Never split the Party! (Schoeche)

Nov 14, 2022
Dungeons, Dragons and all the other monsters and problems between. They are a near constant presence in nearly every world, and where monsters and evil lurk… Heroes will always arise to vanquish them!

Of course, not all these heroes are perfect, and a large number of these adventures end in shame, misery and death. But not always. Some find victory, power and fame, whilst others… well, others find themselves pinned under a bandit with their armour lying scattered across the dirt they are getting fucked into. Such a tale is the one we speak of today, the tale of two Heroes to be, who find monster slaying to be quite a bit trickier than planned…

We will join two such adventurers fairly early in their career, having recently set out in search of, well… motive is a funny thing, especially when one is young and has yet to explore much of either the world or the depths of their own heart. Either way, Seiren and Kiera were about to find out just what their adventure had in store for them

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And right now the pairs motive was fairly simple, to gain notoriety and fame by clearing out dungeons of evil creatures the world over. Such as the Crypt of Cop-Ulaton, which lay before them, it’s dark passages currently full of bandits of many species. Now, our heroes should have been able to handle it, but this crypt held secrets that could turn their very bodies against them, the two maidens unaware of its secret magics. Something else one of our maidens didn’t know was the secret Seiren had between her legs, tucked and hidden well behind the armour she wore. But all things going well, Kiera would never find out she travelled with a Futa Tiefling.
Seiren nodded back as they stepped inside the Crypt, drawing the giant sword she used from her back as she did so “Alright… follow me, and we’ll clear these Bandits outta here!” She announced quite aggressively, but before she could take another step one of those Bandits rounded a corner. Then another, and another. And all 3 of them were stark naked, the two men hard as rock, the woman bouncing her breasts “Clear us out? But then you won’t be able to join the fun!” One announced, a sweet smell in the air making Seiren’s member stiffen.
Kiera skidded to a halt, an arrow flying to her string before she even needed to think. She stopped, now slightly drawn, an arrow pointed menacingly at the bandits. “The fun? What do you mean?” She glanced at her companion questioningly. Her gaze flitted back to the bandits, drawn down to the rock hard members. She had to focus to bring her eyes back up to be aware of her surroundings.
Seiren frowned too, her blade wavering from its guard position “Y… Yeah? What fun are…” she shook her head “Whu… why no… think?” She asked as one of the bandits smiled back “Simple! Cop-Ulaton was a warlock of immense power, and the demon he made his pact with was a succubus! And now his tomb is filled with the lust energy from them!” He spoke warmly “So now, we all have fun together, in her special way!”
Kiera’s bow lowered slightly and she looked across at her partner. “You think it’s true?” Her eyes flicked back to the two naked men. The aura of the dungeon drew her gaze and quickened her pulse at the sight of the rigid cocks. The hesitation showed in her eyes.

Sensing this, one of the bandits flicked his member with his thumb, making it bounce as he stared at her with an enticing wink.
“Why would we lie, hmm?” The woman standing across asked, now idly playing with her breasts “The only thing we’ve been waiting for is new playthings to join us here… after all, the same holes do get boring…”

