Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Hearing such a reminder she was to be nana was all foals from 13, unaware of her new name as her master made her smile that would last life times "oh master!" moaning out to him with pure glee. Flipping them so she was on top, not allowing a moment as she plunged his cock deep into her depths, she let out a loud moan beginning to bounce in his lap with her legs folded on either side of him allowing her to go as fast and rough as possible. "Cum for me, cum in me, master" begging of him in soft mewls.

Once the mare and foals arrived Sally focused more attention onto them as the woman approached to examine them, Sally dipping her head with permission for her to continue on with physical touch. These mares were highly trained professionals so Sally held no concerned though the foals may act a tad naughty. She flicks her ear back hearing a paper slide upon the table by a fool of a man offering quite the sum for Sally to breed with his star stud. Not offering even a reaction she takes up the radio calling in master for a red code violation meaning someone was attempting to lease breeding or purchase Sally or Mako. Setting the radio down she returned attention to the woman examining possible stock while beauty had wandered off again, copying where the woman vet was touching the mares so basically feeling herself up in front of everyone.
Now with Mako riding him for her pleasuring end, The radio would soon buzz alive. as Sally reported the code.
Taking a moment, his soft yet rough and firm hands took hold of Mako's hips. as he looked into her eyes before speaking.
"I am truly sorry to cut your reward short my lovely Mako, but it's a code red. I will make this up for you tonight, Tell you what. tonight when we go for bed.
I shall be your personal toy for an Hour instead before we call it a night. But I must take care of this. If you want to stay at my side and come along your welcome to. Other wise, stay in the room until were done. "

as he spoke in a gentle, yet very firm, and serious tone. it would be quiet the ordeal with a code red, as The wicked side of her master always came out when ever some one tried to manipulate a deal
or force a situation to take Sally, or mako from him, even if only for an hour or night. these two mares were his and his alone. However under Mako, she was still in control at this moment in time, thus she could
finish up before he left the room, or she could allow him to leave, and take up the offer for the late night session.

As each examination went through, the females were all marked as top grade breeders, and potential keepers. However the young foals, these were the ones which gave the professional examination
a bit more issues. as they turned it into their own kinky little fun, giggling, and making a show of their playful nature. however they did not do anything threatening or even fear the touch.
which would show they were well raised, and handled often, yet still clean for their first use, or full training for race. Yet now Sally would see two more papers being prepped, one as a double offer for an hour
of use with her body, and the last one a picture of a prior purchase, which was from the same family of Foals as Mako, but in a condition, as if gonna say he did this, as the master did own the runt of this group, which Sally knew
the horrors which came with Mako, when she was first purchased by the master. despite having no qualities an owner would want, yet he saw something in the runt, and damaged girl which ended up making a sister for Sally, a unique one, which could never truly be replaced, if she realized it or not.

as this was going on, two of the foals, would move to join Beauty, as they wanted to make a bit of a show with their new playmate. unaware that beauty was a private maiden like sally and mako. but their touches, and playful nature coming out would not be a major issue, as long as the customers didn't touch Beauty.
His hands taking hold of her hips caused a pause when she noticed the radio, her ears lowering back to know it must have been important for Sally to buzz Master before he has even arrived to the meeting. She meets his gaze with a pout on her lips and feeling quite unstated but his promise of having him for an hour tonight was heart lifting. Slowly she lifts herself off his cock, sliding out of his lap "We are valuable maidens to you Master, I understand the situation" she spoke with a soft smile. Having been speaking with Sally the damaged mare did want Master to take Sally out since she finally may be leaning toward having him at last breed her or have and enjoyable time in her depths. Mako settled herself into the bed not daring to go near that meeting if a fool was already causing trouble, no reason to cause master to even more on edge.

Sally smiles hearing the vet agree of the stock before her being top grade and potential keepers if the price was right but was distracted by more papers being shoved her way. They did signal her attention mostly spotting the picture which reveal a nasty glare from the mare toward the man daring to make such lengths just to get with her cause a scoff. Luckily she had already warned Master, she should be down here shortly as Beauty was beginning to draw attention now playing with the silly foals.

