General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee tried to stay put, putting his weight on his hips. However, the other leaned forward, smashing his head into his face, causing Lee to fly back, hands coming up to his mouth. He cried out at the strike to his side, leaving him open to be thrown onto the table. Using his foot, he raised his leg to shove the other off of him. He was stupid to think he could fight the other off. He would never win. Still, Lee wouldn't leave without fighting back. He never had.

He went to roll off of the table, to throw himself off if he could, to get away and give himself some space. He had no idea what to do, what to say. Just, go.
Lee's kick was caught in a quick guard, parried off his masters forearm as he pulled up. Ishida had a few years on Lee, how much of it just fighting in the underworld, what else this monster had to do to survive. As Lee rolled off the table, Ishida sweept his legs from the back, the floor catching Lee's backside on the fall, the booth bouncing his head off the cushion rather than braining himself on the table....but then Ishida wrapped his arm around Lee's neck, dropping a choke hold on him on seconds from the side, pushing around to claim Lee from the back like a serpent.
Lee hadn't gotten a chance to run, Ishida catching him by the legs, causing him to fall. He was quickly caught in a chokehold, Lee's hand coming up to pry that arm off of him. He could feel the other hand from behind. Well, this was it. From the angle, he couldn't get up to get away. He was trapped.

"What are you gonna do?" He tried to get out, taunting him, "rape me while you kill me?" ...Maybe that would be for the best--

Lee shifted, struggling underneath him. One last effort to free himself, to wiggle away, anything. Fingernails dug into the skin on the arm choking him. The tears in the corner of his eyes fell, Lee allowing them to.
"Are you into that?" Ishida growled A his arm only squeezed tighter on Lee's neck, his legs hooking around his to drag them apart and hold him from trying to jump up. The bite of his nails made Ishida grasp onto Lee's hair in return. He hissed as he rolled around with Lee, the masters position moving inti a mounting choke as he straddled the slave.
What was the point in answering that? He shook his head, the other already knowing he was lying. He tried hard, however he could, for his body not to respond to what was happening to him. However when he was tossed around onto his back, those hands wrapped around his neck so nicely, he felt himself failing. He allowed the tears to flow freely, his body growing excited despite how annoyed he was. Fuck, he hated him.

His fighting seemed to have ceased. He hadn't passed out, not yet. He just wanted it to end.
As Lee looked into his masters eyes...hus body backstabbing him as blood was definitely flowing further from his Brian the tighter that iron grip squeezed. But now Ishi wasn't letting up at all...infact his master practically sat in his slaves lap, throttling him harder. "Shh-! Go to sleep!" He whispered as his eyes twinkled. But not with the lust or hatred, it was all glee, some twisted rush he was getting from the act of squeezing the life from him, morbid madness that made him come to life in the hottest way.
Lee could feel himself getting lightheaded, dizzy. He recalled the last time they did breath play, eventually, Ishida would have let up by now. Instead, that strong grip stayed just where it was, perhaps even tightening around him. In his lap, Ishida could feel his hardness, his body betraying him, every single fucking time.

Ishida looked like he was enjoying himself, he looked so excited, full of murder and lust. Lee didn't know which. The longer he stayed without air, the worse it was getting for Lee, his lungs burning and his body soon fighting to breathe. The tears from his frustration turned to ones from the pressure in his head, his face a bright red.

Hands that had come up to cling to those choking him were becoming weak, his strength failing him. He tried to gasp for air, his lungs starving. Unless Ishida let up, Lee would slip away, passing out. It was completely up to Ishida, under his full control.
Ishida grip didn't soften one bit, merely coaxing the slave to let go and fall asleep, his voice ringing in Lee's ears as he got weaker and weaker. Once his eyes rolled shut, Ishida would let go, but looked down briefly as he realized something. "Really?" He mumbled feeling how the slave was still stiff. Then again, he was no better. He grabbed Lee by the collar, dragging the slave to dump him in his room. He wasted a perfectly good meal with his little running act. Shame, Lee would have to suffer that hunger. The cleaners were already running over to clear up the spill and damage, letting their boss do what he wanted. Once alone, He would roll the 99 percent limp Lee into bed...stepping to the drawers to grab the handcuffs he had for this room to chain him up.
Just like that, he was out. His master dragged him to his room, kindly putting him to bed... only to grab handcuffs. Hands cuffed together, he stirred, the inevitable nightmare of a past event plaguing him.

When Lee awakened a little while later, he found he couldn't stretch, his wrists not moving very far and pressing against something hard. He tugged, half asleep wondering what was happening. Blinking, he moved his hands down, seeing his hands were cuffed together. "God, fucking..." He tugged harder, now more awake. "Ishida!" He called out, not caring what would happen if he didn't use his proper title. He got out of bed, moving to the door to open it.
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As Lee approached the door, he'd find it locked as he jerked on the knot. "There you go again." Lee heard from behind him as Ishida was stepping from the bathroom. "Did your nap help?" He said as he flexed his hands. Lee's uniform shirt was gone, perhaps stripped off while he was out. The Master walked towards him. "What do you think? was that a good idea?"
Lee groaned, finding the door locked. Then, that familiar voice behind him had him jumping out of his skin. He turned slowly, finding Ishida was in fact with him in the room. Fuck. He wasn't going to give in, no. He wasn't going to show any fear. He would cross his arms over his chest, only he couldn't while they were cuffed.

