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General RP Judy in chains

Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy had seen plugs before, and after much coercion allowed a partner to try a butt plug on her but it hurt so much she screamed to take it out.
She hadn't seen a vaginal plug before and the size of the device caused her to moan loudly on protest and struggle a new. It didn't do any good of course.

Judy moaned as the plug was inserted in her pussy...the more he pressed on the squeeze bulb the bigger it became, filling her. She tried to push it out but her entrance was now blocked.

The next object was even worse. Judy was still trying to push out the plug when she saw something that made her cringe...NO, it couldn't be....a... CHASTITY BELT???
No way was she going to be trapped in that..locked away with her own son having the only key?

Judy struggled as he fitted the waist belt around her then clicked on the crotch belt...a built in ass probe sink into her rear.
Clamped, her ass and pussy filled
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
now with the belt secured upon Judy, Austin would wrap his arms around her from behind. his hands hooking together and his palms pressing into her belly. as he began to kiss her back and neck, in a playfully lustful manor. the young man would even speak up having felt he did a good job with this first night, and the prep work for what he had planned for his beloved mother. well beloved in his own twisted way, as his fingers moved to press, and playfully move along her belly, as he held his mother close like this.

"Don't worry if you need to pee, go right ahead, I made sure to get the belt with a little Screen on the key spot. and we are in the bathroom after all, so I want you to relax, and think about the great things we will enjoy together once you are prepared to be a proper woman for me. "

his twisted words, almost gloating that his plan seemed to be going better then he could have dreamed, having got to fuck his own mother, not once, but three successful times. twice in her womanly entrance, and even managing to plug her up. as he held Judy, telling her some of his twisted thoughts, about a lovely choker, asking if she would look better in black leather, or brown, perhaps with gold or silver chains connected. as he remarked to his own comments, as if she was correct, his mother would look better in black leather and silver clamped chains, vs the brown leather and gold clamps, and chains. the worse would soon be hinted tours, having to prepare a special meal for her, one which would come from him alone, which could have multiple meanings, but the worse would be the most likely scenario for the condition judy was finding herself in. the scenario where he would feed her himself so to speak, yet perhaps once it was feeding time, this would be a chance for her to try and get help, despite the odds being against her at this point.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
By the time Judy was imprisoned in the chastity belt, the plug was removed since he gave her permission to pee even though the screen covering her pussy wouldn't be removed. Besides, it wouldn't do her any good to try and push out hisan juice, since by now it was already absorbed into her membrane, another guarantee of her pregnancy.

Judy had by now resigned to the fact she would probably never again leave the house without her son. She envisioned him eventually trusting her enough to be out in public, then having to explain why she was being led on a leash.
Would he take her to events like the senior prom, with her as his 'date'?...she knew some of his friends thought she was hot, even 'fuckable' as she overheard one say... she'd been labeled a MILF.

Still gagged, she had no say in his designs for a collar.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Left in the shower, hanging in such a way, having been forced to endure the Plug for a short while before being given the permission for self relief, via peeing. The sing mother, which even knew her label as a milf by her son's close friends. being left to think to herself, of her situation, and worse her potential future, images of how he would take her to events, as his property, collared and worse, yet the fact remained, she had no idea of what her boy was up to at the moment. this short lived peace of solitude, despite the horrible position, and the contraptions upon her body would be one thing to endure, yet more was to come all to soon.

after an undetermined amount of time passed with Judy only kept company by her thoughts, Austin finally came back into the rest, and showering room. In his possession an impressive little assortment of chain's, clamps, small needles connected to multiple clamps and chains. all of which connected two one of two choker like collars. as well as a strange looking gag, which would tightly wrap around one's head, as well as having a tub stopper like plug, which connected to said gag via a small metal chain. the outside looked flat with small metal pins for decoration, but the inside was a combination of a ring gag, and the plug, would have a protruding back end to it, almost to replicate the sensation of a ball gag to some extent.

Looking to his mother, with an almost evil, and excited look in his eyes, the young man spoke up.

