General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee nodded, thankful for the yes, thrilled he could wash off everything from yesterday. However, the moment 'uniform' and his own name was used, he paused getting out of the bed. Right... of course, Takahashi would know his name, he had pulled out the contract with his name written right on it. He had access to it, amongst all of Ishida's other information. He slipped out of the bed, moving on from his momentary hesitation. He had to admit Takahashi looked really good, the color definitely distracting from everything else. He did have to wonder if it was on purpose. He didn't linger on any passing thoughts, wanting to jump into the shower before that right could be taken away - not that Taka had any plans to.

"Oh, yes, please!" He called out as he was already in the bathroom, sticking his head out from the doorway. It would feel awkward for this stranger to apply cream to a rather sensitive area, but it wasn't like he hadn't seen him naked before; Lee noticed Ishida usually called Takahashi for these sorts of things. It seemed like they would be seeing each other a lot. Back inside the shower, he spotted similar products from the apartment. Ishida had picked them out~? Or... Takahashi? Another passing thought, a small smile upon his lips.

As promised, Lee was quick in the shower after carefully removing the bandage on his cheek, and washing himself and his hair. He rinsed off and stepped out, grabbing one of those soft towels. Drying himself off, he stepped out of the bathroom, the towel wrapped around his waist.
Takahashi was standing by the bed, the man stepping aside as Lee came out of the bathroom, drying himself. Upon the bed was a long purple and bronze shirt, with a high pinnable collar, and no sleeves. A intricate design was woven into it its front side, the blossom that was the symbol of the Syndicate yet it was dotted with small characters and symbols. Wrapped around that blossom was a coiling bronze serpent. It was odd, the make of it was clearly Chinese, rather than something more traditionally Japanese. Takahashi had also left the ointment tube on the bed, still standing dutifully to the side.
The uniform was a... curious sight. It was just a long, sleeveless shirt? "Ah... Nothing underneath?" He asked softly, uncertain. Lee still had yet to see the symbol that was burned into his skin, unaware that it was looking him right in the face. In any case, it was beautiful. Although... Chinese? Tea Boy was starting to make a lot more sense, Lee initially thought it was about him being from the UK. He spotted the ointment and went to grab the tube.

He quickly realized Takahashi wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. If Ishida had been there, he would have bothered him to help apply it; after all, it was his fault for burning him and causing the branding. Instead, he felt a tad shy asking Takahashi for anything. So, he tried to apply it himself. He opened the tube and got some of the ointment onto his fingers before shifting to reach around and apply it. As he first applied it, it stung, Lee soon realized he wasn't sure if he had gotten it all. "Um... I'd hate to bother you but... did I get it all?" He asked, shyly turning to reveal the mark to the gang member.
Takahashi shifted around slightly, giving a gentle clear of his throat. "No. Let me help." He said stepping up to take the tube from Lee. The gangster put a hand on Lee's shoulder, lightly pushing to lean Lee over the bed. He was being careful...but his hands were perhaps just as firm on him as Ishida's. He poured the ointment of his fingers to rub it over the slaves backside, salving his burn with light circles. "Nothing will be underneath the top, but you will have pants for your lower body is you are worried about... feeling the breeze, yes?"
Lee paused, nodding as he handed to tube to Takahashi. The hand on his shoulder was fine, until he felt familiar pressure, Lee tensing some. His body was starting to learn Ishida, the way he would hold him down and take him, or hurt him. Yet, nothing like that ever came. He was lightly bent over the bed, a hand on his backside, gently rubbing the ointment in better. It stung, Lee wincing at the initial pain, followed by a soft sigh as it began feeling much better.

Ah, fair. He didn't specify that he meant pants, and he was relieved to hear that. A smile grew suddenly, Lee loving the little attempt at English slang. "Mm, yeah. I don't need any wandering eyes or hands." Important figures with yakuza and whoever high up joining Ishida... Yeah, no. He appreciated Ishida's attempt to protect him clothing-wise. He felt a little better about the uniform, though he was still highly curious about the whole thing.

