General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee braced himself feeling the grip tighten. The more they continued, the more it felt familiar to him. If they had played quite a bit last night then perhaps it wasn't so bad as he was still alive, playing with the other now. His words turned concerning and all could do was hope this wasn't one of those times.

"Must not have been that bad last night if I'm still here." The other had control, which Lee was finding rather hot. It was strange, very strange to him how much he was enjoying himself when he knew he shouldn't. Why did he enjoy giving the yakuza control? Why did these crazy things excite him so much? He had no idea where any of his kinks had come from. Was anything due to the abuse he endured? Was it his own way of taking control back? Perhaps he would never know.

As the other spoke, Lee noticed how excited the other was getting, more so than before. It seemed like he wasn't alone in his strange kinks. Although, the other seemed to be getting off on killing... He swallowed hard, tilting his head back some, giving the other more access to his neck. Ropes and belts... Shibari, right?

"Hopefully... you're calm enough now." Not up in a frenzy. He couldn't find a reason for that to happen right then. As his grip tightened, Lee found himself leaning in, subconsciously wanting more. He thought a better position would be on his back, the other on top of him. He closed his eyes, surprised at himself for wanting these things. He kept repeating in his mind how much he shouldn't be enjoying this, he shouldn't want this from the other, how he should have been thinking of a way to escape. As Ishida squeezed, he just wanted more.
Ishida grinned as Lee leaned forward, a wide wolfish thing. "Am I?" He teased, though his tone was hard to read. He pushed up and flipped Lee over, slamming him onto his back. "Or Am I just bidding my time..." He said as his grip pressed tighter, his hips rolling, his intense grip stripping more and more oxygen from his pet. The kindred spirits, a man that had an iron grip and another that seemed to dance with danger so easily. Ishida could have had an accident again or tested his limits. Ishida's mounting position was all-consuming, Lee was able to glance down and see the ravenous hard-on bulging through his pants. It was well within range for Lee to touch, and Ishida's hands were busy, starting to throttle up against him harder, his control on display as he'd close off Lee's air supply, but ease up just enough for him not to black out again..yet.
Oh- Weren't they missing something? A safe word... He was showing the other an awful lot of trust, Lee unsure if it was wise of him. Did he enjoy danger that much? He was learning quite a lot about himself in the few hours he had been conscious. A muffled yelp left him, the other somehow reading his twisted mind, giving him just what he wanted. His hands had come back up, holding onto those that squeezed his neck tighter. Fuck, why did the risk of death excite him so much? Did it have anything to do with all his days partying and throwing himself to strangers who offered him a little bit of affection or fucked him silly? The risk had been there then, tripled with the yakuza.

His days of wanting to disappear were long gone, cropping up here and there when the source of his torment popped back into his life. He tilted his head back, mouth open, his lungs begging for air. In some sick way, Ishida gave him exactly what he always wanted.

He could feel something hard brush against his own hardness. Curiously, he turned his gaze downward, catching sight of the bulge in his pants. He managed to take in some air when the other eased up some, before going right back to squeezing. A hand disappeared from holding onto Ishida's, snaking down, gripping the other through his pants. Oh, fuck, he was huge! No wonder he gagged on it, Lee figuring he no doubt enjoyed it last night. He started stroking the other through his pants, feeling the sheer size of him through it. He would look to undo the other's belt if he could, wanting to pull him out and feel him in his hand.
The Yakuza watched Lee's expression, the way his eyes would widen, his mouth hanging open, his fingers pressed flushed to his jugular. His powerful hands played so elegantly with Lee's life, but in the midst of a break, he felt his slaves hand paw onto his erection, rubbing him. The thrill that jolted along his...his body tensed, his hands flexing Tigger briefly. "Mm-yiu want to feel it again? You want to see what you'll be worshipping?" He growled as his grip closed in, reducing Lee to a straws worth of breathing room as the Yakuza leaned over him, bitting onto his ear lobe. His excitement had him amped, but he was focused in, still measuring Lee's lifeline.
Lee was pretty expressive, giving Ishida plenty of hints as to whether he was slipping or not, if the other had to let up at all. He couldn't hide the grin between gasps for air as he felt the smallest hint that he had gotten to Ishida. Pleasing another... Lee couldn't get enough of it, hearing and seeing the pleasure he gave another. He gave a nod, his excitement wanting him to play. With the roles they played, Lee could start to understand what his was, as much as he should resist. As the other said, actions spoke more than words. If he wanted to thank the other, he needed to show him, to please him.

