General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Damn, every time he was about to find out more about Ishida, something would come up. He pouted, holding onto the seat when Takahashi made the sharp turn. He turned his attention back to Ishida, thinking. “Hmmm… I love dark colors. Anything like that.” He usually went for an alternative style. Just about anything dark, almost emo style. “I’m assuming it’s nothing like that for this… debut and meeting potential spenders.” He looked over to the other, tilting his head. He most likely had something else in mind.
He laughed softly at his description. “You’d sell millions.” Mm… well. Whatever. He nodded, looking out the window as they arrived. Shopping… he enjoyed the activity, not that he got to do it much, being a broke college student. He still liked to browse. He got out of the car when they were ready, sticking close to Ishida. It felt strange, suddenly being out in the open, with his master and… trainer? He chanced a glance over to Takahashi as that thought crossed his mind. He recalled the collar as he reached a hand up to rub at his neck, his face flushing slightly.
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He shook his head, “No, no. Not at all.” He had just forgotten it was there, somehow. He felt it was something he had been missing this whole, to finally have it felt right to him. He let his owner grab him by the wrist, following as he was led away. He would have teased about the other being afraid he’d run, but it was no longer fitting, especially not after his little episode earlier. No shit he wouldn’t try to run. He didn’t want to leave his side.
While Lee bit his tongue to hold his joke, he was led along to a small shop, it wasn't a department store it was a tailor shop it seemed, suits and dresses were on mannequins, finer fabrics set out on racks for examination and investigation. A simple floor plan, was set, a counter top off to the side, a a waiting space, and the back was reserved for measurements, sewing, and such. A man was reading a magazine, looking up. "Eh-" he stood up, a willowy man , older with a shaved head, and small dark shades. "Ishida...what can I do for you-" he asked as he set it down.

"I'm looking for Marko." Ishida said. The older man put a hand on his chest. "In the basement.." He said as he let them pass by to get to the back of the shop.
Huh... a tailor? By a designer? He said something about a designer unless he was lying. He looked around as he was led inside, keeping close the entire time. The older male who tended to the little shop apparently knew Ishida, addressing him by name. Questions began filling his mind, Lee wondering how long they knew each other and what sorts of things Ishida had tailored. Oh, his suits? He was always so well dressed. That was a possibility, though Lee wondered what this Marko could do for them this time, something in Lee's style. It was a strange mix of grunge goth and emo, anything dark with sometimes chains, ripped jeans, and baggy clothing. It changed depending on his mood. He had rings, taken off that night before going to the club and selling himself. However Ishida had seen him that night, that was his usual wear.

He followed as he was led to the basement, very curious if they could manage to replicate his style.
The basement was a narrow design, mirroring the depth of the floor above. The walls were thick wood panels, with a smoothed wooden shelf build into it. Over head were recess lights, and smoothed stone works. A line up of a desk top and a odd black table top was a the center. Music thumped in the room, hip hop playing, at the drawing desk was a bobbing figure, dialed in it seemed as the group could come right down and walk closer and closer without getting any notice. A American young man, maybe a little older than Lee, with platinum blonde hair, cut short and styled into a fauxhawk, his clothes were much less formal than the man upstairs, wearing a sleevless leather jacket, ordained with pins and patches, his arms were covered in markings, tattooed sleeves, short sleeved white shirt, and jeans.

"Marko-" Ishida said slapping a hand on the top of the desk, the designer jumping nearly out if his skin, and Lee could tell why the second his gaze turned. His pupils were dilated as fuck. The artist was on something
As they got closer to the basement, Lee could hear the music playing. Inside he glanced around, spotting the man sitting at the desk. Was this who they were looking for? He appeared not much older than himself, and as Ishida scared the man into turning, he could get a good look at his face. He was handsome, that was for sure, Lee's gaze falling on his dilated pupils. Oh... shit. Were they really going to use him? He was clearly on something! Lee didn't want to judge too harshly, sometimes he thought his art was better when he was high. Still... He looked over to Ishida, wondering just what was going through that mind of his.
Marko hopped up, hugging Ishida. "Big Bosss~" He said as he focused in, nuzzling the yakuza with....a little bit too much care. Ishida moved his hand, grabbing Marko's ass a bit. Ah. That was why. "I'm here for you-"

"Ohhhh~" He chirped, pulling back and started to lean up.

