General RP One Debt Paid, and Another Debt Made (CoffeAndBlanket)

He smiles as Az nestles into Dominic. "Well let's get you some food then," He said softly before sitting up and rubbing Az's side gently. "Do you want to come? Or do you want to stay here and have me or the chef bring something up?" He asked.
He nodded a bit before reaching over and grabbing his phone. He texted the chef and asked if she would bring up some sandwiches and water and leave them outside the door. After doing so, he put his phone back before turning over and pulling Az close before pulling the blanket over both of them.
Dominic opens his eyes and looks back at Az, watching as Az turned to face him before looking away. He sat up and looked down at Az. “Depends,” He said softly, his hand still on Az’s side. “Depends if we have feeling for each other, or not,” He said before continuing. “So I’ll ask, do we both have feelings for each other?” He asked, looking down at Az.
“How else would we get him to pay it? Now I realize that he’ll probably never pay it,” He groaned before going silent when he asked who he was. He sat up, “Get dressed, I want to show you something,” He said before getting up and pulling on his clothes.
He nods a bit and walks down to his office before holding open the door for Az. Inside he could see portraits of Dominic's father, and grandfather. Both wore the same black suit. Under the portraits, he could see the names Carlo Martell, and Clyde Martell. Both were well known mafia bosses from the past. "I can assume that you know what I do now?" He asked.
He nods a bit and watches as Az leaves and goes to his room. He waits for a minute before going to his own room. He sees the tray of food that Az had requested and takes it over to Az's room. He sets it down and knocks on the door before going back to his room.

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