It was a struggle. Lee knew he shouldn't want this, to want to please the criminal, but he craved praise and pleasing his partners. Yet, if he played his part, he could bide his time and find an out. A thought deep in his mind feared he wouldn't want to leave by then.

The other hand still over Ishida's disappeared, coming down to join the other to undo the belt as he found he was struggling with just one hand. His movements were a tad slow as here and there he felt himself slipping, the other's grip lessening, allowing Lee to get some air and resume freeing the other from his tight confines.

It took a moment but he managed to free him, a hand wrapping around the thickness, stroking to feel just how big he was. He was breathless just at the sheer size, a part of him wanting that inside of him, however he could.
As Lee grabbed in to the thick pole with both hands, his urges to please, desperately searching for the softest praise, even in this criminal that had stolen his freedom. This monster that wanted to extract pleasure from him...but wasn't that just perfect for Lee? Ishida would use him as often as he wanted, punish hin if he was being foolish, but even better, this beast would give him rewards for being good. And strangle him for free. That wasn't even some treat. As Ishida's grip would ease, listening to Lee's ragged breathing as his mouth moved down to his bruised neck, chimping on his neck ruthlessly as he grabbed Lee's chin, twisting his head aside, as he played with his tongue. "Mgh- I'm to fill you again-" he flaunted as his mouth bit and sucked savagely on his slaves skin, his cock thrusting forward, the monster rod thrusting like crazy. Did this cleared out apartment even have anything for lube in it? Ishida almost didn't care...but his brain urged him back down. "You'll tear me up Ishi- If you do will I keep giving you a good time?" A voice whispered in the back if his mind. Not Lee's. He shuddered slightly, his cock drumming hotly, Lee feeling something warm, sticky dripping on his belly.
The grip around his neck eased and Lee gasped, drawing in as much air as he could, panting. His chest rose and fell quickly, not once resisting as his head was forcefully turned to allow access to his neck. He groaned happily, the familiar pain mixing with pleasure as he was bitten over the bruises. "Mmn, yeah? What if... what if I stopped right here?" Why the hell did he want to test the other? ...Why would he want to stop?

He teased the other yet kept moving his hand, feeling something warm and slick on his stomach and hand. With his other hand, he wiped some of the pre from his stomach and brought it up higher so he could see, grinning when he saw the familiar white substance. He licked a finger, humming happily as he didn't mind the flavor, not when it came from someone so hot. "Mm, you're gonna have to feed me more than just this. Cruel." He teased, licking another finger, slipping it into his mouth and sucking.
Ishida chuckled at the idea that Lee proposed. "If you thought you could let go of it, you would. But I saw how you looked at it. You damn near wanted to kiss it!" He teased back as his fingers latched into Lee's becks, pulling on his nipples a bit. "And as for feeding you, I plan on making you slurp down plenty every moment I can get!" He said as he leaned back, his hands hitching Lee upwards, grasping the slaves ankles and folding him upwards towards his chest.
"Oh? Then... Perhaps I will," he grinned, releasing his hold on the male's cock a moment later. "Unfortunately I cannot survive only on cock." He said, the words perhaps reminding Ishida of something another once said to him.

"I think I can live off of your cock, Ishi~. It's all I'll ever need," Another's voice whispered in his mind.

"You should make me breakfast after." So cocky of Lee to suggest his owner making him food. He couldn't help it, he had to challenge someone in power, the brat in him emerging as he survived breath play with the criminal. He groaned as his nipples were grabbed and tugged, yelping in surprise as his bottom half was lifted, his legs coming up to rest on his chest."My, so eager. I thought I was desperate." He parted his legs, wanting to give the other easy access.
Ishida shook off the memory, the pleasant feeling that once laced around him with it. "Sounds like quiter talk...I know a old partner who could live on it- every day every night!" Ishida said as he bared Lee's legs further apart. His cock rubbing up against him, rutting and thrusting against him. "Heh, if I force it'll rip." He said as he let go of his ankles. "And you probably don't want to be laid out, trying to heal up for next time." He hummed while he dragged open one of the drawers by the bed. "Ngh- nothing here..guess these Fuckers weren't any fun."
Lee was curious at the mention of an old partner. Sure, a man in a gang with all the power in the world must have had plenty of partners. "Huh. Sounds pretty greedy," he teased, perhaps looking to strike a nerve. "Then again, so are you~." The other not wanting to share him. Of course, not that Lee wanted to be passed around and used by a bunch of strangers. He hummed at the feeling of the larger male spreading his legs and something so big rubbing against him, threatening to impale him at any moment. A bit of anxiety did set in, what if he did without any prep? No lube? The place had been pretty cleared out. At least Ishida was thinking ahead, not with his dick. If the other wanted to use him whenever he wanted, he couldn't have his property injured. Lucky for him.