"Thank you, Takahashi." He said when he was finished applying the ointment, he mentally paused: Is it okay to call the other by his name? Ishida wasn't crazy about it, ready to punish him (which... yeah, he didn't mind). But he was unfamiliar with Takahashi. He only felt comfortable with Ishida's hands on him. Not that he was against Taka helping him such as now. Fully dried, he picked up the uniform and held it up, spotting the pants underneath the long shirt. Ah! Okay, so he just missed it under the long shirt. Huh, would the thing even fit him? Everything had been so ready for him... Did someone else wear this?

Another passing thought, one he wanted to quickly move on from, worried about where the previous owner of the uniform was. He began to put the uniform on, finding it fit fine. He felt strange like he wasn't supposed to be wearing it.

"Like this... yes?" He asked as he turned, wanting to make sure the uniform was on properly, having never worn Chinese clothing before. Well, then! What was next?
"Taka will do." He said simply as he let Lee dress, getting underwear and the like naturally. Once he had finished, Taka would gesture to the table. "Here." He said striding over with the slave. "The act is simple." He said as they came up on the table, a purple and bronze motif ti the Tea pot, a high handle with a short spout. "When pouring You mustn't speak nor stare at the guests." He said as he folded his hands at his lap, lowering his head slightly as he approached the side. "Attention is not yours, that belongs to your master in such places." He took two fingers, laying them on the lid of the pot and gently poured a cup. "Your master takes his tea plain at all times, he will expect you to remember the preferences of the guests once they tell you. This is key. If you wish to impress your master, it will not matter how long it has been between meetings, if you do not break to ask again, he will be pleased." Taka said as he set the pot down gently.

"In other situations, his pleasure will be...noticed." He said turning as he reached out and adjusted Lee's collar with his fingers. "Try not to react...too visibly. " He said with a subtle nod downwards. "The pants are loose and the shirt may go to your shins, but it will...tent. and you know your master will only torment it."
"Ah, right! Taka," he repeated with a small smile. Fully dressed, he followed Takahashi over to the table, quietly taking in everything he was telling him. It was a lot; Lee was hopeful he would remember everything. "Huh... Okay, I think I got it." Man... what the hell, Ishida? What was he putting him through? It was bad enough losing everything and having to fully submit to this stranger, but now he would have to please others! It was different, hearing someone else refer to Ishida as his master. He knew it, yet hearing it from another just made it all the more real again. He gently bit his lower lip, his nerves rising.

He was in uniform now, meaning this wasn't just a little test run. Ishida was having a meeting, most likely very soon. Depending on how many guests he had, would he really be able to remember everyone's preferences? He appreciated being told Ishida's preference - it was very fitting for him. "Well, thank you for telling me Ish-- ah, Master's preference." Ah, yeah, he still loved calling him that.

A hand went for his neck and he froze, relieved he wasn't going to choke him. Why would Taka? He had just gotten so used to Ishida... His cheeks flushed at the mention of Ishida's pleasure, his hard-on - during a meeting? Jeez... what a pervert. As the attention was focused on his own possible pleasure, his cheeks darkened more. "R-Right, right..." He said softly, glancing down at the uniform, seeing how the shirt did reach his knees, Lee smoothing the front down, feeling how the material could tent if he got excited himself. Ah, even during a meeting with important people, Ishida would still try something with him.

He gave a nod, incredibly appreciative of Taka's guidance. He couldn't hide a smile; he felt like someone in this place was there for him. "Thank you so much, Taka! So... after serving the tea... where do I go?" Did he leave? Stay to refill any cups? Where would he stand to wait? The many questions popped into his mind, ready to toss them at the other after the next question was answered.
"Depending on the meetings nature you will have opportunities to make yourself scarce. Others you will..ahem...soothe your masters spirits " He said as he tapped the slaves lower lip with his finger. He turned to the table. "But most of the time you will do best to behave like furniture " Taka instructed as he poured his own tea, silently adding in a drop of honey to it. "Now-hm?" He paused as his phone suddenly rang, a soft tune of a shamisen playing making him pull it out. He opened it up to listen for a moment but hung up. "You are needed- urgently. "
Lee gave a slow nod as he took everything in. Ahh, having to pleasure Ishida? Right in front of everyone? He wasn't sure if he could do that. He was surprised at the furniture mention. Like... stay in the background? God, he hoped so! Lee was nervous, afraid of fucking up. This wasn't like a job as a waiter where if he made a mistake almost nothing would happen. But fucking up surrounded by yakuza?! He would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified.

