Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Yim tossed and shook her head, jerking her arms to get free of the cuffs while Mako squeezed her ass in annoyance before giggling by the sensation of her master's touch on her body, Yim wiggling when he touched and played with her breast. "My, she is quite a wild one" Mako smirks presses kisses to the fillies shoulder and up to her neck sensing she was in heat and enjoying every moment of this by the mewls of her moans, the panting for breath between thrusts. "But not as much stamina" reminding her master that the young ones ended time to build up to the level of she and Sally. Of whom was relaxing a chair enjoying the show as she sipped on her tea, glad to see Mako having a blast and 13 being shown the ropes.
Getting more and more into the act. the sensation of how Yim's flat belly bloated, and deformed in the outline of her master's thick rod could be felt. more so against the belly of Mako, who was directly under her. despite how it would appear, the sensation grew all the more intense by the moment. as The master would speak up, How wonderfully tight a virgin was for the first time, but he preferred his experienced lovers of mako, and sally. stating this in a way to make both women know all to well he preferred the two of them over all his toys, equally, however the fact remained. the show was increasing, and the sensations all the more enjoyable. even if 13 wanted to deny it. as her master planned to fuck her until, he had flooded her core with so much seed, their would be no escaping the impending pregnancy. however at the same time, the wicked man spoke up, stating how he couldn't wait to feel his girls in their proper role all the more. however this cute new mare would be an ideal racer, and breeder for them once the training was done. even hinting to mako that she could have all the babies she could handle, as long as she did her job with preparing, raising, and training 13 for the breeder role properly. this would have to be done in conjunction with sally's training, and prepping of Yim's fate as a racing harlot as well. making this new princess into an ideal star of the race, and slut of his personal harem. it would be a hell of a fate for Yim to endure, but their would be some hidden light in her hellish new life to be discovered in the coming days or weeks.
His length reaching deeper into her womb causing her belly to deform and poked further against Mako making the mare giggle and squirm underneath her until she felt the mare reach around her body to touch master on the cheek "Thank you" speaking sincerely to him. Then her hand fell to latch on the silver hair of the young filly, pulling her head up and to the side to kiss and nibble along her neck "you are gonna be such a good baby mama" purring while running her tongue along 13's neck. The shivers could be felt as Yim attempted to refused such affection, focusing more on the cock pounding inside to tight depths that were so lubricated with her juices after constant orgasms. Pinning back her ears as her eyes fluttered closed, falling more onto Mako causing the mare to laugh "Wow she lasted longer than expected" realizing the young one had passed out. "Fill her up, master!" mako whines.
It did not take that long before Mako would feel the sensation of her master filling her now prize's foster mother to be. the swelling of the belly against her own flat yet oddly well tone belly.
the mare under 13 would be able to feel how this load would ensure the creation of the baby she so desired.

as the master spoke up, " Always so nice to break in a new toy, but the more experienced beauty are much more enjoyable. So sally, Mako which one of my lovely ladies would prefer to finish the night off for me?"
as he spoke up asking this, it would show despite the monstrous load he forced into this once innocent racing mare, he had another load in him still needing to be released. However more then that, asking which of his
loyal girls would want the round for the night. as Sally often got the rough back door play, while Mako the sterile beauty got the front entrance abuse. ether way they would be in for a long night once 13's now unconscious body was
secured in her new stable for the night.
Holding onto 13 while master filled her up with his grand seed ensuring his first child from his special hand picked filly for his favorite mare to raise a foal. Uncuffing the young filly Mako pets her hair ensuring her body was relaxed to fully accept master's seed while he spoke to herself and Sally who was seeming to enjoy herself with the show from how wet her folds were. She glances to Mako who made a total mess on the couch under her bringing a smirk to her lips "I am sure to make it all more real, fill Mako up so once 13 is pregnant they can share the memory of the night the babe was created" suggesting to master. Mako smiles hearing that suggestion "Oh yes, that is a wonderful idea!" bobbing her head in agreement "And I can ride you like a good girl, give you some real pleasure" reassuring quickly to interest master more. "I will settle 13 in her new stall, make sure it is nice and secure, schedule a vet appointment for her tomorrow as well" Sally adds as she grabs 13's bridle.
"I see, not a bad idea, then I shall leave 13's proper care, and setting of her pen to you my dear Sally. "

