I Will Make You Perfect (Firestarter)

Dec 15, 2023


Trigger Warning
Themes of heavy violence will go on in the RP

Character A is a famous influencer across many social media platforms with billions of followers. Of course, with so many followers, some are bound to be a little on the. . . extreme side. Stalkers, sadists, etc.

Character B had been following A from their first ever posts, and has put together everything about him. He knows where A lives, what A’s favorite foods and clothes are. He knows everything about A. And he wants A for himself, to make A into the perfect picture of perfection.

Of course, as insane people go, perfection usually means maiming and violence.


Name: Ronan White
Age: 22
Sex: Male He/Him

Looks) Bright, emerald eyes with small spots of forest green. He has onyx hair, with a rally dark navy blue sheen when in direct sunlight or under white light. He has softer features, more feminine than masculine. He also has a softer build with narrow shoulder, chest and waist. He has slight muscle though, lean. He stands at about 5’7 and weighs about 143lbs. His skin is a light olive tone, that gets slightly dusted with gold in the summer time, though he does burn easily after about 45-60 in direct sunlight without sunscreen.
Clothing Style) He has a unique sense of style, ~~not really lmao~~.
His everyday outfit are jeans, any shade of blue and some sort of soft t-shirt. He’ll usually wear a zip-up hoodie or jean jacket over the shirt. MOst of the time though, the hoodie will be tied around his hips. Foot wear will almost always be converse, either regular or hightop in any available color.
When recording himself, he will usually wear similar things to what his everyday clothes are, though he’ll add the slightest bit of makeup and maybe some jewelry, this will also dub as his Sunday best.
Formal wear will usually be slacks and a nice button down shirt with a tie. Sometime a suit.
Personality: Ronan is kind and gentle, preferring softer approches to anything. He enjoys seeing and making other people happy, and tries to do a lot of charity work. He never has the heart to be rude to anyone, no matter what they do and finds himself in awkward situations when someone’s being rude to him and he just smiles, dips his head and says nothing. This would usually put people off, and they would leave him alone. He’s kind of a doormat and a pushover most of the time.
He has a big heart, and will forgive anyone at the words ‘I’m sorry’. He’ll do this with anyone, even with people who have used this to manipulate him, always wanting to believe in the best of people. He also has a weak spot for hurt things, animals and people alike and will put himself in danger to save another.
He has a sarcastic sense of humor and will constantly tease anyone he is remotely close to without remorse. This always comes from a loving and affectionate side of him, and he would never tease anyone about anything they are insecure about.
Brief History: Ronan had a pretty easy life growing up. Not many problems, in the middle of the middle class, so his family had money to survive and a little left over. When he got in high school, he figured out he was gay by dating his first boyfriend. This was also the time he started posting on social media and started to become famous (sophomore year). Near the end of his senior year, at prom, he was filming with his boyfriend (Cade Bryant) when Cade dumped him on live stream, effectively ruining Ronan’s prom night. He graduated high school and didn’t go to collage, instead spending his time on social media and working at a small diner. Over the few years, his following blew up into millions, and he was making enough money for him to take care of his whole family, with plenty leftover. And that’s where he stands at life now.

Mom) Kate White; 56
Father) Donny White; Died age 55; Would be 58 if still alive
Sisters) Lizzy White; 20, Alaiya White; 20, Nesta White; 17 (Lizzy and Alaiya are twins)
Brothers) Conner White; 24, Sebastian White; 23, Kody White; 18

Other: N/A


Today was successful. Very successful, in Ronan's opinion. He was walking home after a long day working. Layers of makeup, bright lights everywhere, and lots of people surrounding him. He just needed some sleep. A good bowl of ramen too.

His hand fished into his back pocket, grabbing the keys to his apartment. While he could have most certainly afforded one of the larger, private homes in the newer end of the city, he'd opted to rent a penthouse. His mother and siblings had also moved out and into a much larger apartment. But he was glad to have a place of his own.

He walked into the apartment complex, waving to the doormat, Joan, with a bright smile. "Evening, Joan, how are you?"

"Good as can be, this late, Mr. White."

