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Trigger Warning
Themes of heavy violence will go on in the RP
Character A is a famous influencer across many social media platforms with billions of followers. Of course, with so many followers, some are bound to be a little on the. . . extreme side. Stalkers, sadists, etc.
Character B had been following A from their first ever posts, and has put together everything about him. He knows where A lives, what A’s favorite foods and clothes are. He knows everything about A. And he wants A for himself, to make A into the perfect picture of perfection.
Of course, as insane people go, perfection usually means maiming and violence.
Name: Ronan White
Age: 22
Sex: Male He/Him
Looks) Bright, emerald eyes with small spots of forest green. He has onyx hair, with a rally dark navy blue sheen when in direct sunlight or under white light. He has softer features, more feminine than masculine. He also has a softer build with narrow shoulder, chest and waist. He has slight muscle though, lean. He stands at about 5’7 and weighs about 143lbs. His skin is a light olive tone, that gets slightly dusted with gold in the summer time, though he does burn easily after about 45-60 in direct sunlight without sunscreen.
Clothing Style) He has a unique sense of style, ~~not really lmao~~.
His everyday outfit are jeans, any shade of blue and some sort of soft t-shirt. He’ll usually wear a zip-up hoodie or jean jacket over the shirt. MOst of the time though, the hoodie will be tied around his hips. Foot wear will almost always be converse, either regular or hightop in any available color.
When recording himself, he will usually wear similar things to what his everyday clothes are, though he’ll add the slightest bit of makeup and maybe some jewelry, this will also dub as his Sunday best.
Formal wear will usually be slacks and a nice button down shirt with a tie. Sometime a suit.
Personality: Ronan is kind and gentle, preferring softer approches to anything. He enjoys seeing and making other people happy, and tries to do a lot of charity work. He never has the heart to be rude to anyone, no matter what they do and finds himself in awkward situations when someone’s being rude to him and he just smiles, dips his head and says nothing. This would usually put people off, and they would leave him alone. He’s kind of a doormat and a pushover most of the time.
He has a big heart, and will forgive anyone at the words ‘I’m sorry’. He’ll do this with anyone, even with people who have used this to manipulate him, always wanting to believe in the best of people. He also has a weak spot for hurt things, animals and people alike and will put himself in danger to save another.
He has a sarcastic sense of humor and will constantly tease anyone he is remotely close to without remorse. This always comes from a loving and affectionate side of him, and he would never tease anyone about anything they are insecure about.
Brief History: Ronan had a pretty easy life growing up. Not many problems, in the middle of the middle class, so his family had money to survive and a little left over. When he got in high school, he figured out he was gay by dating his first boyfriend. This was also the time he started posting on social media and started to become famous (sophomore year). Near the end of his senior year, at prom, he was filming with his boyfriend (Cade Bryant) when Cade dumped him on live stream, effectively ruining Ronan’s prom night. He graduated high school and didn’t go to collage, instead spending his time on social media and working at a small diner. Over the few years, his following blew up into millions, and he was making enough money for him to take care of his whole family, with plenty leftover. And that’s where he stands at life now.
Mom) Kate White; 56
Father) Donny White; Died age 55; Would be 58 if still alive
Sisters) Lizzy White; 20, Alaiya White; 20, Nesta White; 17 (Lizzy and Alaiya are twins)
Brothers) Conner White; 24, Sebastian White; 23, Kody White; 18
Other: N/A
Today was successful. Very successful, in Ronan's opinion. He was walking home after a long day working. Layers of makeup, bright lights everywhere, and lots of people surrounding him. He just needed some sleep. A good bowl of ramen too.
His hand fished into his back pocket, grabbing the keys to his apartment. While he could have most certainly afforded one of the larger, private homes in the newer end of the city, he'd opted to rent a penthouse. His mother and siblings had also moved out and into a much larger apartment. But he was glad to have a place of his own.
He walked into the apartment complex, waving to the doormat, Joan, with a bright smile. "Evening, Joan, how are you?"
"Good as can be, this late, Mr. White."
Ronan laughs softly, "Of course." He pauses and then curses, "I need to go back. . ."
He'd forgotten an important sheif of papers that he was supposed to put in the safe today. He groans softly and turns, practically dragging his feet as he walked back out the door.
It was a ten block walk to his studio, and this late, who knew who would be wandering around? "Perhaps take your car, Mr. White?"
Ronan sighs, "It's in the shop, some jerkwad slammed into it the other morning." He pushes the door open, cool night air brushing his face.
He peered out into the dark, eyes narrowing. He'd felt uncomfortable walking home, like he was being followed or some shit, but he needed those papers. . . He blows out a heavy breath and steps out into the night.
"Maybe take someone with you? It's too late to be alone out there."
Ronan knew Joan was probably right but. . . He shakes his head and lets the door clock closed behind him. He shoves his hands into his pockets and starts at a brisk pace.
He was probably being stupid, but he grew up the poorest or the poor, he knew how to take care of himself.