Seiren bit his lip hard as she watched the three teasing them, before jumping a little as her sword clattered to the ground, slipping from her hands as her mind clouded “I… maybe… maybe true… we… should have fun too…” she mumbled as she began to unclasp her armour.
Slightly more cautious, Kiera stood still, indecisive. The two men stepped toward her slowly, one of them reaching out invitingly. Her bow dropped a bit more before finally sipping from her grip. She stepped forward to meet them, surrendering to the allure of the dungeon. She lifted her arms a little, offering access to her body. She glanced over at her companion, only now noticing she was taking the same path. “A different type of swordplay I guess.” She joked with Sieren.
By this point Seirens armour was on the ground alongside her blade, but now her other swords had been revealed, it’s blue heft swelling up larger than either of the men approaching Kiera and no doubt making both her and the bandit woman drool at the thought of it “Hehe… yeah…” she mumbled in a dream state, one hand going for Kiera’s ass, the other starting to rub her stiffness hard.
The bandits approaching Kiera paused, taken aback by the new monster in the room. Seeing their expression, she glanced over and a soft gasp left he lips. “I rll..: that’s a surprise.” She looked up at her companion, grinning. “I didn’t know you hat that equipment.” Hey hand drifted over towards it hesitantly. Unable to resist, she let her fingers drift lightly over the tip. One of the other bandits moved in behind her as she turns, rough fingers unlacing straps and pulling at clothing as his cock pressed against her.
As she reached out to grip Seirens massive length, Kiera would find herself pulled tightly into a kiss, the Tiefling girl pressing into her friends body and rubbing her member against Kiera’s belly, a promise of the depths she’d plunge into shortly, even as the other man moved around to her rear, already pressing his hardness into her surprisingly large butt. The woman was just watching from a short distance, plunging her fingers into her wet pussy with vigor as she moaned shamelessly.
Kiera whimpered excitedly. This sort of thing was beyond her experience level, but the passion swelling in her drove her on. The man behind her knelt, pulling her pants down. She stepped out of them, feeling him place kisses all over her firm ass cheeks. He massaged and fumbled them, then stood, rubbing his his cock up and down along her back and ass. She kissed her friend eagerly, sliding in arm around her neck to cling to her while cupping and rubbing her breast with the other.
Seiren broke the kiss with an abrupt moan as the man behind her began to ram himself into her ass, slamming his waist into the tick cushions that were her cheeks with moans of his own, even as she tried to manoeuvre Kiera up and over her own length, the second bandit understanding and helping the Tiefling girl start to fuck the human, the thick blue member spreading her slit, moans filling the air.
She’d feel the way Seiren quivered now, the soft warm feeling of her friends pussy nearly too much for the virgin Tiefling, and with the added stimulus of the man pounding her rear… her mind was going blank, replaced by a similar look to when she entered one of her berserk rages, only this rage was of kisses and thrusts, a hand gripping Kiera’s soft breast and squeezing, whilst they both had their asses getting spread wide open by the two bandit men.
Kiera soon found herself pinned between wriggling bodies as the bandit behind her, wanting in on the action, pushed into her back door, which was spread wide by her position. She gasped and groaned as he starts sliding in and it slowly. A shudder rocked her at the intense feeling of being completely filled up. Her eyes locked on her friends, recognizing the expression and wondering how it would play out in this setting.
As Kiera saw the expression on Seirens face, she’d feel heavy, lustful thrusts pounding into the front of her body, hips meeting hips and pressing her back into the pleasure of the man taking her behind, even as she’d realise the only thing stopping the full force of Seiren was the man filling her friends own rear, the bandit acting as a balance stopping the rearranging of Kiera’s guts. And then all three thrusting cocks would speed up, leaving Kiera unable to think.
Seiren gave a long moan in return as she also broke over the climax barrier, her unfilled pussy squirting over her legs whilst her cock disgorged cum deep inside Kiera, the pair in their asses soon following suit. What happened next would depend on how the pair reacted, if they managed to stay concious, they’d soon be stuffed again, if not, they’d awaken deep in the tomb, surrounded by nude men and women, many bellies swollen by pregnancy.
As she looked up, she’d see Seiren still looking down at her, the lusty rage still in her eyes. Clearly they weren’t done yet, as Kiera had her head dragged up so her lips pressed onto the cock that had so recently been ravaging her insides. The two men had backed away, turning their attentions to the woman who had been untouched up to this point, the trio seeming happy to let the Tiefling and Human girl rut together.
Kiera stayed rigid for a little even after she blacked out, but soon, her body went limp and she slumped to the floor. Not wanting to lose the moment, one of the bandits ran over and thrust himself into seiren, and the female bandit moved to take Kiera’s place on the floor. Seiren distracted, the remaining bandit carried Kiera away, and set about pleasuring himself on her limp body before securing her for what came next.
Soon after Kiera blacked out, so did Seiren as the two bandits left took her past her limits. When the adventurers awoke, they were chained together, surrounded by men and women who were either rutting or lying in the afterglow, some of the women swollen and obviously pregnant, the others clearly wishing to be too. And Kiera would understand that desire, wanting nothing more than to be full of Seirens love. Of course, the desire to escape and return to adventuring also existed…
Seiren licked her lips as she looked around, noting with no little delight that the chains extended just far enough that she could get to Kiera “So… what do we do now?” She asked, almost sarcastically as their eyes met, both of them knowing exactly what they were going to do. After all, the Crypt had been turned into a place of new life, where children would be made. Who were they to argue against that.
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