General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee pouted, the expression clear to Ishida when he was pulled back to look at him. "Mean~" He was surprised, however, as Ishida leaned in to kiss him. His thoughts had been interrupted, Ishida succeeding in his distraction. He hummed happily, visibly relaxing into the kiss. He parted his lips, allowing that tongue to slip inside. He let himself go, giving Ishida full control, to rid himself of all thoughts. Just Ishida, just pleasing him. He kept his hands to himself, knowing a good pet wouldn't touch without permission.

He wanted to try it, willingly giving control to the yakuza - his owner, his master. Just to see. He could do better than Kasumi.
As Lee submitted himself, the yakuzas tongue was adventurous, getting acclimated in the new space. While the slaves mind was focused on beating this Kasumi, this perfect toy for his master, Ishida gripped onto his hair. He tugged him backwards. "That's it Tea Boy.' He purred as he seemed to be drifting onto submission. He caressed the bruises on his throat with a finger and sat back in his chair, patting his lap. "Here Tea Boy."
Lee allowed the exploration, occasionally swiping his tongue across Ishida's. The familiar grip on his hair told him he was about to be interrupted and sure enough he was tugged back, their kiss broken. He breathed, the praise making him feel good. He tilted his head back a little, giving him enough access to his neck. Whatever Ishida wanted to do to him, he would, and Lee was curiously ready for it. He watched him move, sitting back in his seat, exuding power that made the younger male shudder.

He carefully climbed off the desk without much hesitation, only due to each movement causing a small spike of pain, the sensation luckily reduced by the cream and bandage. He didn't have to move very far, his owner quite close, and he easily slipped into his lap; a spot he was beginning to enjoy being in. Straddling his lap, he sat up straight, the other would feel his hardness that at that moment he wasn't trying to hide. He was supposed to be giving himself completely to the male, even if it meant exposing his shame. "What would you like me to do?" He asked softly.
"Hmm do you know how to dance." Ishida said as he slid his hands up the slaves shirt, dragging it up as he caressed on his shirt, hi fingers brushing the fleshes of dried blood away from his peck. Ishida knew more than likely he'd allow the slave to heal up before putting any more strain on his body, but he'd find other ways to make uses of him.
Resting his arms at his sides, he raised them, just enough for Ishida to slide his hands underneath. He kept them partially up, ready to lift them to remove his shirt if that were to come next. He would wince slightly whenever he peeled the dried blood and a small scab would be removed, his skin stinging once again. Back at the apartment he could get cleaned again, so he wasn't worried, letting Ishida do as he pleased. "Oh, absolutely not. I'm terrible." He shook his head with a small laugh recalling his attempts. "I only ever come to the club to drink and get high, and... Well, you know what else." He could only roll his eyes, not at Ishida, but as he remembered the entire reason why he was sold to Ishida. His friends gambling. If he didn't come to the club to release, he was there with his friends to watch them gamble. He never had any interest and he knew it would get them into major trouble one day. Usually, they would drag him along with promises of release, only to drag him to one of the private areas to lose their money.

"Are you looking for a strip show?" He joked. Well, if he had some music... No, no. He would only make a fool of himself.
He smirked slightly. "Perhaps you will learn for me." He said as he peeled his shirt off. "You don't have enough practice, I can give you plenty." He said as he pressed upwards, his hips bumping up underneath Lee, his other hand moving down to strok his shame. "After all, shouldn't you master such things for your masters pleasure"
"Ah, seems like I'll have to. Excuse me for being terrible as I learn, Master~," he jested, yet saying it felt so good. He raised his arms, allowing the shirt to be slipped off. His chest looked terrible as it started the healing process, dried blood covering him. He couldn't dwell on the state of his chest for long as he was shifted up by those hips thrusting. At the same time, a hand came around his cock, stroking him, making him come alive again. "Mmm... Yes, yes. Of course," he happily agreed to whatever, wanting more contact as he placed his hands atop Ishida's shoulders to keep him steady.

"I'll do whatever you want." He wanted to try it, completely submitting to him. So far, he was enjoying himself. Perhaps a bit too much for someone who was forced into everything mere hours ago. There would end up being something he wouldn't want to do, something he would refuse and end up disobeying. Until then, he couldn't find a reason to fight him.

