General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee was beginning to learn, it would take some time but he was willing if it saved his life… and he wanted it. He couldn’t help it. For once in his life someone wanted him, a thought he couldn’t rid from his mind from years of abuse. In a way he felt some sort of control or empowerment despite everything being forced on him. He had no say or control in anything. He was Ishida’s puppet and doll.

The knife swiped across his skin here and there as his owner fucked his face and throat. He would jolt and groan, sending vibrations around his master’s cock. He managed to get one more breath in before he was pressed flush against Ishida, his seed quickly filling his mouth and sliding down his throat. He tried to swallow, pulling Ishida into his mouth more, milking his master.

He eventually was pulled away, Lee gasping and panting, a dazed look in his face and eyes. He licked his swollen lips, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He swayed a little, his limbs and body feeling like jelly.
As Lee lulled back, his dull, glazed eyes on his master, the fangster, Lee's Rapist, was awash in pleasure. He was savoring the submission, every ragged huff for air Lee made met with a rewarding scrape of his scalp with his master's nails. Ishida shifted his hips. The sticky, cum caked pole swung, smacking wetly on top of the pet's face. "Mm- now clean it up-" he ordered as he slapped and rubbed it against his lips, as if giving his smiling lips a kiss. "Like a good boy," He whispered as he saw the fire die in his eyes, smotherd in the slaves cum soaked weakness. Ishida's mighty member twitched as if demanding service itself as Kee's face was used as a cock rest.
Lee found himself leaning into the touches, his eyes closing as his scalp was scratched. He felt incredible all over, almost like he was high. He didn't take anything, so why was he feeling so good? He didn't know about a certain space subs fell into when they were with their dom. The various chemicals in his brain were released as he had been abused by the gangster. It had really only been a matter of time until he fell into the deep space. He blinked feeling slap his lips and face. His small smile grew, nodding, before his eyes widened, Lee lighting up at the praise. Oh- Oh god, it felt so good. He never heard those words aimed toward him, at least not that he could remember. The tip of that cock pressed against his lips, bringing his attention quickly back to his master's cock. He happily obeyed, swirling a tongue along the head before he ran it along the shaft, cleaning him.

He didn't feel the need to speak, he simply quietly worked on cleaning the cum off of his member. Short, quick laps of his tongue eventually did the job. He leaned back some when he was finished, looking up at the other, curious about what he would do or want next. Lee ignored his own problem, hanging between spread legs as he knelt before his owner's feet, his hands hanging at his sides.
As Lee frantically and eagerly cleaned up Ishida, the master would pet the slave warmly. "Good! Good Boy!" He praised, his voice rising with warmth rather than his previous distain. Ishida would oet him with both hands, seeming to switch up on him while he was so vulnerable of mind. In truth it was to introduce yet another toxic game to the Slaves fucked mind. Love Bombing. To make his approval starved mind seek it all the more.

"Should I make you feel good? Hm? Show you some mercy?"
Lee relaxed under the praise, purring softly as he wanted more. The other's tone seemed to change, from ruthless attacks on him to this strange gentleness. Lee couldn't think, his mind only on pleasing the other. He could only lean into the hand that pet him, nuzzling into it. He wanted to be touched more, the high surrounding his body increasing as another hand joined in petting him. "Mmm... Thank you," he whispered, almost unable to find his voice. "Thank you...!" He said a little louder, wanting his owner to hear him.

