General RP One Debt Paid, and Another Debt Made (CoffeAndBlanket)

Az sighs and flops back down, staring at the ceiling. He didn’t have the energy to do anything beyond curl back up and lay there. Though the idea o finding a book was very appealing. . . He sighs and drinks the full glass of water and gets up, slipping silently from the bedroom and wandering around in the hopes of finding a library, and a book that looked interesting.
Dominic went to bed shortly after leaving Az's room. He had pulled off his clothes, sleeping in only his boxers. He had a library downstairs, but the more interesting books were in Dominic's room. He had left his door cracked, but didn't expect anyone to enter.
Az finds the library and looks around, frowning softly. He huffs, crossing his arms and then keeps wandering. He looks around and finds the kitchen, peering in and smiling at the cook who was cleaning and grabs a small apple, biting into it and making a face, but manages to stomach the food. He wanders about longer, frowning and then reaches the man’s room. He hesitates and then knocks softly, hovering in the doorway.
The cook smiles and waves, glad that Az is finally eating. As Az makes his way and knocks on the door, Dominic wakes up and stretches before speaking. "Yes?" He asks. rubbing his eyes as he stretched his arms. "Who is it?" He asks before yawning. He looks over towards the door and sees Az in the doorway. "Yes? Did you need something?" He asked. It was obvious that Az had woken him up, but he wasn't rude about it.
He shrugged, "You're fine, don't worry about it," He said. "I have a bookshelf over in the corner if you want to look through it," He said before running his fingers through his hair. "Take as many as you want, I've read them all," He says with a small smile.
He shrugged a bit, laying back on the bed. "Don't apologize, I know being in that room all day can be boring," He said with a nod. He started to fall back asleep, his eyes slowly closing as he turned on his side away from Az.
Az turns, facing him for a moment. He grey eyes Slide Over his body and then he turns away again, rushing from the room, “Thanks-“ he closes the door and goes back to ‘his’ room. He closes the door behind him and flops onto the bed, quiet for a long moment, trying to organize his thoughts. Did he just check out the guy who had kidnapped him?

Fuck. . . He shakes his head, how messed up was that? He sighs and opens the books and starts reading.
Dominic had no idea that Az had been checking him out, and he continued to sleep soundly. He pulled the blankets up higher and buried his face in his pillow until morning. He got up and pulled on the same sweatpants and t-shirt. He didn't have anything to do today, so he would just lounge around the house.
Az had finished both books by the early hours of the morning and he would say he enjoyed them. He had found some clothes that kinda fit him and changed into them before wandering out. The smell of food from the kitchen made his mouth water, and he was pleased to find his appetite fully returned. He set the books outside the man’s door and follows his nose to the food, already planning on spending half the day making up for lost food.
Dominic opened the door and saw the books on the floor. He grabbed the books and put the books on the shelf before heading downstairs and into the kitchen. He spoke to a few maids before going into the kitchen. He nodded hello to Az, glad that he had finally come downstairs. "Good morning," He says to the chef.
Az huffs, “Food.” He mutters, “I’m only here for the food. I’m starving.”

He watches the cook, silent and waiting for the food to finish so he could fucking eat already. He glanced over at the man and blinks once, his eyes flincking up and down before away again. He stares adamantly at the cook, mute.
Dominic nods a bit, waiting on his food as well. After a moment or so, the cook finished making the plates. Each had eggs, bacon, toast, and a cup of coffee on the side. "I hope you both enjoy it," She says with a kind smile. "Thank you," Dominic says before heading up to his room. He closes the door behind himself, cutting on the TV before he begins to eat the delicious breakfast.
Az watches the man walk away, silent. He then accepts the plate, sighing softly. He smiles in thanks and then walks away, feeling somewhat upset at the fact of being left alone. He sighs and finds a table to eat at and sits down, slowly eating his breakfast. He wondered wat he would do today, if he would spend more time in the room sleeping or reading. He sighs, fidgiting with his fork and staring blankly at he wall. He didn;t want to be alone, and it seemed the man was the only person there was to not feel alone.
After a few minutes, the man came downstairs. He nodded hello to Az, feeling bad that he had left him alone. He steps into the kitchen to pour himself a second cup of coffee. He thinks for a minute before walking over to the table and sitting across from Az. "So how'd you like the books?" He asks as he sips his coffee.
Az blinks once, staring at him and then looking away, “They were interesting. I enjoyed them.” He murmurs, mildly surprised.