He noted the other didn't comment on his bit of cockiness, ruining the fun for him. He didn't push his luck, their new focus was on finding lube or something that could be used as lube. "They had a kid, right?" He tried to think, recalling the picture of the family he saw hanging on the wall. "Maybe he has some. Want me to check?" On one hand, he wanted to check the place out, to look for possible escape routes. On the other, he didn't want to leave-- to attempt an escape and get himself killed if the other caught him. Yeah, that was why.
Ishida's hand cupped Lee's cheek, grabbing him up with one hand. "Watch your step." he said as his warmth, that fiery aggression, turned icy colder than a blizzard. It was probably not exactly a deal breaker when it came to that violent edge that lurked and turned on Lee so much. He meant less about wandering around and more about speaking of things he didn't understand. "You come straight back." He said as he let go of his cheeks, giving him a soft slap. "and if you think to order me around like that again, maybe I'll test your cooking skills in the kitchen."
The touches of affection Ishida occasionally gave him seemed to do something to Lee, something he hadn't gotten much in his life. He liked it, he wanted more of it. Just as it came, it disappeared, Lee sitting up and flinching with a yelp as he was gently slapped. "Hey~" Well, fair enough. He got the reaction he wasn't sure if he wanted, probably subconsciously as he enjoyed the abuse.

"Mm... Fine." He would promise, though did plan on lurking around. "Maybe I'll be in the mood for some Japanese." He quipped before leaving the room with a laugh. Out of Ishida's sight, he took a breath in, shakily letting it out. Holy shit. He was actually away from the man for the first time, completely out of sight, the other having no idea what he was doing. He could bolt. He absolutely had the chance to sneak to the door, open it, and run. He didn't want to be out there naked, but if he ever wanted some freedom back...

Standing there, he looked around. He went over to the kitchen, taking an assessment of what was left over after the family had disappeared. If there was anything at all he could use as a weapon for... just in case. Not wanting to take too long, he left the kitchen, looking toward the other bedroom, assuming it was the son's, and went inside it. He looked through the drawers, so far not finding anything they could use.
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As Ishida waited, the slave taking his sweet time, he shifted out if his jacket, his shirt, setting the gun he had holstered on the nightstand as he would lay on the marital bed that he had claimed. As the gangster waited...the brief moment of frustration would pass over him. Had this pretty, stupid dumbass run away? Did he think that he'd escape him so easily? Would he have to chase him down? The idea of punishing Lee...well it didn't make him sad. He grabbed the gun starting to stalk out of the master bedroom, hearing movement in the apartment still as he cooked the slide back slowly.
Lee eventually checked the tall dresser and rummaged through it. Feeling the familiar shape of the tube hidden in there he pulled it out, smiling proudly as he actually did find some. Perfect! He went to leave the room, his eyes falling on the front door, pausing as he once again thought about running. Then, he heard movement and stepped fully out of the room, spotting the gangster - shirtless at that! He held the tube up, showing the other he managed to find some, his eyes raking over his shirtless appearance before freezing at the sight of the gun.

"Uh... Wait-" he spoke up, his arm slowly falling to his side.
As Lee held up the tube, Ishida was swooping it, his mouth opened to ask for pause...only to taste steel as the familiar barrel was pushed into his mouth and his back hit the wall. The safety was on....not that Lee needed to know that. "You little-" Ishida snarled as he glared at Lee. "You were going to run weren't you!" He hissed as his other hand held an unoccupied arm against the wall. "Huh? You thought you could run!" He shouted as he held him up, already burning up with anger. Little bastard got him all amped up just to try to run away? He was furious! He was going to make Lee pay- His eyes flicked to the tube in Lee's hands. Oh. He found the lube too...well even if he wasn't going to scamper off right away, he was going treat him like he was.
Lee didn't get a chance to ask why he had the gun out before it was shoved into his mouth, forcing his back to the wall. He wanted to yell, to ask what the hell he was thinking, the other's words spilling out in anger and Lee was even more confused. Run? He was right there! Sure he thought about it, but he didn't! Didn't that mean anything to him? Just that he thought he might do it. His free hand was grabbed, arm pinned against the wall.