"Alright mama, got you some very special accessories, and most importantly, this one will allow me to feed you properly. After all, your new diet will be purely me. "
as he said this part, holding up the odd gag, and smirked. It would be no secret what he had in mind now, having decided his mother would be fed only her own son's seed, which meant he himself had been preparing for it. for now the way he had become healthier, and even the multi vitamins he been taking for the last few months, along with his healthier activities. the entire time, he had been bettering himself, was all in preparation for ensuring that he could ensure, his mother's nutritional needs, when being forced to live off a diet of water, and sperm of all things. their was surely no way this could work, could it? yet her own son had done some wicked home work, and believed it would be fine. however the process of getting the rest of this onto her, and preparing Judy for her first meal as his pet, and breeding partner, might not be as simple as Austin foresaw.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Time seemed to have no meaning as Judy hung like a trophy on a hunter's wall, which in reality she was. Her perverted and diabolical son had hunted her and now claimed her naked body as a trophy.

She stated down at the assortment of items and only moan and shake her head... She didn't want any of them but she had no choice.

She looked at the gag...it was decorated with silver beads...it had a big hole in the middle with a short chain and rubber stopper attached....
Judging from the items it was clear that her son had every intention of holding her prisoner in her own house.

She wasn't sure what he meant by having him as a source of nourishment but she had an idea and it wasn't a pleasant one.
It looked like he would soon replace the gag she had on with the black leather one...in the minutes between she would yell and scream for help.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
" Now be a good girl mama, and we will make the transition post haste. I am sure those seductive legs of yours could use a proper rest right? "

as he spoke, grasping what appeared to be ankle, and wrist leather cuffs, with a single large chain link attached to each. allowing for attachment or removal of bindings, however that was not the worse. as the choker of choice had several very long smaller, almost bike chain like silver lines connected to clamps at the end. he would smile wickedly, as the young man planned to keep his mother's wrists bound behind her back, but he could bine or release her ankles from bindings at will. little did Judy know, at the moment these special wrists, and ankle cuffs, would remain on her, as the large single link on them, were actually designed so he could easily bind her to any bed, or chair of his choice. as the young man had even modified his own bed in secret for this.

" Oh how I will enjoy this, and I am sure in due time, mama you will come to love this as well. " little did he deny how much he was enjoying this evil action of passion he was forcing upon her. However revealing to Judy how the young man was thinking of using the needles to add a smaller leash to her as well, one which could be combined with the larger one which would connect to her collar for better control when off the bound bed, and holding bars.

the young man had more needles then just the ones needed for the so called punishment leash he described, however leaving what he would do with them to her horrific imagination seemed to make it all the more enjoyable for the boy. as he would take his time, starting with the leather cuffs first. one on each ankle, then the collar, which would lead to the clamps, leaving the wrists for near last, as if expecting the woman to put up a real fight, unaware of how broken she might be at this point. as he planned to do the gag, before the wrists. all the while taking moments to enjoy her body with his hands, in between each accessory which would become a part of her body in one twisted way or another.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy was finally released from the shower. As she collapsed on the floor, her strength gone from her prolonged suspension she couldn't fight him as he put leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles. As she laid there and moaned, a collar was secured around her neck, a chain clipped to a ring behind her neck.

Her arms were forced behind her back and she felt the neck chain attached to the wrist cuffs, locking her arms behind her back.
Next was the gag....he was expecting her to yell theyll second her gag was removed and she didn't disappoint him

"HELLP! SOMEONE ....HEELP!... I'M BEING....'aaaarrrgh....,,"
Her screams were muffled as the black leather gag was quickly secured, the large hole in the middle now plugged with the rubber stopper.
Her ankles, now cuffed didn't have chains attached---yet. He still wanted her to walk even though she was now collared
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with her bound, gagged, and leashed, Austin would smile, as he looked over his mother's elegant, and alluring mature body. which was now all his to use, and abuse as he saw fit. However as he took the time to admire his own mother like a trophy and toy to be trained, and broken. he spoke of Love, while treating and bending her to his own wicked desires slowly. Even now planning to enjoy her to his heart's content, and loving her struggles, and muffled cries.

"Well then, let's see if your body needs to be fed shall we. "

saying this, the wicked young man moved to press his ear to her belly, mimicking the action to try and hear a baby in her, when all he was doing was prolonging his treatment of his mother, for Austin would forcefully face fuck her all to soon. planning to put the gag, stopper feature to use, after he would lead her to the dinning room. even with a chair prepped to bind her to, for his enjoyment, once he felt ready to do so, after some teasing, and play on his end, be it with the chains, or actions upon her body. the needle, and clamps had yet to be attached, despite the rest being on her now.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy had been hanging for so long her legs were wobbly, weak enough that he had to pull her up by her shoulders. Her legs, cuffed but not yet chained together trembled as she was led downstairs to the dining room.
Judy was relieved.... finally she would be allowed something to eat!

