Aaron bursted out laughing as Syra pouted, crossing her arms like a spoiled child. "I just want to pet the kitty..." She whined, making Aaron laugh even harder before wrapping his arms around Tora, "Oh god, you're the best thing that could've ever happened to me. I've never been able to find anyone who can get Syra to pout." He had known Syra since coming to the city, she being the woman who helped get him through life in a rather frowned upon way.
Pulling back but still keeping his arm wrapped around Tora, Aaron sighed and looked at Syra. "Look, I need your help. This is Tora. She's on the run from some rich bitch who 'owns' her. They broke into my apartment to find her, but they said she has a tracker. Do you still have those medical connections that can help us?" Syra glanced at Tora, desperately wanting to snuggle her soft fur before looking back at Aaron with a more professional stance. "Of course I do, but Aaron, what you're doing is rather dangerous. Who knows what that peice of shit is willing to do to get her back. Her breed alone is enough to warrant an all out underground war."