The humor in the very Japanese-sounding ringtone raised his spirits some, only to come crashing down as Taka spoke. "Oh, fuck, come on... Where do I go?" He asked, worried. "...What if I fuck up?" He knew Ishida wouldn't let anyone hurt him. Yet, Ishida himself wasn't afraid of dishing out the. That... he could handle. As long as he kept that in mind, all should go well...!
"Your masters meeting space is beyond the gambling den" Taka said as he picked up his cup downing it before he'd turn to the door. His hand came up and took Lee by the wrist, not quite dragging him along but clearly intent on bringing him quickly. Lee could see now that he was outside in the hall he was near than hall again, the cell block he once was in. His current cage was actually closer to the staff entrance. Was this how he was rewarded? How Ishida organized the good and fun toys he had over the ones that annoyed him? Taka took Lee through the club, in the midst of the clean up efforts again, he was taken through the gambling tables that laid beyond the bar, card tables , that lead to a separate area. A gambling hall that was tucked behind it, it had one game after another, roulette, Dice tables, even slot machines were made available the door on the other end of the room was wide open, Awano on stand by, staring down another equally terrifying looking gangster in a white suit, probably rival muscle.

Taka slowed. "The Tea is already steeped in the room...ah...good luck, his mood is not well at the moment."
Lee was about to ask where the room actually was before his wrist was grabbed. He was led out of the room, Lee seeing it was near the cell he had first woken up in yesterday. The walkthrough to the room was much like the previous day. He spotted a few familiar faces, though he kept to himself, not acknowledging anyone. He kept focused on where they were headed, this way he knew for the future. If he had a future after this, anyway! He was afraid of something happening, one wrong move or one angry gangster and it was all over for them.

He swallowed dryly as they arrived, Awano having a stare down with a scary looking gangster. Ishida wasn't happy? He nodded, quietly thanking Taka for everything before he stepped inside. Inside, he was quick to find where the tea station was, knowing that was his only job, besides staying in the background. He wasn't sure if he should keep quiet or greet Ishida, deciding to stick with the former - other than giving him a slight nod. Glancing around the table he wasn't sure if he should serve everyone now or wait for more to arrive, if there was anyone else coming.
Upon entry, the Tea station was in plain sight on a table at the head of the room where Ishida was to sit. Ishida was off standing with another man, the two speaking lowly for the moment. There were 5 other seats, but the other guests seemed not ti be there yet. Ishida stepped back and pulled put his chair out to sit, pinching his nose...then seemed to spit his Tea Boy standing by. His once frustrated look changing slightly, leering all over the male in uniform. "Tea Boy. I'm glad the uniform works." He noted as the other gangster sat down, a fat man with wavy hair, a white pin stripe suit, and sunglasses. "This is Oda, an associate of mine."
As no one was seated at the head of the table where his station was, he had to wonder who was supposed to sit there. It was the end of the table so he could only presume Ishida was meant to be there. Spotting the empty seats, he decided to wait. As an Englishman, he knew a thing or two about tea. Being into Anime, he dabbled in Japanese teas. He wasn't sure which this one was, though it seemed ready to go. He just wasn't sure when he was supposed to.

