General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

After some time, Lee's eyes fluttered open as he awakened. He winced, feeling much more sore throughout his body, wondering what the hell had happened before. Despite that, he felt light - floaty, perhaps some after effects of being choked. Whatever it was, he otherwise felt good. He then noticed the darkness, his hands already moving to pull the sheet away as he stretched his limbs with a yawn. Blinking, he looked beside himself, spotting the sleeping form of his owner. He looked so pretty, so... strangely peaceful. Certainly unlike his usual murderous way that Lee didn't really mind... and actually found kind of hot. Sitting up with another stretch, he could feel a pleasant buzz in his head and throughout his body. He looked at Ishida a bit longer before he realized Takahashi was missing. He tentatively reached a hand out to gently brush the hair from his owner's face, appreciating his handsome features as he considered getting up or staying there to enjoy this quiet moment with him.
Oh... damn. Why was he so cute? Something about the way he sat there with his arms folded to how he asked to be fed. "Oh, yes. Mm, I can think of something to feed you..." Oh, he certainly wouldn't want that. He wanted to laugh, already knowing his owner wouldn't blow him. "But, what would you like?" He decided to ask, holding back his little laugh to get off the bed and find something to wear. He would put on anything he could find in a drawer or the closet. He settled for the first pair of sweatpants, tying them at the waist to ensure they wouldn't slip down. He added a hoodie before he headed for the kitchen, already eager to try it out.
"I'm sure not what you're thinking." He said smirking slightly himself. "That's your breakfast. I think I will enjoy a rolled omelet today." He said simply watching Lee siftvfor clothing. Admittedly it was all Ishida's, so it was bigger than Lee's general build, not enough to drape over him completely, but it was baggie
Lee winced lightly as he walked, finding he felt more sore moving around. Still, he couldn't help but grin hearing Ishida, "Better that way. Ah, can't stop me from making extra." He liked how big the clothes were on him. He was drowning in the fabric, but it definitely gave him the sense of 'boyfriend' clothing. A rolled omelet, huh? Knowing the other's nationality... "Tamagoyaki?" He mused knowingly, curious as he opened the fridge, wondering how fresh everything was. He checked the date on a few products, finding them safe for the most part. Hadn't he seen Ishida eat that not too long ago? He seemed to be rather fond of the dish.

"Worry not as I have quite the experience in the kitchen~! My father had me make nearly all of our meals." He explained, sharing a little bit of his life as he rummaged through the cabinets next, actually managing to find a rectangular pan he typically saw used for rolled omelets. It wasn't as if his father trusted him in the kitchen, it was more so that he thought Lee was lazy and needed to work for everything - even his dinner. It was part of the reason why his father rarely found him home, Lee going out to eat either by himself or with his friends, or sneaking into the kitchen later at night to eat something. If his father could, he would starve him, Lee fearing he actually tried many times before.