Ishida would never trust him. He knew that, they only just fucking met. Why would he ever think otherwise? Because they had some kinks in common? Unbelievable! He allowed the tube to drop from his hand, forgotten for now. He raised his hand, wanting so badly to hit the male, but with the gun in his mouth, he didn't want to set him off while it was there. He set his atop the hand holding the gun, gently applying pressure to move it away. He had a few words for the yakuza, unable to voice them with the metal in his mouth.

However, as the confusion and anger rushed through him, he applied more pressure, shoving the gun and man away. He would take the risk, mentally bracing for the potential shot. "What the fuck?!" He called out once his mouth was free. He wouldn't admit to thinking of escaping, it being rather obvious, and he didn't want to add to any anger. Instead, he lied, "I wasn't doing shit! Get the hell off of me!" he yelled, pushing him away.
As Lee shiver the gun away, seeming to be irate, Ishida only got angrier, but only when Lee pushed on the larger mam, did the slave senses unbridled danger. The tension that rose up, the tingle upon his spiffy senses as the gangster snapped out a punch, not a slap, no a punch that probably would have knocked Lee to the ground.. if he'd still be awake to feel the fall. Lee's rebellion was one thing, but pushing to fight, he had picked one with a man that wasn't just some power tripping assjole. Or a shit relative. It wasn't to just keep Lee in line, or strike fear, it was to teach him a real lesson. Actions. Had. Consequences. And he had jumped beyond words.
Frowning, Lee noted the anger that surged through the other. He caught the wind up, a moment before the other pulled his arm back, the fist luckily crashing into the wall behind him as he ducked just in time. He scampered to the first room he laid eyes on, the master bedroom. He slammed the door behind him, his hand quickly going for the doorknob, locking it. He laid against the door, panting softly. The other would no doubt be on his ass, Lee realizing he should back away from the door. He didn't think the other would be able to open it, unless...

Lee stepped away from the door, his heart racing as he realized he was completely wrong. Looking around the room quickly he went for the bathroom door, looking to hide behind that and lock it as well.
As Lee fleed, Ishida wrenched his fist from the drywall, spinning to chase Lee. The door slammed shut, but Ishida had no patience, seeing red by now. The master bedroom door was kicked , bowing the door, cracking loudly as Lee closed the bathroom door...likely praying that the door was solid core. Another crash and ri p as the unseen door ripped down. But Ishida shoulder checked the bathroom door, the soft ckred wood buckling and tearing out the hinges. Ishida was like a demon, his hand coming out, his rage filled hands grabbing Lee by the hair and hauling him to throw him against the wall. His other hand occupied by the gun, and yet he hadn't hit Lee with it...perhaps some thin layer of restraint, or the idea of scarring his toy with harsh metal atleast his face. He slammed his arm under his jaw, pressing on his throat. His empty hand hooking a savage punch into the males stomach.
Lee had jumped out of his own skin hearing the door come down. He couldn't get into the bathroom fast enough, that door also coming down as quickly as the bedroom door had. "Stop, Ishida! Get away!" He yelled, backing up yet the other managed to grab him by his hair, slamming him up against the wall. The wind had been knocked out of him, Lee gasping for air, crying out in pain and choking as the arm slammed and caught him under the throat.

"Fuck!" He cried, going almost limp at the hit on his stomach, losing air once more. He felt weak, the attacks so close together leaving him unable to defend himself physically. Sure, he could yell and call out, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. "Bastard," he groaned hoarsely. "Get the hell away," he tried once more, mainly for himself knowing he couldn't win against the yakuza.
Ishida's eyes gleamed, his face grinning with that beastly malice. "No...if you think you have a choice..." He trailed off as he threw another punch, blowing the air from his lungs again. Ishida threw Lee around, shunting and pulling, using his leverage ti throw him in the bed. He flicked the safety off tye gun and put it ti the back if Lee's skull, mswoopong upon him to mount him from the back. "You lost any say you had in you life the second you met me." To Lee's Horror, Ishida's hand grabbed on his ass , starting to spread him apart as herused the gun to keep control, the blunt stump pressing on him in a grim threat. "I should tear you apart!"
Just as his neck was bruised, so would his stomach with how much the other was punching him. Lee would double over if the other hadn't been holding him flush against the wall, Lee finding it worse as he couldn't properly recover from the blow, the air once again stolen from him. He coughed hard, gasping for air, the other tossing him around before lifting him and throwing him onto the bed. Gasping, he scrambled to steady himself and crawl away. The other was much quicker than him, Ishida pressing the gun up to his head, Lee hearing a click right beforehand. He froze.

