General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Lee nodded, happy he already ate. He began to relax as he was petted, leaning into the touch. It wasn’t so bad being with Ishida, he realized. Besides hurting him (which he loved) and having full control over him and his life, it really wasn’t as terrible as he initially thought.

He felt a sense of belonging and acceptance next to Ishida. The sub being able to sit beside his owner as he ate. He could think of much worse things the other could do to him, some he had no interest in trying.

He gave another nod, not having thought about that. It was true. He hadn’t had a thing to eat since early last night, his mind totally focused on the paper he had to write. Then his friends dragged him out and he drank in an empty stomach. This meal was necessary and completely satisfying.

He was nearly done, Lee glancing over the desk, looking over the scattered papers. Some written in English, others in Japanese - most likely Ishida’s own notes.

“Been rather busy, mm. Got a lot done?” Leaning back, he felt much better. Fully rested and full. He could slowly start to feel his energy returning.
"Enough for the day." He said simply as Lee gleaned over the documentation, the master however didn't seem to move to cover them. The inner workings of the contracts and data were vast, he had deals seemingly all over the place, logos, stamps, and invoices, not to mention all the numbers involved. And that was only the English notes. The Japanese were almost meaningless to his untrained eyes. "I've even been so kind as to finalize a few contracts and liberate some of my debtors without having to use a crowbar on their backs."
“Oh, you’re done~?” More time to play? Ha, not now. He felt like he had enough to a while. Though, he knew at any moment the other could want to play. It wasn’t up to him to mess around. He had no say.

Nothing was covered up, allowing Lee to snoop from where he sat. He didn’t understand any of it, most likely the reason Ishida didn’t feel the need to hide anything.

He eventually lost interest and moved on, finishing his meal. He felt a mix of amusement and a little fear. Ishida had been hurting him yet he knew the other murdered. At any point he could have awakened to the sight of some guy’s head smashed in or shot.

Hmm, speaking of, did he still have his gun on him? Probably…

“Very kind,” he agreed with a small nod. “Saved me from witnessing a murder if I had woken up at the right time.” Or from the sound of screaming and a gunshot. Ugh, what an image.
"Oh no no. Not in the office, then I'd have to hire cleaners and pick bullets out if the walls. I have a place to handle those things." Ishida said as he caressed the slaves cheek with the back of his hand. "I wouldn't want you to watch such a thing ofcourse." Ishida shuffled his notes, aligning them carefully , though Lee could notice s pattern, moving between the layers of languages. Perhaps for translation? Perhaps for passing along.
Oh, damn. It felt so legit, which it definitely was. Holy fuck. It was a comfort not to watch such a thing. He could handle the abuse when it was dealt to him. But watching Ishida murder someone?

Nope. He couldn’t think of that. He looked back up at his owner, relaxing under his gentle caresses. A gentle smile appeared. “How generous of you. Thank you.”

His eyes fell on those moving hands, shuffling through his papers and organizing them. He took note of what appeared to be a pattern.

He wished he knew the language. He was curious. Maybe not to snoop, even if he knew the language it still wouldn’t matter. Ishida and his crew knew what it all meant.

“After work, what do you usually do?” He figured the other could stick around, watch the club as people filled in and partied. He thought they may be here a while.
"After Work? Heh. There is no after work for me, that's the nature of running the organization. I've got to watch things play out...but I suppose that around this time, the club would start to wind up and we'd allow our pushers to set up shop. Oh- the gambling den too." He said as he'd start to stand up. "If you're eager to do something."
Right, right. It was a twenty-four-seven thing. Ishida would never be done. He would want to watch his club not doubt. Get people like his friends to lay up their debts. God, how stupid could they be to return to the club where they fell into debt to try to get rid of it? He shook his head at the thought, watching the other stand.

“Mm,” he hummed in thought and stood up as well. “Yeah. I could hang out at the club. I like it here.” Hence always coming even when there was no gambling involved. He had been coming to the club for a while. Anytime he needed to run, for that sweet escape.

He paused as a thought cross his mind. The moment he was out of Ishida’s vision, the other had panicked and attacked him. Now he would be out about in the club, surrounded by potential saviors. Despite Lee being obedient now, he was sure the other was paranoid.