She was forced to sit in a chair. Her arms were stretched over to be back of the chair, ropes attached to her ankle cuffs and tied to the chair legs. Judy wondered how she could eat like this...
Then he stood in front of her, cock in hand...
Suddenly she knew....

He got up to her and popped the plug out of the gag...just as she was about to scream, he sent his cock through the hole in the gag and into her mouth. She would be face fucked for nourishment.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
now with her in place, the young man did not hesitate to indulge himself. with his cock now sliding into her mouth, feeling the sensation of how his mother's tongue almost seemed to resist the assault, even if it did not actually move much. the warm tightness of her oral cavity, leading to the unique sensation of how it felt going into his mother's throat a bit. Austin was grasping Judy's head as he romped her face, much like he did her body prior.

even with the gag, the echo of impact could not be denied, more then that, the way he abused her mouth, and would feed her his thick, healthy fertile seed. how could one even find nutrition from such an act, however as her body endured such an assault. Judy's mind would be free to think of how healthy her boy had become, and the multi vitamins he been taking for some time now. Surely he didn't make himself even healthier purely for this purpose right? regardless now she was enduring yet another humiliation.

as Judy endured the thick, throbbing invasive prick in her mouth, eventually one of his hands moved from her head, and went to play with Judy's healthy breast. wanting to force as much resistance as he could from her, loving every moment of this. It was unknown how long Austin would last, with this being his first oral experience, however it would be at least two rounds to feel as though he fed his mother enough for a meal this night. as this was but the first of her horrible meals to come.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy made plenty of gurgling and gagging noises as he face fucked her but all it seemed to do was excite him even more, if that was possible. HIs cock slit effortlessly through the hole and to the back of her throat, even deeper once he grabbed hold of the back of her head to keep her from trying to back away.
As she struggled, the clamps on her tits became more and more painful. Of course, if he cared, her son could've said, 'if you don't struggle it won't hurt as much'....but the truth was, he enjoyed listening to her gagged moans and pitiful attempts to struggle.

She'd been wearing clamps so long now she wondered if they would leave permanent marks on her tits once removed....she knew it would be just as painful when they were taken off, with the blood rushing back to her nips.
Judy realized that this was what he meant by saying her only source of nourishment would come from him....it was the most disgusting thing she had ever heard.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Loosing himself with the exciting sounds, as well as the sensation of how his mother struggled, and resisted. the way she tried to pull her head back as he thrusted into her mouth, the wonderous sounds of her suffering, the gagging, and gurgling. All the more the way it almost felt as if her tongue was trying to escape the taste, or push the invasive member away, even if only short lived would entice the throbbing meaty prick to fill her all the quicker.

it would not be long Before Austin took a strong hold of his mother's head. pulling her into a thrust, where his cock finally assaulted her throat, and gagged his mother. more then just that, he began to spew his hot seed. squirt after squirt of the healthy thick seed, as he emptied his balls into her. Giving his mother the proteins and nutrients her body needed but in the most sexually deprived way imaginable.

"OOh god, Mama your body is so amazing, I am the only lover you will ever need, and I will become the only man you desire the taste for, I promise to make your body into the perfect breeding mate, and your flesh ideal for a lover. Your heart and mind will be mine eventually. "

as he spoke, using the word, and act of love, as a means to what he was doing, despite how in truth, he was making his mother nothing more then a sexually abused, fuck doll, and baby maker for his own twisted and dark fantasies to be lived out. as he would finish with the first thick release, only to begin thrusting some more, it would become very clear that Judy had to endure at least two of these loads, as he would feed her like thus, but just how far could her body get with this kind of abusive care?
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy had no choice....if she didn't swallow she would choke and discovering one sadistic surprise after another coming from her own son, she couldn't take the chance. She swallowed as he groaned and shot load after load in her mouth and down into her stomach.
It wasn't as if the taste was bad---Lord knows she'd taken plenty of cock before. Even the man she was having an affair with said she was one of the best cock suckers he ever had, but this was different. This was her own flesh and blood and she was bound and forced to take it in.

He must've been doing some internet research to decide he had enough nutrients in his sperm to satisfy her bodily needs. She recalled seeing multivitamins in the bathroom medicine cabinet and deduced he must be taking them.
She continued to pull and yank on her restraints but wondered what he would do next....it's been one horrifying shock after another. 'a perfect breeding mate'? is that what he planned for her, to impregnate her multiple times? how could he be proud of making his own mother pregnant? Did he want a perverse desire to see her belly swollen and knowing that he was responsible?