once he said this, and gave his orders, the wicked man moved to grasp Mako by the ankles in his own playfully crued, and rough way.
"well then, I think it is time to make sure you know the fun of being filled as well my cute little mako. Might not get the experience of pregnancy but the fun of making it will be known. "
saying this as he moved to pull her carefully away from 13 before taking mako in a rougher, and much more violent yet enjoyable way then he handled 13 prior.
Giggling with joy as Mako was snatched from under 13 she was happily in master's lap giving him a few more enjoyable and mutual time between them, she may be a horny little slut that had all the looks and no brains or ability to race but she adored her master. Sally was the body and the brains, reason master desired to breed her so badly but she always had an excuse. She would slip on 13's bridle before carrying the filly out the room to the wash rack where she hosed her off with cold water which woke the dear up with a jolt. Yim wildly looked around before landing her eyes on Sally 'What happened?" questioning her, wanting to demand answers but was reluctant to test the waters again. "You were broken in, bred by the master himself than a prize stallion, be honored" Sally softly informed before yanking 1's reins for her to stand follow the mare. Walking down the hall, there were many stalls, very few with stallions, most with mares that got enough wins to be kept around. Sally opens a much more secure looking door than the others making Yim nervous as she was led in. Inside was a small bed, bucket of water, and some blankets along with chains by the bed making her halt in the doorway "this is your stall, you are to not leave it without me, Mako, or master" sternly warning her as she pushes 13 inside and onto the bed. Taking her ankles she chains 13 to the bed before heading out "goodnight, vet comes tomorrow" waving as she locks the door.
Little did 13 know if she did escape, the local studs which were kept in this area would have at her, with out remorse. as only Mako, and Sally were off limits.
due to a mistake they made long ago with Mako, and how their master made a show of the strongest, and most dangerous stud, despite him being the most prize winning one in this
entire facility. Meaning well enough if Sally left even a little wiggle room it would be a hell of a lesson.

mean while in another room, Now mako in her master's lap. as he reached around his mare. playing with her clit, and one of her breast, as his wicked love spear slowly dug into her depths.
"You know for such a lovely woman, I will never get tired of this body. So I expect you to make sure to raise the next generation to be as loyal as you, and sally are. "

saying this with a playfully wicked tone. he was like addictive venom to his girls, despite how sally was turning down his desire to breed her so often. but mako was his right hand cuddle buddy.
Watching the door close Yim was finally left alone, her heart ached, her body felt exhausted and on fire at the same time, so sore everywhere but she barely could see the marks Mako and the man left on her body while having their way with her. She curls up on the bed not even wishing to escape at the current moment, she was so tired that she barely thought about this vet appointment tomorrow. Slowly her eyes fell closed and she drifted off to sleep for the first time since her arrival to this hell hole.

Bouncing like a good girl in his lip, rolling her hips each time her ass cheeks jiggled and bounced to offer her master all the pleasure she could for him, leaning into his frame as he played with her body. "Oh yes master, they will adore you just as 13 soon will" reassuring him with her moan filled voice.

Sally soon returns to the scene of Mako and master making love which she was use to as she took a seat knowing master seemed to respect her wishes of not being breed yet. "Do you believe 13 earned her name yet? She did win you a race and possibly giving you and mako a foal" pointing out.
"Once we find out if she is pregnant. that will be the last part. If she is successfully knocked up, I shall allow you the pleasure of the name. after all it is only fair. "
Speaking to Sally as he panted with each powerful penetrating bounce into Mako. it was always quiet the sight, even more so as his one hand slid to press against Mako's fine toned belly.

