Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

Tora had her hands covering her face, ears pointed toward him and her tail tucked close to her body. This place was the first time she felt entirely safe and it was ruined. She sniffles deciding to be strong, sitting up she slowly nods her head. “Okay, sounds reasonable” she murmurs glancing toward his closet. “But how are we gonna get this tracker out?” Worried it will hurt, being through enough pain she didnt want any more.
Aaron sighed softly and carefully scooped Tora up and sat her in his lap, holding her close. "I have some old connections from when I was younger. I haven't spoken to them in a while, but they owe me." His chin rested on top on her head as he slowly rubbed her back, ftering through the old pathways, numbers, and secret phrases he would need to use to find the person he needed. "I'm going to make sure we get you the best help, Tora. Hopefully that tracker isn't too deep, that way it'll be something quick and almost painless."

Glancing at the door, Aaron knew it would only be a matter of hours before another group of men would come looking for her. "Come on, let's get you dressed while I pack up some things we'll need."
Leaning into his chest, her head resting on his shoulder she listens not liking he had to reach into his past to help her. Still not knowing the full detail she could sense it was difficult when he was young. “If I never sensed it on my own body, it is probably deep” she comments, breaking his hope of it being simple. Getting up from his lap she wanders to his closet, picking out a hoodie that was small on him but fit her well enough. Looking through his pants she gathered sweats were best, rolling up and tucking the bottoms so she could at least see her feet. “What will we need?” Wondering how long they will be gone.
Despite the unfortunate position they were now in, Aaron couldn't stop himself from smiling when he saw her were wearing his clothes. She looked even smaller some how, but it was cute. "We'll need food, medical supplies just in case, and some extra clothes." Grabbing two duffle bags from the top of his closet, Aaron got to work on packing up everything they would need. It wasn't anything new for him, having done things like this more times than he could count. The memory of those men getting so close to Tora made his muscles flex and twitch. Once he was done, he turned to look at Tora and let out a soft breath. "No matter what happens, I need you to do exactly as I say, okay? You stay close to my side at all times and don't look anyone in the eye."
Stepping aside to let him work she watches intently, this was not ideal but guilt was creeping into her chest. It was her fault those men came here, all he had offered her and he has to leave his home. Snapping out of her thoughts when he instructed her to listen to him, stay close and keel her eyes down. Tora pinned back her ears wishing she could at least look around, she has never seen the world but best to be safe. “Got it” nodding her head that she understood. Walking close to him she pops up the hood to cover her ears and face, shifting to tuck her tail away. “Ready when you are”
It broke Aaron to know that he wasn't going to be able to give her the fresh start she deserved just yet. He had wanted things to be simple for her, peaceful even. Seeing her ready to go made him smile though. He cupped her cheek softly and lifted her chin before pressing a warm kiss to her lips. "I'll end this quickly, I promise." Pulling back, Aaron took her hand while carrying the duffle bags in his other as he led them out of his apartment. His eyes turned cold and calculating as he walked the streets, knowing that anyone and everyone was now an enemy until Tora was safe.

The stares from other people walking along the street never ceased, some even whispering about how odd both he and Tora looked. It never bothered Aaron, but he hoped Tora was okay. Once they reached a dark alley, Aaron stopped just outside of an old, run down building. "You okay?"
The nerves of going outside were building up until he pressed a kiss against her lips and all worries faded for the moment. She squeezes his hand, following him best she could as he navigated the streets. Keeping her eyes down knowing her bare feet would draw attention but didn’t expect others to be so nosey. Her ears picked up every noise from whispers, shoes hitting the side walk, music, phones, loud chatting groups, cars wheezing by, honking, it was alot of stimulation. Tora grabbed onto Aarons arm to base herself, looking a bit out of it. When they stopped she looked up to Aaron, silently offering him a small nod.
It didn't matter that he was just a human, Aaron knew all too well that her hearing was going to be ten times more sensitive than his. "I hope the streets weren't too much for you. We'll be inside in just a moment." Turning and walking over to a random door, he knocked hard and in a set, rhythmic pattern before it swung open.

A large, burly man sneered and crossed his arms as he looked at the pair, stinking of booze and cigarettes. "What the fuck do you want?" Aaron sighed and shook his head, his shoulders squaring and making him look taller. "Nice nights call for warm walls." The phrase was never meant to make sense to anyone who didn't know it, but it made the burly man growl and step aside for them to enter. Aaron's arm wrapped around Tora's waist as he led her inside, the door being slammed shut with a heavy lock behind them.
Strange destination they stood upon, looking around it felt unknown yet eerie. Her eyes snapped to the door watching Aaron bang in a certain rhythmic way. She could help shooting him a weird look, where has he taken her? It had to be safe in some sort of fashion as it was a risk to take her anywhere especially if someone figured out her breed.