Oh, the other would please him? Bright eyes looked up at the other, nodding, "Yes, please! ...M-Master," he added on at the end, a chill running through his body as he correctly addressed his owner.
He leaned a little to the side as that hand moved, disappearing from his head. He straightened himself back up, feeling quite floaty and good. "Mmhmm..." He hummed in approval, his back arching and his legs spreading a bit more. "Mnn, yes. Please, Master." He pleaded, sounding more confident as he called him by the right title again. A quiet moan escaped him, his head starting to tilt back. "Anywhere. P-Please, just touch me." His skin tingled by those hands touching him, Lee wanting to experience more.
Ishida smirked as him giving him slow strokes. "Come here- little kitten" He said as he pet the erect slaves cock ever so softly he'd lean the slave forward his other hand caressing his back . The yakuza slid his fingers into the eager hole, starting to attack him on both fronts. Ishida lips kissed in his bruises, hus cuts, nipping on the exposed skin so they'd sting. "Mm-dont worry, master will give you your brand soon"
Little kitten~? It sounded... strangely cute. It was fitting, Ishida being his owner, Lee his pet. Just as long as they didn't run into any actual animal play. He tried to keep his hips still to not thrust into his hand. Though he was gently leaned forward, Lee's heart skipped a beat as he was much closer to Ishida, practically leaning against him, his ass just about sticking out. He shuddered, just enjoying the hand on him, it moving further south until he was able to slip fingers inside of him. He was still slick from Ishida cumming inside of him.

"A-Ahh, mmmm," he gasped, moaning close to his owner's ear, nodding. He panted softly, wincing and softly whimpering as his marks stung from those lips kissing over them. "Master," he purred breathlessly, eager for just about anything the other wanted to do with him. He was deep in there, subspace making him very compliant. He couldn't tell if something was wrong; if he shouldn't want something Ishida wanted to do with him. Branding? Hell yeah, bring it on!

He held back from wrapping his arms around his master's neck, keeping his hands in front of him, away from the hand that stroked him giving him such pleasure. "That feels so good," he purred.
As Lee existed in his new space, Ishida's gentle touch seeming to be everything he desired, Ishida pressed his fingers finger. They curled ever so slightly inside , as if he was a doctor, giving Kee an exam. His fingers pressed on the cluster of happy, abused nerves, his prostate being milked while he was getting tenderly stroked. His rapist angled his head down slowly, taking a deep kiss next from the slave.
He could feel those fingers slide in deeper, searching for something, though to Lee he simply enjoyed contact with his master. The other knew he found it when his pet jumped, a wanton moan leaving his lips. The sound muffled as lips pressed against his. He couldn't help it, his arms coming up, wrapping around his owner's neck, pulling him in closer. The assault on his prostate was continuous, relentless almost as he didn't let up. It was so gentle, so amazing, Lee's head was spinning as his release crashed on him. Lips parted as his head threw back, a cry emitting from him as he was milked, his owner not stopping despite cumming. He dared not tell the other to stop if it was too much. He just enjoyed the sensation, the immense pleasure that crashed over him, his cock letting out stream after stream of his seed.

He started to shake when his body deemed it too much. He lazily hung off of Ishida's neck, tired and spent.
Once Lee would sag, rendered pressed dry from his masters relentless pressure, Ishida drew his fingers slowly from the quivering slave. Ishida grabbed onto the belt to pull him up, dragging him up. "Let's go back to the club, hm?" He purred as the temporarily broken slave would be lead to the bedroom so that Ishida could get dressed.
Even when Lee nearly clung to the man, he didn’t once stop him. Was he being kind while he was in this state? …He could get used to that. If he was mainly aware of what he was doing. Normally he would refuse and fight the other, but in his current state he agreed.

He felt the tug to his neck, his master pulling him up and Lee coming to a stand. He followed, being led by the makeshift leash. He quietly watched his master dress, still in his comfortable, dizzy daze. He swayed a little, steadying himself if he were to fall.

“Can I get dressed, too? Please?” He would ask softly, curiously watching the other. What he really needed was a shower. Alas, he wasn’t clear of mind, still stuck in his subspace. It would be quite the sight for any onlookers to catch sight of Lee’s various wounds and the marking in Japanese on his chest.
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Lee perked up as he was given permission. He was pointed to the closet and after losing the comfort of the belt around his neck he went over to it. He looked through, taking his time as he took in the husband’s style. It wasn’t really anything that Lee cared for. Spotting a black shirt and black pants he took it out and started slipping them on. He was dirty, but he just felt better covered up. The outfit was simple enough and the dark colors were more his style.