"You wouldn't," he challenged, a slight shake to his voice. "No," he gasped feeling the other spread him. "No, stop!" He whimpered, this time desperately wanting to flee, to protect himself. The gun, much to Ishida's delight, kept him in place.
Ishida leaned, the monster tip thudding against Lee's puckered backside like a ram. "I laid hands on your master, why shouldn't I?" He growled as he nuzzle the gun against his head. But... "If you behave, I might go grab that lube you found. If you even shift off this bed, I'll show you how fine my shooting is." He hissed into Lee's ear. "So. What will it be Tea Boy? Will you sit there or will I give you some extra breathing holes?"
Lee squeezed his eyes shut feeling the tip nudge against his hole, mentally bracing once more for it to ram inside. He panted, shuddering at the man's words and the very real reminder that the gun was still there, ready to end him. Hearing the 'if,' he perked up, ready to jump on whatever it was to save himself some healing. It felt very typical of the other, still wanting to use the lube so he could use Lee whenever he wanted. Hell, he was certain the other would take him even if he was injured. At that point, Lee didn't know.

"Y-Yes, please! I won't move. I swear." He said that yet it didn't mean much to the other if he thought he was planning on fleeing. He thanked whatever deity there was that he hadn't attempted before.

He wanted to shift only to sit, fearing if he did the other would take it as him trying to leave. Instead, Lee stayed there, bent over on his knees, giving the other a nice view of his backside, his cock still quite hard. He was terrified, yet a part of him was finding it so hot. The other calling him his Master, the very real threats against his life. Lee just couldn't understand why.
As Ishida would back off the bedding slowly, keeping an eye on Lee, seeing the slave was clearly hard as a rock while holding the position. But Ishida didn't relax. He moved out of the crumpled door..kicking through the wreckage and racking down the tube. 'I beat him up and he didn't even shrink down this just part of the game to him?" He thought as he grabbed the tube and started to walk back. He mulled over if Lee was simply truly just as depraved as he was, as...well forcing himself on him and hurting the slave hadn't done anything but harden him up more either. He threw the tube on the bed, his hand coming over and twisting his head, the other bracing the gun to his temple. "I'm going to jam this in your mouth while I use you." Ishida stated. * this wasn't an optional game. "And I'm *going to hurt you."
Lee was momentarily lost in his thoughts; repeating in his mind why he was enjoying this. He wasn’t, he shouldn’t, but his body was having a very clear reaction to what was happening to him. He could understand exploring some kinks, breath play and the like. But a real, functioning gun was presented to him, pointed at him, shoved into his mouth, and he was still excited. He knew this wasn’t a game.

What was wrong with him? Maybe his father was right…

Lee flinched as he was thrown out of his mind, the tube landing somewhere near him on the bed. The other had returned, Lee tensing up, whimpering softly when his head was forcefully turned and the familiar metal was pressed to his head.

He nodded, as much as he could with his head forced. “O-Okay,” he stuttered, preparing himself to have the gun in his mouth again. The very real threat that it could go off at any moment, no matter what he did, terrified him. The other could feel him shaking, showing Ishida that he was scared. Not that it mattered to him, of course. He gave another attempted nod.
Ishida smirked as he obeyed and nodded the gun pressing on his lips gently, as it making the business end kiss him. His other hand grabbing the tube, flipping it open the pour along his cock, and then over his slaves back side. The gangsters body was burning up, driving forward as he dropped the tube grabbed Lee's nice, soft hair for leverage. His hips dig forward, starting to drive his prick into Lee. His other hand thrusted,, jamming the gun into his mouth.
Lee shuddered as the gun was pressed to his lips, the younger male hesitant to open his mouth. His mouth did open, however, from the surprise of the cold lube poured over his backside.

The other went for his hair, the pleasurable stinging as he tugged his head back, the gun sliding inside his open mouth harshly as the yakuza rammed into him.

He cried out from the sudden intrusion, the sound muffled by the metal intrusion in his mouth. Despite whatever abuse he endured by the hands of Ishida, his owner, Lee was still rock hard. His hips moved back, wanting more of the other inside of him. He gripped at the sheets below, wanting to rest his chest down on the mattress but that gun held him in place. As long as Ishida had it, Lee would have to obey.
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As Lee's hips pushed back, they were battered back forwards by Ishida, the yakuza using his grip on his hair to hammer into the slave with all that savage force. He wasn't playing gently, crashing as recklessly and forcefully as he pleased now, pushing Lee's mouth around the barrel as he leaned his slave forward. Even the simple act of pushing back to show desire, and submission, wouldn't bring any mercy back. Ishida tanked his hair back, his fingers toying with the hammer on the gun.

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