Tora’s eyes widen when the door opened, her fingers quick to cover her nose for the overwhelming smell made her nauseous. Noticing Aaron made himself seem taller, intimidating almost to make his intentions true. She rose a brow to the phrase he spoke, huge man allowing them inside. Whipping her head toward the door when it slammed shut, a heavy lock sounding. She looks up to Aaron, her fur rose up along her spine, her eyes went from wide to slits, she was still n high alert. Sure they were inside but that meant walls and door to trap.
Aaron's arm remained tight around Tora's waist, keeping her close before he looked down and gave her the same warm smile he did when he first spoke with her. "It's okay. People here are only bad if you rub them the wrong way." He whispered, imagining how nervous she could be. He continued to lead Tora through the building, walking down a set of stairs that led underground.

Multiple times they stopped before Aaron gave set phrases, each blockade being moved within seconds. Finally reaching a thick metal door, Aaron blew out a heavy breath and nodded before pushing it open.
His smile settled her nerves enough to relax in his hold, they were one step closer to whoever he wants to see. She kept up with him, confusion at each blockage along with her holding her breath. What sort of life did he once live? It felt secretive and high security, almost illegal which she didnt care for the laws of this world. She glanced up to Aaron when they reached a heavy door, stepping with him as he pushed it open.
"You slimy, good for nothing wretch!" A woman's voice called out from behind a leather chair and fine desk. Her voice carried a level of malice as she practically growled at Aaron, but his face remained stern and unfeeling. "What gives you the right..." spinning around in the chair, a tall woman with hair as black as a raven's feathers and silver eyes that could peirce a man's soul looks over at the two. "I should've have you flogged, Aaron." Her high heels clicked along the floor as she stepped up in front of Aaron, her suit jacket doing little to hide her rather voluptuous chest.

"It's been so long since my favorite little runner came by to see me." Her attitude suddenly changed to that of a giddy school girl before she hugged Aaron close. "Okay, okay, I get it, Syra, now let me go." Aaron grumbled, trying to gently push the woman away like a brother would do to his clingy older sister.
Moments of entering the room Tora heard the voice of a woman, her gaze snapping to the chair and not leaving the form that sat. Her ears pin back, eyes narrowing as this interaction unfolded. The voice held malice but the scent said otherwise, it was very confusing. The click of heels did drop Tora’s eyes down to the floor to take in shoes which she simply didnt understand. Meeting the face of someone from Aarons past was one she couldnt predict. Everything was fine up to the woman switching into excitement, hugging onto Aaron which was a bad move.

Tora let out an animalistic growl, one that can strike as the last sound before becoming dinner. Her gaze shooting daggers for the woman to create some distance, the shine of Tora’s canines showing. Aaron needed to remember Tora was wild, she wasnt trained like other furries. She was kept hidden away on an estate for her owners entertainment.
Syra pulled back and tilted her head as she heard the growl, her eyes widening with surprise. "Oh my... my, my, my. Look at this beautiful creature. Aaron, you didn't tell me you knew someone so gorgeous." Despite Aaron pulling Tora closer to his side, Syra leaned down to get a better look at Tora's face. "You are just the cutest little thing! Ugh! I could just cuddle this little fur ball for hours."

Aaron groaned and rubbed a hand down his face. "We get it, Syra, you think she's cute and you want her to warm your bed. Stop being a horny slut already." His tone was more annoyed, but still held a playful side before looking down at Tora. "It's okay, Syra won't do anything. She's like a big sister to me."
A reaction Tora never experienced in result of her growl, she was taken a back, her hood falling down to revealing her fluffy ears and face. The pitchy excitement of the woman made Tora wince, pinning her ears back farther. Even offering a warning snap of her jaws for more space than what she was given. On edge Tora glances up to Aaron in his attempt to settle Syra and calm Tora of her defensive movements. “She is loud” she grumbles not understanding how this woman could help them.
Aaron bursted out laughing as Syra pouted, crossing her arms like a spoiled child. "I just want to pet the kitty..." She whined, making Aaron laugh even harder before wrapping his arms around Tora, "Oh god, you're the best thing that could've ever happened to me. I've never been able to find anyone who can get Syra to pout." He had known Syra since coming to the city, she being the woman who helped get him through life in a rather frowned upon way.