'your heart and mind will be mine...'
THat comment was almost as scary as knowing he planned to keep her pregnant. She was being raped and impregnated by her own son, for God's sake...how could he possibly believe that she'd fall for him?
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
After indulging himself for some time, Austin would finally free his mother's face from his cock, pulling out, as he would move to wipe her lips swiftly, before returning the plug to her gag. as he moved to kiss her forehead, commenting in a sickeningly sweet voice to her.

"Mama, you are amazing, beautiful, and the perfect woman, Why couldn't you just accept me prior, if I didn't have to do this the hard way we could be such a beautiful thing together, But I will make it work for us both I promise, after all. we have Prom, and so much more to enjoy together in the coming days. "

as he spoke like this, the wicked young man's hand did not keep to themselves, as he would even begin to kiss her neck a bit playfully. however one sided this was, he was slowly trying to break and train his mother, one step at a time. However revealing that he would take her out with him eventually, for events. would it be these chances for her to escape, or would their be something truly horrible for Judy to endure. Yet for now, he would say how he needed to let her rest, here, and ingest her heavy meal properly, while he would wash up, and get the bed ready for them. planning to take his mother to the bed room next, and bind her legs to the frame spreading them, and then laying with her for the night, however little did Judy know, that the bed positioning would also be a kind of experiment, as her son was no idiot, and he knew he needed money and lots of it for their bills. Austin would need to make arrangements so that Judy's job would believed she quiet if she still had it after all that was going on, up to this change in her life.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy tried to spit out the residue but what was the point? she had already been forced to swallow a huge load of cum already. It didn't make any difference, because as soon as he pulled out the plug went back in the hole on her gag.
Her ankles already tied apart to the bedposts, he untied her wrists behind her back but just as quickly grabbed first one, then the other, binding them to the bed. She was now tied spreadeagled. Exhausted from her ordeal, she nevertheless continued to struggle, although feebly. As weak as she was, she had to continue showing her son that everything was being done against her will.

After some time of his hands roaming over her bound body, her son fell asleep beside her. Judy finally fell asleep but only after another 2 hours of struggling.
When she woke up, she found herself blindfolded. Horrified, she began to pull on the restraints, scared of what he was planning next.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Laying on the bed, blind folded, bound, and spread wide for all to see. Judy would soon hear the sound of movement, objects being set up, all the more the click of something mechanical being turned on. as it would not be much longer before she would hear her son's voice.

"Welcome all, today is our first day of Fun with the neighborhood Milf, this beauty before us, will be our star of the day. this milf shall enjoy the fun of the day, if we get enough donations, even more acts can be requested. "

as he spoke up, tours the speaker, or mic. Austin had set up a show? as she would soon feel hands running along her spread, yet bound legs. moving into position to set up a view of her body. one which would allow the stream to show her breast moving, her chest rising and lowering, as well as wanting to capture all the movement and sounds, as he began to rub himself against her tender, and abused womanly entrance. yet something would feel some what off, as if her son had gotten bigger, or more so perhaps it would be better to say thicker, what ever he was doing seemed to excite him all the more.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Deprived of her sight made Judy's bondage even more horrifying. At first she struggled feebly, still now fully awake until she heard her son's voice...he wasn't in bed but instead sounded as if he was nearby---somewhere.
What is he saying?.....OUR Milf? OUR star of the day? if WE get enough DONATIONS? what the hell was going on? Something was going on....

She heard the sounds of things clicking---mechanical?---then felt fingers spreading her pussy lips apart, exposing her pinkness.
Something suddenly began to push up against her pussy....it felt like a cock but slightly different. WHAT WAS GOING ON???
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the cock began to invade judy's womanly depths once more, she would hear how her son spoke, even stating how her seductively fine body would be on display while he ensured to impregnate this beauty. not using his mother's name, however as he spoke and panted, the cock invading her depths got rougher, faster, and oddly more enjoyable, albeit one sided enjoyment, and not for herself. it would soon begin to make some kind of sense, she was being used as a means to make money to keep the house going so judy did not have to leave for work ever again. More then that, if the world saw her in such a video was it possible? perhaps he was doing this for himself like a home video?

soon enough rough hands pressing into her sensitive breast was felt, as her legs were forced apart, her tender region violated with out remorse. balls slapping into her pelvis, with each throbbing, and swelling thrust into her hungering depths. in a much lower tone, Austin would speak to his mother, as he had a gleeful tone to his voice.