As Ishida came to sit in the chair, Lee was quite relieved he would be close. That feeling was short-lived, Ishida suddenly spitting in his direction. He did not remark, keeping himself still by his station. Tea Boy. It felt a little different knowing this was his role - just during meetings? Since the meeting hadn't begun yet, he thought it was fine to acknowledge the other, Lee bowing gently with a small smile. "Pleasure to meet you." Sounded formal enough...! "Would you like me to serve now?" He kept his voice soft as he asked Ishida, hoping the question was fine, figuring those that were already here should be served. There were so many rules and expectations he wasn't aware of, he felt so lost.
Ishida gave a half nod at the slaves question. "You may." He said simply. His face was hard to read,, crossed between to clwar sensations. Things were getting chilly quick. Oda grunted as he took out a cigar and a clipper, slicing one end. "You got a new whipping boy hm?" The man said as he chomped on the butt of the smoke. A match raised, struck on the edge of the table to light it. "We're not here to discuss drinking teas. In fact we are short by five chairs-"

"Eeeeh! You're too quick with the time, it's a big city, here from the docks or airport!" ⁴ Oda waved off, puffing hus cigar while Lee began to work. "Not everything is a plot from the home office, even with your...status"
Lee felt better knowing what he was doing. As his master gave the okay, he recalled how Takahashi held the tea pot. He made sure everyone had a cup and carefully poured it, two fingers holding the top - exactly as Takahashi had done. He went around the table, ensuring his master was served first before going around. If anyone wanted any specific preferences, he tried to remember them as he went and got them.

Eventually, everyone that was there was served, Lee ensuring he didn’t once look at anyone. He would chance a glance here and there, mainly toward Ishida as he hoped he was doing the right thing. He didn’t want to be too obvious. If everything was fine, Lee returned to his station.
As Lee approached Oda, he puffed his cigar, his entire vibe giving off an air of sleaze. His posture was laid back, his eyes picking up anything they could aa I'd to estimate their worth. His cologne was thick and earthy, clinging o the insides od Lee's nostrils like tar. "3 sugars-" he grunted through the cigar butt. The two men exchanged looks again, but before the argument could continue, Awano tapped the door frame, drawing the eyes on him...4 men came in next, only one Lee would actually stand a chance at recognizing. A black American in a business suit, older, with dark brown hair, salted with gray, wrinkles that creased his cheeks with smile lines. The Mayor was in on this? He was easily the underdressed man in the room, with the gangsters opting for every flamboyant suits, Purple, Stark blues, one even in a leopard print style. All but one chair was filled now, but that only seemed to make Ishida silently seeth more. He rose up all the same. "Agawa, Gen, Hiroshi. " He remarked to acknowledge them, the three bowing to him and he bowed in return. Lee's Master eyed the mayor, who sat down to his right. "Mayor Kreel." He added. "Welcome"
Lee felt quite uneasy around this Oda guy. Ooh, if he was in a bar serving the other he'd toss his drink right in his face. He held back, obviously needing to behave else... Oof. Really, really, bad things could happen. He stunk, too, the scent nearly choking him. He tried to breathe through his mouth, just until he moved on to the next person, giving Oda his three sugars. Hearing the tap at the door, he looked up just like everyone else, four others joining them. He almost resumed his little job before looking up again. The mayor?! What the fuck, Ishida?

The thought crossed his mind before he quickly went to serve them, letting them take their seats and joining them before listening to their requests. He fulfilled them, Lee trying to somehow match the preference with some memorable identifier on the other. He ended on the mayor, filling his cup before waiting on his preference.
The mayor didn't look at Lee while he poured the tea, but while he paused to take his preference, he cleared his throat. "Cream." He said as he glanced at the black tea that was poured. It wasn't special, but then again this meeting seemed to be quite thrown together. Ishida waited for Lee to finish pouring. The master sat down after his other guests did. "Sang isn't here. But I've got no reason to wait any longer." He said as he sipped his tea. "I've gathered this meeting for a reason, drawing upon all of my dear allies, to lay hands upon a new venture in town." He said. The Mayor grabbed his drink nearly instantly, sipping it as Ishida made a look at him. Ishida laid his hand on the table. "I want to propose the creation of a of a mutually beneficial opportunity for all of us in this room-"

Oda snorted.