He gently rubbed his neck as he returned to his master’s side. He wasn’t looking to run, he had no plans to escape. He was simply in heaven beside his master.
As Lee came back to his masters side, Ishida grabbing a handful of the slaves backside, tucking the slave up close to his chest, teasing him a bit before starting to lead him back to the club. The path back was more filled in by passersby and, though the known presence of Ishida instantly earned them space.
Lee happily pressed closer to his owner as he was pulled in and groped. He lightly giggled, resting his head against his chest, before the other pulled away to leave. He stayed close, tempted to grab that hand and hold it, though he held back, having some sense despite the subspace. As the early morning turned midday there were more people out and about. There still wasn't a single thought of escaping, of running up to someone and begging to be helped. The thought didn't even cross his mind, those thoughts pushed far down, way out of his grasp. His mind was mostly clear, filled with a want or two to please his owner, to make him happy and keep him that way - to generally serve him.

He curiously watched as people steered clear of Ishida. There was a small crowd in front of them, gone in a blink, Lee momentarily wondering where all the people went. He shook his head, not a single worry in his nearly maimed body. He received a few strange looks, people wondering what he was doing willingly with Ishida - them knowing he didn't have a choice in the end. Still, the thoughts did cross their minds, others firm on minding their own business.

He stayed as close as he could, not wanting to separate from Ishida and lose him. The way to the club was short, a few familiar faces from earlier came into view. They dared not bother him, lest they wanted to feel Ishida's wrath. He did wonder why they were returning to the club, but Lee was happy to chill out on the main floor. It looked so much different with the lights on!
In the daylight shifts, the clues mystique, and energy was different, shifting from a dem if sins to a realm of controlled momentum. The bfront facing staff switching from dark uniforms to blend in to ivory whites. Tables qwre cleared and bussed, and the floors getting scrubbed. Every ounce of effort pushing to polish the club for the next night services. The dance floor, the bar, even the DJ booth would get its dues.

Ishida's lead took Lee back up to staff area, the office that he sold himself away. Takahashi was diligently skimming pages, setting them on his bosses desk.the two held a brief exchange, but Takahashi rapped a page , Ishida's face cracking into a scowl as he sauntered over, his good mood wasted in an instant as he snatched up the page and then his ledger to compare something it seemed.
It was quite a sight seeing the stark contrast, something people usually never got to see as clubgoers only ever came when it was dark. He could appreciate the effort the staff took to clean the entire place. It sure needed it, knowing what he himself would usually end up doing in the club. Instead of sticking around the main floor, Ishida brought him up a set of stairs, up into an unfamiliar room that only drunk Lee had a chance to see.

A familiar face could be found inside, Lee nodding his head in acknowledgment toward the man. Spotting a couch, he sat in the corner of it, seemingly making himself small, while he relaxed. It was nice, listening to his owner speak his native language. Lee always enjoyed how Japanese sounded. It also gave the two a chance to speak freely in front of his new pet. Hmm, he wondered how he could start learning the language.

He frowned seeing how irritated Ishida suddenly became. That terrible book came out, his owner focused on it. He had no idea that he was in it.

He knew it wouldn't be his business, but he couldn't help but ask in a soft voice, "What's wrong?"
Ishida slammed the book in the desk. "A collection is due from a client. A client I never quite was fond of." He said over his shoulder. "He's a worm, I'm sure he has exactly as much as I'm owed, but due to...obligations, I must treat him softly." Ishida said as he stalepped around to his chair He glanced at Takahashi. He said something shortly, the Goon raising a brow th. Ishida gestured to Lee. Then said it again. The phrase making the thug shrug and walk out of the room.
Lee had been glancing over to Takahashi when Ishida suddenly slammed the book down. He looked back over to him, quietly listening to his explanation. He mulled over the other's words, thinking over his own situation. Right, Ishida was a debt collector. He was after Sam and Elliot until Lee sold himself. He looked between the two men, realizing that Ishida was talking about him. He blinked, unaware of what had been said. "Mm... What~?" He mused softly. For a short moment, he admired his owner sitting in his chair. He then stood from his seat, coming up behind Ishida. He gently placed his hands on his shoulders, rubbing at them, hoping to relax him.