"Mama, you are and always will be my woman, however I think after a good morning fuck some one should have a proper meal to help restore her energy for more fun right?"
saying this, Judy would be aware of what her son meant by proper meal now, as her new diet was revealed to her the day prior.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
A horrible reality invaded Judy's mind. She was far from being an expert but her son's voice seemed to be a few feet away. In that case, it COULDN'T be Austin that was raping her....it HAD to be someone else.....a total stranger was raping her!!!
She screamed her lungs out, frantically yanking at the restraints.....my God, how could he DO such a thing????

Her tits jiggled as the stranger fucked her, plummeting all the way in then Jack hammering her. As she was being raped she felt the plug on the gag being removed.
"HEELP!," she screamed....."HE----'AAAARRRRGH!"
Judy's frantic pleas were immediately muffled by her son's cock sliding through the hole and into her mouth. At the same time the stranger was tensing up....it wouldn't be long before he would cum.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with her face being thoroughly fucked by her son, Austin would say something which would easy go amiss with Judy's panick.

It would soon be felt as the strangers cock pulled out if her, only to bust a nut instead of inside of her, onto the lower belly of Judy. As yet another larger meat stick soon moved to fill her. It was unexpected, however the fact remained for now at least.

The only one which nutted in her had been Austin. However this did not take from the fact he was sharing his mother with some unknown men. As she would soon be forced to drink even more of her son' spunk while being ran through like a common slut for the show she was apart of, even if unaware of hernew starring role and all the glory to come.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
There was no doubt in Judy's mind now that she was being gang banged....it was only a question of how many men her son had invited.
'Invited' was possibly the wrong word....the website had quickly become popular in the world of porn and the young men that fucked her were not only aware that they took were part of the live show, but most likely enjoyed the notoriety. What viewers couldn't possibly know of course was that the blinded gagged, nude and bound Milf was being raped for real, unlike all the other sites where the so-called 'victims were actually well paid porn stars or young girls eager to make easy money.

No sooner had one pulled out then another shoved his meat into her. Judy was crying, still somehow managing to struggle.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As her own son used and abused her mouth, making sure to feed his mother a strong healthy load. She would hear him speaking load and clear but not to her.

Remember boys the only one allowed to finish inside this Milf's mouth and pussy is me. If you eat to nut into her depths, then take the ass, other wise you have to pull out. "

As he said this, the show grew more aggressive upon her struggling frame. As it was not long before Judy was being forced to swallow the seed being pumped and spewed into her mouth and throat.

More then that she would be able to over hear how Austin planned to sandwich her for the finally him and of of his helpers would soon take her in both holes before the reveal. This last part was to the camera and set up to entice viewers to spend more and get up close camera angles on her body in all its glistening glory.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy could hardly believe this nightmare could possibly be worse. She was tied gagged and impregnated by her own flesh and blood and now she's the main course in a savage group rape. her gag was removed but timed so that the second she tried to scream for help she felt her son's cock being shoved in her mouth....she couldn't believe how he managed to produce so much semen. She struggled valiantly but uselessly...all it seemed to do was excite and arouse the young men.

Pillows were put under her back so her ass was accessible and no sooner was it done, she had cock after cock force their way inside her still tight ass. It was painful enough when her son sodomized her the first time, but now more men were ass raping her. It was creampie after creampie.....cum was dripping from her ass, serving as lube for the next one to violate her.
Her son had already told her of the website he created especially for her....it revolted and disgusted her that people were paying to see her being abused and raped in all three holes. Why would people want to watch her as she struggled? How could they NOT know that this was all too real, that she wasn't a porn star, or some eager college bimbo that enjoyed being fucked for money? would they react differently if they knew she was actually being raped, having sex against her will?

.....or would that knowledge only arouse viewers more? she was thankful she was blindfolded.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the fun continued for quiet some time with judy blind folded, and force fed by her son directly. she would feel how the men which took her vaginally, would never climax inside of her, but instead on her. while the men which took her back side, kept flooding, and lubing up her tight rear from one invasive penetration to the next.