"Take these off," he said, holding his wrists out, clearly ignoring the question.
"Earn it- He said shrugging then grabbing the chain, jerking his arms upwards, and looking down at Lee. "Or get comfortable with them." He said as he rolled the chain in his fist, smiling at him. Lee bit for rebellion only amusing the yakuza as much as his weakness. Ishida didn't care either way, his hand grabbing the blossoming bruising on Lee's side.
With the cuff chain in hand, he was dragged closer to his master, arms held above his head. It was held tightly in his hand, his master prodding at the forming bruise on his side. He bit his lower lip, trying not to let any sign of pleasure come out. The harder he pressed, the more it felt good, his lips parting and his head tilted a little back as a moan slipped its way past his lips. He looked up at his master through lidded eyes. "Bastard," he muttered. He could feel his dick twitch, a reminder that he was still hard. Damn, still? How long had he been out for? ...How long had Ishida been with him?
Ishida smirked at him as he looked down at the slave's bulge. "You really talk a lot of shit, but your friend has been up since I gave you the necklace treatment." He said as he reared back his hand a slapped his bruise with a sick grin. "You want more bruises beaten into you?" You said as he pulled Lees's cuffs, pulling him over to the wall, the hooks on it were probably multipurpose, for coats, or dangling slaves. He dropped the chain onto the hook, locking it in place.
Fuck. Necklace treatment? ...He would have to use that later on--

He yelped at the slap, his body trying to avoid the pain, his dick very happy over it. "Try me." He challenged. But as he was forced back, toward a hook on the wall, he was hooked and locked to it.

He narrowed his eyes, glaring at him. "How fair. Tired of me fighting back?" Looking up, he tried to hop in place, looking to somehow unhook himself. Yes, he was doing it right in front of the other. He didn't care.
"Fighting back? You mean that little tantrum?" He said as he watching Lee try to buck the chins over the hook. "Oh? you think that's for me to hold you here? No No" He said rubbing Lee's abdomen. "You're a punching back right now!" He said as his hand drew back and he savagely threw a hook into Lee's other side, the master not holding himself back. "I just wanted you up so I don't have to deal with play with that chain!" He added as he swung the other, another strike to the liver, to his kidney, then his guts. The Yakuza's brief combo rains brutish pain onto the masochists nervous system.
"Tantrum? You mean your tantrum when you couldn't just let me end the conversation and fucking eat? I was trying to be nice!" Ah, it was incredibly bold of him to call the yakuza out. Alas, the yakuza had other ideas, ones in the pain category. As the punches came, Lee screamed, crying out at the hard hits. "I fucking swear... if I end up in a hospital... because of your beatings!" He cried out between hits, his breath stolen from him at the last strike to his stomach. He choked, coughing out. The strange mix of pain and pleasure twisted in his body, Lee unable to stop tears from forming once again, his erection raging. Just as Takahashi had warned, there was quite the tent in his pants.

If it wasn't for his father, he could have been perfect. The perfect masochist for Ishida. He was so flawed, so damaged. He would blame the tears on the obvious pain he was receiving.

He hung there limply, wiping an eye with a raised arm. He panted heavily, a shiver running through his body as it coursed endorphins through him, the pleasure masking everything else.

"Fuckin... sadist," he groaned out.
"Only your mouth is complaining." Ishida said seeming to be soaking in every drop of Lee's pain, his rage, his hand grabbed his chin, wiping his other tears with his wrist. "I didn't give you permission to leave my side. You earned the punishment, and then resisted. If I wanted to, I would have sent you to a morge" He said squeezing his jaw tightly. "You just had to struggle that much more" He whispered as he licked the subtle cut on Lee's lip. "You just couldn't be a good boy."
"Yeah, well..." If only he wasn't a masochist, then he wouldn't currently be erect. He wouldn't be shivering from the pleasure, his body wouldn't be screaming more, more, more!

His chin was grabbed, forcing him to look straight ahead, his eyes falling on his master's face. Strangely, things seemed to calm. Perhaps only in Lee's mind, the other actually explaining himself rather than using physical violence. He whimpered softly, trying to shake his head. "I wasn't leaving." Not like that, he just wanted a little space. He thought they both deserved that.

Those words seem to strike Lee, much harder than any other hit he could receive. He couldn't help it, he broke down, Lee trying his best to hold back a sob. "P-Please, I'm sorry." He wanted to be good. He needed to. "Please," he begged softly. Please what? Was he looking for forgiveness? Something he never received... He didn't know. He was using all of his energy to hold back the sob, the younger male clearly failing.
As Lee seemed to be particularly struck by such a thing, the praise he lived for stripped away, Ishida took notice. He careesed Lee's face as he sobbed ever so softly, sniffling. "Mm...please? Please forgive you?" He whispered as he leaned closer to the slave. Kissing his lips. "Please punish you?"
The grip on his chin was gone, a kind, gentleness taking over. He leaned into the touches, nuzzling. His body forced the cry out of him, shaking as he tried to hold it back. He nodded, "Yes, please... please forgive me." The sob came out, finally, his body shaking harder. "I don't mean to be bad. Please, I don't want to be." On one hand, he enjoyed the banter, the back and forth with his friends and... Ishida, when it was good. He was a brat, after all. On the other... he needed to hear he was good. He could be good, he knew it. He desperately needed to hear it.