Ronan laughs softly, "Of course." He pauses and then curses, "I need to go back. . ."

He'd forgotten an important sheif of papers that he was supposed to put in the safe today. He groans softly and turns, practically dragging his feet as he walked back out the door.

It was a ten block walk to his studio, and this late, who knew who would be wandering around? "Perhaps take your car, Mr. White?"

Ronan sighs, "It's in the shop, some jerkwad slammed into it the other morning." He pushes the door open, cool night air brushing his face.

He peered out into the dark, eyes narrowing. He'd felt uncomfortable walking home, like he was being followed or some shit, but he needed those papers. . . He blows out a heavy breath and steps out into the night.

"Maybe take someone with you? It's too late to be alone out there."

Ronan knew Joan was probably right but. . . He shakes his head and lets the door clock closed behind him. He shoves his hands into his pockets and starts at a brisk pace.

He was probably being stupid, but he grew up the poorest or the poor, he knew how to take care of himself.
Name: Jace Darrens
Height: 6’ 3
Weight: 225 lbs
Age: 26

Attire: Wears sweats or basketball shorts with a tank top and high-end running shoes when he is working at his local gym, but wears jeans and T-shirts on a normal basis. He always wears a dark colored hoodie and black sneakers.
Features: medium tan skin, toned and muscular body from working as a personal trainer, shaggy black hair that he styles to the side if not slicked back. Golden eyes that track the movements of the one he wants.
Personality: When he is at work or running around doing his daily errands, Jace is polite, well mannered, energetic, fun, and supportive. When he is following the one he truly desires, he is silent, mischievous, dangerous, and determined.
Background: Jace first saw Ronan when he was scrolling through random social media posts. He had never had much luck finding someone who could captivate him and make he weak in the knees, but Ronan was something else. From that point on, he became obsessed with Ronan, needing to find him and wanting to claim him. When Ronan was publicly dumped by his boyfriend, Cade, Jace found this as the perfect opportunity to make his move and hopefully take Ronan for himself.

From just around the corner, Jace watched as Ronan walked back out of the apartment complex and started walking back the same way he had just finished following him. “Silly, Ronan. Its like you wanted to forget those papers just so I could trial you more.” Jace whispered to himself.

He had been watching Ronan for years now and new almost everything there was to know about him; what route he took to the store, what his favorite restaurant was, what his coffee order was down the exact amount of coffee sweeter he used, even the shampoo he used.

Jace kept a decent distance from Ronan as he followed him back down the street. He didn’t want to scare Ronan and ruin his chances of getting closer, but the temptation to just grab the smaller male and take him home was getting to be too much.


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Ronan shuddered slightly, his steps speeding up to a light prance. He bites down on his lip, pulling his phone out and looking at the time. Half past ten. He flicked his gaze up, staring at the tops of the buildings for a moment.

He sighs heavily, blowing out a heavy and long breath, "Fucking--" He lets go of his lip between his teeth and scrubs his hands down his face,only to pull them away with smeared makeup. He lets out a long sigh, shaking his head again.

He was halfway back to work, and making quick enough progress. But he still felt as if something was wrong As if something was. . . Off. He spins around, green eyes scanning the shadows behind him.
Jace had just managed to hide behind a dumpster as Ronan spun around. His wicked little creature sure was quick, but not quick enough. If only Ronan had known that Jace was no more than a few feet behind him for most of the way, he wouldn't have wanted to turn around.

Stealing a tiny glance at Ronan when he wasn't looking, Jace noticed the smeared make-up. He wished he had been the one to cause it to smear, so long as it had been from tears of joy while Jace took Ronan to new heights. That was one of his more frequent fantasies, laying Ronan down and showing him what a real man would feel like in bed, not that bitchy little bastard Ronan used to be with.

He smiled and huffed softly as he pictured it again, Ronan crying with his legs spread while reaching up for him and calling out Jace's name, "Soon, wicked creature, very soon...." he whispered to himself as he waited for Ronan to start walking again.
Ronan's brow furrowed, his intuition was rarely ever wrong. The wrong part was when he chose to ignore it and do something stupid. Like go back to work at 10:30 in the evening alone. . . In the dark. . .

