Look at me, Like you look at Her! (Max)

"Max- wait!" Bentley started to say, but as Max bolted away he only stood therein shock. Max had feelings for him? What was thing to do? Talk to his sister? Talk to Max? Leave? Bentley looked back to the open garage doors...and started to draw them shit and locked up. He walked up from the garage, passing into the house abd up to the second floor. He stopped at the stairs, still trying to think og what to say, chewing his lip. "M-Max?" He spoke out to the empty hallway, walking towards his door.
"Max, can I...come in?" He asked hearing the faint sniffles, his hand touched the door gently. "We can try to talk..." He said as gently as possible. Ofcourse Max seemed hurt, justifiably, he had expressed his secret and was met with confusion, rejection. But Bentley didn't want to leave him like that, or let him feel unheard.

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