Lee got some eggs and sugar out as he looked for the soy sauce and oil. As soon as he got the eggs mixed he set the pan on the heat before adding some oil and spread it around. SIzzling could be heard as he began pouring the egg mixture onto the hot pan, Lee taking his time as it had been quite a while since he attempted tamagoyaki.
By the time Ishida joined him in the kitchen, Lee had finished rolling the last of the second omelet he made, letting it cook on that side for the final time. He would take the first one that had been cooling, letting his owner get the better, fresher one. Whether it was pancakes or omelets, it was (usually) always better the second time. Once it was finished, he plated the omelet and sliced it before sliding the plate over to Ishida as he sat at the counter. He grabbed some chopsticks he found in the cutlery drawer and gave them to Ishida. He was a little too eager to see how he did, pausing as he watched his owner for his reaction. "So~?" He asked.
Ishida gently sliced the omelet as Lee looked at him, hovering for approval. The steaming chunk of egg getting tucked into his mouth after a gentle blow. He hummed to himself as he chewed drawing it out as he noticed Lee was still still staring at him. He swallowed and hummed again, drinking his juice. "I tastes quite good, fluffy, soft, and has nice flavor."
Lee didn't know whether or not the other didn't like it or was torturing him by making him wait. He tried to be patient, leaning forward a little when he began to speak. Relief washed over him hearing the positive remarks. "Perfect," he said as he relaxed and rolled up his sleeves. He grabbed a pair of chopsticks for himself to start on his, taking a piece and eating it. "Mm, yeah!" He agreed, holding back on asking if it tasted like the ones at home. He didn't need to bring that up. "I wouldn't mind cooking more things. Whatever you want~." Of course, if he wanted to or not, he'd end up cooking for them. Luckily he enjoyed it.
Listening to Lee offerings of cooking for him, Ishida snatched up another peice of the dish. "I'll consider it, perhaps when we aren't in the club, you'll have more liberties to cook for me." He said after a while, the doors into the communal space opened up as Awano came up mutely, peaking inti the fridge and rifling about.
"Oh, true. You have someone cooking at the club." He said with a nod, eating another piece off his plate. He was happy to be given that opportunity, though quickly realized it wasn't something forced on him. He was slightly comforted by that, not being forced. It wasn't like home with his father. He would just wait for the order to be given before acting, much like he had been doing already. He perked up when someone entered the room, joining them. Awano, quiet as always, shuffled through the fridge. "Awano~ want me to make you something?" He offered, knowing he wasn't forced to do it, but he may as well as he already had stuff out.
Awano crossed the fridge, grumbling slightly as he moved around the counter, holding a jug of milk and snatching open a cupboard door to get a box of cereal. "Awano isn't much of a morning person ever since we cane here...I'm starting to think he's pent up on the mornings." Ishida barbed as his brawler set up the bowl and started pouring the cereal.
Lee was a little amused by Awano's grumpy mood. It was strangely cute against his silent intimidation. Lee moved to sit beside his owner to give the man room and let him move around to grab what he needed. "Oh~? I'm sure there's something we could do for him..." He grinned, absolutely not serious. From what he knew the man was capable of, he definitely wouldn't want to get on his bad side.
Lee, taking a moment to register what his owner just said, blinked in surprise. "Wait, seriously?" He looked toward him before looking at Awano. Awano's sexuality never really crossed his mind as it never came up. Lee knew Ishida's as the other told him, and Takahashi had some interest in messing around, but Awano? He couldn't assume. "I mean... why not, right?" He said, almost trying to convince himself it was okay as he stood. Almost everyone there had already used him for relief, so why not add the last yakuza member? He looked back over to Ishida, awaiting the laugh and explanation he was only kidding.

When it didn't come, he moved closer to Awano. "Oh, so dirty, getting a free show." He teased his owner with a small laugh, focusing his attention on Awano next. He felt a little bad interrupting his breakfast, but if he truly was grumpy from no release then he would be helping him in the end! "Just... pretend it's not me, yeah~?" He reassured, getting on his knees before reaching to free him and take him in his mouth.
As Lee moved down, Awano blinked as Ishida didn't stop the slave...and Lee was going for it. Awano grumbled as he seemed to be considering something, letting Lee pull the sweats down as something suddenly flopped in front of him, an almost blood-chilling thing as Lee realized that the giant gruff gangster in front of him was in complete proportion down below. Elephant certainly would fit, if this was Awano's trunk-"Ey-" Awano said, flushing faintly as he reached out, smacking Lee's hands off him, and started to yank his pants back up. Ishida burst of laughing as Awano tried to cover himself back up.
The word elephant did cross his mind again, Lee was mighty curious until it flopped out in front of him. He flinched back, shocked at the sheer size. Awano was entirely massive, from head to toe- to cock, it seemed. "Holy shit-" he mumbled, though still tried until he was smacked away. He shuffled back, giving up. "Alright, alright, fine. Stay pent up~" he teased as he stood back up to return to his seat beside Ishida to finish eating. "That thing was gonna kill me, I swear~"
"Wha-" he started, actually wondering why he was surprised over his owner's words. "Traitor," he teased back, unable to threaten him with getting too used up as he knew Ishida would take him regardless. He didn't want to disappoint, the thought now nagging at him as he looked back over to Awano. With a small, quiet sigh, he returned to kneel in front of the silent yakuza. He would never want to disappoint his owner. He was ready to swat Awano's hands away if he tried to stop him from pulling his pants down. He knew he couldn't fight back against Awano if he overpowered him, but he would damn well try his best. "Like I said, pretend it's not me~" He said in some attempt to lighten the mood, the elephant flopping right back out, surprising him for the second time. "Christ," he mumbled, hand already wrapping around the massive thickness to stroke him. "You'll feel better." He said softly.
"I can't betray you Lee, I own you." Ishida said smirking wider as he was forced to go back ti his little attempt. Awano glaring at Ishida now as Lee pulled his pants back down, the brawler scowling as he looked down at Lee. Honestly he had such a frustrated, glowering stare, that it probably would only make Lee's danger senses tingle. As Lee tried to stroke it...God it barely fit his hand. Awanos giant mit grabbed onto his wrists tightly, prying it up and bending his arm slowly. "No." Awano said in short, blunt stroke of his tongue.

