General RP One Debt Paid, and Another Debt Made (CoffeAndBlanket)

Az grunt softly when he pulls away and watches him grab the bottle. He sucks on his lower lip, and then shivers at the cool liquid on his ass. “Fuck-. . .” He mumbles, pressing his face back into the pillow. He hears the small thump of the bottle on the bed and then whines at Dominic’s next words, “I want you to fuck me!” He pushes his hips back, trying to get the man’s cock inside him again. He wanted it, needed it. “Please, Dominic~”
He smirked a bit, his hands squeezing his ass as he pushed his hips back. He chuckled a bit before taking his cock and slowly pushing it into his ass, his hands moving to Az's hips as he slid his whole cock into him. He bit his lip, moaning softly as he squeezed his hips gently before slowly beginning to fuck him, thrusting gently at first.
Az groans softly, the feeling of finally having something inside after god knows how long euphoric. But he was determined not be be a quick mark and managed to steady his breathing. He lets out a moan, tipping his head back when he feels the other start to move, the grip on his ass moving to one on his hips.
As Dominic gets used to his tightness, he begins to move back and forth, his thrusts going deep into him. After a second he begins to speed up, his thrusts still hard and strong as he smacks his other ass cheek with his free hand.
Az presses his face back into the pillow, muffling his sounds of pleasure. The rough treatment to his ass felt. . . He didn’t know to explain it, but he knew he loved it. It was something his ex would never do. Always gentle and careful, never wanting to let go of his worries. But now that he had what he’d always wanted, he didn’t want it to stop and Dominic. . .

“Fucckk~” He moans into the pillow, shifting his hips slightly, “Yes~!”
Dominic bit his lip, beginning to speed up, ramming his cock into Az. His hand squeezed and massaged Az's sides as the other smacked his ass occasionally, a red hand print starting to form. "Fuck, Az... You feel amazing," He moaned softly before leaning down and kissing his lower back.
Az moans, his hips moving slightly to the pace Dominic was setting. He relaxed slightly under the other’s hands, panting heavily. “So- you too~” The sting on his ass was a pleasant counter feeling to the pleasure of Dominic moving inside him. He moans, his head tipping back slightly. He shivers feeling Dominic’s lips on his back, looking over his shoulder.
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He moaned softly enjoying this feeling. His eyes stared into Az's as he leaned down and continued to kiss his lower back gently. "Az..." He said softly, both hands moving to his hips. "Do you want me to go harder and faster?" He asks, staying at a steady pace. His hands pulled Az's hips, moaning softly every second or so.
Dominic nodded a bit, grabbing both of his hips as he began thrusting harder and faster into Az. He bit his lip, smacking his ass as he continued. "Fuck..." He moaned as he continued thrusting his whole length into Az. "You feel amazing," He said with a small smile as he moved his hand up Az's waist and back down to his ass.

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