He was surprised when those lips pressed against his, his sob muffled behind it, Lee gently returning it. Yeah... That's what he needed. "Please..." He agreed. "I can be good," he whispered. Anytime he was upset, Ishida seemed to know how to handle him, to calm him down again.
Ishida listened intently, the devil in him always enjoying knowing, absorbing and picking up information on those that he would own. "Shhh- you can be good again" He hissed as he kissed on Lee's lips, giving him that gentleness he craved....well when he was fragile. The master culled back. "But if you're going to fight with your master, I have to punish before you are truly good."
Lee sniffled, wanting to calm himself down. He kept telling himself it would be fine, he was far away from all that bullshit that truly upset him. He was in a brand new world where Ishida would care for him. His only responsibility was being good for him - so good. He could do it. God, those kisses felt nice. "Yes, yes..." he would nod, accepting it. "Please punish me, M-Master," he choked out between a sob. He couldn't promise he wouldn't fight with him again. Perhaps not like earlier, anyway.
"It's okay Tea Boy, we'll talk all about it when you're ready." He said stepping back to slide open another drawer, taking out a paddle. It was actually fairly normal...then again with Ishida that probably was because a heavy chunk of carved wood was a classic. And he didn't need to reinvent the wheel. Just make someone squirm underneath it.
Honestly, Lee doubted they ever would, but the sentiment was nice; a comfort. One he would believe for now. That was all he needed really, his master telling him everything would be fine. His master was still nearby, stepping away only to grab something to punish him with. He was right back where he was, in front of him. A paddle - for spanking. He smiled sadly, looking to get his mind off of everything but what was happening right in front of him - him getting punished by his owner. What he knew about using paddles and spanking, it was safer to use on one's ass as there was some cushioning. It could cause some nasty damage otherwise. Then again, they had skipped over all rules and safety protocols.

Lee rubbed an eye on his arm, wiping tears away. He leaned his head against it as he closed his eyes, awaiting the first strike.
The sadistic bastard gently put the paddle under his pets chin...sliding it Dien his body slowly. Ishida knew where to go to break a man into a sack I'd meat...but this was not why Lee was here. Ha whipped the paddle, striking the slave on the thighs first, where he had muscle and fat to absorb the blows, wiping until the skin was glowing red Underneath his pants. Ishida showing mercy...or pragmatism. His hand hooked on the slaves pants, dragging them down.
God, it was so hot, his master knowing just what to do. He was nearly fully focused on him, the paddle resting under his chin, lifting his head some. His sobs seemed to quiet, Lee watching the paddle slide down, down his chest, suddenly striking him. It hit his thighs and Lee yelped, gasping. It hurt so good, the pain really not bad at all. "Ahn~ please, don't... don't stop," he pleaded as he caught his breath. He wanted to see the reddened skin, the marks reminding him that Ishida was there. Just Ishida. By the time the man was done with him, Lee doubted he would be able to tell nor remember which scars were from his father.

His erection strained against his pants, Lee groaned lowly as he was freed. Without his pants, he was slightly worried if Ishida didn't angle his strike correctly that he would end up hitting a very, very sensitive area.

"Please~ hurt me," he purred softly, attempting to return to a playful, flirty mood. He was happier in that state.
Ishida hrunned evilly as he ran the paddle along his legs, then along the inn there thigh nuzzling the slaves balls. "Here?" He teased, knowing that was the last place that was in Lee's mind. He pushed with the paddle spinning Lee around hanging him so his rear was facing him next. "No here!" He said as he rubbed the paddle over him, eager to keep whipping him on his behind.
He gasped softly, the paddle going right for one of those sensitive areas. "Don't you dare~" he warned, a small grin on his lips. Using the paddle, he was turned, Lee finding even that motion hot. Ah, as long as he kept finding new ways that Ishida was hot, he already started feeling better. He needed him to hurt him more. He wanted to slip away, to disappear in his master's arms. "Careful-" He again warned, a small whine escaping as the paddle rubbed, getting awfully close to his healing brand.

Unless they wanted the healing to take longer or worse - mess up the brand, they were better off avoiding it altogether. Closing his eyes, he gently bit his lower lip, ready for the next strike. He wanted so badly to touch himself, his erection aching, pre dripping from the tip.
"Don't worry. I won't whip that cheek bit the other one will feel the pain!" He teased into Lee's ear, he bumped his slave, letting his hard on rubb up against the wall. He reared back, striking Lee unbranded ass chek hard , using it ...abd the backs of his thighs to give the slave his needed lashing. His cruel master ev lifting his legs to whip the inner portions.

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