A customer held the audacity to make his way toward the three while Sally was distracted by the fool. Sliding on white medical gloves he snatched the reins of Beauty's bridle to yank her closer which cause her to yelp in surprise and slight pain. Eyes widening she stares toward the man as his hand glided up her shirt to feel up her breasts making her squirm "Let me go!"
Getting up, and granting Mako a deep, and passionate kiss before leaving. The maiden would see her master leaving with out bothering to put anything on, but instead pulling his blood stained sickle off the wall mount. as he carried it in his hand. moving with purpose. knowing well his small stature normally did not bother any one, however seeing an angry man, rushing to a public meeting in the nude, and with a weapon. it would show just how serious he was about his private girls, unaware of what he would be walking into, or the fact an idiot was trying to help himself to the mare which carried this man's personal seed, and the soon to be child for his Mako.

as the one idiot began to make his move upon Beauty, treating her like some product, where the other girls were. it would be cut short, even before Sally could say anything, a voice would boom into the room.

"Let go of my mare, she is one of my private girls, if you do not back off, I will take your arms off, and send them in a box to your owner, and let my stallions use your body as a squirming fuck hole. " as he spoke in such a terrifying rage. The short, yet intimidating man entered the room. as he looked to sally, before speaking up.

"You alright Sally?, can you keep our girl next to you, while I deal with this customer. " as he spoke, the man had rushed down, still in the nude, and more so brandishing a nasty hand sickle, which had rusted blood on it. showing he meant business, and he had been interrupted.

seeing this the one maiden who had been examining the foals, and maidens would back off, but she was safe, having not crossed any lines, while one of her competitors had made a worse mistake, then the one with the papers, having moved to touch Beauty with out permission.
The booming voice indeed caused everyone to freeze looking toward master in the nude with his weapon in hand, his attention more on Beauty than the original red coded radio while spending his time with dear Mako. Of course Sally was quick to her feet to snatch beauty back into her grasp, looking her over to ensure the man did not stick her with anything or had any drugs laced on his gloves "you okay?" asking her softly, touching her forehead for a fever. Beauty at first thought that guy was being handsy but seeing how spooked Sally was revealed that this was serious business plus she may have gotten Sally in trouble for not keeping a closer eye on her.

"I...I...I did not know she was one of your mares...I mean Sa-sally is one and Mako but..." the man put his hands up remaining frozen in his spot. "She is new, besides you know the rule here!" Sally snapped, holding Beauty close to her encase she needed to shield her if master went on a spree.
Walking up to the man with a violent, and aggressive, yet terrifying look. one which Sally knew well, as it only came out in the past when ever any one tried any thing on Mako or sally herself. this would also show that this new mare had indeed been taken to the same level of protective desire as Sally herself was, and mako.

"You, over their, your business is with my girls, so take the foals, and mares with you, the three of you can go into the next room. me, and the men have some personal business to discuss. "
as he said this brandishing the blade. This was a warning for Sally to get the girls out of the room before the show began, However this would also give her a means or reason to reassure Beauty of her value, and importance now.
as he only ever got like this normally for Sally, and mako. More then that, once the papers were seen, which remained on the table, the second man would not be leaving in one piece, let alone the one he now hand pressed against the wall.
Seeing this reaction had not revealed itself in sometime, Master had accepted Beauty as one of his private girls, unknown it if was for Mako's sake, or his childs, or he had taken a liking to her but she was protected by him. Sally was quick to direct others where they could go, showing the woman vet and her potential purchases to the arena while awaiting customers would join in the tack room. When the first fool attempted to leave she snatched his wrist, slamming his arm down on the table "Oh no, you stay here, Master has a few things to discuss with you" letting him go to focus on beauty who was a wreck.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry, I...I thought I was safe on this side of the table and the foals were just playing and he came out of no where" trying to explain to Sally who simply hugged her knowing for a mare under Master had experiences such as this. "You are safe, Master is handling it, he did nothing wrong but we need to rinse you off and get you new clothes encase he laced his gloves" explaining to her as they rush out of the room. In the washing stall Beauty was stripped out of her outfit and hosed off with hot water and soap, given a towel to dry off and wear for the time being as they wait for new clothes.
As the one maiden was working with the mares, and foals, still, however the sound of the men in the other room screaming and begging could soon be heard. as it would be frightening in deed. However as the master came out. he would be wearing the clothing of the one man which had the papers that sally saw. as he now had a few packages to be sent back to the owner's of the two businesses which those two worked for, and on each now red, and dripping box's. a note, and even two checks, as well as a contact number for the head of the police, and the head judge as well. covering his ass, and actions.