Pulling back but still keeping his arm wrapped around Tora, Aaron sighed and looked at Syra. "Look, I need your help. This is Tora. She's on the run from some rich bitch who 'owns' her. They broke into my apartment to find her, but they said she has a tracker. Do you still have those medical connections that can help us?" Syra glanced at Tora, desperately wanting to snuggle her soft fur before looking back at Aaron with a more professional stance. "Of course I do, but Aaron, what you're doing is rather dangerous. Who knows what that peice of shit is willing to do to get her back. Her breed alone is enough to warrant an all out underground war."
A huge grin grew on Tora’s face seeing Syra pout followed by Aaron laughing so hard she believed he was crying. She glances between the two gauging this was not an ease expression of the woman making her more proud. Tora was unknown to the effect her kind had on humans being so isolated. Let alone her rarity would lead them to do to have access to her. She blinks when the term war was spoken, no way that was true. “Wh…why would there be a war?” She questions, her breed maybe had a handful of females and males total left in the entire world. Who knows how much her owner spent on her mother and for her to be born.
"It's because there's no more than probably 20 of your species left in the world, Tora. You are the rarest kind of furry there is." Syra voice was calm and tried to hold a level of motherly soothing as she spoke. "You're 'owner' must have paid a fortune big enough to buy a country for you." Syra carefully held out a hand towards Tora, waiting to see if she would take it so she could take a better look at the beautiful tigress.

"I don't care how much that bitch paid, Tora is not going back to him. Even if i have to end him myself." Aaron gritted his teeth at the idea, not wanting to dirty his hands again, but finding every ounce of it worth it of Tora. "We need to get her tracker removed though. It's probably deep inside of body since she said she couldn't sense it." Syra tilted her head as she continued to smile at Tora, flicking out her phone with her other hand. "This will cost you, Aaron." Her words came out like a playful song, almost teasing as she typed up a message and sent it off.
Some would feel pride or even joy hearing they were so rare but Tora tensed glancing over to Aaron a moment. Now she fully understood why her owner kept her and not her mother. He must have a male Tiger somewhere or about to get his hands on one. Being so young Tora could make him a fortune for years. She was so lost in thought that the gesture of Syra offering her hand did draw Tora to step forward a little. The front of the hoodie falling enough to reveal her bandaged neck.

“Wait, cost?” Turning to Aaron “what are we getting into here?” She questions.
Syra smiled and gently cupped Tora's cheek, her touch being almost feather light as she turned the white tiger's face back to her. "Don't worry sweetheart, it's nothing bad or harmful." Aaron huffed and crossed his arms as he looked Syra. "You're really gonna make me do it, aren't you?" Syra smiled as she moved her hand to scratch behind Tora's ear. "He misses you, Aaron. He might have been young when you left, but he still remembers you."

Aaron groaned and ran a hand through his hair. He had been gone for 4 years already. The fact that the little boy he took in almost like a little brother still remembered him was a miracle. "Alright...alright...." He looked at Tora and smiled softly. "Nothings wrong, just have to meet someone I haven't seen in a while. He'd love to meet you too when this is all over."
Tensing up when Syra cupped her face reassuring the cost wasn’t anything bad, still felt off. She didn’t pull away for she didn’t want to woman to get all loud again but when her hand went up to her ears that triggered Tora to snap. She growled tearing away from Syra, only reason she didnt act like that toward Aaron was due to trust. “I have a feeling a lot of people would love to meet me” Tora sighs not accustom to so much social interaction. But for Aaron she was willing to adjust, a loyal tiger was a companion for life short or long.

“How long do we have until they find us with this tracker still in?” Bringing up the reason they were even here.
Snickering at Syra pouting once more, Aaron wrapped his arms around Tora from behind and kissed the top of her head. "Unfortunately they could be on their way right now, so we need to head out." He glanced at Syra, receiving a nod that things were set in place. "Thank you, Syra. I'll hold up my end of the bargain as soon as this is over." Two large men with tattoos, bulging muscles, and scarred faces stepped up on either side of Syra as she smirked. "You better. Now go, Gorn and Rud will escort you."

A swift nod was all that was given before Aaron started leading Tora through the building again, being closely followed by the two men. "The med-bay isn't far from here. Once we get there, we're gonna get that tracker removed and then we will work out a plan from there."
Tora hums once in the arms of Aaron once more watching Syra pout made her feel accomplished. She looks over to the men coming up to escort them to their next destination. “Med-bay” Tora repeated with a disgusted look, this wasnt going to be fun for her. Following Aaron while keeling an eye on their company she attempted to mentally prepare herself. This tracker was snug deep in the muscle of her left shoulder. Being there since she was young would be a fight to get out.
The two men remain silent as they walk, making sure they take the first steps to check for suspicious activity before allowing Aaron and Tora to walk. Alleyways were their main pathway, the unfortunate smell never getting any better. "We call it the med-bay since it's not as pristine as a real hospital. That, and it doesn't notify any authorities or ask unnecessary questions." Aaron said with a smile. He'd been in that med-bay more times than he'd like to admit, but what could someone expect out of a young contraband runner who took on every job without question?