as he spoke to Sally while ruining the brainless beauty once more. he would look to Sally from over Mako's shoulder.
" Well then, do you have a reward in mind if she is successfully pregnant? besides a name that is?"
saying this, he was giving Sally quiet the reward on her end with so much power over the new toy, but she was the one of the two he most trusted in his wicked business here.
Glancing at the two of them finding it quite the turn on hearing Master's pants as he was enjoying his time with Mako who was in heaven with him inside her. Once time she has never enjoyed sex when she was ganged up on by the stallions, master built her back up to his price right hand mare, his alone, only he is allowed to touch her. Sally flicks her tail in thought of such an honor of naming the new filly followed by an additional reward for 13 if pregnant as master wishes for Mako. "She will be the first mare ever to have your child, she would earn herself a place with us I would think" speaking loosely on the suggestion. Continuing to watch Mako panting out moan, her tongue hanging from her mouth as she rode master like a skilled slut.
"I see, so you girls are fine with sharing your master with one more dedicated breeder then? I will not object, as long as both you, and Mako want this. "
as he spoke, Mako was long sense broken by her master, and loyally pampered to a degree. as each of these two had their own unique roles to fill. and filled them very well.

"Sally, so while we do this, I want you to fill me in, What do you have planned for us? I know it is a busy schedule, besides the vet tomorrow. "
as he said this, suddenly Mako's belly would begin to swell slightly, as her master was releasing a monstrous load once more into her. However the fact remained,
as this happed he would move his head into enough of a position to where his mare could turn her head and kiss him if she so desired, as he would be speaking business with Sally.

the fact remained, the way he looked at sally, despite her roll, was very dangerous and lustful, if it wasn't for their equally valued trust, and loyalty to one another. Sally could have been
turned into something more like mako long ago. but this is not the case for such a rare and lovely maiden. yet she knew well 13' fate was in her hands to some degree, yet could be ruined on
a whim if not taught properly in the coming days.
Sally was clearly fine with it and Makoe already adored the filly due to her innocence and beauty also carrying a foal for her possibly. It was hard to remain focused watching her master with Mako how clear it was on the mare's face as she was pleased with the royal cock of their owner, watching her belly swell with his thick seed while she caught her breath. Mako turning her head to peck sweet kisses and nibbles to her master cheek and jaw line while he spoke with Sally which sensed his lust. She grins a little as she reaches to a table for the scheduling book to open with a soft hum "Well we have two pregnancy checks for two mares that were bred by Something Royal, the chestnut stallion, 13's soundness and health exam could spring a pregnancy examine for her as well for if fertile enough she may take to your seed over night" informing him. "then three mares are running tomorrow, I was planning to run 13 as well but we shall see after her vet check." turning the page to look down "you also have a few meetings with potential sellers and buyers also with your bank. Other than that, the day is not took crazy" closing the book to look back up to him, finding Mako full on making out with master.
"Well then, shall we leave 13 In mako's care when the day is free, and you and I go out for a bit my dear Sally? after all even if your not ready for what I desire, I am sure we can find something mutually enjoyable. "
as he spoke, it would be both leaving Mako out, in what her mind would think of as Public lewd affection, when in truth, Sally was treated more like dating, and meals out, while Mako was the only one who was almost
purely fucked for her reward, and time more then anything.

However the fact remain, Mako might have the stamina, and beauty, her mind was not all their in comparison.
yet here she was, ripe and being abused in such a fun fashion. However the fact remained now, Once mako hit her limit, or her master felt sated, he would pull out, and carry Mako to her resting chamber, which
was his bed as well. As he shared his bed with both Mako and sally, as only these two got to enjoy the royal bed and cushion it had on them.
Times to go out with master was rare and was usual for Sally to go since Mako was a mess in public, had horrid panic attacks and no manners mostly due to her past but always tried her best for Master. Sally would offer a smile "I would love that, thank you master" humming softly to him. Following after Mako and master to their royal suite in the loft of the stable Sally felt utterly exhausted from this day while mako was happy as a clam, dreams coming true and sated for the night. Mako was first in bed, taking her side to curl up to her pillow as Sally laid down on her side as well wondering where 13 would end up if she did join their little group. Shaking her head to shut off her mind, her eyes closing to rest.