He shudders and turns back around, his pace moving from a prance to a light jog. Exercise wouldn't hurt him, keeping in shape was important anyways.

Three quarters of the way there, he hadn't seen another person for blocks, but he still felt like he was being followed.
Jace laughed quietly to himself as Ronan picked up the pace. Unfortunately for him, Jace was a personal trainer at the local gym and would run in marathons on a normal basis. Nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted.

As they got even closer to Ronan's place of work, Jace knew he would have to make his move soon, so long as no one was around.

He slipped on a black mask and pulled out rag, soaking it in chloroform as he quietly grew closer and closer. Just as they reached a dark alley, Jace pounced and wrapped the rag over Ronan's mouth and nose while his other arm wrapped entirely around the other's body and arms. Dragging Ronan off into the alley, he kept his grip firm and unbreakable over Ronan's face as he waited for the chemicals to take effect.
Ronan saw his building when he felt the air behind him stir. Just as he was about to turn, he felt an arm clamp around his waist and face, pressing a rag over his mouth and nose. One breath later, he held his air, the telling smell of the chemicals on the rag. But he couldn't do it forever. . .

He squirms, letting out a sound in his throat. He remembered what that class had taught him, don't panic. But he couldn't help it. He took in another breath, and then another.

His limbs grew heavy, his eyes drifting closed, No! He couldn't pass out. He couldn't, his family needed him. He couldn't. . .

His body went limp, slumping back into the hard frame of the person holding him.
Jace let out a heavy breath as Ronan finally succumbed to the chloroform. The rag was slowly removed and Jace gently shifted Ronan in his arms to carry him bridal style. "So strong, but not strong enough." He chuckled as he gazed down at Ronan's sleeping face.

Jace didn't live far from where they stood, having purchased a small apartment right in the middle of Ronan's home and his place of work. This made it easy for Jace to carry Ronan back for a long night together.

As they entered Jace's apartment, Ronan was placed gently on the couch while Jace watched his comatose form. "Perfect...you'll always be just...perfect."

Wanting to make sure nothing would spoil the fun though, Jace slipped a blind fold over Ronan's eyes before stripping the smaller male and tying his hands behind his back and feet together. Once he was done, Jace sat across from Ronan on the floor and waited patiently. "Wake, wicked creature. Wake for me."
Ronan was out for just a few hours. Three at most. To him it was just a moment. A moment in which he went from the chilly night air to. . . Where the fuc was he?

He stayed perfectly still, breaths still even. He felt cloth beneath his skin. Skin. . . His skin, holy fuck, he was- He didn't want to think about it. . .

Something coarse, yet soft, rubbed against his wrists and ankles, something over his face as well. His lips part, a sound breaking from his throat as he finally shudders.

Beautiful body, olive skin on display. Thin limbs, lean muscle, slight more leg than torso. He bites his lip, his body starting to tremble. Where was he? What was happening?
Jace's eyes widened and sadistic smile spread across his face as he noticed Ronan beginning to wake. He had watched Ronan sleep for years, so he knew all the signs of Ronan's waking form.

Having purchased a voice changing device, Jace slipped the mouth piece on before taking in a small breath, "You're finally awake, wicked creature. Don't worry though, you're safe." He said in an almost monstrous voice thanks to the device.

"So long as you do as I say, you will be returned to your bed before the morning comes."
Ronan stills, his breath stalling. He keeps his face uplifted, facing the ceiling. The voice. . . He could guess the kidnapper used a voice changer.

He lets out a soft whimper, his shoulders quivering slightly. "the fuck you want?" He snaps, fingers curling slightly.

He felt trapped, stuck. He needed to get out. . . Get free. . . He couldn't stay here.
"I want to admire you up close. It's been so many years of having to watch from the shadows that I just....having to see you up close, at least for a moment." Jace breathed into the voice changer, feeling his body surge with a need to touch Ronan.

Even though he had stripped the other male to pure nakedness, Jace had actually remained respectful and didn't indulge in his own desires...yet. He wanted to hear the soft sounds that Ronan would make if he touched him.