"What turns you on, mm?" He ended up asking, wanting to know what more got him off.
Ishida closed his eyes at the question, seeming to be considering ir a moment. "Outside of sadistic behavior I'm guessing?" He said as he would rub the slaves unscorched cheek. "I enjoy a few things. Dominance games mostly, you already are well acquainted with my penchant for strangling....I've always enjoyed using devices on others, and restrains. Submission from my pets is ofcourse a must have. It makes me happiest to see the submission in there eyes." He said as he opened them again. "Servitude in general is sexy to me. The best thing that one could do is be dutiful to their master. And not just sexually."
"Heh, I think I can guess what gets you off in the sadistic realm," he laughed with a nod as he recalled all that they had done so far. He would nod quietly in response as he listened. Devices, restraints, things they haven't used much if at all yet. He pressed closer, his body already on edge if he chose to rub the wrong area. That, and he simply enjoyed the closeness with Ishida. Here and there he would roll his hips, enjoying the sensation of his cock brushing against his front. Lee was hopeful all that he had done so far was pleasing Ishida. "Outside of sex... Like a twenty-four-seven type of thing?" He had heard of people doing that, having a dominance and submission relationship at all times. It really should have been a given from all the times Ishida told him that was what he wanted.

He leaned in to nip at his neck again, catching a moan deep in his throat. "I'll be sure to do my best," he whispered in his ear, nipping at the lobe. "I want to be able to please you." He felt a sort of closer connection as he found out more about Ishida. "I think you already know what turns me on," he chuckled softly.
"Yes, I've noticed what I can do for you...even if I throw you down and take what I want by force..but surely you want more than that." He said raising his brow as he felt the slave nipping on his neck, his hand cupping the back of Lee's head gently, The move he pushed and rubbed against him, Lee could feel his masters growth underneath him again. "You live for my power and control, but I think I want to keep polished as often as I use you."
Just by his words alone had Lee shuddering, the other affecting him so easily. He wanted more... He couldn't deny that. He was curious and wanted to explore more. This whole new lifestyle, something he had looked into before out of sheer curiosity, fantasizing about someone actually dominating him... He never managed to get it, not from any partners around the club or outside. In such an unfortunate circumstance, he managed to get exactly what he wanted.

The hand came up, holding the back of his head, Lee preparing to be tossed back, yet it never came. The gentleness was different, unexpected, but welcome. He grinned feeling Ishida harden under him as he ground down harder. A breath caught in his throat at his next words, the ultimate tease as that promise was ripped away from him. No, it wasn't right. He shouldn't. He shouldn't want the yakuza as badly as he did.

What a fucking tease.

He wouldn't admit it, he wouldn't voice those desires. "Polished, mm?"
"Heh...your my servant, my doll, and my pet. As much as I may spill my cum all over and inside of you, I also need to keep you from becoming unusable to me." He said as he curled his fingers to digg them into the back if hus scalp to give the slave the pain he loved. His hips moved underneath him, gently parting the slaves cheeks with his other hand. "If you're a good boy, I'll make you shine...if your not...well I can let you sit in a lonely place.. or maybe you'll have to watch-"
For some sick reason he loved hearing the other call him those things, letting him know exactly what he was to the other - his owner. A gasping yelp left him, the familiar pain stinging, going straight to his dick. "Mnn... No, no..." He went to shake his head, the tugging giving him the same sweet pain. Locked away in his bedroom, unable to escape hell - his father beating him. Only Ishida's hands could lay on him, Lee silently decided. Only he could hurt him.

"That won't be necessary... Hah, watch? That would be quite the sight to see, Master pleasuring himself." Or... Would Ishida fuck someone else, forcing him to watch? The thought didn't sit well with him, but who, a lowly pet, could tell his master what to do?

A brat-- Ishida would have to learn Lee had to fight back. It was just in his nature. He had to. It was the only way he could survive.

He lifted his hips, coming down to feel the other spreading his cheeks. The prospect of more fun to come had his dick twitching. As careful as Ishida was, the slight brushing against the wounded side returned spikes of pain. It would be unavoidable for a little while.

"Mm... Lemme ride you. Please?" He had grown excited since getting branded, his erection refusing to fade. As this was Ishida's personal office and the partial nature of his work, he was certain the other had lube somewhere nearby.
As the slave raised the question, Ishida chuckled. "Will you go crazy? Between me inside you, and your ass slamming on the bandage?" He teased the masochist as he scratch him slowly. "There's a special lubricant in the might like it a bit too much, as if enhances sensory functions. For a pain loving doll like might be the best drug effect you've had for sex."
"Ah... Shit." He had been so turned on he forgot that small detail despite his mind focused on it. He leaned into the hand that scratched at his scalp, enjoying the pleasant touches. "Oh~?" He mused curiously as he turned as much as he could to fiddle with a drawer, trying to look for it. He recalled just earlier how he looked for lube in the apartment and the other came after him thinking he was escaping. There would be no worries this time as he was still right there in Ishida's lap. That, and he was trying to be obedient. Why would he try to run?