It would seem like an eternity when it was only a short while, however once her belly had been filled with her son's nutrient, and vitamin enhanced seed. Judy would feel how Austin slowly slid out of her mouth, before re-plugin her gag. making sure to run his fingers along her frame, flicking the clamped nipples, as he did, and pinching her clit before getting into position himself. for it would not be long, as Judy would soon feel her son Finally sheathing himself deep into her womanly entrance, while another mystery stud took her ass at the same time. two men at the sides of her, would move to play with and assault the milf's impressive breast, leaving one to control the camera, and the last of the nude studs would get into position, as to give Judy the reveal she did not want.

finally as the two studs got into the rut of her guts, the one would finally remove the blind fold, as it would reveal the entire scene to Judy. her eyes, seeing her own son plowing her abused, and tender entrance, as she could feel, another in her tight, now well abused anus. as two young studs assaulted her nipples, and breast. all the worse, except for Austin, the rest had partial masks, coving half the face, in different designs. as the show went on. even the large monitor set up in the back ground would reveal to Judy the position, of her body which was being viewed by the audience, as well as the comments being posted to the side of the video, commenting how beautiful her body was, how they wanted to see her folded up, and other positions. wanting to hear her scream more, or better gurgle and gag more as she tries to scream, showing that this sight had set up to make all believe that she was being raped for the show, but it was her set up. as their was even a small icon revealing donations for the show. which would go into Judy's own account, thus making it so, even if she did get free, and tried to report it. the set up would make it look as though, it had all be set up by her, and not her son.

"Oh god even after so many playmates, you are still so amazing mama, so tight, I can't wait to take you with my baby filling your guts in the future. for now we shall ensure we have all we need, with the help of the boys of course. " as he said this in a playfully dark, sadistic and gleeful tone.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
it was the only way Judy could show her hatred and disgust of what was happening to her against her will. Bound and gagged, she was totally helpless as one after another shoved their cocks into her now overly lubed asshole, gliding in effortlessly, a slight sloshing sound as cocks moved in and out of her....each man tensed up, groaned and shot his load deep in her bowel. She had so much cum in her ass it was drizzling out.
The cameras of course captured it all and displayed it on thousands of laptops, tablets and cell phones everywhere. Only those who played were able to see her but there were soon plenty of paying customers. This was better than any of those porn sites on line..where else would you see an actual gang bang in real time? On the top of customer's screens were the words 'LIVE EVENT'.....

Judy's blindfold was finally removed and for the first time she saw just how many men were in the room, some holding their cocks in one hand, freshly finished with her or waiting their turn. Judy screamed in shock and revulsion when she saw the cameras and a monitor screen a few feet away....it was HER!
It was the perfect blackmail. Even if and when she was finally allowed out she knew she could never return to work for fear someone would recognize her from the video.....there was an entire website solely devoted to HER.
Judy wished they would all leave so she could find a way to take her own life.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the show being revealed, Judy's own eyes able to see the massive screen on the wall connected to the camera's and computer. the two pictures side by side. the free view, and the paid view. she could see just how much was being shown of her humiliation. to make it worse, the growing payments, or more so donations for the show. as one massive donation would pin across the screen. which would have attached a twisted request. one wanting the woman to be forced into a slightly altered position, with a view of her being titty fucked, double anal, or anal and a toy, with her vag being stuffed, or a toy in it. with one to slap her breast, or ass cheek.

it would be quiet the request, however as Judy felt her son swelling and pulsating with in her, it would not be long before his fourth load itself would be forced into her, however be it good or bad. one thing could be said, her mouth, and vaginal depths had only been soiled by her own boy's seed, despite how other men filled her tender baby maker entrance. they did not once release into her, but would this remain true once she had a baby belly, or a large enough donation with a request came through.

the worse of it would only continue for so long, as the show would be ending sooner then one might think. as it began to draw to a close, a massive timer popped up at the top of both feeds, however once the donation with a request was seen by Austin. he would surely make a special after show event, for the live feed for such a big donation, but would it be in this same bound toy, or would Judy be moved to a new set up for it, as only time would tell.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy could hardly believe her own eyes. Bad enough to be raped repeatedly and impregnated by her own son....horrible and disgusting enough to know he had planned on making her pregnant all along, but.....THIS!
In her shock and surprise, she turned her head only to see herself displayed on the screens.....he was using her for profit!! She knew there was no escape for her now. THere was no telling how many perverted men---and maybe even some women--trans paying to see her being fucked---RAPED--as well as being tortured. How could people delight in seeing such depravity?
With cameras catching the look on her face and her reactions, why hasn't anyone realized this wasn't sex play....this was real rape! then a horrible thought crossed her mind. What if these paying pervs KNEW this was real, KNEW she was being raped, tortured against her will?