"To draw some design!" Ishida said cupping his face, curbing him.

"Oh. Still fun then." The designer huffed pulling back as he looked over Ishida. "What do you need, Big Boss?"
Lee was released from Ishida's hold as he hugged the other. He eyed Marko, jealousy setting in as he hugged him for far too long in his eyes. He couldn't say anything, it wasn't his place, and after his little episode, he didn't want to push anything - not that he would to begin with. He was just a slave, nothing more. He looked away, off to the side, looking to take in the interior of the room, or so he wanted it to seem like. His gaze returned as they seemed to focus on why they were there.
"Marko this is Lee" Ishida said gesturing. "Lee this is Marko. I have sex with both of you at my leisure. Marko I am selling Lee's sexuality for profit." He explained bluntly, the blonde nodding along. "Oh." Marko said as he soaked it in, then looked at Lee. "Is this a threeway?"

"Marko!" Ishida said glaring.

"Kidding! mostly." He turned to Lee. "What do ya like! Lemme get on those pant!"
Lee looked over to Ishida when he said his name, not the title he was given. He liked hearing his name said by him, wishing he said it more often. Needing to be good, he nodded, holding his hand out to shake the others. He internally winced hearing those words, again, he had no say in that matter. His master could do whatever the hell he pleased. They weren't exclusive and never would be. He didn't let it get to him, not like before. He was shocked, however, when the other suggested a threeway. He was worried Ishida would agree at first, but quickly relieved when he turned him down. He would refuse to share Ishida with this guy.

He regained focus as the attention was on him, the other asking his style. "Ah... Well. I don't really know how to describe it... A bit gothic or emo? Maybe a mix? Dark colors, mostly..." He thought of his usual style, explaining it to him. He sometimes wore baggy clothing, sometimes slightly tighter jeans, chains hanging from the pants, and ripped jeans. It varied, really.
He felt some relief when he let go of him, moving to his desk to start sketching. Lee was curious, moving a little closer to see. He gave a slow nod, moving it quicker as he didn’t mind those things. They were gothic, and if it was for the videos he figured anything dramatic would be fine. He needed to fit and play the part. “Yeah! Those are fine.”
Lee raised his arms slightly, surprised as he simply pulled his boxers down, luckily not all the way. “Ah, well… thank you.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. If the other wanted to strip him, he may as well just go ahead and do it if he needed a better look. He hadn’t been a nude model before but he would do it just to help.

“If you need a better look, that’s fine…”
"Mm- I don't suck my models off so soon." Marko said smirking at Lee...though it was tough to tell if he was joking, flirting, or though Lee was trying to flirt with him. He sketched along, drawing a webbing pattern along the figures abdomen, hooking at the hips and making patterns. "It'll be really tight...but you like restriction "
"Give it time- I warm up on everyone- right Awano!" He said with a playful turn, the stone faced yakuza not even looking up from his phone. "...hmph- " He turned away. "He spoke to me once." He mumbled with a pout as he added the pants, they were baggy and sectioned with chain, but the important part was they would be rigged to attach and detach from the tight suit. They could hook on with small anchors. The upper body of it would practically act as a slip cover a thin black shirt that could be swiped off, revealing the straps and loops that would but the rigg underneath. It would be like a black web along his body. Contoured to cup and raise his ass, and accent his light skin.
Lee smiled hearing the little grunt from Awano. Close enough! It was more he had heard from the other. "Really~?" Their oh-so-quiet and serious Awano? He looked back before focusing back on the sketch. It was quite different with gothic elements, mainly fitting his style. This was for whatever Ishida was planning, with those videos and selling him. Jeez... "Huh..." he mumbled taking it all in.
"He's a teddy bear." Marko assured as he swayed, leaning around to grab some pencils and the page, laying it on the black tabletop, he clicked something and it changed, lighting up. It was all one along light box. He overlaid a clear people of thin paper. Drawing on it, the layers individually, seeming to be drawn into the moment. "You're going to make men crazy-"

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