He glanced over to the other, uncertain. “…Are you sure I can?”
Ishida looked at him, flashing a smile. "You're not going anywhere." He said as he stroked the slaves cheek with a finger, press hing thumb to his lips. Ofcourse it sounded like trust, belief in Lee's obedience so far. But Ishida had more than simple trust in Lee. The yakuza finished his filings, closing the door with the other hand. "Unless you'd like me to leash you like an animal."
There was a small tilt to his head, his lips pressed closed at the finger in them. Was the other trusting him? Or… that was a threat, wasn’t it.

He narrowed his eyes some when the other returned it cleaning up, cautious of this man. He shook his head at the leash mention, “Hell no. Leash me and I’ll freak.” A collar on the other hand…

He followed close to his owner, not wanting to test him. Not yet, not now. He was a natural brat but he knew best. For the most part, anyway.

They descended the stairs, walking through the halls and kitchen, Lee recalling the walkway from this morning. He was feeling a looking better. He was clean for the most part, a little dirty from playing earlier. He wasn’t sure if he was even clean since then, if Takahashi had wiped him down after playing with Ishida. He was definitely well rested now.

They entered the familiar scene of the dark club and Lee felt right at home. It was good to see everyone enjoying themselves, these clueless people. They had no idea they were in a yakuza den. None of his friends even knew. Not until they were caught. He glanced back over to Ishida before he would separate to hang out. He would possibly get a drink and settle into a booth to people watch. Maybe he could score tonight, too.
Ishida stepped out with Lee , the bump of the club starring rise up as things filtered in. Lee was the ladies filtering in first ofcourse, women got in free to draw in men. And the rest that got in where looking for alot more than drunken hook ups or drugs...or the nice crispy katsu and rice. Ishida raise a hand at the bar man, signaling that he was allowed to give up a free round to kick things off. The music threw its up as the lights had lowered and ambience and flaring club lights from the floor jumped in. Ishida however pulled ahead, steeping on the dance dance floor as some of the women peeled away from the bar to try to attach themselves to the owner for some more favotitism. He however didn't throw them or snap, he leaned into the guise, his hands reaching and grabbing without flinching. Il
As Lee came up to the bar to sit, he found out they were offering free drinks for the first round. He had been ready to put it on Sam's tab but he was thankful he wouldn't have to. He decided to order his usual go-to to start with, something sweet that would hit him quickly and hard. He would ease up some later on. Turning in his seat he watched his master enter the dance floor. He raised a brow seeing the women from the bar disappear and attach themselves to Ishida's side. He turned fully, wanting to watch the scene from where he sat. Wasn't straight, huh? No, that wasn't totally fair. Being the owner of the club, he must have wanted to hype them up, thinking they could get a chance with him to have something to brag about later to their friends. Ah, they had no idea he wasn't interested, Lee holding back a laugh. He shook his head and turned to focus on the bartender when his drink arrived. It didn't take him long to down it, wanting it to take effect already. He moved over to an empty booth and settled into the empty space, relaxing. He sank, stretched out, and lying across one side of the booth, peaceful in his little corner as he felt the alcohol start to hit him.

Plenty more people started to file in, the place becoming much more lively now. He stayed where he was, uninterested in any of the women or clearly straight guys. However, a group of guys seemed to catch sight of him when they went to take his booth. Instead of trying to get him to leave or disappear to find another booth, they decided to seat themselves in Lee's space. Confused, Lee sat up and moved to give them space. They offered to get him a drink and... something else. Not having any money on him he couldn't exactly ask for his favorite pills. Luckily for him, one of them offered to get some for him. Lee was quick to realize they were hoping to get a little more time with him - alone, in their apartment or hotel.

He guessed if he really wanted to score, he could always ask Ishida. Instead, he played along, wanting to have some fun. There was a slight chance that the alcohol was already starting to mess with him. In any case, Ishida was nowhere to be found, and Lee wanted to play. There was another chance that Ishida had eyes on him. He had eyes everywhere.
The guy slid closer to Lee, a blonde haired man with sharp green eyes, and a almost smug smile as he pushing the pills closer to Lee. He had no idea who the man was, but he and his friends wanted to party and the English guy caught their attentions. The American put an arm around Lee. "Cmon- we got tons of these!" He said in his ear as he noticed the way Lee couldn't stop looking at the baggie of uppers. His hands were fond, moving around to touch Lee's chest, luckily not his freshly scarred peck. That would certainly make them pause even as they were all up on him. The others were no better, buying up drinks for the table and bringing them back to try to get Lee more fucked up.