Moving a little closer, Jace reached one hand out, lightly grazing his fingertips down Ronan's shoulder, "Just...don't move. You'll be fine."
Ronan shudders, flinching away from those words. He'd known he'd have stalkers, or super fans. But he hadn't thought he'd get kidnapped by one. The thought of someone taking liberties and kidnapping him. . . Then stripping him. . . It made his skin crawls.

He stiffens, gritting his jaw. If he could glare at this male, he would. He would give a look that could curdle milk.

He jerks away from the touch, his breath stalling, "Dont--!"
Jace pulled his fingers away for a moment and tilted his head, "Shhhhhh, remember what I said. So long as you do as I say, you won't be harmed and you will be returned to your bed."

Needing to continue his work, Jace traced his fingers down Ronan's chest. He kept his touch feather soft and didn't dare linger in one spot for too long. His eyes raked over Ronan's entire form, tracing every small curve and dip.

As he glanced down at Ronan's exposed crotch, he smirked and gently grazed his fingers over Ronan's hip. "You are just....so beautiful. I could never harm you, unless you gave me no choice."
Ronan pants, panic rising in his chest. He squirms, the bindings chaffing at his skin. "I-" He lets out another sound of panic, not quite a whine.

Ronan trembles under the strangers touch. He wanted to scream and cry. He wanted to hurt this man, to get away. To get home and stay there.

He gasps at the touch to his hip, once again jerking away, "Stop touching me!" His jaw tightens again, rage boiling under his skin.
Jace grits his teeth and quickly clamps his hand around Roman's throat, "Stop fucking moving!" He growls.

He holds Ronan down firmly while trying to restrain himself from choking the other, "I said.....do as I say, and you will be fine. I am not going to do anything. I JUST...want to admire you."

He slowly releases Ronan's throat and caresses his fingers back down the other's chest, "I don't want to hurt you. I want you to remain perfect."
Ronan gasps, his head tipping back as if trying to escape the hold on his neck. He trembles more, body quivering and fingers tightening. He felt his nails dig into his palms and felt a single tear leak from his eye.

He didn't want to be touched, or admired. He wanted to kick this man in the groin and flee. He was regretting going back out, honestly. . . He was regretting a lot of things. But right now, it was mostly not taking Joan's advice.

His chest shudders, exhaling a long breath, as if his chest was running from the male's touch. Remain perfect? What would the other do if he didn't listen?
Jace's breath shook slightly as he caressed Ronan's skin. It felt like the finest velvet in the world to him along with it being the most tantalizing olive tone he'd ever seen. "Just....perfect."

He gently traced his fingers back up to tickle Ronan's neck and cheek, wiping away the stray tear that fell. He leaned closer, inhaling the natural scent that came from Ronan's body. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to be this close to you."

As he felt Ronan quivering under his touch, he couldn't help but feel terrible. He wanted Ronan to be his lover eventually. How was that supposed to happen if he was scared, "Shh shh shh. Take a deep breath. I promise, I will not do anything to you that will hurt you so long as you do as I say okay?"
Ronan shakes his head. Well, he hadn't wanted to be this close to a random stranger! He wanted to stay far away from the creeps of the world.

He had a feeling he knew what the male wanted, he could make a very big guess. . . He flinches away again, ducking his head slightly. "Stop-"

He rasps, his voice filled with fear and panic.
Jace's body burns as he quickly grabs Ronan's jaw, yabking him closer so he is only inches away from the other's face, "You move like that one more FUCKING TIME-!" He grits his teeth and takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"Dont...fucking....move. Don't you want to go home? If you do, then stop fucking moving. What I want will only take a couple more minutes." He pushes Ronan back down onto the couch and pulls out a knife, lightly grazing the tip across the other's cheek.

"Maybe this will finally get you to hold still." This time, his hand fully lays on Ronan's thigh, gently rubbing up and down while the knife is held against Ronan's throat, "I'm not going to sexually assault you. I just want to....feel your body."
Ronan lets out a shocked sound, jumping at the yelling. He whines softly, the touch on his jaw too hard and rough. Too. . . Unwanted.

