General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

As Takahashi listed what was obtained, Lee entered the room to look through it. He was shocked to see the brand of the pencils, they were high quality and expensive. "Jeez, he didn't have to get the best stuff." Just for him? When the other could have very easily said no, or got the cheapest stuff just to please him. He went above and beyond, Lee smiling as he sat on the bed. He grabbed for the book and opened it, loving getting a new sketchbook. He opened the tin, getting a regular pencil out. "Wanna model~?" He asked, looking up at the gangster.
Lee lit up, thrilled to have a live model. He could always run back to Ishida's office, but there was something about Takahashi he wanted to capture. "Want to sit?" He asked, ready to get up and get the other a chair from his desk.

Back in bed, he sat cross-legged, placing the book in his lap. Getting a good look at the other, he started, sketching the other in the position he chose to stay in. He was quite focused as he worked, the outside world gone to him as he delved into his passion. He had so many ideas, so much inspiration. He loved having a model as he didn't often get the chance to use one. He was very interested in getting Ishida next, though without bothering him. Just sitting in the same room would be enough for him, capturing him as he worked.
Takahashi sat remarkably still, a straight posture, a slight raise of his head as he looked off to the side. "When did you begin as an artist?" He said, as casually as he could. Taka never was as lax in his language as Ishida, but atleast He spoke unlike the often mute Awano.
Lee loved that the other was trying out a pose, the younger male thinking he looked amazing. At some point, he posed the question, Lee quiet as he thought over the answer. "Mm... Well, in school we were required to take art, and I found I really liked it. I've often used it as an escape from some... shitty things at home." He grabbed for an eraser, fixing a minor mistake before sketching over it again with the pencil, much preferring the fix. "I've been told I'm really good, teachers and friends." Some strangers, too. "I thought the teachers were just being nice, supportive like they're meant to be. But they really meant it, something I realized when I kept getting compliments." He shrugged lightly, having some difficulty believing people sometimes. He was nearly done, doing a simple realistic sketch. It hadn't been very long at all since he last did any art but he felt a little out of practice.

"Done~!" He moved over to the edge of the bed, holding up the book to show the other. He would hand off the book if the other wanted a closer look.
Lee knelt there at the edge of the bed, eager to hear what he said. As he spoke, he blushed lightly, taking the book back to look over the image again. "Yeah? Is it really that good?" Such a simple sketch! He almost wanted to show Ishida, though unsure if the other would even care. Well, he did get him all of the supplies... No, he would work on his sketch first before showing him anything.
As he hands the book vack, he shifted his hands, brushing them over his. "You are excelling rather well in many things from what I've seen...but I can't be certain in all of them." He said as he passed the book along, his hand moving to the slaves thigh. "Not without seeing personally."
Lee noted the brush of fingers over his as he took the book back. Looking down at the sketch, it laid on him. At the other's words and the hand on his thigh, it was quickly beginning to click. 'Not without personally seeing,' yeah, Lee was right. He placed a hand atop Takahashi's that rested on his thigh, "You want a taste of your boss's pet?" He asked, there was a small tilt of his head.
"Ishida must be tended to properly, testing is needed at all times, in many ways. If he is displeased, it will fall upon first you, then I for not seeing and pushing your limits." He said simply, though his grip tightened. "Think this as extending your training from more than tea ceremony" He added
Lee nodded slowly as he listed what he and Ishida had done. He didn't resist as he was pushed back, Lee shifting up some so he wasn't on the edge, but otherwise let the other do as he pleased. He was nervous, but growing excited thinking of Ishida ravaging him. "All that and more, huh," he mused. He had just played with Ishida and was a little tired, but he could keep going. After all, Taka would train him. He would help him. "You can... do whatever you want," he said, giving his consent, even though he knew it would happen regardless, just like with Ishida.
"Ishida likes chains. My preference is more...hands on." He said as he drew back. "Are you familiar with shibari?" He asked, moving away briefly, shifting his jacket off and moving to the drawers where Ishida typically kept the tools od pleasures. Taka drew out a silken rope, unspolling it onti the bed. "Ishida is wants things quickly, but I've always believed in the practice draws in the subject." He said as he slipped off his shoes next.
"Oh~?" Hands on... Probably not exactly the same as Ishida, Lee's thought going to choking. Ah, Ishida had definitely ruined him, any mention of hands and his mind going straight to being choked out. "Shibari... Bondage, right?" Getting tied up with rope, he believed. As Takahashi went into a drawer, Lee stayed right where he was, behaving. He could be good, even for his master's subordinate. He wanted to so he could please Ishida further, his new obsession making and keeping his master happy. Even if he was a brat and just had to misbehave, but that was all part of the fun. Sometimes Ishida played along with him!

