with having around Ronan. She was protective of him and made sure that he was doing everything he needed to do. However, it did always cause Jace a problem with trying to get closer to Ronan, except for now.

Jace smiles and nods his head. He couldn't deny a thing as he thought everything through. He knew every single thing about Ronan, his slow metabolism, his strict diet, even his lack of physical activity. "Alright, alright, it's a deal. But if at any point you want a smoothie or something, please feel free to ask."

Pushing his limits of self control, Jace extends his hand towards Ronan for a professional handshake. He knew the chances of getting his desired reaction were slim, but he needed to uphold appearances. "We can start your first session next week if you would like some extra time to get prepared."

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