Kizami has never been a morning person, and he probably never will be. If he could choose to live out the entirety of his life while the sun is down, and the moon is up - he would.
He sits at the dining table, where there are two chairs. However, only one of them is ever occupied at a time. Kimiha is sitting on the couch in the living room of the apartment - eating an omelet which she made for herself.
Kizami is eating a single slice of un-buttered toast, because in this house, if he didn't pay for the groceries, then he doesn't get to eat them. His sister is old enough to have a job and pay for her own groceries of course, but Kizami doesn't have that luxury. A single loaf of bread is all he could afford to eat, for the time being.
They don't say a word to each other - in fact, Kimiha hasn't said a single word to him in over 3 weeks. She just sits on the couch, watching the news, as if he isn't even there.
Even when Kizami is sitting there, for the first time ever in a U.A. school uniform, she pays him no attention.
Well, in the end it's probably best that Kimiha doesn't acknowledge Kizami's existence, because he feels horribly uncomfortable being forced to wear a uniform. A button up under an ill-fitting blazer with a tie that is much too tight around his throat. He's never understood the appeal of a uniform; yet, a small price to pay for finally getting the opportunity to become a hero.
When he's done snacking on bread, Kizami gathers his things and leaves the apartment, not a word spoken between him or his sister.
He takes the train all the way to the academy, too far away to walk and not knowing anyone with a car to give him a ride. Well, that's ok, Kizami likes blankly staring out the window on long distance rides.
He's excited to become a hero, but not so excited about all the new people he's going to have to be around. Socializing freaks him out, for understandable reasons.