The other returned to the side of the bed and Lee looked over, seeing the pretty silken rope, red in color. It would look really nice against his pale skin, and those marks all over his body. Ishida would cum just from the sight. "It's... more of a turn-on, the suspense." He could agree with that, knowing very soon the pleasure would come. Lee figured his body would enjoy it very much, the masochist in him; the complete loss of control, the tight ropes. He did like the no control part. Ishida may not spend the time tying him up... but Lee could always be delivered to him that way where they could play.

"Should I get undressed?" He asked, ready to sit up and strip if need be. He thought it would be better if he was naked. Unless... that was part of what Takahashi was doing. Part of his slow and suspenseful play.
Takahashi moved his hand out, grabbing his hand to pull him forward to draw him out if the bed. "Sit still." He commanded as he began to unravel the slave from hus uniform slowly, his pace methodical, peeling it from him. He lifted it all away, the shirt, drawing his pants down, his fingers pressing into his markings, the scars left on his chest,moving to the back of his shoulder, examing the scarring flesh. He wound the red rope in a fist slowly looping it. "Hm. I see..." He said simply as he pushed Lee downwards to start to cross and bind him in the silken ropes.
The other lifted him, out of the bed, ordering him to keep still. He shuddered, loving getting ordered around, the submissive in him begging to obey. Lee kept still where he stood, moving only when needed as Takahashi slowly stripped him. A gasp forced out of him as the yakuza dug into fresh marks, his body already responding positively to the pain. Damn. Already? He held back from moaning, not wanting to get excited so quickly. He found he liked it whenever he was examined - being studied so thoroughly. Much like that day Ishida checked him over when he was drugged. It did something to him; perhaps from receiving so much attention, not from unnecessary abuse. God, he was a mess. His eyes landed on the wounding rope that wrapped around a strong hand. He swallowed hard, too eager. He allowed himself to be shoved, his back landing on the soft mattress and covers. "Mm, that feels... really nice." He appreciated the sensation of the soft silk brushing against his abused skin. It definitely was beautiful against it, the color and the marks.
Lee appreciated the warning, wincing as it no doubt did hurt as the rope wound around, pressing firmly against the marks. His body, of course, enjoying it, Lee begging his cock not to awaken just yet. He moved and lifted whenever the other needed him to, gasping as there was a particularly hard press against a fresh mark. "Mmn..." He couldn't help it, he could feel it, his cock lifting as it started to harden. Damn it.
As the ropes were tightened, knots pressuring this wounds and bruises tighter, abd digging in, Taka pulled the ropes to male Lee rose up on his knees, settling the slave against him his hand stroked the bruises at his throat, his breath tickling it as he even so teasing brought a hand up and squeezed him there. "Stay. " He orders as he grabbed the pillow off the bedding, stripping it's casting and started to roll it up , next wrapping it around Lee's Eyes, for extra measure.
Oh... It was unbelievably hot how the other lifted him just by the rope wrapped around him. He panted lightly, feeling that hot breath caress his skin, the other's hand gentle as it stroked the bruises. It wouldn't be a normal session without someone there squeezing around his neck. He knew no one that had permission to harm him too badly, rather... to kill him. He shouldn't even be trusting Ishida, but something in him did, preferring only his hands around his neck. Still, he could experiment with Takahashi. He wanted to be so good for him, whatever that meant, in whatever way.

He shivered at the command, not moving an inch, where he knelt on the bed. Oh~ with the makeshift blindfold, senses were heightened. He wouldn't know when something would come, leaving him in suspense. From there, he was completely at the other's mercy.
He tightened the blindfold, giving pause for Lee to adjust, for his senses to start to to attune to the loss. Taka pulled his ropes again, the knots in it pressing into his beaten body, his temporary masters lips brushing his neck to kiss in it, his other hand sliding along his body, creeping with his fingers. "This pain will be sudden, and great, but it's for your growth" his whispered to the trapped male. His fingers paused,resting one against him a moment. But it drew back , in a split second, Tala struck out, strategically , knuckles drilling into his side, attacking his pressure points ot seemed to deliver the masochist a new height of pain.
Everything was dark, Lee unable to see a thing behind the blindfold. He gasped, allowing a moan to escape as the knots once more dug into some wounds and bruises. It was scary giving so much control away to the yakuza, the slight panic he felt not knowing what was running through the man's mind, what was about to happen, how he couldn't see when something would be coming. His skin tingled as those fingers crept along his body, Lee letting out soft gasps. "O-Oh?" He whispered, blinking behind the blindfold in curiosity. Sudden pain for his growth, well... Yeah, sure, he would take whatever. He liked pain.