entering the room where the rest were, now dressed except for boots. sitting down as he kicked his bare feet up onto the table.
" Well then, Shall we continue our business, and take care of today's matters. " as he spoke getting right down to it, the rest of his customers would know now that the master was in a rare, and dangerous mood. thus
they would need to be right to the point, and give offers which would show how serious they were, or be turned down and forced out almost instantly.
Beauty was still in pure panic attack mode as she got dressed in a T-shirt of masters in hopes to reassure her but was still a blubbering mess while Sally sealed the deal with the woman vet. By the end of all meetings they ranged in the doubles of their usual take home of these deals. Sally was unable to deal with Beauty for most of the time, sitting her down with a wordsearch booklet and a tissue box all while the cleaning crew was in the main hall making it look spotless once more. Seeing everyone off Sally closed and locked the front doors looking over to Beauty who had a red face stained with tears bring a broke from the mare as she approached "You did nothing wrong, ya hear, master was protecting you from that man who broke our rules. You are a special mare and no one is to touch you" petting her head and wiping away her tears. But seemed Sally's words did little to convince the filly, still having so much to experience and learn. "Master" Sally would call out wondering where he may have wandered off too.
As everything was finally finished on his end, the remaining issues taken care off. the man would return to where sally, and beauty were. dressed in nice pants, and shirt. but comically messy hair, and his bare feet. as he would come into the room, with a gentle look on his face.

"So, how is our new partner, and mate? did they hurt her at all?" asking this in a gentle and caring tone. he would begin to approach Sally, and Beauty. his arms opened to the girls,
not expecting, but hoping his new mare would come to him, much like the other two. expecting her to shrink away still, but hoping she would allow him to hold her, while Sally on the other hand would be able to determine
if it would be best for them to take Beauty with them, on the night out, which was meant purely for Sally, or if it was better for Beauty to be left in the playfully Gentle mako's care.
Seeing his appearance did draw a smile upon Sally finding her master's comical attire a fresh breathe compared to todays events thus far. She steps up to him letting beauty choose whether to run to him or remain sitting on the floor. "Still shaken up, I bathed her and got her no clothes for precautious reasons" informing him of the steps taken to ensure Beauty was kept in good healthy and safety. Sally would turn toward Beauty motioning for her to stand which she did slowly, approaching the pair that fire in her still lit but dimmed by what she witnessed and experienced by a stranger then everything afterwards. She was reluctant when seeing his open arms but fell against his chest feeling the weight of the day leave her in an instant "Why were you so mad?" asking him quietly
"No one is allowed to hurt those I hold dear, You might be new to us, but your mine, you are part of my family. You, Sally, and Mako. I will never let any one touch or hurt any of you. no matter the cost. please understand, the reason you became ours might not be of your own choosing. but now you are part of my precious family. Just for you, like with sally and mako. I will give the honor of knowing my true name. Victor De Berith, however I am known only as the master for obvious reason. So take it as you will my cute little beauty. " as he spoke gently holding her, and telling Beauty his name, which so far, only Mako, and Sally knew, but master was more of a respectful title for them to use, while none of the other mares, stallions or foals knew his name. only knew him as the master.

