General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

He winced at his words, Lee feeling quite overwhelmed. "L-Let me cum..." His voice was weak as he spoke. He let out a gasping yelp, the pressure incredible, the discomfort mixing with pain, making it all the better. It made it so much worse.

"Y-You..." he held back, stopping himself from cursing. "What do you want," he whined out. "I'll do anything!"
The pressure surrounding the base of his cock was suddenly gone, Lee gasping as it felt much better. His owner resumed slamming into him, Lee quickly reached his climax within seconds. "Fuck! Ahh!" He let out a strangled cry, his voice cracking, Lee whimpering. He found relief finally, his body shaking hard as his hips bucked.

A moment after he lay there, panting hard. "Master," he whined softly, trying to free his arms from the sheets. He got one free and he tried to unravel the rest.

"Honesty?" He panted, wondering what he wanted to know.
Before he could free his other arm, his wrist was suddenly grabbed. He tugged lightly at the strong grip on his wrist, finding he couldn't move it. "H-Hey," he gasped, wincing as he felt the start of pain in his wrist as the other twisted it.

What he really wanted? He wanted to be vague or somehow not answer, but he did promise to be honest. He turned his head away, not wanting to face him, embarrassed to share such a thing. He didn't want to appear in a way the other wouldn't like, Lee not knowing exactly what that would be. His anxiety made guesses, silencing him from speaking such things. "I-I..." No... He couldn't admit it.

"Y-You." He finally got out, shy. He also wanted Taka, his body and mind craving the terrible things both men could do to him. He managed to admit the obvious, Ishida already knowing such a thing. What did he really want?
He smirked. "I'll put out cigarettes on your finger tips. Don't you fucking give me that bitch out answer! I know that already!" He said as he gripped him harder. His hand smacked him, full brunt in the face. "You want what!" He said as he dragged him around now, the yakuza ramping up like a pitbull.
At the harsher grip, Lee looked toward him, crying out at the slap. It forced his head to turn, Lee keeping still, quietly cursing himself for getting excited. "I want your abuse!" He called out, the suddenness forcing the words out of him. Again, it was something the other already knew, but it was what he wanted. "I-I want you to hurt me, treat me badly, k-keep me-" He was being honest, he wanted to stay.
More? Damn- he realized there was a lot he was afraid to admit. Fear of judgment, most likely. Ah, his father really fucked him over. He could only nod, "I-I want you a-and Taka to have your way with me-!" He held back a sob, hating having to admit that, but it was the truth. What was this, some sort of therapy session? Free therapy- God damn it. He squirmed underneath him, refusing to look at him.
Ishida held back his hand...unfortunately(?) As Lee spilled his secret. "Taka? Heh. You had such a good time, you want to get caught up on both sides? Or do you think we'll share your ass, stuffing it together?" He said as he swung down, letting the strike fly inti him anyhow.
Lee hadn't seen the hesitation in his owner's movements, Lee catching him off guard. He would have been amused by such a thing but alas he was nervous and didn't want to look. Fucking honesty, the other was killing him. "Y-Yeah..." He agreed, admitting to enjoying himself with the other man. Both sides... "Eh... Whichever... I don't have a say-- ah!" He cried out, not expecting the slap. He couldn't hide his whimper, knowing his sounds only excited his master. "You both can do whatever you want... whenever you want." That alone he loved. At that point, he didn't really have anything more to share, unless Ishida had something specific in mind.
God-- fucking hell. "It doesn't matter." But Ishida wanted to hear him say it - to admit to such things. His whole thing was torturing him, even mentally. "Absolutely not," he shook his head. Getting taken by both men at the same time... One restraining him from behind, the other in the front. God. Yes, please. "That's another video idea right there." He grinned lightly, teasing. He was trying to find the fun in it all somehow despite it being against his will. The videos, of course.

