General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Ah... Hm. Damn. Humiliation was a turn-on for the sadist. "You wouldn't want to just fuck my mouth again?" He could lay back, let the other climb over him, and use his mouth. "...No?" God damn it. At least he tried. Sighing, he pushed the other back to make him sit and he got off of the couch. He fixed himself before climbing into his master's lap, straddling his hips. He loved this spot, so he didn't mind it much. He didn't know much about lap dances, just that he had to grind against the other. He moved his hips, slow and teasingly, rubbing against his hardening cock.
Getting there~? He started to quicken his movements, enjoying that harsh squeezing of his hips. It was starting to hurt, ever so slightly, bringing his own cock to life. It twitched, raising some, starting to tighten his pants. He leaned in, placing his hands atop the other's shoulders, humming softly in pleasure. "Mmn... harder~" He was vague, hoping his master would get the hint. He pressed his lips against his neck, copying him, biting gently in return. With his mouth so close to his ear, he let out a moan, grinning to himself, hoping for a reaction.
"A-Ah!" He gasped, the other giving him actually what he wanted. "Ah, I'm so lucky. Having my very own sadist willing to hurt me so beautifully." He rambled on, just looking for reactions from the other. He fully believed it himself, he was truly lucky, in that twisted way. "Are you gonna cum?" He teased, grinding harder against him.
Ishida smirked I Ed as Lee demanded it of him, the master pulling off his lip, his hand flicking up abd slapping the slaves cheek. "You think you can demand?" He teased as he reached up, grabbing his neck up tightly, lifting him while he began to squeeze. Lee could feel his masters hard cock standing up under him, pushing him on the tip.
Lee yelped at the slap, his head turning with the force. Looking back at the other, he was found grinning. "Mm, of course." He jested, gasping softly as he was lifted by the other grabbing his neck. He knew better, he absolutely did, but he was a brat through and through and nothing would change that. He loved the squeezing, Lee enjoying it for a short moment until he realized he was being settled onto the other's cock. "W-Wait~" he managed to get out and quickly removed his pants. From there, he repositioned himself, allowing the tip to prod his now bare entrance. He let the other shove him down, forcing himself into him. Neither of them wasted any time, Lee eager to move, seating himself fully in his lap before lifting again only to slam back down.
The squeeze and bounce of Lee made Ishidas hands grip him tighter, his nails digging into his cheeks. His hands dragging him up and slamming him back down for added power and force, his lips seeking Lee's, kissing him intensely. His body fukly alive, his member throbbing hungrily inside of his prey and battering him deeply.
Lee tilted his head back, crying out at the force his master used on him, bouncing him harshly on his cock. He moved, matching the rhythm they created. He was nearly knocked over from the eager kiss, Lee returning it just as intensively, if not more. Moans spilled out of his mouth, muffled by the delicious kiss. Everything felt so incredible, his body felt like it was on fire, his master knowing just how to drive him wild and tip him over the edge. "Don't stop," he whined softly in the kiss.
As they had come to know very well about Lee, the moment his body started to panic, his cock twitched. The sense of danger excited him, far too much. He was quite lucky to end up with Ishida, the other happily indulging in his fucked up kinks. As much as he shouldn't trust the other, still quite a stranger, he did exactly that. All of his trust was in Ishida in that very moment, the other messing with him, playing with his airway. It didn't take very long of that sort of play for Lee to reach his climax, a strangled cry leaving him, his hips jerking. He bounced on his lap a little longer, his hips eventually slowing, Lee enjoying the dizzy feeling as he tried to catch his breath with that tight hold on his neck.
As he slowed down, funding himself dizzy...Ishida took control, pushing Lee on his own, using his hips and grip to pull and throttle his neck, lifting him ti bend him iver the best and punch harder into those sweet nerves that made him squeeze so nicely. The yakuza wasn't softening, wasn't ready at ll toshow mercy nor quarter, just slamming into him so readily.
The other was still going even when Lee reached his end. He just let the other continue, using his body to find his own release. Lee loved it, the other knowing this, when he was used like a doll—just something for his master to pound into until he was satisfied. If he wasn't careful, he would pass out, though, as always, he left his trust in him. As always, Lee would eventually find himself hard again, eager to go another round.
Lee was certain his vision was about to go on him, the dizzy feeling growing, until Ishida let up. He gasped, taking in his precious air. "Fuck," he groaned. He didn't know why that felt so good to him. Was it the lack of control? Before his thoughts wandered down that same curious path, he felt pain in his hand. A yelp was forced out of him as his body instinctively pulled his hand away from the threat. Looking, he found his hand was blood, his eyes then landing on the weapon. "Ah~ fountain pen?" He shivered as he felt pleasure. "You made me bleed~" He held his hand out, "Fix it." He grinned.
Ishida smirked asmt him, letting the pin fall, seizing hand, none too gently, his fogers pressing in the cut just to hurt him more, the other handsqyeezing his throat. "Mmm- you trust me-" he panted as his sadistic master bullied his prostate and squeezed his injury. He lightened his grip, planting a kiss on it.
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Lee winced as the other grabbed at the wound, causing him more pain. "Ah!" He called out, biting his lower lip. He could already feel himself nearing his climax once more. "I don't know if that's the right word," he managed to get out behind the squeezing hand. Yes and no. The harder he squeezed, both on his throat and the wound, aided in tipping him over the edge for the second time. His seed spilled from his cock again, messing both of their fronts.
"Ahh," his voice was shaky as he came down from his orgasm, his body shuddering. "I can't help it when you ravage me so nicely." He joked, crying out then as his hand was slammed down, pleasure quickly filling him. "God damn it, mm..." He gasped, feeling the other fill him with his seed. Oh... the other got off on his pain. Fuck. Fuck, it was too hot. He panted heavily, "Can't we both enjoy it~?"
"Heh-of you cum too many times, you'll have to serve until I've matched abs icer taken- what if you cim so much you get tired-" hevteased as he made a fist, slamming it inti the cut next, grinding his fist into it. The other hmgrabbed his hair, pushing his cheek into the desk, thumping harder inti him.
Lee rolled his eyes, almost wanting to take his words as a challenge. He couldn't linger on his words for long, the other slamming his fist down onto his hand, right over the wound. He cried out loudly in pain, unable to pull his arm away in an attempt to protect himself as he ground his fist into it. He tried to keep himself from wanting to pull back, going against his body's natural drive to protect. Despite the other cumming, he still rammed into him, making Lee cry out over and over. He waited for his body to betray him, to get hard again. Would the other really punish him for something he couldn't help~?
The short answer? Yes. The long answer? Ofcourse he would! Ishida truly didn't care if Lee was cumming his brains out from the pain...but the idea that he would, and that Lee only would get only abused harder for enjoying himself...was much more fun. He1 was going to suffer until his master was finished, but an excuse to hurt him harder never would go unused. "If you keep nutting- you'll never get off your sluttty back- so maybe it's a good thing-"

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