The next morning Yim was given the privilege of sleeping in as the vet performed examines on the first two mares, one ending up pregnant while the other did not take meaning she may take 13's spot in racing today. When it came to her turn Sally barged into the stall, waking the poor filly with a fright, scrambling to the corner of her bed as Sally approaches, mako waiting outside with such excitement to see her baby mama. Sally put on 13's bridle, unchained her and lead her out to the vet who was quite the creep with mares other than sally and mako. "Ah a new face I see" he spoke with a smirk as she looked 13 over "wellness exam and pregnancy check" Sally informed as she tightened her hold on 13 who kept moving any time the vet attempted to begin his examine.
Standing their in the room, Behind where 13 was being examined. The wicked owner would smirk, as he looked on. to motion for Sally to move, and try to keep 13 still, and
hopefully calm enough for the vet to do his job. before the master would speak up, with a wicked smirk on his face.

" Doc, make sure to check her thoroughly, this one won her first race already, and could be a new star breeding and racer in one. I will make sure to give a bonus if you get her
well cared for. " saying this, as he knew money spoke, however even the Vet knew, despite how cruel, and cold this man came off. he took better care of his mare's, and stallions then most who only had
one to care for. however at the same time, he valued these females more then he valued humans, which made him as dangerous as he was valued as a customer.
Having not noticed his presence Yim spooked when master spoke up resulting in Sally and Mako switching places of Mako holding the reins and Sally pinning 13's arms behind her back to keep her exposed and still. The vet had paused to allow the filly to get be restrained and settled as he heard the plans and expectations of the patient before him, she was quite young possibly in her late teens "From just looking at her, you chose well, sir" he spoke up as he steps closer to 13. She flinched a little as he touched her face to flash a light in her eyes then in her ears seeing they were clean and clear, following up with listening to her lungs and heart that were strong and steady, checking her mouth and teeth as well which resulted in 13 almost biting him "and spicy" chuckling as he moved his finger out in time. He would kneel down in front of her to touch his hands from the top of her thigh and feel down her leg with a steady pressure, doing the same to her other leg "She is in top condition I would say" he admits his findings, eyeing her breasts a moment before setting up the ultrasound machine.

"What is that?" Yim would question, leaning back against Sally who kept her still "A device to see if your are pregnant" Sally answered calmly as she was trying to read 13 before the filly did anything stupid. "pregnant! It was one time!" snapping as she squirms in Sally's hold while mako looked over to master not doing anything less he said or hell if he took over hold 13. "You need to hold still" the vet reminds as he waits for Sally get 13 to stop fidgeting "I don't care! I am not pregnant! I refuse to be!" yim would shout.
As she would shout, the master would look to Mako, before suddenly kissing her deeply for a moment.
"Once were done I might need a bit of stress relief, so go ahead, and go prep yourself. " with this order to make, the brute of a small man moved up to tag out with
sally. taking over, holding her arms, and upper body. as he ordered sally to take care of holding her lower body in place. as he then proceeded to lean in, whispering to

"If you don't calm down, I will punish you, and more so, If your not pregnant, I know an entire group of stallions to fix this issue, unless you behave yourself. "
saying this, the threat of tossing her into a den of a group of horny studs was a very real threat. one which could ruin her in so many ways, even if she didn't want to admit it.

more then that, this would be quiet the spectacle for the vet to see, However he would know better then any one, he needed to get his job done, and get out before things could turn ugly.
Such a surprise to the situation Mako dropped the reins and nodded her head to head back to their room to prepare herself while master and Sally dealt with the new filly who was proving to be quite stubborn. Sally would move to get a good grip on 13's leg and pelvis as master would take hold of her arms and speak threats to get her head on straight though did not like how willing he was to toss her to the stallions, would break Mako's heart. She was quiet as Yim would stiffen when master came up behind her whispering his words that made her eyes widen. Not wanting to be pregnant but based on what she went through last night, she doubted it would be as enjoyable and loving with a band of stallions. Yim swallows down her nerves, shifting a little as she stood still signaling the vet to continue his work, not use to seeing the boss step in hinting this new filly must be quite the prize. He stepped closer to spread some gel then press the device over her womb, look toward the screen as he moved it around. The silence literally killing Yim as she felt her heart racing in her chest uncertain of what she hoped for. "There." the vet pointed to a small dark circle the size of a pea "A mare this fertile is unheard of" he spoke showing them his seed indeed had been taken and she was with foal. Yim's heart sank as she stared at the screen before glancing back to the man for his reaction.
"I am glad to hear that, My Cute little 13, congratulations, you have earned a truly special reward. for today, You will be under Sally's care. "
as he said this with a wink tours sally. the man released the mare with a smile.