Ishida wad nowhere in sight, the dance floor weaving with dancers now, isolating the slave to these civilians....Lee didn't have to go all tye way to the hotel with these guys to score, but the opportunity was knocking. Maybe he could even get them before they got outside and could stagger off inti the crowd to another lonely spot to get his masters eye. The blonde popped open the baggie, throwing a pill in his mouth...but he jumped on the opportunity to try to be forward and pushing a kiss on Lee to feed it to him.
Lee carefully watched the male, perking up as he seemed to have exactly what he wanted. There was a curious tilt of his head as he drank yet another glass of something they got him, the guys straying from the stuff he was asking for. It was a major risk, to accept anything from these strangers. His drink could be laced for all he knew. Still, what he wanted was right there in front of him. He raised a hand, wanting to take it, yet no one was willing to give away their stash just like that. One of the guys got closer, wrapping an arm around him, his own falling to his side. "Mm, yeah? Gonna give me some?" He would ask, tensing some though quickly relaxing as the stranger wasn't touching the scarred side of his chest.

Lee's eyes momentarily scanned the floor from where he sat, Ishida in the back of his mind. His attention was grabbed a second later, the bag opening, Lee eager for one. Or two. Two wouldn't hurt, right? The kiss surprised him, Lee happily accepted it once he realized he was being fed his beloved pill. He returned the kiss, in a way thanking him, before he pulled away to down it with the rest of his glass.

Finally having scored, he wouldn't mind disappearing from the group. He didn't need them anymore. Yet, another round came, and he couldn't turn down another drink, as long as it tasted good and got him fucked up. Relaxing in place, he leaned against the blonde, playing it up that he would go home with him. Perhaps just until it kicked in.

He could start to feel something happen, his body turning warm as his heart rate increased. He felt... wait.

"Sam?" He blinked, calling his name out louder as he could have sworn he spotted the familiar brunette, a smaller blonde following close by. "Sam!" He stumbled out of the booth, nearly falling as his legs suddenly didn't want to work anymore. Forcing himself back up, he chased after them, knowing he caught them when Elliot turned back around before rushing out with the brunette.

"Fuck, wait! What the fuck, guys? What--" He had chased them outside, something stopping him halfway out the door. "Get off!" He yelled, trying to get the stranger off while getting his fleeing friend's attention. By that point, his legs had given out from underneath him, the only thing holding him up was the stranger - one of Ishida's men.
The stranger than held onto Lee as hecwould look back was Awano- the hard faced thug with a shaved head and eyes that were unwillingly cold. Not in the dangerous , temperamental way of Ishida. No Awano was almost like gazing into the face of a terminator. He wasn't nice, he wasn't angry, just there to enforce the law of his boss as effectively as possible. unfortunately for Lee, that efficient method was about to be employed on him. His arm was twisted swiftly and deftly, locking him into a armbar. If Lee could properly feel the pain as the drugs opened up un his probably would have been actually rough enough to make him feel like Awano was going to want a peice of him. If the violent enforcer was even capable of lasting after something. Lee was dragged backwards as he was hauled back into the club, heaved onto the arms of one ifvthe doorvmen. Awano pulled put his phone, texting something, ignoring Lee's groping and struggling. Was he texting Ishida?!

"Ey! What are you doing here-" An American voice snapped. Oh God no. The blonde was rocking over now towards Awano with a few of the friends that were planning on using Lee as their gang bang target. "You throwing him out? ?" The American said as he started fishing in his pockets. "How about i give you something hm? Something good and he'll stick around?" He offered as Awano started to flip his phone shut, his other hand reaching into his jacket slowly perform Lee's eyes. This stupid xlub hoer had no clue was he was walking into, much less the things that were on the line
Lee couldn't read Awano's face, just that he was stopped by him and Ishida would no doubt be finding out soon. Fuck, would he think he was trying to escape? He winced as the pain from the other's hold started to settle into his system, the drug then working quickly to rid him of that feeling. "Fuck, quit it!" He groaned, feeling dizzy and overall strange. He looked back toward the street, praying that his friends were still there. Alas, he was alone, again, with Ishida's men. "Damn it!" He cursed, trying to pull himself from the man's grasp as he was dragged back inside and into the arms of another of Ishida's men. He looked back before seeing the phone in Awano's hand. "H-Hey, no, you don't have to tell-- What," he gasped as that blonde from the booth had returned.