Once he told her this, his one hand moved to gently take hold of Beauty's face, rubbing her tears away, before kissing her gently, and deeply.
once this kiss broke, he would look to Sally, and ask what she thought would be best action for their new girl this night. as Sally knew best from being their, and more then that, after her suggestion he would ask Beauty if she wanted this, or what she would prefer for the night. as it could but into the private date planned for sally, however if that happened she knew her master would make up for it, with a better reward later, as he did for her in the past, and what he did for Mako earlier, which Sally would learn about soon enough.
Tilting her head up by his hand she blinks up to Victor finding his name sounding so important making her wonder why he only went by master but clearly time would earn her that knowledge. Her eyes widened by his deep yet gentle kiss having taken her off guard along with her breath. Panting for a few seconds after she glances between Sally and Master curious of their plans for her as it was clear she must have a babysitter until she could be trusted to not leave or run away. "Mako will settle her" reassuring master that Beauty would be in good hands "but...I feel we should ensure they stay up in the loft, keep door locks for safety reasons" adding on as for no break ins occur.
"Very well, oh before we do that, Beauty I should warn you, Mako is very hands on, and loves cuddling. so do be prepared to be pampered and abused at the same time. "
chuckling as he said this painting a comical image for both him and sally, but a confusing one for Beauty, who had only seen the lewd side of this slutty lover. however did not know of her motherly, and
playful side, which was what made her the perfect nanny for all these well behaved, yet experienced, while innocent foals. due to her mental training, thus prepping their minds, while keeping their bodies pure so
to speak, until it was time.

Moving to suddenly scoop Yim, no his beauty up, one arm under her knees, the other behind the smaller elegant mare, as he would carry her like this. having sally get the doors for them.
"Well then, While I take care of beauty, and mako for the night, do you want to get yourself ready for our night on the town my cute little Sally?
An confused expression met Victor by his warning her of Mako's strange ways, already she has seen part of the naughty bits, she can see feel the mare's tongue down her throat which made her shiver by the mere thoughts. Brought back to reality of Victor lifting her into his arms which surprise Sally but was heart warming Master was getting comfortable with Beauty already. She strides ahead to open the doors up to the loft "Yes, I will meet you here" answering him with a grin as she had plans for tonight.

Mako heard master coming up the stairs, scrambling to her feet to greet him at the doors "Oh, 13 as well?" she squeals with grand excitement of such a surprise, unaware of her new name as of yet nor day she had. "Ah you have your date tonight meaning I watch her" nodding her head to the arrangements that made last night before bedtime.
Moving to gently lay Beauty onto the bed, The master would gently run his hand along her from. to stop with a gentle pat on Yim's head. before turning to give Mako a deep kiss. as he broke he would speak up.
"I expect you to take very good care of our new playmate and family member. As a well earned reward her new name is Beauty. Remember Mako I expect you to take good care of her, and do be gentle, If you do to much,
then You might be punished later. " saying this in a playful tone. the wicked man had full trust, and faith in her to do such a task with ease. as he looked to beauty and winked at her.

"Now I expect you two, to get along, and I want to hear about your bonding when I get back. " saying this, Victor would soon begin to leave, unless one of the girls stopped him before the master left the room. as he was going to and take Sally out for her date night. another rare, but well earned reward for one of his now elite girls, as their numbers increased by one, and he seemed to be happy with this. unaware if little Yim could truly be accepting of this, however progress was now made with her, after tonight's ordeal, and he moved to care for her so quickly.
Skipping after master as he settled dear Beauty into the bed ensuring both mares were instructed of what was expected while he out. Of course Mako received quite the kiss from him on his way out drawing curiosity out of dear Beauty as she sat up in the bed watching him leave, glancing around the room a moment. Mako hops onto the bed with her "this is your home now, you sleep here and reside here when master needs you out of sight. Like I stay here when we have visitors or meetings for my safety which I gather may happen for you, just a little bit until it is known you belong to master only" reassuring Beauty of her new status. What followed let her to be unable to think on her new life as Mako pinned her down with her ear pressed to her stomach "Awe, no heart beat yet" whining with a small pout "But a few days or weeks and we can see more, hear and feel, so exciting, right!?" lifting her head to Beauty who was in shock. The young filly scrambles away from Mako "I am not sure about that" admitting quietly "Did not expect to be a mom so early" she spoke which triggered Mako in turn. "I am the mom!" shouting loud enough to make Beauty jump " are fertile and have foals, I raise them" making that clear.