Trigger Warning
Themes of heavy violence will go on in the RP
Character A is a famous influencer across many social media platforms with billions of followers. Of course, with so many followers, some are bound to be a little on the. . . extreme side. Stalkers, sadists, etc.
Character B had been following A from their first ever posts, and has put together everything about him. He knows where A lives, what A’s favorite foods and clothes are. He knows everything about A. And he wants A for himself, to make A into the perfect picture of perfection.
Of course, as insane people go, perfection usually means maiming and violence.
Name: Ronan White
Age: 22
Sex: Male He/Him
Looks) Bright, emerald eyes with small spots of forest green. He has onyx hair, with a rally dark navy blue sheen when in direct sunlight or under white light. He has softer features, more feminine than masculine. He also has a softer build with narrow shoulder, chest and waist. He has slight muscle though, lean. He stands at about 5’7 and weighs about 143lbs. His skin is a light olive tone, that gets slightly dusted with gold in the summer time, though he does burn easily after about 45-60 in direct sunlight without sunscreen.
Clothing Style) He has a unique sense of style, ~~not really lmao~~.
His everyday outfit are jeans, any shade of blue and some sort of soft t-shirt. He’ll usually wear a zip-up hoodie or jean jacket over the shirt. MOst of the time though, the hoodie will be tied around his hips. Foot wear will almost always be converse, either regular or hightop in any available color.
When recording himself, he will usually wear similar things to what his everyday clothes are, though he’ll add the slightest bit of makeup and maybe some jewelry, this will also dub as his Sunday best.
Formal wear will usually be slacks and a nice button down shirt with a tie. Sometime a suit.
Personality: Ronan is kind and gentle, preferring softer approches to anything. He enjoys seeing and making other people happy, and tries to do a lot of charity work. He never has the heart to be rude to anyone, no matter what they do and finds himself in awkward situations when someone’s being rude to him and he just smiles, dips his head and says nothing. This would usually put people off, and they would leave him alone. He’s kind of a doormat and a pushover most of the time.
He has a big heart, and will forgive anyone at the words ‘I’m sorry’. He’ll do this with anyone, even with people who have used this to manipulate him, always wanting to believe in the best of people. He also has a weak spot for hurt things, animals and people alike and will put himself in danger to save another.
He has a sarcastic sense of humor and will constantly tease anyone he is remotely close to without remorse. This always comes from a loving and affectionate side of him, and he would never tease anyone about anything they are insecure about.
Brief History: Ronan had a pretty easy life growing up. Not many problems, in the middle of the middle class, so his family had money to survive and a little left over. When he got in high school, he figured out he was gay by dating his first boyfriend. This was also the time he started posting on social media and started to become famous (sophomore year). Near the end of his senior year, at prom, he was filming with his boyfriend (Cade Bryant) when Cade dumped him on live stream, effectively ruining Ronan’s prom night. He graduated high school and didn’t go to collage, instead spending his time on social media and working at a small diner. Over the few years, his following blew up into millions, and he was making enough money for him to take care of his whole family, with plenty leftover. And that’s where he stands at life now.
Mom) Kate White; 56
Father) Donny White; Died age 55; Would be 58 if still alive
Sisters) Lizzy White; 20, Alaiya White; 20, Nesta White; 17 (Lizzy and Alaiya are twins)
Brothers) Conner White; 24, Sebastian White; 23, Kody White; 18
Other: N/A
Today was successful. Very successful, in Ronan's opinion. He was walking home after a long day working. Layers of makeup, bright lights everywhere, and lots of people surrounding him. He just needed some sleep. A good bowl of ramen too.
His hand fished into his back pocket, grabbing the keys to his apartment. While he could have most certainly afforded one of the larger, private homes in the newer end of the city, he'd opted to rent a penthouse. His mother and siblings had also moved out and into a much larger apartment. But he was glad to have a place of his own.
He walked into the apartment complex, waving to the doormat, Joan, with a bright smile. "Evening, Joan, how are you?"
"Good as can be, this late, Mr. White."
Ronan laughs softly, "Of course." He pauses and then curses, "I need to go back. . ."
He'd forgotten an important sheif of papers that he was supposed to put in the safe today. He groans softly and turns, practically dragging his feet as he walked back out the door.
It was a ten block walk to his studio, and this late, who knew who would be wandering around? "Perhaps take your car, Mr. White?"
Ronan sighs, "It's in the shop, some jerkwad slammed into it the other morning." He pushes the door open, cool night air brushing his face.
He peered out into the dark, eyes narrowing. He'd felt uncomfortable walking home, like he was being followed or some shit, but he needed those papers. . . He blows out a heavy breath and steps out into the night.
"Maybe take someone with you? It's too late to be alone out there."
Ronan knew Joan was probably right but. . . He shakes his head and lets the door clock closed behind him. He shoves his hands into his pockets and starts at a brisk pace.
He was probably being stupid, but he grew up the poorest or the poor, he knew how to take care of himself.