The other's hand drew back, colliding into his side forcing a loud cry out of the pet. "Hah...! Fuuuck...." The pain was intense, his body moving back, trying to escape from the sudden assault. He tried to override his body's natural instinct to protect itself, Lee keeping as still as he could. The intense pain slowly died down, dulling, transforming into that ultimate pleasure he loved. "...More," he pleaded softly.
Taka was patient while Lee adjusted to hus bodies instinctively to try to avoid the pain that was inflicted, the yakuza using his arm to hold the ropes and keep from from going anywhere. But as he steadied, Taka would pet Lee's back. "Good boy, this is for you to learn" He whispered encouragingly. "Struggling is useless. Embrace your beloved pain." He said as those fingers walked along his body, as if tickling him for fun. They stopped, another fast blow found its way into him, his kidney, another to the nerves underneath his arms, and in his hand, using the tips of his knuckles and to drive all the pressure to a single point. He was being hit slower, but dunked in more pain than Ishida would give without a tool in hand.
Lee melted at the praise; damn it, even Taka was getting in on it. The swapping between fingers lightly grazing his skin, tickling him, and the blows to each part of his body, left Lee's mind whirling. He was dizzy, panting hard as the pain and pleasure mixed so wonderfully, assaulting his senses. His cock was quite hard, weeping. He could feel the warmth spill onto his stomach. Just by the attacks alone, he would end up cumming, though he wasn't there quite yet.

"T-Taka..." he whined softly, breathlessly. His whole body buzzed, not wanting it to stop. His body was begging for more, for anything. "It's so good..."
"Excellent." He said simply, softly, z finger caressed his hard member, collecting the weeping pearls on his finger tip and he pushed his finger into the slaves mouth. "Savor your pain, hold it tight." He purred as he drew his finger back out. 'He drew back again, the sound of him maneuvering the room, something rattled, then cold metal locked onti Lee's nippkes tightened, and something was being wrapped around the base of his shaft, tying around it, trapping the hot blood and sealing off any hopes of just unloading his Nutt all over himself.
His head tilted back, not bothering to hide a moan as the other touched his weeping cock, collecting the pre from the tip, "" His moan was interrupted, a wet finger slipping through parted lips. He could taste himself on that finger, Lee slowly swirling his tongue around the digit, cleaning it off. "Mmn, yes, Sir." He swallowed it down, licking his lips. He was beginning to not mind whatever the other did, as long as he got his beloved pain and pleasure.

The other disappeared from his side, rummaging around in something. He gasped quietly feeling something cold pinch tightly over his nipples - clamps? Next came something wrapped tightly around his cock, the organ quickly turning an angry red. "Heh... Mean." He teased, already knowing what was happening. "You want to prolong my torture." Was torture the right word? It was what was happening to him, Lee not taking it that way at all.
"One big end will make it feel better. " He said as pulled the clamps, the tips tightening and to pinch and pull on his nipples his fingers strokingvtge straining organ teasingly. "You'll be backed up, with no where for it to go, even while it's trying." He said before he pushed Lee forward, bending him over, more silk came, binding his ankles to his thighs to keep them tight and helpless. He couldn't move, couldn't see the ropes biting inti his skin as he only used single lines to bring him, knowing it would only please the pain addict to feel the ropes pulling in, biting into him with pressure and time. "The best thing for you is to be cleansed through pleasure abd pain. I prefer cleansing through heat and fire." He said as he pull looped abd looked the ropes at Lee's ankles to his wrists. "Let me show you "
The other was making him feel so good all over. From the tugging of his nipples going straight to his dick, making it twitch, the other's hand teasingly stroking him. "Mmn..." He hummed in acknowledgment, the teasings making him moan. His body begged for more and all he could do was patiently wait for his temporary master to allow him his release. He was fully tied up then, even down to his ankles. Any little movement gave him that pleasure he loved through pain, soft little moans escaping him here and there. "F-Fire?" He tensed at the mention, already having experienced some play with heat before with Ishida. It would be nothing new, but still scary to hear.
"Heat is the path from simple pain, to clarity. From the heat of the match, the scald of a the warmth of fkesh." He said as Takahashi flicked something, striking a lighter and setting a candles wick. He laid the cool end to the back of Lee's neck. "Stillness is what will do you go" He said even though he still supported the candle, tipping it slightly to drip molten wax on the slaves back.

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