Downstairs Sally had gotten dressed in a tight fitting black dress awaiting Master to take her out on a rare adventure, a well earned reward for her.
Coming down to finally greet the well dressed, and elegant looking mare. Sally would find her master moving to open the door, and motion, almost like a butler or waiter to escort the well defined maiden out of the building.

now leaving Mako, and Beauty to their own devices. Victory would take the time to ensure this was a night out, for Sally to enjoy and remember. as he would speak up, walk walking with her out tours the main parking area first.
"Do you feel like a ride? a carriage? or perhaps a nice long walk out to our destination? besides would we want to go out and enjoy ourselves, then eat and come back? or start the night off with a meal, then have our fun?"
asking this, as the night would be all up to Sally, as it was her master's treat.
Walking out with him drew a smile by all the suggestions he spoke "I was thinking we take a ride in that fancy car of yours to my favorite restaurant, then I help you break in that back seat mm?" humming with a smirk. She looks over to her master hoping to see some sort of lusty reaction.

Beauty was taken back by Mako shouting at her but can understand her status, she was elite to the stable but below Mako and Sally, that was clear. "Can I take a proper bath?" asking Mako to change topics and also distract her in some form. Mako was fuming but the question calmed her, that sweet smile returning "Oh yes! A massage too!" adding as she lead into the large bath tub they all could fit in with easy. Drawing the warm bath, adding flowers and bubbles along with lighting a few candles.
Hearing this would catch Victor off guard, as the biggest shit eating grin one could ever hope to see crept across her masters face. before he would respond with a question of his own.
"well then, if that is the case, perhaps after we eat, stopping by a bed and bath to get a nice silken sheet? or fluffy velvet quilt, for us to make it more comfortable, unless my cute little boss wants to
feel the rough leather against that soft elegant back side. " as he said this with a wicked tone, It was more then obvious that hearing this more then just excited the lustful side of her master.
more so Sally would know almost instantly, if she did not back out of this, then her master would ruin her in one go, however it was on her own terms, so how bad could it be? would she allow him to try and knock her up,
or would Sally restrict her master to the back door only.
Always thinking of her being comfortable, such a charming man he was indeed plus that grin on his face was such a turn on she rather do him now but best to make each other wait until they fuel up their energy first. She approaches the passenger side of the car "I would rather my foal be conceived on a velvet soft quilt than hard leather seats" she spoke with a wink as she steps into the vehicle.
"Well then, let us have a meal to remember, then only the best for my woman. " as he said this getting the door for Sally, closing it once the mare was in the car.
as he moved around to drive, taking her to the restaurant she wanted to go to. However as they drove their, he would speak up, his one hand moving to gently run along her thigh.

"So I have to ask, what made you feel it is finally time? as you know, I am gonna make sure you feel every thing for days to come my love. "
as he said this, the wicked man would motion for Sally to pop open the glove box. as in their, a small box which held a charm just for sally. one which was kept hidden from her, until
the time came where she decided that she was ready to be bred. A playfully wicked, yet alluring attitude was their for her to enjoy, a side of her master that not even Mako knew.