Now Sally knew that the reward was real, and she got the honor of the new name, or allowing 13 to keep her original name. more then that, she could teach the
mare the rules of being one of the master's personal, and most valued maidens. However more then that, if she was told the threat he used, Sally could keep it to herself,
or reveal to Yim, it was an empty threat to make her behave, as he had no intention of ruining such a rare beauty over such a simple issue.

as this would go on, he would move to take the hand of the doc, thanking him for his work, and asking him to follow. as he wanted the doc to do a special check on
mako. to ensure her body was still healthy, and as strong as she was before he began to break her in such ways. However in truth, he wanted to ensure his mako was healing properly, but
didn't want to make this known to the new maiden. as he would indeed enjoy mako, but first wanting her to have a surprise health check due to knowing how she would panic or even
want to run and hide with another touching her, but with only the three of them. he could hold mako, and comfort her, while the doc could do his last check. before he got his pay, plus a massive bonus for
this extra work.
Sally stood up taking 13’s reins to see the shock and resentment in the fillys face as master tossed her aside. Clearly she didn’t appreciate what she had just yet as master led the vet away. “You are the first to have his foal, you better be grateful and take care of yourself” scolding her of being so upset. Yim glares toward Sally “are you insane!? I…I dont want this” shaking her head only be yanked closer to sally. “I get to name you, beauty is your name from now on” informing the young filly who rolled her eyes. “Masters threat was empty for you are a gem we were given on a whim of a debt. But he will punish you if you keep up this attitude” sally would warn before pulling her outside.

Back in the master room Mako was excitedly waiting for master and the news but she sensed a change just as master appeared. She tensed seeing the vet knowing why he was back here “master, I am fine, no need for a check up” mako would quickly attempt In reasoning. Vet was quiet and respectful when handling sally or mako so he awaited for word or signal from the man.
Now in the main royal suite. The wicked master would move to sit on the bed, next to Mako. as he moved to pull her onto his lap. as the wicked man let his impressive rod out.
it could be felt between her ass cheeks, and up her lower back a bit. as he reached around one hand taking one of mako's, the other cupping and playing with one of her breast. as he began to
do this.

"Come now, we both know, this is gonna be needed. At least I am in here with you, and I made sure it was just use. so if your a good girl, I will let you do what ever you want to me, for the next half an hour
after were all done. how does that sound hmm?" as he made this rare offer to mako. It would not be a common thing, but for half an hour she could be all his, or more so he all hers for anything she wanted to do
or try. it would require her to be a good girl for the check. if she agreed, he would signal for the vet to do his thing, while the mare was on his lap. if she declined he would be forced to get a bit more forceful.

All the while, with sally, Beauty would now be getting a full show of the stalls, the stallions, and lesser mares.
as this was going on, several impressive, and strong studs would reach out tours Yim's tail, unless Sally stopped them, or beauty swatted them away. ether way, it was not known to the masses yet
that the number of personal gems, which were off limit had increased by one, now giving the wicked master his third prize, which would be mouth watering for so many brutes. however a few of the studs were to be sold,
along with some of the maidens which could be bred with. however the potential buyers, and sellers were due in the next two hours to begin to arrive.
Still taken by surprise as master would be so comfortable with himself to expose the vet as he settled with Mako. She could not truly refuse his deal by how he was already handling her. Eyeing the vet as he came closer she tensed up, leaning more into master. She tried to keep herself calm as her eyes, ears and mouth were checked, her heart and lungs as well. “What was 13’s result?” She would ask quietly to the vet “she is expecting” answering calmly. “All healthy” he spoke to master “are there any concerns I should look further into?” Looking between them.