"You said that before." the man in the leopard suit, Hiroshi said, cutting Ishida off. "It's why you are in America now. Opportunities for you, are risk for us." He added as he tapped his cheek with a thumb. "You think we want to look like you?"
Lee felt better as no one paid mind to him, it made it easier for him to focus on what he had to do and get the hell out of view. He poured some cream into the mayor's tea before he disappeared, further behind Ishida at his station. He supposed he would just wait there until someone needed a refill.

The meeting began and Lee kept as quiet and still as he could, hands folded in front of him. He knew just about nothing of Ishida's gang, much less about what anything they spoke of meant. His master was interrupted, one speaking of why Ishida was in America. Lee had been curious about that; Ishida had gotten out of explaining anything to him earlier on. Would any of this be considered eavesdropping? He did have to be in the room, yet listening on the other hand...

He couldn't help it. He loved gossip. Of course, this went way beyond gossip. It was a world he knew little about.
Ishida scowled at Hiroshi, the scar on his face contorting his guise. "Rich Hiroshi, im sure your soft hands won't get scuffed in this deal. The operation isn't a danger...for us. Its even closer to legitimate money, a good place to wash our other ventures." He countered, slapping the table. "What-is this deal?" The Mayor piped up against the tension, trying to dig deeper into the prospect. "Money talks- ahem so let's speak to it?"

Ishida smoothed his hands over the table. "Hm. Yes yes- if my voice isn't enough...I want to oversee the creation of a bigger den. A Casino, right here in the heart of our wonderful city. Not just a small time strip, I want to craft our own Vegas."
Ishida's eyes flickered around the table, Oda shifting around. "You hearing this shit Agawa? Sounds familiar." He grunted as he tapped his cigar s ashes on the table. "Big ass dream, big speech. Only thing missing is the gang War. And where are we gonna stick your Vegas? In your patch of druggies abd debt slaves? They don't got the dollars for it. It ain't going on my routes, and it ain't gonna land anywhere near the corporate side of the city." Oda said as he paused to drunk his overlysweetened tea.

"Sangs territory is perfect. I'm sure if he was with us, he'd agree." Ishida said as he rolled out a map on the table. He jabbed a finger. "By the water, good view, decent tourism, and we'll get more movement seasonally." Ishida said. The table murmured more, but Hiroshi raised a hand. "Hang on- Sang fucking hates you, why are you running him a damn casino?" He interjected. "After your little gift exhange"

Ishida sat back down. "We worked it out for good" He said folding his arms. "He won't complain." The door thumped, Ishida looking over at it. "Fu-...Tea Boy. Get the door. It's Sang."
Lee felt pretty indifferent to whatever big plan Ishida had in mind. However, if asked, he was certain he would have to default to loving his idea. He shifted in place where he stood, interested in the back and forth. Until there was a knock on the door and Ishida had him answer it. He wasted no time, figuring any hesitation wouldn't bode well for him. He quietly walked over to the door, wondering where Awano was, and he opened it. Looking up at the other, he glanced back down, unsure if he could make any eye contact with those joining them. He just moved out of the way, allowing him to enter.
As Lee stepped aside he saw Awano standing by the door still, the enforcer in the midst of a 6 way standoff with the other security of the gang members...and the Mayors.. but he saw a woman stepping by him, shuffling through, clutching her side. The distinct scent of blood was on her. Another glance told Lee, more, shards of glass in her back and shoulder blade. Weeping blood from her shirt. "Ishida- " she panted out. 'It's Sang-" she huffed out, the table paralyzed with her arrival. Definitely not Sang. "He- His car- it- Sang's Dead!" She stammered out.
A woman appeared at the door, definitely not the male they were expecting. He stepped back, shocked when he noted the hand clutching her bloodied side and the glass scattered through her back and shoulders, followed by the standoff just outside the room. "Holy shit," he gasped quietly, uncertain how to help. He looked back toward Ishida, everyone's eyes on him. This very thing was the big reminder of just how serious things could become being with Ishida. Someone they knew was dead. And by the looks of the woman, there was about to be another one.
Awano stood between the security and the door, the leaders looking to Ishida, who was stone-faced. The gangster picked up his teacup as all eyes fell to him. His decision was swift, the only signal of hesitation that Lee could see was as he looked to map. "I told you. We worked everything out for good. " He said as he finished his drink and slammed the cup down. "His grasp on the lots in the East just were perfect...he just wouldn't play ball." He said as he looked around the table slowly, his face cracking into that malicious grin, the shock, the fear they warmed him up to the idea. "I should have done it sooner." He said as he started to pace the room.