He trembles, feeling the knife press into his cheek. His body went perfectly still when the cold metal pressed to his throat. A strangled sound left his lips, his breathing speeding up.

"Stop-" He whispers, trembling more.
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"Shhh, you're fine. I just want to...enjoy the feel of your softness a bit more." He murmurs, becoming lost in the sensation if finally touching Ronan.

The fact that Ronan had stilled so much helped to calm Jace down to the point where he stopped sooner than he had planned. Pulling both his hand and the knife away from Ronan, Jace stood and walked over to a small desk in the corner of the room.

"Don't worry. I'm going to take you back home now. I just need to give you something you will be more...cooperative." He walks back holding a small needle and syringe in one hand, "This is going to sting and I'm sorry for that, but when you wake, you'll be safe in your own bed." Before Ronan could even say anything, Jace injected a strong sedative into Ronan's neck.
Ronan's body was tense the whole time. Lean muscle hard to the touch, bunched with tension at repressing his movement. He quivered a few times, his breathing shallow and short. He felt that if he breathed too deeply, the knife would slice into his neck.

He relaxed slightly when the man pulled away, blowing out a breath and taking in a deep gulp of much needed oxygen.

He tenses again when the man speaks again, his breath going still, holding it. He shakes his head, whining softly in his throat, "I-" He feels a needle pierce his neck, and then his vision goes fuzzy. His eyes close and he goes limp, passing out once again.
Once Ronan was out cold, Jace looked down and held his hands in his head. "This wasn't supposed to happen like this...." He murmurs to himself. He had only wanted to caress Ronan's skin. He wasn't even lying about not planning on sexually assaulting Ronan.

He sighs heavily and sniffles as he lifts his head, tears having filled his eyes when he was looking down. "Next time....next time I'm going to do things right..."

Taking extra special care, Jace clothed Ronan, carried him to his car, and returned the other male to his apartment by sneaking in through a fireescape. After he removed the final restraint from Ronan's hands and ankles, he slowly removes the blind fold. "I'm sorry...I'll be better for you next time."

With that, Jace places a kiss on Ronan's forehead, leaves a glass of water and one of Ronan's favorite flowers on the nightstand, and sneaks back out.
In the morning, Ronan woke. His head was a little fuzzy, and he was a little disoriented. . . But ashe looked around, he realized he was in his own room. But, even that recognition took a few moments.

He slides from his bed, and stumbles a step, swaying slightly. "Fuck. . ." What happened last night? It was all blurry. Had he drunk? He didn't think so. . . He runs his fingers through his hair, groaning.

His gaze falls into his nightstand, noting the glass of water and the Indian Paintbrush sitting beside it. He lets out a shocked sound, knocking the water away and then huffing.

A stalker. He had a fucking stalker. Her drags his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. He had a stalker, and he'd been kidnapped last night.

He reaches for his phone and eventually finds it in his pocket. He powers it on and groans. 2%.

He sent a text to his family, letting them all know what happened before plugging it in. He was to upset to even look at the list of missed calls and texts.

He drags himself to his kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a boiled egg and munching on it. Fist thing he would buy was privacy screens. Then window tints.

Honestly, he had a long shopping list.

And maybe most important, was that security detail his mother had been pestering him about for months now.
Having walked through the streets to clear his head, Jace finally returns home early in the morning. The sockets of his eyes were hollowed in and were as dark as the night before, but he held a smile of utter bliss. "I finally got to touch him..."

Sighing softly, looks at his couch amd remembers how amazing it was to have Ronan there. His wicked creature really did have skin as soft as velvet and such beautiful curves that it made him feel ravenous just picturing them.

He chuckles softly and walks over to the couch, laying on top of it and smelling the area where Ronan laid previously. "It still smells like him.....perfect."

Feeling his desire grow, Jace ground his hips into the couch, picturing Ronan writhing beneath him as they became one. "Someday, my wicked creature, someday..."