Following Sally as the mare gave her the tour was draining and leaving yim distracted until a stallion reached out. He snatched her tail making her whip around and slap him, Sally quick to get between. “You dare touch a mare of Masters?” She snaps. “She isnt” the stallion denied as he eyes beauty with lustful eyes “she is carrying his foal, you touch her again then I will have your head!” Warning before continuing on.

Soon sally went into business mode as clients begun to arrive, many asking about Beauty. Sally had to quickly inform she was not for sale or up for breeding.
" I want to ensure my Mako, and Sally will be with me for a very long time to come, so you tell me, is their anything we need to worry about with my cute little mako here?"
as he said this, and asked. it would reveal to Mako, or more so reinforce how he was making sure she would always be healthy enough to remain at his side. her and Sally were irreplaceable, despite how
she could easily over hear, how she was worthless, as a sterile maiden who couldn't even win races. but none knew the truth, if not for Mako, the master would not be able to keep his calm, let alone take care of so many
as he does. for she was his leash, and tether. even Sally knew this, it was thanks to Mako, that he had the self control to respect Sally as he did. However it would not change the fact he was willing to give such rewards to mako for being
a good girl, when most would just get punished for not obeying.

as this would go on, the doc would soon hear his phone ping, as he got 4x his normal pay for this day, the extra for the work he did which was not part of his appointment. however once this was done, while still with mako on his lap,
the wicked little man would speak up. " Well then my cute little mako, you better make sure to enjoy every minute you have. for the next half an hour, I will be your personal toy. " saying this with a wicked, and playful glint in his eyes. it would be weird, yet oddly enjoyable for the vet to see how man could go so far, and care so much for such creatures, as normal humans only saw them as ether fuck toys, or racers.

as the meeting began, Hearing this one older, larger, ugly fat man slammed his palms on the table. as if trying to be intimidating tours sally.
"Who are you to talk, just a simple whore who answers to her master. we have the money, and demand the best stalk for our stallions to breed. or is it, your master doesn't have the guts to show off what a healthy star is worth hmm? perhaps even thinking of how worthless of a owner he really is?" as he began to belittle the master, thinking the reason beauty was of limit was due to how he had no talent or skill with such horses.

as two of the other men face palmed themselves at this show, before one of them moved to sip his coffee. while the other took the time to go through his notes. prepping more mares, and studs to offer for sale. once this first idiot was taken care of, who had never done business with this odd establishment. making a very bad impression for his first business meeting with Sally, and now Beauty at her side, who would be learning a bit more about her master through all this if she realized it or not.
The further explanation of him adding Mako to the appointment list today had him understanding the man simply desired to ensure her health and well being for a long time. Gave him better insight of what to be looking for that was inside, he takes a vial and needle to draw blood which did spook Mako at first for shots always hurt plus he was stealing her blood. With Master right there with her, she was able to calm down enough for the Vet to take her blood for simple tests to cancel out anything else. "I will call you with in the results, I can add Sally to my next appointment date to ensure her health as well" reaching for his phone at it pinged. A grand customer this man was, eh was remarkable to have such a business as this, he was possibly the top tier racing manager in the world, somehow finding a gem of a filly out of no where. Dipping his head he took his leave when the man began to speak with what the vet guessed was his lover.

Mako turns her head to Master, smiling with pride that she did so well for him and earned herself more of a reward though felt Sally needed some time with Master since Mako has been getting a heavy dose of rewards lately. "Lets just start with touching my body and making out, I miss your lips so much" turning in his lap to press a sweet kiss to his lips as she traces her hands from his shoulders down his chest. "I can't believe I am gonna have a foal, thank you master" she purrs licking her lips.