"Do what you want, Master~"
Lee eyed the cigarette and lighter, recalling the very recent threat of burning him. He swallowed hard, figuring that was coming pretty soon. He looked back over to him, watching him, finding the scene too damn hot. "But..." The word slipped out and Lee closed his eyes, already regretting it. He had to be honest, already knowing the other would force it out of him in the end. He already mentioned wanting to stay, asking the other to keep him. Maybe he didn't have to say anything... He adverted his gaze, hoping the lack of eye contact would prompt questioning, despite Lee wanting to watch him.
A small, whining 'no' left his lips as he was pulled up, much closer to his master's face. The burning end was so close to his face that Lee turned away. "Y-Yeah..." Honesty. At least he had been pretty secretive about how much he had been falling for the other. He would never admit to that. Perhaps he only thought he was falling for him due to all of the affection and abuse he had been receiving - it was everything he had ever wanted.
Ishida tipped his head, the burning cigarette pushing into his shoulder. "I don't keep used up slaves. I just want ky money." He said cool, tormenting Lee a bit with the idea. "I'll use you to get what I'm owed, and let you waddle away, fucked up and desperate to get turned out how you want." He whispered his his ear.
"A-Ahh!" He cried, the burning end scalding his skin. He tried to pull away, those words cutting deep. "O-Okay! Stop..." His head tilted back, the pleasure from the burn getting to him. Fuck. How would he survive afterward? He doubted he would be able to find someone just like Ishida... and Takahashi. Ishida knew he was completely ruined, everyone else too afraid to hurt him, to treat him so horribly. Not like them. What was the point?
He smirked as he drew away, his hand shifting up and grabbing his collar, pulling him up close again. "You're going to spend your nights, dreaming of me abd a pack of lit cigarettes, abd a rope to tie you down with." He whispered, as if he could sense his anguish wasn't from the burn, but the idea that he'd been out there, trying to find a monster willing to do just a fraction of the depravity he needed. But he'd have his life back, his friends...everything that he tricked into giving away.
He found some relief in thinking the other would leave him alone, instead, he was pulled back again, this time by the collar. "G-get off..." He tried to push him away with his free hand. With all the marks on his body... He would forever be part of the syndicate, but unable to physically be with anyone there. Maybe he could find someone... No.

If anyone outside of it recognized the symbol or any writing on him, they would most likely be too freaked out to sleep with him, let alone even think of hurting him. Not unless he stayed clothed. He was completely ruined.

The worst of it, he didn't want to get anything he used to have back. At this point, he was fully willing to truly give it all away, to devote himself to Ishida completely. What would he do?
As Lee tried to push him away, Ishida throttled slapped his hands aside, then pushed him face down in the bed. His other hand moving to grab the gun. As he left Lee reeling in the bed, know that he was too deep already, driven into Ishida's nature, Taka's demeaning words. His home was disintegrating, the outside world was nothing but haunting boredom. But his master was going to throw him back into it once his debts were paid? Was he truly nothing? A hole? A loyal dog that would be set out in the cold? Was Ishida truly to cold hearted?

Then again. He sold himself to Ishida once...
Lee jolted with a small cry, instinctively pulling back, but the other managed to push him face first into the mattress below. He tried to pull away still, freezing as there was suddenly some indication the weapon was coming out. Lee had the feeling Ishida was so done with him, that there was simply no way he would want him back. What could he offer in return after he got all of his money back? His thoughts raced, his face being pressed into the mattress allowed him to quietly cry, the mattress muffling the sounds.

He would just have to make the best of his time there while it lasted. He had no idea, perhaps it would take his friends quite a long time to gather the money. Unless he somehow managed to work it off. What if he failed to perform certain things? Prolonging his time there...
As Lee cried into the mattress, Ishida stood up to collect his things, enjoying the suffering and turmoil that Lee was stewing in. Pain he caused. It was always so....sweet. he holstered his gun, walking out of the room,tho he left tye door open for the moment just to see how desperate his slave was going to be.
Lee thought more threats or something would have happened but instead, his master collected himself and got off of the bed. He lifted his head after a short moment, the other not returning, only heading for the door. He quickly wiped his eyes as he looked in his master's direction, the sadness evident on his face. He didn't speak, already having said too much. Had he truly ruined things? No, Ishida already planned on not keeping him, the man making it very clear when he initially asked about him keeping slaves. Lee was delusional to think otherwise.

Kneeling there, he caught him lingering at the door. "I'm sorry..." He said, doing the only thing he knew how: apologizing.

The sadist only enjoyed his cries, though the fragile Lee didn't make the connection right then.
Ishida smiled, a heartless, ogres smile the apology and sadness, the misery in Lee making his devilish soul feel so warm. "You're apologizing for your future?" He said amused by it. No. Lee wasn't himself anymore, he was trying to be good, trying to be worthy of the connections he craved. "A good boy pays his debts."

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