Finally reaching another run down building, Gorn and Rud kept their eyes on a suspicious black sedan before ushering the other two inside. "Stay inside. We will handle problem." Gron still had the thick Russian accent from when Aaron was young, making him smirk and shake his head. "Thanks guys." Grabbing Tora's waist, Aaron lead her quickly down the stairs just as the sounds of gunshots started to go off outside."
Only ever being treated by a private doctor or nurse Tora guessed this med-bay wasn’t horrible but she hated Doctors. She covers her nose with the hoodie as they made their way through the alleys. Humans were so lucky to not have senses that her, the stench made her eyes water. Finally they stopped at another old building but feel eyes on them just as one of the pair spoke. Her eyes sparked with interest by his accent finding it new but Aaron whisked her down the stairs. Shortly following were gunshots where they were making her pick up the pace along with breathing a tad better. “If I were this person about to take this tracker out I’d muzzle me first” she mutters.
Aaron nodded with a chuckle. "Don't worry, you'll be okay. She's fast at what she does." Doors flew open with just a simple glare from Aaron, their descent feeling like it was never going to end. Finally reaching the last level, the air felt cold and had a true clinical scent to it. Aaron took a small breath before opening the door, his eyes setting on the small woman in the corner as she looked through a microscope. "Aaron, I haven't seen you in so long. How long has it been?"

Standing from her chair, it become clear that this woman was normal. Her body was covered in black fur, but her tail was missing and her ears were chopped in half. "Onyx. It's been four years since I associated myself with the group. But I need your help." He pulled Tora closer, hopijg the mangled furry in front of her wouldnt be too terrifying. "This is Tora. She needs your help to remove her tracker."
Quite interesting he was reaching out women from his past so far, they were powerful and confident. No wonder he had such a side to him if they were is companions and mentors when he was young. But what awaited for them behind the last door certainly shocked Tora. Her jaw dropped a little as she stared at the furry before her, maybe a muzzle wasn’t necessary. Tearing her gaze up to Aaron she finally got a timeline of when he last associated with these people. Four years, alot can happen in that span of time and here he was pulling owed favors. “Onyx.” Tora hums, her tail slipping free of its cage to flick along the floor. “Please tell me you have some fitting clothes here” glancing around them as this baggy attire was starting to make her feel weird.
Onyx smiled and purred as she saw Tora's tail, her head dropping softly as a sign of respect. "You can pick out whatever clothing you'd like. Let me first find that tracker and get it removed so you won't have to worry about it." She stepped closer as she continued to look over Tora's body, amazed to be standing near a white tiger at all. Placing her hands gently on Tora's shoulders, Onyx lead her over to a chair that was surrounded by metal plates and wires. "First, I just need to scan your body to find it. Please disrobe for me and take a seat in the chair."

Aaron remained close, his muscles twitching as he timed everything out in his mind. Gron and Rud were skilled and ruthless, but even they had a limit.
Respect was something new to Tora, her ear twitched uncertain how to react other than returning a smile. She watches Onyx approach leading her to a chair, pulling off the hoodie and sweats with ease. Her tail flicks in the air as she stretches out, Aaron’s clothes were heavy on her even when they small for him. The bandages on her neck, arms and legs revealed stains of old blood on the too layer already. All this moving around irritated her wounds, their fun probably didnt help either.

Tora slowly takes a seat eyeing the machines and objects around her before landing on Aaron. He looked uneasy “Whats wrong?”
Aaron had been on the verge of pacing around when Tora's voice snapped him back to reality. His eyes met hers before a smile spreads across his face. Even with her dirty bandages, she was still just as beautiful. "Notning, just on edge and trying to calculate our time." He stepped closer, placing a hand on her cheek to soothe her worries. Onyx smiled and purred before pulling Aaron away. "Just sit still for me while I scan your body. Then I will get that damn tacker out and you two lovebirds can scurry out of here."

Aaron's cheeks flushed at those words, unsure if Tora even saw him that way. Before he could say anything, Onyx patted his head and turned in the machine. Multiple scans on Tora's body appeared on the wall next to them. Just in her shoulder, a little red light appeared. "There it is."

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