He looks back at the stronger, “What’s your name? I can’t just call you ’man’ or ‘stranger’ he says, his tone slightly teasing. He grins slightly and leans back in his seat, finishing the food.
He smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed them. If you ever want to borrow another, feel free to ask," He says with a small smile. He glances up when he asks what his name is. "It's Dominic, and I understand that your name is Azazel?" He asks as he leans back and sips his coffee.
"Oh, well I guess I'll call you Az then," He says before looking around the room. He chuckled a bit, thinking he heard Az moan a bit. "Do you like the food?" He asks, glancing in his direction, and quickly looking him over. This was the first time that he took in his appearance, he was quite handsome. Wait... what? What was he thinking? He just kidnapped this person.
Az blinks once, his gaze flicking up to Dominic. He meets the other man’s gaze for a split second and he swears he feels a blush start to creep to his face. He looks away, clearing his throat and shaking his head slightly. “UIh- Yeah, I- I do. . .” He mumbles.

”Not eating for a whole day is shit on my body, and it’s like heaven when I eat again.” He huffs, shoving another bite into his mouth, and he May have let out another moan, slightly louder than the first one.
Dominic caught himself staring at Az, and quickly looked away as he felt his cheeks warming up. He nodded when Az said he liked the food, “I’m glad,” He said with a small smile before nodding, “Well that makes sense, at least you’re eating now,” He said with a small smile as he sipped his coffee. He chuckled when he heard Az moan again, the food must really be good.
Az feels his face flush more when he hears Dominic chuckle ant the sound of his first moan. He peers at the other man for a moment, watching him drink the coffee, his eyes scanning the other man’s appearance. He was surprised to see him in just the t-shirt and sweats, having thought the man dressed nicer on a regular occurance. Though he supposed people did need a break from the confines of nice clothes.

He swiftly finishes the rest of his plate and leans back closing his eyes for a moment, “It happens occasionally. If I’m overwhelmed or something, I can’t eat for about a day. Sometimes it lasts longer than that, but most times Just a day.” He leans back in his seat, thinking for a moment, “Normally I have quite the appetite, so don’t worry about me not eating. I’m just adjusting.“

He taps his fingers on the table, running his free hand down his face, trying to clear the blush away.
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Dominic was scanning the room as Az looked over Dominic's appearance. He would probably put something nicer on later, but not at the moment. He finished the cup of coffee and set it down on the table as Az began to speak again. He nodded a bit as he spoke, "Well, hopefully, we won't have to worry about that happening often. Nothing overwhelming usually happens here, it's quite boring if I'm honest," He said with a small smile, "I'm glad that you'll be eating more," He said, watching for a minute as Az ran his free hand down his face. He noticed that his cheeks were a bit pink, but didn't say anything about it.
Az smiles slightly, “Hopefully.“ He looks back up at Dominic, quiet for a long moment.

After another moment, he stands up, picking his plate up. “Well. . .” He murmurs, looking Dominic over again before turning away slightly, shaking his head. What the he;; was wrong with him? Checking the man out last night, moaning around him and then checking him out again this morning? He was loosing his damn mind.
He nodded a bit, staring down at his coffee cup when he felt Az's eyes on him. He looked up and caught him looking just before he looked away. Dominic could feel his cheeks warming and turned his head so Az couldn't see. A moment after Az stood up, Dominic did the same. He brought his coffee cup to the kitchen and rinsed it out before sticking it in the dishwasher. He turned to Az, "Feel free to roam around, if you need me I'll either be in my room or my office," He said before nodding good bye and heading up the stairs.
Az nods, washing his plate and putting it into the washer. He turns to Dominic for a moment, looking at the other man, “Okay. . . Well. . .” He shrugs and leans against the counter and then follows after the other man.

“Can I get more books?” One had To wonder how someone who seemed to love reading so much would making failing grades in school. How someone who seemed so curious and well versed about things could fail his classes. Az stays quiet, following after Dominic.
He turned back and nodded, "Sure, take as many as you want!" He said with a small smile as he made his way to his room. He walked around and grabbed the remote to the TV, "I've said this before but take as many as you want, I've read them all," Part of him wanted Az to stay, but the other part thought that was crazy. He wouldn't want to stay with him anyway, he just kidnapped him after all.
Dominic nods, thinking for a second. "I guess you do..." He says, staring down at the floor as he thought. "Well, I do trust that you won't try and escape or anything..." He said. "I could arrange for a guard to be near you at all times, or I could do it myself if I'm not busy," He says, glancing over at Az.

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