( feel free to make our special one of a kind gift for sally, what ever kind of item or edible you want it to be wink wink. )
Buckling up she settles into her seat as he began to drove their route, smiling over to him as his hand rubs along her thigh. She reaches her hand over his before leaning forward to open the glove box finding a diamond ring along with a treat that will kick in once dinner is over "Oh master" she gasps slipping on the ring and popping the treat into her mouth. "mm so sweet!" moving to hug his arm tightly in thanks for his little gifts for the beginning of their night.
"This is a very special night, so we better make it as magical as possible no?"
as he said this playfully, the vehicle would be moving quickly in an oddly smooth ride, despite how bumpy the road should be.
it would not be long before the duo arrived at the front of the restaurant, as a gentleman would be out front to take and park the car. a
local valae, which give a strange look to sally. as it was rare, and more so looked down upon for a human to be with a mare, or an anthro of any kind in such an outfit like this.
however if it did not bother Sally, the Victor would ignore it to treat her out. other wise they could choose another place of business to go to, or he could buy out the entire restaurant for the
night, depending on how sally would react to the way others would look and whisper at the duo.
Giggling in response she did agree with him, he had been waiting a long time resulting in him having time with Mako more which Sally found herself beginning to envy so she knew it was time. Arriving to the restaurant she gets out of the car quick to glare down the boy taking Victors keys "Do your job" ordering him as she took her master's hand. She walked with him inside where eyes did pause to look her over as she instructed the hostess to get them an secluded booth in the back, not allowing them time to think of who or what she was, she was a business woman and would be treated as such.
as everything was taken care of and set up as requested. Victor would look to sally whistling at her personality out burst, and display. as he leaned in nibbling on her hear, as he would whisper.
"seeing you so dominant is always such a turn on, I might not be able to behave during our meal with such a beauty before me. "
teasing her a bit himself, however it would not be long before the duo was led to the most private table in the back of the restaurant, and right next to the kitchen entrance. meaning they would be able
to get served by the cook himself. as no expense would be spared for this night out with sally.
Blushing by his whistle she realized he rarely saw this side of her since he knew it was there and had her conduct business with his clients and customers leaving him with the dirty bits to handle. Giggling in reaction to his words "oh you naughty man" brushing his shoulder as they were lead to their table right by the kitchen. She was quick to order some wine and salad while glancing over the menu "you know me, I do not accept I am below other humans when I am respected by my Master" she reminds him.
"Oh but tonight which of us will be, the one below I wonder hmm?"
saying this in a playfully devious tone. as the order was made for the meal, and salads. as well as drinks. the wicked looking waiter would see to grimace
as he took the order only to head into the back to the kitchen, and give the order for their meal.

it was unknown if things would turn out ugly or not, as the cook might be told an animal slut was being served like a person. which normally would not be allowed,
however select few knew who Sally and her master were, even in the business like this one. thus it would turn into something interesting if they came out to remove said
issue customer to discover it was Victor and Sally. or if they were professional, despite their own distaste for this scene, leaving the mix species love birds alone and properly bring them their
orders, only time would tell.
She eyes him with a soft hum "Me of course, you know I am your bitch in bed" giggling as she sat back to give her order to the waiter as though she was just a normal customer, not caring for his expression nor the rumor exploding through the place. Imagine if they brought Beauty here in her bridal, some of these waiters would have to jerk off in the break room. Sally smiles when their meals were given by the chef himself, he knew Master quite well and would serve them personally to keep any rude employees away. "Any dessert I am prepare while your eat?" he would ask looking between them. Sally was grateful to her service "oh would love a hot fudge sundae" she answers
As the meal went on rather enjoyably, even to the point, the freshest made desert was brought out for sally to enjoy.
The cook himself got left a rather impressive, and enjoyable tip amount. as he would thank the two for their patronage. as the duo took their time
enjoying the meal, and proper services.

"Well then, do we want to enjoy our meals like this, or should I have my cute little assistant sit on her proper seat, nice warm, and ready for some comforting attention while we enjoy our meal."
saying this in a playfully wicked tone. as he would tease sally while feeding her, if the mare took her master up on the offer to sit on his lap for their main meal, and her desert. however this would also allow
sally to tease her stud of a master all the more, or she could keep him at a playful distance, even using her foot to tease his leg if she wanted to playfully make her master even more excited then he obviously was already.

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