Damn, couldn't he get a hint? He left! He stopped trying to pull himself from the other man's grasp, instead pressing back against him, away from the blonde. "Dude, I'm sorry I tricked you. I'm not going anywhere with you guys." Ah, did he actually just fuck himself over? He didn't like the sound of whatever he was saying. Something good that would make him stick around? A part of him was interested, quickly shoved away as he noted both men going for their pockets - especially Awano's. Something... bad was about to happen.
As the American drew something put of his pockets, Awano's arm flashed out in a blur, something snapped the Americans head back, Awano threw a punch? But it was fast, faster than Ishida's. The Americans had had gone slack as he grasped his face with the other, blood pouring from his nmouth, a packets of something feltll out o, some kind of new drug maybe. But Awano beating was only just beginning, two of the other men were turning to try to join, but the thug already already begun using the Americab body to isolate the group advantage, shunting him into one with a kick, and throwing a hook to the other, hblood, and a sift crunch told a story, something was wrapped around thAwanos fists, something metallic and heavy? Knuckles maybe? As hooked American was slumping over, the blonde s was shaking it off, as his friend drew a toy if his own, Awano stopping short as the man had drawn a knife. Awano flicked a look at Lee, still impassive, but moving to step further side to keep the bladed weapon further from the slave. The idiot pushed up as his blonde friend rolled up to get up, his weeping mouth, stemmed for a moment. "If you want to draw blood. It's done out back" Ishida's voice rose up, cutting into the din of the fighting and music a bit. The blonde fumbled a hand to his waist briefly, but whatever he once had seemed to be gone. Ishida however had drawn his gun,...though it was pointed downwards over the unconscious man's head. His head turned to Lee. Fury boiled underneath the casual exterior already. "What's the meaning of this, Tea Boy?"
Lee flinched as the blonde was punched, hard. The male fell, holding his face, blood pouring out. Jesus christ. What the fuck happened-- just because he wanted to track down his friends? To find out what exactly happened last night. Why the fuck had they come back?! He caught sight of a baggie on the floor, Lee wanting to bend down and grab it. As everyone was quite distracted from the commotion, he did try to get lower, to swipe the bag and stuff it into his pocket. If the other hadn't been holding him up he was certain he would have fallen by now.

The blonde's friends eventually came to his rescue, Lee internally regretted messing with them. He didn't mean for any of this to happen! He just wanted to have a little fun... He caught sight of the knife, eyes widening as he couldn't exactly protect himself. He was feeling strangely weak. He couldn't run or defend himself. Awano appeared to have caught that and moved, the one holding the blade's focus on him.

That damn voice called out and Lee froze, completely tensing up as the one person he didn't want to find out, did. No shit he would find out, he owned the damn place and... Oh. He had his gun after all.


He jolted as those piercing eyes landed on him. "What-- No, I..." How could he lie? It was clear he was the cause of everything. If only one of his men didn't have a hold on him, so close to the entrance. Fuck.

"I... Okay, no. You don't get it. I wasn't leaving. I fucking swear I wasn't." He sounded... off. From the alcohol? The drug? Whatever the hell those guys gave him. "Those... those fucking assholes were here, I swear." He said, looking back outside, hoping that somehow they had returned. He was struggling.
Ishida kept his gin down...the promise that he made that he'd never have to witness his master kill someone before his eyes echoing vaguely even while he felt so off. Was he drunk? Was it the pills? Was he roofied? Awano held the face off , the introduction of a gun changing the calculus for the knife wielder. Ishida however hadn't bothered to focus on him. "What happened then." Ishida said as he stepped over the unconscious man, his gun raising up to the temple of the American suddenly who...locked up. The gun in his face was stone steady. Ishida was the ideal who wasn't driven by nerves, less likely to shoot without a reason. Giving him one was the problem. "Look man- I especially just trying to score-"The man stammered out, but his mistake was rectified as Ishida pistol whipped him with the back of his fist. "I'll get to you." Ishida hissed.
Lee swallowed hard, racking his brain to explain what the hell happened. He wanted to be freed from that hold on him, feeling even more tense as Ishida stepped closer to him, gun still in hand. Oh, fuck. God damn it, that damn American already spilling part of what happened. "I just wanted to talk to them. I..." He had to explain. He had to or someone was going to die. The worst thing was, he worried someone would end up dead anyway.

