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Fantasy RP I'm not sure that's what the prophecy meant... (FaeWhisperer)

Local Time:
9:54 PM
Nov 14, 2022
In a strange world, populated by elves and Dragons, there was a prophecy... It told of a Dragon, subjugating a kingdom, and the elf destined to slay(?) them.
Of course, like all prophecies, it had been forgotten centuries ago, by even the longest lived of the Elves, so when the great beast arrived and began to burn the capital city, none were prepared, the king soon trapped in his palace. The Dragon smashed their way inside, and then... there was an hour of silence, and then the Dragon appeared again, taking flight and heading for the mountains. Then the king emerged, singed and burnt, with a proclamation. Once a decade, the Elves were to make a sacrifice of one attractive young person, whom the Dragon would collect alongside a tribute of golden treasures, in return for their city not being outright destroyed.
The sacrifice was to be a random drawing, of all the potential candidates, each decade another Elf would disappear into the mountains... Sometimes, they would return, apparently not meeting the requirements of the Dragon, but more often than not, they would be gone for good.

This had been occurring for around a century until the King passed away, and the new King found himself drawing names for the sacrifice... names that included his own son. And thus we begin, the King stood, tears in his eyes as he awaits the inevitable... But they had made a choice, that he would equip his son with the best weaponry, the best armour, given the best possible chance that when the Dragon swooped down, he could fight back and possibly even slay the lizard. "My son... I'm sorry it has come to this... But if you succeed today, we'll be able to find all those this damned worm has taken and finally be free of it!"

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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
Local Time:
1:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Malik, the crowned prince knew this day would come, one way or another. And he accepted it, as his duty. He’d rather have it be him than one of his subjects- at least he knew how to fight. He knew he would be able to get the upper hand, no matter what.

But as his father fit him with the best elven weaponry they had, something felt wrong to the young Prince. He looked around the clearing as he entered it and waited for the beast to show himself.

Even as the roars of the dragon echoed through the valley, Malik turned on his heel and wielded his sword, looking up to the sky as the dragon approached.

He was left to himself, as his family had taken refuge, especially to avoid the greediness of said dragon, making sure it wouldn’t capture more than it needed to.

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Local Time:
9:54 PM
Nov 14, 2022
The blue scales of the Dragon shimmered in the sunlight as they landed with terrifying ease infront of Malik, a tilt of the head the only acknowledgement of his presence before the mouth opened and a deep growl that was impossible to assign gender too boomed out "Put down the toothpick, little Elf... I came for my tribute, not a snack." and as he looked up at the mouth, he'd know even with the best weapons... he would be unable to do anything to stop the Dragon from snapping him up in a single bite.
Local Time:
1:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Malik’s heart began to race more and more as the dragon landed, and threatened him with it’s words. But Malik was smart, and he knew better— he didn’t come totally unprepared. And the dragon would see his hands begin to give off a soft golden glow.

Malik, always had a strange fascination with dragons- he had spent hours researching the beasts in his study and library, making note of anything he could use towards the dragon To subdue it. And he quickly noted that this dragon in front of him, was a female, despite how it’s voice boomed and echoed out across the clearing.

What was strange, was that this female didn’t seem like it had many scars, which meant no male dragons were around. Males were very territorial, and even so come the mating season. But perhaps the way this dragon went- she probably had a separate territory more secluded in the mountains. At least, that’s what he figured based of the circumstances and stories he had heard.

Malik also knew based on the color of the dragon.. she likely would freeze him to death, if he wasn’t careful. Yet he still wondered what her scales would feel like.

And so, without further hesitation (and all of his thinking happened within a minute) he conjured up a golden laced rope/whip- this magical thread would do easily as bridle to subdue the mouth of the beast, or at least he could conjure it to be bigger to wrap around the beast’s wings to make it practically immobile. But he waited for the dragon’s first move.
Local Time:
9:54 PM
Nov 14, 2022
"I said, put it down!" She growled again, rearing back to let loose a blast of freezing air and let loose a roar to the heavens. The behaviour was expected, from the books he'd read, a show of power to intimidate him, and it was also the perfect chance to make use of the rope he'd conjured, to bind her wings and subdue her. Of course, that was just a theoretical, after all no Elf had ever attempted this before, and if he got it wrong... no amount of magic would save him from her wrath. Perhaps it was safer to wait for another, more open chance, even as she stomped forward, moving a giant paw towards him to merely knock him over, giving him a much better chance to make his move against her.
Local Time:
1:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The Prince was lithe and quick on his feet, rolling out of the way when she made her advances to knock him over. “Woah there,” he spoke mostly to himself.

The roar in itself did in fact strike terror into his young heart, but he hardened his resolve and went forth in attempting to wrap his magical rope around the beast’s wings. Malik was hoping to subdue it properly, before it had another chance to strike.

The golden glowing thread quickly wrapped around the dragon’s wings, aiming to hold them down and against her body. For an Elf, he was very nimble, and he moved fast. So much so that the female dragon before him, if she didn’t have a keen eye, wouldn’t be able to detect his movements.

He had to thank his dark elven history for that at least, or on his mother’s side.

(Listen I read up about dark elves and nowhere did it say they were faster than light elves but eh I figured he’d have some history given his hair is black and whatnot, and not ethereally blond)
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