"What happens if he doesn't pay?" He could certainly imagine what would happen. He figured his attempt to calm the other would jump to something sexual. Well, if it helped him relax...
"In this particular case...perhaps I'll have to start small. Send a message" Ishida said as the slave tried to calm his master, feeling his anger and tension deep in his shoulders already. "Perhaps I'll have to send him some photographs of him in a...vulnerable position." He thought aloud whilst he was in the middle of seething with his cintempt.
It was definitely quite different being on the other end of a yakuza's plan to torment someone. To listen in and hear what he may end up doing to someone. It was creepy, an unsettling feeling falling over him. Brows furrowed as he continued to rub tense shoulders. Normally he wouldn't add to some poor guy's torture and stay quiet, and yet... "Oh?" He pressed a little harder on his shoulders as he rubbed them, not yet being told to stop so he continued and added pressure. "Vulnerable, huh..." There was a small tilt of his head as he thought that over.
"It doesn't necessarily require it to be something like cuddling up with someone. It could be him in his routines, in his home, or....better yet, when he meets up with someone very special. " He said as he closed his eyes in thought, his massage had him relaxing somewhat, not shying away from the topic. "Could also try to honey pot him a but for blackmail."
A small chill ran up his spine at the thought of someone taking pictures while he went about his day. It was rather creepy. He was rather impressed that the other was sharing information with him and not telling him a slave couldn’t be spoken to or Ishida worried he would say something to someone. The latter thought would be impossible in Ishida’s eyes he realized. He was trapped by Ishida’s side, the other thrown into a rage if the simple thought of escaping crossed his mind.

Honeypot, huh. Ah- was that a twinge of jealousy he just felt? At the thought of Ishida possibly sleeping with someone else.

It was strange, the slave being possessive over his master. It was the other way around.

No, he would probably send one of his men to do it. Ishida was far too busy to mess around with someone. And yet… there he was. Standing there, rubbing his master’s shoulders.

“Would you mess around with him?” He ended up asking in the end.
Ishida opened his eyes at the question, the master turning his head slightly. Now why would he go and ask such a thing...Ishida smirked. "Hm? I don't think this particular debter would be open to paying me like that...but perhaps I'll check." He said as he looked up to Lee. "I'm quite convincing." He added. Ishida was curious now, prodding the slaves jealousy. "Perhaps I'll even press him into a pet contract if he does a good job..."
Lee seemed to be gathering his senses again. Was he losing that blissful subspace? Perhaps he would have to anger the other again to jump back into it.

Ah, how could he ever think of such a thing? Purposefully angering this madman?

As the other suggested messing around with the man and worse, forming a contract with him, he could feel the jealousy rise. He couldn’t say anything, he couldn’t tell him no, nor beg him not to.

They were face to face, Lee trying not to outwardly show any form of jealousy. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Maybe you’ll grow bored of me then and set me free.” He wasn’t sure if that was wise to say. He wasn’t looking to rile Ishida up. Or was he?
Ishida chuckled, a dark sound. "Why would I let you free just for a new toy? If that were the case, I wouldn't have taken your contract....heh. Don't forget." He said as his hand came up, grabbing onto the slaves arm and herking him forward so that he would be bent against the gangster m. "You're collateral. If I cut you loose, I turn my attention back to my ledger." He whispered
Before he could think of a response, the other grabbed him and pulled him forward. A surprised sound escaped him, Lee finding himself practically in his owner’s lap. He shifted, looking to straddle his hips until he was comfortably seated.

“That silly little book?” He turned, glancing over his shoulder to see if he could spot it on the desk. If he managed to find it, he picked it up to browse through it.
As he turned, Lee would see the 'silly little book', a hefty looking thing, ordering the distruction and control of countless lives, inked meticulously in pen. Though he couldn't read it, maintaining Japanese as its Cypher. As he'd look ti it, Ishida would set his hands on the slaves hips, pressing him against his lap. "Silly hm? It's my business." He said as he reached with his other hand to pullhis attention by to him.

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