"What'd you do with it to make it so wonderful?" He asked as he finally found the bottle - white and blue, just as they used last night. Not that he had any memory of that, anyway. "This?" He turned to ask as it had no label so he wasn't totally sure. He wouldn't mind a little drug to enhance sex. He would do anything for a chance to experiment with drugs and sex. Well, in any case, he would find out soon enough.

Popping the bottle open he spread some of the substance onto his fingers before he reached around, spreading it on his hole. He slipped a few fingers inside, getting himself nice and ready. He poured some more onto his hand and again reached around, this time looking to coat his master's cock with the liquid. Already he started feeling a little different as his body began absorbing the substance. He felt warm, a strange tingling around his body. He was eager to begin, Lee tossing the bottle onto the desk before grasping that cock again and aligning himself with it before he began to lower his hips. It was easier for him to slide inside thanks to the special lube. Actually, it was even better than it usually was.

He wasted no time, Lee lowering himself down to the base, careful of his wound before lifting again. He started slow; how he usually began riding partners. Only, he was far too eager to go slow, Lee quickening his movements right away, slamming down onto his master's cock. He expected to feel the usual pain from the wound, and as it was there, it seemed to have lessened. He couldn't tell if it was his own body's weird response or the lube had something to do with it.

Resting his hands on Ishida's shoulders, he rode him, hard and fast. He threw his head back as he aimed for that special spot inside of him, a cry leaving his lips.
As Lee suddenly slammed himself downwards, the pain response he should have felt was shunted, washed strictly into his pleasure centers as his masters thick thing was scrapping his sensitive insides. The drugs in the lubricant were spread deeper, his lustful pace stripping thevlubr from his masters prick and absorbing more. "The compound was a special mixture, akin to a local pill that trended for a while. Normally it was for a fun high, but for some adjustments, it usually would make the receiver...hyper sensitive to the pleasure signals of their body."
Very quickly did the drug-laced lube act on his system, any pain he felt transformed immediately into that blissful pleasure. Without the risk of pain, his movements quickened, Lee slamming down harder on his master's cock, striking his prostate every single time. As he thrust inside of him, his cock spread the lube further, allowing deeper parts of his body to absorb the substance.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, Master, ahhnn~" he whined, happy as can be. "Shit, you... you could be... so damn rich if you sold this," he managed to get out between moans. "At, ahh~ raves or something," he added, his mind reeling from the incredible sensations. "You feel so fucking good," he cried out.
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"Addiction rating is a bit high! It might drive up production on horny bastards like you. Some even get hooked so bad that eventually...the effect is semi-permanent." He said as he leaned forwards, biting Lee's chest, socking on his nipple as he thrusted up at the same time, bouncing Lee on him harder. His fingers hand hooked into his pelvis, dragging on him to keep battering the pain addicts prostate harder and harder. "It's better than the first series for sure!"
"Nnn... Eh~?" He mused curiously, addiction? Semi-permanent? He felt this wasn't the first time they had used the lube. It being so readily available in the other's office and how the other went on explaining how he begged for his cock last night. Whatever the case, the pleasure flooded his mind, ridding him of any thoughts. Just bouncing on his master's cock, as his owner leaned in to suck on his nipples, emitting another cry as every sensation was heightened. It felt even better as Ishida helped him, taking over some control as he helped his pet. This was something he had worked on before. Did he use it on that one guy? His past fling...

"F-First series? Nn, gonna experiment on me now?" It made sense for the sadist to try his products out on the masochist. Lee would find this product quite a success.

He soon felt his orgasm start to creep up on him. "M-Master, I'm close...!" He warned him. Lee feared that despite reaching his orgasm he wouldn't want to stop. How much longer could he go for? He was already starting to feel tired. He wrapped his arms around Ishida's neck, clinging to him, threading fingers in his hair as he gently squeezed, waves of pleasure hitting him.
"If i made you my test subject for all my little ideas, you be a sex-crazed mess...i suppose not so different- than now" He purred into the slaves ear as he was feeling the pressure, the way he squeezed tight and tighter, nearing his limits in hardly any time at all. "Maybe I'll make one that can hold your orgasm-" He teased as he slammed up into him harder, listening to his warnings. "If you cum- I don't care-"He said as he spanked the slave draging his teeth along his chest.
He shook his head, agreeing with him, a small laugh escaping followed by a loud moan as he slammed up into him. Lee's hips met his master's, over and over again, driving him absolutely mad. "Ahhn~ cruel." How could he stop him?

Lee had given him the warning and the other didn't care. Ishida wasn't trying to control him, his orgasm, his master letting him do as he pleased. He couldn't get any luckier than this, in a really fucked up way that he would never understand.