Her son somehow managed to keep producing sperm and kept raping her while others claimed her ass.....she felt cocks doubly penetrating her, causing her to scream over and over.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally as things began to slow down, at least enough to the point where Austin was no longer plowing her now tender, and well abused womanly entrance. Despite how the men kept trading off, and using her ass with out a care in the world. Judy would soon be able to catch a glimpse of her own child moving a small cart on wheels into the room, on it were multiple toy's, whips, fishing lines, and other items. as two of the men which had finished with her body recently began to move and help Austin set up a new spot, preparing for the special high paying donation show.

the timer was almost done now on the current display, surely this meant her torment would end soon, however as the current timer between the two different view points of her bound frame began to dim a new larger red counter began to appear on the lower part of the screen. and under it, the big bold letters, special after show event for High end Donations. with a small little kiss mark and a thank you message, making it appear like it was from Judy and her crew. Austin had painted quiet the lewd, and erotic picture for the world wide web, making her out to be the best bdsm star, despite how very real everything was. even forwarding the money made into her account, as to ensure it came off, as her own doing, if any one checked in on it.

as this went on, Judy, while Finally getting a short bit of rest, as the men finally stopped filling her now well abused, and very much sloppy ass. now all the men began to help Austin with the next set up, as he spoke in a clear, and vicious yet excited tone.

"Gonna make sure my woman knows her place, gonna have to beat mama a bit to help break her, and make that mind shatter. My Ideal little breeding sow, and lover. Ok Boys, help big brother with the set up, and you all know your jobs, and rewards when were done. " saying this, they would seemingly cheer in unison, "Love Judy The Milf's Special Services. " it would be an undesirable thing to hear, but also revealed that she was but a toy to most of these young studs, and to the world at large which enjoyed her suffering, most of them had figured her to be a cougar who loved it raw and rough, despite how obvious it should have been that this was all real with her muffles screams, her tear stained face, and now the way her abused body glistened.
Local Time:
7:30 AM
Apr 11, 2023
Judy never ceased her screaming and moaning, always effectively muffled by the gag....it had been on her face for so long it seemed as if it had always been there. Viewers paid good money to see the Milf being raped in both holes and the young studs that actually had the pleasure of using her paid Austin well. Of course Judy had no idea how far ahead her son had planned all this and would've been understandingly shocked if she did know......her own bank account had swelled but it was only for brief periods. Austing had her password and account information and was constantly draining off the deposits to either his own account or cash. Judy was now much more than his captive fuck toy, she was his own cash cow.....

Austin had already taken elaborate steps to put up a wall between his mother and the outside. In total control of her e mail, he sent a message to her employer, saying she had resigned to once again become a mother. A severance pay amount was sent to her bank account.
Her friends were a different problem....Her son knew that by simply making her vanish would create suspicion, but he certainly couldn't take a chance on her contacting anyone.
He decided to send out messages to her friends, saying she had contracted Covid and was in home isolation. It would take a while before her more noticable bruises would disappear but by then he would have other plans. The shame of Judy with a swollen belly would keep her in line, not wanting for anyone to know she was carrying her own son's child.

In the meantime Judy knew more agony pain and humiliation was to follow....she had no intention of submitting to her son. She listened to Austin openly stating he was planning on beating and breaking her. Nude gagged and helpless, she was his prisoner.
Local Time:
7:30 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Forced to endure, and watch as everything was set up. Soon enough Austin would look to some of the younger men. as he had them undo the bindings, cuffs, and straps holding his mother in place. as the men would be the one to get judy into her new position. while Austin to great care to bind her to the new set up. even with a spread bar between her ankles. chains to pull her into a more desirable position. all the more while ensuring she would have a full front view of the screen, and the table of toys to be used upon her.

Once she would be in position, three or four toys would be chosen to stuff into Judy's well abused, and tender entrances. before the whips and fishing lines would be prepared as well. as the set up was now being done very slowly, and purposely to indulge the viewers with the set up, and the slow stuffing of his mother with the vibrating, and gyrating toys, or even the over size, bumpy, or gel like inflatable ones. as it seemed which toys, and how many would be up to judy's new unwanted and adoring audience. even if she would get the wire, fishing line or whip for this show's treatment.
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