"Aw come on ,Awano. You can't let a little thing like a dick get in the way of you feeling good. You must be crazy, you haven't even touched a titty since we got here." Ishida said shaking his head. "A hole is a hole-"
Ah, that reminder. It always made him feel good. Still, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and shake his head before he focused on Awano. He could feel himself shrinking under that gaze. He almost wanted to run back over to Ishida and deal with his outbursts rather than stay under that glare. He wouldn't give up, though. He flushed as he realized he was getting turned on, the feeling only worsening as the yakuza tightly gripped his wrists, his arm bending uncomfortably. He winced, groaning softly. "Ahh... mmn, come on..." He tried to pull away, at first playfully, though he actually did try as he got first hand experience with his strength. A hole is a hole... Was Awano straight? "Yeah, just... close your eyes." He felt bad saying such a thing, not wanting to force anything on the other. Then again, being so pent up wasn't exactly healthy, either. At least Lee thought so! "I'll make it quick. It'll be over before you know it~." He tried again, a restrained hand reaching for his cock. "I know you don't want me, but you can use me to feel good," he offered, wondering if somehow that would work.
As Lee found himself getting off on Awanos sheer strength, his resisting almost like trying to yank away from a golem, Awano simply didn't move. Atleast Ishida felt the resistance! Awano blinked, seeing that Lee groaned and reasched for him anyway, reminded why Ishida enjoyed him so much. "Yeah, pretend he's your bucket-" Ishida said smirking as he approached now, ruffling Lee's hair. "And use that bucket to sate your needs. It's okay to use a slave, his whines are all fake." Ishida said as he yanked Lee's hair.
Lee looked back toward his owner when he stood and approached. He sighed happily under his touches, that alone was like praise to him. "Mm, more or less." He mused, gasping as his head was forced back. He winced, the discomfort turning to that pleasure he loved, much like the burning pain he felt in his bent arm. Oho, fake, huh? He was still human! He knew they were trying to convince the mostly silent yakuza, Lee surprised that they managed to get him to speak. So unfortunate it was from urging him to let Lee get him off.

"It's okay, look~" He assured as he opened his mouth, letting his tongue come out, forming the 'bucket' that was his mouth. "Buckets don't always have to be filled." He pointed out then, just in case Awano didn't want to - or couldn't - fill his mouth or throat. His face or body would be a fine alternative. He gave a tug or two, waiting to feel that tight grip loosen, letting him know he was at least interested. "I don't even have to touch you. You can do all the touching. Or not." He gently suggested, the mental image of Awano jerking off into his mouth or face exciting him. Just... anything to get him off.
As Lee opened his mouth, stucking out his tongue, Awano looked up at Ishida as if to silently demand he call this off...but Ishida would only be Ishida. A bastard. Lee felt his master let go of his hair...only for Ishida to push his knee into Lee's back, pushing him forward mouth wise open to catch a mouthful of Awano's mammoth tip.
As Lee was looking up at the silent yakuza, he caught the look toward Ishida. He couldn't wonder for long what was running through his mind besides his plea to end things as he felt a shove forward. The hold on his head released, the pleasurable tingly burn disappearing as he found his mouth suddenly on Awano. His lips gently kissed the head, his tongue sliding along as he shifted his head from the surprise. He didn't bother bitching at Ishida as they finally, sort of, succeeded. He watched Awano for his reaction before deciding to jump right in before he stopped him again. He leaned forward, his tongue swirling the head and playing with the slit before he tried to take more in.

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