After one more harsh thrust, another slam against his prostate, and the spank, Lee came with a scream, clinging tightly to his master as his release spilled across his stomach. It ended up splashing onto Ishida's suit, dirtying it. His hips jerked, as his seed spurt out, the younger male going limp in his arms. He was exhausted from everything they did that morning. He felt incredible, high. "Mmm, Master..." he whispered close to his ear.
As Lee's body surrendered, the slave unable to hold in his seed as he dirtied his masters suit, Ishida held onto him. His hips thumping faster and faster on his own.. his master was rock hard,, starting to shoot his own load onto the writhing slave,, digging deep inside as he poured his cum into Lee's guts.
Lee shivered as he was overstimulated with his master still beating into him after he came. He groaned lowly feeling that delicious heat fill him. He could feel his legs trembling from the force of his orgasm, Lee thankful the other was holding onto him else he'd probably fall.

"Tired..." He mumbled into his neck, though he enjoyed the feeling of the other still inside him, that fullness he had come to love and miss. He clung to his owner, refusing to move, unless he truly had to. He wasn't sure the other wanted him passing out on top of him.
As Lee seemed to be Blacking out Ishida raised a brow, his arms holding him up...mostly so Lee didn't flop backwards and crack his head against the desk. Ishida stood up, popping the slave off his member and deposited him on the sofa to get back to work...and rang Takahashi to fetch him a fresh suit to replace what Lee had made a mess of. In the midstvof the business work, the goin would toss a blanket Iverson the unconscious slave and to maintain the upkeep...and would opt to prepare some clothing for him. Granted it was in part clothing collected, for now, Ishida hadn't ordered anything speciality yet.
For once in Lee's life, he felt safe. Safe, warm, and protected. As long as he stayed on Ishida's good side, he would be kept safe. He would have fallen back if Ishida hadn't been holding him, Lee very quickly after warning him passed out, the exhaustion taking hold. He needed the sleep, he hadn't gotten much the previous night and he needed to let his body heal. He didn't stir as his owner's cock was removed, nor when he was placed onto the couch. With more space, he curled up on the couch. The blanket was a nice touch, keeping him warm.

Lee was sound asleep for a long while as Ishida worked, his pet very close by. He was quiet, the only indication he was still alive was his chest rising and falling. He didn't wake even when he was stripped and changed. It seemed it would be quite a while.
Lee had ample time to sleep and gather up his energy, Ishida having some food brought up to the office as time dragged on. A bowl of warm white rice, tonkastu, and sautéed veggies, and assorted sauces something simple enough to pick from for the moment. Ishida had taken some clientele and hosted a few meetings...some for simple dealings or preparations, others to ensure compliance. Some even would be lucky enough to come in to pay off their final debts to him.
Hours had passed, Lee waking by himself, feeling plenty refreshed as he let out a yawn. The scent of food caught his nose and he slowly sat up, wincing some as the abuse from hours earlier had set in. His body ached, and not in the good way.

It was a pleasant sight seeing Ishida sitting at his desk. He looked so important, so serious. He had just missed someone leaving after paying off a debt. Those that had entered were curious about the young male asleep on the yakuza’s couch. Others ignored him or didn’t even notice he was there.

He noticed his clothing had changed, similar to what he had on before. He paid no mind, figuring one of them had changed him. He couldn’t help but feel the kindness from his captor. Either that, or it was Takahashi, the latter seeming more realistic as his master was busy.

Mm, right. His master. Running fingers through his air dried hair, he quietly watched Ishida for a moment. He started feeling quite hungry. As he was trying to be obedient, he didn’t ask for the delicious looking food sitting right there.
Ishida was closing some drawer on his desk, looking up briefly to Lee. "Ah. You're awake " He said as he folded his arms. "I'm sure you're hungry." He stated simply as Lee would hold himself still. The food was fresh still, the scent tugging at his will. He'd gesture to the small tray. "That's yours...go on."
He stilled once those eyes were on him, feeling a sort of acknowledgment as he realized the possibility that his owner had been checking on him here and there as he slept. A smile crept up as that realization set in. He was surprised when he was offered the food.

“Are you not hungry?” He would ask, realizing he would be better off just accepting what was offered to him. At any moment he could be taken away. “We can share.” He decided as he got up, pulling a chair over to sit next to his owner.

Ensuring it as safe, he picked up the chopsticks, having some experience with them. He dug in, savoring the flavor of the still warm food. He guessed it had arrived not too long ago. “Mm, Japanese food is incredible.” Whoever made it, he wanted to order from them more. “Thank you, Master.” He was sure to thank him, showing gratefulness for something his owner didn’t have to give him.
"I've already eaten, you've been asleep for some time. I almost began to wonder if I would have to just keep you as a actual sex doll." He said as he reached over, petting the slave while he ate. Beside his master. His 5haks and appreciation were met with a simple nod. "You're welcome, you've worked hard on very little."

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