Not fazed by the ugly fat man demanding Beauty by serving tactics of cruel belittling words toward her Master leading her to grow angry, very angry. She moves Beauty to stand behind her as she leans over the table to face this fat man "Are you an idiot?" she questions to begin "you walk into my stable, talking about my master whom you do not even know all cause you are pissed off you can't have beauty?" she shook her head. "based on what I just heard you have no business here and your own stock is as worthless as a mule. We only allow customers that respect our mares to even step foot in here, get out before I call the police and ruin your reputation even further to where you will be a laugh stalk at the race track" demanding his exit immediately. All this occurring cause Beauty was already bred and being transferred into the inner circle of master which Sally was worried about cause Beauty was clearly still being stubborn and having to remain on a tight rein.
As the smaller mare would want more attention, she would feel how her master's hands moved upon her. gently caress, kneading and playing with her body in ways he only had done to her so far. both gentle, and aggressively enjoyable. However Mako would find herself being played with in a manor where she could dictate, and control with reactions. as her master was all hers for a limited time. Yet later this day once all the business was done, and the time came, Sally would get her day or night out on town with her master. putting Mako in charge of beauty's care, while the two were out.

"Well then, do we want to remain here? or perhaps my cute little gal wants to lay back on the bed, and allow her big bad human to assault her more with his own lips hmm? Sally will take care of our business so You can enjoy this limited time reward my cute little mistress for today."

as the old man was now beaten down verbally. the large ugly bastard would get up to glare at Sally, and the other two who were here for business. as he spat at them, onto the floor.
"pathetic, letting some furry slut be such a dictator of who and what we get. I will be back in the future. "
saying this as he stormed out, the meeting room would soon calm down once again. as the young well dressed woman would speak up, as she looked to Sally.

"Well then. With that over with, we have some specimens for you to look at. would you and your boss be interested in any unique males or females? ontop of that, looking to purchase any healthy foals for our race
masters. " as she spoke, the second representative would lean forward, as he smiled.

"My patron is looking for a breeding female or two, if you have any for sale. or even just for rent, so we can breed with our star stud. " as the two took turns to talk, and both presented sally with the files.
she would be able to look at them and decide at her own time. as she was put in charge, due to Sally's excellent judgment on such things. she was the only personal her master would trust with such tasks.
Enjoying his lap for quite some time while his hands traveled her body, only his touch was what she desired, every ounce of his being in just his fingers tips made her so excited all the more, rolling her hips into his lap to rub and tease his cock. She hums with a smirk by his suggestion, leaning to the side before flipping them over so herself was on the bed, her legs wrapped around his waist "Oh please me, Master like the good little slut I am" whining up to him. Mako licks her lips, her eyes filled with lust and need for him, excited for this limited time with him before he went to join Sally and Beauty at the meeting occurring in the main hall of the stable. She was not allowed down there mostly due to her fear of crowds but also disliking to be near stallions and having buyers attempt to snatch her up when she does not run or breed. To keep her spirits high she remained in the broodmare hall helping the mares with foal.

Glad to see that fat man go, Beauty peeking out from behind her in awe of how easily she handled that also how relieved other customers seemed as the man left though Beauty felt uneasy hearing he planned on returning in the future. Best to tell master encase the man attempts to harm or steal. Sally took a seat in her chair holding her book of records for all their stock of which Beauty was not even written in for she was not stock, already apart of Master's personal harem meant she never would have to dabble with customers wants and needs of her. "We normally are interested in the purchase of mares but a well mannered stallion with five star status does catch our eye. As for foals we recently had three born that are ready for training, I can prepare the mares to bring their foals out for a showing and let you choose" answering the first man. Her attention turned to the woman "we always have of mares for sale due to them being recently injured or having lost races but we have limited one or two that are willing to be leased for breeding purposes" speaking with her beautiful smile and professional tone of voice.
Hearing this the one professional woman, would fix her glasses. as she seemed pleased with this answer. moving to pull out a few papers, which had multiple offers for Sally to look over.
"Well then, we have a few offers, with requests attached to them. wanting to have the very woman here go over the females, with her own hands. which would reveal she was a 6 star rated vet, and handler.
which was rare, placing her skills even higher then Sally's own master in this department, as he was a rank 4 vet, and 5 handler himself.