After a long moment Jace reluctantly pulled himself away from the couch and studied the calendar, trying to figure out if there was time for him to sneak in some time to follow Ronan around.
Ronan spent the morning pacing his apartment. His mother had called just six minutes after he sent the text, and the next two hours had been her berating him about his lack of safety. He knew she was only worried and scared for him, but until this point, Ronan hadn't seen the need. He had never seen any danger.

Then, the next thirty minutes was his mother scolding him for his stupidity. Why would he go out alone so late? Why not wait until the morning?

She'd then suggested a few agencies to try to look for bodyguards. Ronan spent the afternoon looking at some of them online. He found one he liked and sent the link to his friend to deal with. Alison was not only his long time best friend, but she also did a lot of things a manger did, without bossing him around.

And then came another scolding, she'd been furious with him. But he was glad that she would deal with the complicated parts. He just had to sit down and schedule a window tinting company to come in.

That would be happening tomorrow, ad for now, he was not leaving his apartment whatsoever.
"Fuck....where are you?!" Jace mutters angrily to himself. He had been standing outside of Ronan's apartment building for hours and there was no sign of his wicked creature anywhere. He was starting to get anxious, thinking he might have given Ronan too much of the sedative the night before.

His hands began to shake as he paced back and forth, needing to know what was going on. Multiple times, Jace backed away from the building and peered up at Ronan's window, trying his hardest to catch any movement inside.

After loosing his patients, Jace growled and walked home. He needed to come up with a plan on how he could get up to Ronan's apartment to see if he was okay. Slamming his door shut behind himself, Jace sat down at his computer and started brewing over a few ideas in his head.

"That's it!" He exclaimed. He would put out an add as a personal bodyguard and make sure to post his information for Ronan to see.
Ronan went to the kitchen and opened his pantry. He sighs heavily, shaking his head and running his hands down his face. All there was in his damn pantry was stuff for full course healthy meals.

His mother never let him but junk food, telling him that now that he has the money, he should eat healthy. But he really wanted a damn bowl of instant ramen.

He grabs his phone and flops down onto the couch, rubbing his face. He could order some online, get it himself, or ask Alison to get it on her way over. He asked Alison, he supposed that was the best bet.


Just an hour or so later, Alison strode through the front door, "Holy shit, Ronan. It's dark as sin in here, what--"

"And keep it that way. I don't want any light on, did you bring the ramen?"

"Yes," She swats his hand as he reaches for the grocery bags. "Boo, I know your worried about yourself, but you can't stay inside all day."

"I can, and I will. Until we get that security, I'm not going anywhere. I-" He stares at the wall, shuddering, " not gonna go through something like that again."

Alison looked at him, slowly unpacking the bags, "What happened? How bad was it? I swear, if you got hurt,I'll find them and beat the shit outta them myself."

Ronan laughs softly, shaking his head, "I- don't want a talk about it." He swipes the ramen away before she could stop him. He pouts in the water and puts the cup into the microwave.

"So, find anything?"

Settling into a bar stool and pulling her laptop from her backpack, Alison nods. "I looked into the agency you sent me, and it looks really good. I also found a few adds from people not using agencies to get a job, I'll let you choose."

Ronan thinks, "I'll go through the agency."

"Okay, then I'll set up a meeting."
After getting everything set up for the bodyguard ad, Jace gets an alert on his phone about one of his clients meeting him at their usual gym. With a heavy sigh, he changes into a pair of thin basketball shorts, a sleeveless shirt, and a pair of running shoes before grabbing his keys and wallet.

He didn't want to do anything other than think of ways to get closer to Ronan, but he knew he needed the money to do that as well.

After reluctantly leaving his apartment, Jace made his way to the gym. He had to put on the fakest smile possible as he saw his most annoying client, a young girl who would always try to invite him over to her house after each session for "coffee." He wasn't stupid, knowing full well that she just wanted him to blow out her back in the bedroom, but she was worthless in his eyes.

She was already bouncing and trying to make herself look sexy in her tiny shorts and sports bra, completely ignoring Jace's earlier warnings about wearing full outfits to their sessions. He knew this session was going to be a long and annoying one.
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