General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

The baggy sweats were no longer hiding his problem. The new angle, reaching high up to wrap his arms around his owner's neck, revealed his erection, standing proudly and eager to get touched. He shuddered at the grasp, his hardon twitching in excitement. He rocked his hips, letting it rub into that hand. "True... But that's better for you." He groaned, leaning in to kiss him on the lips again. "I'll always be ready to play. Whenever you want. Mmm, won't take much." Lifting from his seat he kept his arms around his owner's neck and tugged him toward the bedroom. Of course, they didn't have to mess around in there. Anywhere would do. He just wanted to be touched and... damn, manhandled some more. Wasn't he supposed to be healing? The thought far away, his mind elsewhere.
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"That's why I have you, Tea Boy." Hus master said while he felt Lee pushing against him with his hips, the desire the kept young man had. As he was pulled at , and kissed, Ishi put up more pressure on the kiss, warlike forward, simply and easily driving the blind slave backwards against part of the sofa as they moved out of the reach of the kitchen.
"Easy to rile up? Lucky me." He would take that, as long as he still got to be Ishida's. He recalled the various moments the other stated Lee was different, one he never played with before, and how much fun he was having with him. It left him with hope, despite knowing the reality. Instead of heading for the bedroom, he let the other lead, pushing him back toward something. Feeling the leather behind him, he tipped back to lay on it, hoping the other enjoyed the sprawled out display of his excited pet lying there, eager to have his owner take him. "I gotta admit... I love riling you up. The abuse is far too satisfying," he revealed with a grin, happily telling on himself. "Too bad my mouth is out of commission... for a bit." He pointed out, gently tapping the bandage on his lip, just in case his master decided to punish him and use his mouth.
"Who said that,' he said smirking at Lee. "Not me." He said as the sprawled slave saw his masterraking his eyes over him. He grabbed his sweats, dragging them and throwing them aside. "And a whipping boy like you, probably doesn't mind a little pressure!" He said as he swung around, drawing out his own member.
Lee shivered under his master's gaze, watching those eyes rake over his form. "How terrible, you'll prolong my healing. Such selfishness." Oh, he knew. He knew Ishida, his owner, was allowed to be selfish with him. He could do whatever the hell he wanted to him, whenever he wanted. As he revealed, he did love getting him mad. He lifted his hips, letting the other pull the sweats off, exposing his erection and the pre forming at the tip. He considered taking his hoodie off, though left it up to Ishida to rip it off of him. He loved the other taking such control, and letting him see the scars he created, the written characters reminding him of his ownership. That, and he was drowning in the fabric and loved the feeling. He let out a shaky breath eyeing that beautiful cock. "Ooh, absolutely not... but my poor health~." He said, feigning worry, further egging him on. He could always get fixed up again afterward.
"Worry, huh?" He mused, groaning out softly as that cock slapped against his cheek. He had a sudden, devious idea and licked his lips, swiping his tongue along the tip. He kept his lips together and tried to turn his head away despite the hold on him. He resisted, for the first time since meeting Ishida - sober. It was a stupid, dangerous game to play but he didn't see any harm in a little fun; him resisting and his owner forcing himself onto him. He couldn't help it, he loved it when Ishida used force. "No~" he added, just for good measure. "I mustn't, not when I've been hurt~" He couldn't completely hold back the growing grin that threatened to show.
As Lee tried to turn away, to resist his masters will, Ishida hummed shortly, his han shifting and slapping his un marked cheek, the opposing side to his bandaged lip. "You think that I'm handing out options?" He said as he held on, dragging his head over. To put more pressure in his lips.
Lee winced, his eyes squeezing shut at the slap to luckily the unwounded cheek. He slowly opened them next, sneaking a peak at his master as he tried to push forward. "I think I deserve a few options." He urged, keeping his head turned as much as he could. The other was strong, forcing Lee to attempt to push him off, his hands on his owner's arms. He hoped the other would get the hint he wanted to play and wasn't actually trying to resist him. Not seriously, anyway.

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