"If this is acceptable we would like to see the ones which are willing to be rented out to our studs, and perhaps a few foals which are ready for adoption. "
as she said this, the other gentleman in the shop would look on with impressed look, as they were competitors, but they did business with the same breeder so to speak.
as Sally knew well she had full reign in such area, under the name of her master. However this did not change much, as now she would have to keep a close eye on Beauty, who could easily draw attention to
herself if she did anything which showed off her elegant frame.

Now in the room, on her back, locking her legs tightly around her master. Mako would feel how he moved upon her. his hands moving to gently cup her impressive bust. his lips moving to nip and assault her neck, moving up the
mare's lips. his actions were much gentler, then Mako would be use to. as her master for this reward was giving her a passionate, and gentle assault. one which would be as pleasing as her normal roughing up, but much more gentle, and passionate. as he only ever handled two girls like this, herself, and sally. however in sally's case, it had never once gone past simple teasing cuddling and foreplay, out of respect for Sally's request. However as this went on, Mako would now be able to enjoy every touch to her heart's content. at the same time, her mind would begin to imagine all the things she could teach to the new Beauty, and more then that. how she could soon know the joy of being a mother, thanks to the new member of their unique personal harem and lover squad. however the thoughts would come and go very quickly, as it was very apparent her master was trying to make her melt in pleasure.
Picking up the radio set on the table Sally would speak to the stable hands to bring up 22,28 and 11 for showings with their foals along with 08 and 04 for possible sale or breeding. While doing this she read over the papers handed to her not paying much attention to 13 who had been dressed after her vet appointment to seem presentable. Though it was a tank top and skirt not hiding well as she began to wander around, the jiggling of her bridle reminding her to keep close to Sally and remain behind the table for her safety. A shiny object caught her attention resulting in her bending down, her beautiful strong and elegant legs in better view as she picked up a paper clip, her breasts bouncing as she stood back up. "Look! I found a paper clip" setting it next to Sally who glanced over "sit down" pulling a chair out for beauty to sit. After that occurred the mares and foals were entering the room to be shown, three young foal in the early teens to begin training while their mothers were third place or higher winners.

Making Mako melt was a difficult task since she easily was turned on and pleased by her master but truly getting her to melt under him took more from him which he delivered in more of a loving partner than her master, soft moan escaping the young mistress. His attention and affections having her turn to butter under him, her mind going back and forth of this moment with him and how much he has given her. Her hands ran over his back, clawing gently at his skin while she would squirm and mewl under him "thank you, master, so much" whispering him.
As they enjoyed their time together, the limited time allowed for her special treatment would soon be up. However Mako would feel how her master was inching ever closer to giving her that final load into her depths. or if the playful mare wanted, she could change things up on him last moment. However none if it mattered at the moment. for this session, was not for her master's pleasure, but her own. as he wanted to ensure his cute little cuddle partner was able to melt, and rest with a smile on her face in this soft fluffy bed. As he planed to give her all she needed and then some to sate his unique, and stubborn yet loving playmate.

"My cute little mako, I will always make sure to take good care of those that are mine. so make sure you keep up the good work, and keep up with your own health as well. after all their will be many more babies in the future which will need there nana to help them grow safely. " saying this, and playing with her. knowing how she was his ideal care giver for the younger foals, however soon she would be rewarded with one to call her own, despite how it's natural mother was a different female all together.

the show would go on now. as the called in specimens came in, showing off their actions, behavior, and well being. pulling a pair of medical grade Nylon gloves from her pocket, the maiden would prep to begin the examination. looking to sally for permission before touching any of them. as she would check out the younger ones first, as they would be the most costly.

As this was going on, the older gentleman would look to sally. as he smiled, before pulling out a small yellow sheet of paper. placing it face down, and sliding it to her.
his boss had made an astronomical offer for one session with Sally, one session for her to breed with his star, winning stud, and give a golden child. However this paper could be seen as an insult, as every one knew Sally, and mako were
off limits. yet the numbers would make most people bend to such rules, or limitations in a heart beat. however unlike these who did business with her master, the man was not really in this for the money, but more so for his own enjoyment and hobbies, but making a living off of it. this would not be the first time such an offer was made, but the sheer amount offer would make one think the owner was ether desperate, or so rich, they didn't have a proper handle on reality.

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