Look at me, Like you look at Her! (Max)


Master of Dungeons, Femboy Tamer
Staff Member
Top Monthly Poster
Nov 9, 2022
Bentley was a good guy, tall, comforting, welcoming, handsome, and authentic. He did what he thought was right, and protected his own. Bentley was broad shouldered, and fit, mostly from eating well and being active rather than a raw gym rat. Hell Bentley spent more time shacked up with his girlfriend in her room these days...and you got to share the other side of the wall. His girlfriend was Amy, your sister afterall. The wall itself was thin, and you heard a few details before you could try to block it out. Bentley, or as his sister so heartedly whispered 'Benny' had more than enough of him to go around, and then some. It shocked her by the sound it just to look at him.

But the relationship was fresh hot still, and with it came some benefits. You saw Bentley often, and he never once was rough or crude. But sometimes you felt like there was more to him, perhaps something only your sister truly got to see.
*max would be sitting in his room, at his desk, drawing, in his note book, it was the start of the day, so he'd put his usual diary entry and picture in the journal, and then he'd close it, he'd comb his flashy black and red hair, and he'd strap his mask on his face, and he pulled his favorite red coveralls over his nightwear, and he'd walk into the kitchen, expecting breakfast*
Amelia was sitting at the table already, having some cereal to start her day, dressed up for her college classes. She looked up from her phone and gave a wave as she set it aside. "Morning Max" she said as she set her spoon down in her down. Her hair was naturally black and her skin slightly sun kissed from tanning by the backyard pool. "Mom left early today, so sadly nothing got cooked." She said
As Max rode off, pulling out into the early day, he saw traffic, light and easy enough for him to weave through, was flowing steadily. The speed made him feel free, and clear, but he could see another car on the way around the neighborhood, a familiar tan sedan, Bentleys car, coming through .
"Oh well! Thanks!" Bentley said following him towards the door, the young man's beaming smile still could be heard even with Max's back to him. As he met Max at the door, he leaned a bit, his shoulders holding the oranate glass and steel storm door open. "You heading out today?"
"Mm? You're starting already? I guess I'll have to take Amy to the campus, and come back here? I'm not in class today anyway, so we can hang out a while, get to know each other more?" Bentley said as he put a hand on his chin, nodding along. His beaming smile never fading from his face. He glanced up as Amy could be heard frim the kitchen and his smile got even wider. The tall boy stepped by Max abd rushed over to embrace Amy, lifting her up a bit in his arms. She nuzzle a d giggled inti hus his neck as she clung on and his lips kissed on her cheek a few times. He set her back down. "I'll get my books, gimme a second?" She said, to the nod of her lover. She moved upstairs, giving them some more space.
Better blinks as Max confesses his jealousy, folding his arms slowly as he spoke. "You want me to look at you...like I look at her?" He repeated slowly. "I...don't quite understand...I look at you all the time." He said tilting his head It was so swiftly done, he was trying to catch up.
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