"I have the plan, the land, and you have the money, the Mayor has the rights. You have such a golden opportunity." He pushed as Agawa stood up. "You betrayed one of us-why should we trust you, a third time now-" Agawa snapped out. But Ishida gestured to the woman, barely able to stand. "you join, or I take you out of the deal...Sang's shares are now ours, 4 ways. We all benefit. We can even run the area as a council."Ishida said, the other leader thinking...Oda stumped hos cigar out. Hiroshi raised his empty cup. "Tea Boy." the younger gangster said. "Pour me a drink, shit got interesting"
Shit definitely got interesting. Lee was surprised, though knowing who these people were, it really shouldn't have gotten to him. Still, he was brand new to everything. He kept his eyes on Ishida, watching him carefully - the only one he knew to really watch for. Did Ishida know? He knew something, he had to. It all seemed too perfect. It was clear Ishida would do whatever he had to to get his way. His owner stood, pacing, seemingly having everything under control. In the end, everything worked out for Ishida.

A third time? The words repeated in his mind, his eyes falling on the struggling woman as Ishida gestured to her. His focus returned to his owner before one of the men called out to him. Lee was half alert, hearing the familiar title but it said from a different voice. He blinked, giving a nod and he moved across the room, back to his station. Whatever the hell was happening, he knew to only do his job, unless Ishida had other plans for him. So far he didn't seem to need him, though his cup was empty... Bringing the teapot over, he poured Hiroshi's cup, giving him whatever else he wanted, before moving to Ishida's discarded cup on the table to fill it.
As things seemed ti be turning about fir Ishida, he let Lee fill his cup, his eyes on the woman who was looking at him with only confusion and horror. "Awano." He said raising his head slightly as the enforcer stepped in silently, not even needing the order, he grabbed the injured woman and started to pull her out. "You bastard- you killed him- just fir this-" she tried ti fight, to gather the last word, but barely had the strength to stand, much less fight back. The doors shut again locking them off from the world. Ishida put a hand on Lee's shoulder while he poured , gently brushing him back once he had filled the cup. He raised the drink. "If you wish to get rich, this is truly our best chance, the Syndicate will not be held back." He pressed. Hiroshi raised his tea, Oda doing the same, Agawa thinking on it a moment but followed. They all looked to the mayor, this man in too deep on a road that would not so easily provide a way out.
Lee silently thanked Ishida for giving him the nudge to disappear back to his station. The sudden intrusion had distracted him, though he tried hard to stay focused. There was a slight hesitation in his movements upon hearing the woman suggest Ishida had the man killed. He had to remind himself this was to be expected in this new world, though it was still surprising. The doors were closed, sealing them inside the dark world once more, the meeting resuming with this newfound information.

Back at his station, the teapot returned to its spot on the counter. He stood there, hands folded in front of him, once more unable to do anything but listen in on the conversation. In the end, everything seemed to fall onto the mayor, Lee actually curious if he would fight Ishida or give in.
"Well?" Ishida prompted again, the shark tank that this politician was in was getting awfully focused on him. He squirmed and coughed slightly. "I- I ofcourse will need some assurances. The usual things, keep any antics...low key. And 10 percent." He said after clearly fighting not to sweat. The Mayor raiding his cup for the men to drink to their pact, built upon the corspe of one of their own. Things had cooled, the leaders rising to bow and take their leave from their host. None of them looked at Lee, thankfully. The Mayor slipping out, clearly not willing to be alone with Ishida, much less in this club another second now that someone was taken out of the picture. Ishida waited for the doors to close, and he sagg in his chair, leaning back as he sighed in exhaustion from keeping a grasp of his emotions.

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