"...I was messing with these guys." He managed to get out, glancing back over toward the street. Maybe, just maybe they would return. He looked back just in time to catch Ishida hitting one of the guys. "Ishida--" He gasped, "Don't... don't kill them. It's my fault." He held a defensive hand up, the other trying to steady himself in the man's hold. He wanted to be free, but not collapse in front of them all. He felt it would only make things worse.
Ishida's hand tensed, Lee's admission of guilt making the master come forward, slapping Lee harshly across the face. Luckily with his hand to keep from mauling him. "Messing with them how? Hm?" He said as the guard was forced to keep holding up the noodled slave. His other hand pushed the gun up the Lee's chest, pushing his shirt aside. "You can't read Japanese, but that says you. Are . Mine. And you were gonna what? Scamper off to play with this pigs?" He hissed lowly,. "We were -" the American nearly spoke but caught himself as Ishida shot him a look. The man claiming up as he felt terror touch hus soul...and blood rush places that would concern him if he got our of this alive. "What were you looking for that you needed to cause trouble?"
Ishida came toward him and Lee tensed before trying to get out of the man's arms. "N-No-- ah!" He cried out at the slap, his head turning harshly from the force. He gasped as the cold metal brushed his shirt aside, revealing the marking to everyone who dared look toward the scene. He glanced down, shaking, as the focus was on his chest. He could kind of see it from that angle, or was his vision just turning blurry? "I know I can't leave, I know that! B-But..." There was no valid excuse, nothing he could pull from his foggy mind.

Why did Lee usually come to the club? To drink and to get high... But why? What deep down made him do it?

"I told them I'd go with them. For... I don't fucking know what. To sleep with me?" That was their aim, wasn't it? "I wasn't planning on causing any trouble." What was he doing, besides wanting some drinks and to feel good? Without the use and aid of pain. Ishida was there to give him that.

"I wasn't actually going to sleep with any of them... I also didn't expect them to have a fucking knife." He pointed out, glancing over to the one that had pulled it out earlier.
Ishida turned away at Lee explained the gangster realigning his shot to the mand chin. "I think. I can solve this. He said as he put his gun away suddenly. The man visibly relaxing. "Awano. Take our friends to the den." He said as the knife wielder was still clearly deciding if complying was better or worse...Awano solved that equation. His foot snapped out a kick, launching the knife up out of his grip, the fighter catching it overhead without even taking his eyes off the other. "...thats not a request." Ishida prompted ever so gently, Awano grabbing the two to drag them away. The doormen looked apologetic t Lee...pushing the dazed male into his masters arms before heating the unconscious man to drag him into the gambling den.

"All this foolishness for drugs? What did you even take? " Ishida said as he held Lee up, throttling him up against the wall
The gun disappeared and Lee wasn't sure whether to be relieved or scared. Solve this-- what was he thinking? Den... Oh. Christ, was that the room he mentioned earlier where he took care of those that crossed him? Ishida's men were quite impressive, fighting for their boss and protecting what belonged to him. Their reflexes were quick, too. Awano disappeared with two of the men before the other doorman simply pushed him into Ishida's arms. He felt quite limp, unable to really hold himself up. Luckily(?) for him, Ishida was strong.

Damn. How did he know? He didn't even mention drugs. Just as that thought crossed his mind, he recalled telling Ishida that very thing.

He shook his head, gasping as he was up against the wall. He tried to hold his arms up, trying to hold onto those that grabbed at him. "I-I don't know! I... I feel weird and I can't really move." He was scared, but still entrusted that very vulnerable fact to his captor. A limp arm fell, brushing against the baggie in his pocket. He struggled to pull it out and hold it up, his hand shaking. "I don't know... if this is the same stuff," he admitted, the struggle becoming very real as the drug reached its full effect in his body.
"You could have taken anything." He said narrowing his eyes, but as Lee fought to try to move, Ishida's out right anger was set aside little by little to assess. "It could be a numbing agent or a paralyzing drug. I bet after a while, you won't even be able to move on your own. And then...well." Ishida snatched tye packet from limp fingers. "You'd be used until those men were done with must be a new date drug." He said as he flicked his gaze at Lee. "If your going to be stupid enough to take drugs from strangers...I suppose I'll test them on you."
"Yeah, I know..." He didn't bother telling him he had asked for his usual favorite. It was obvious he was never going to be getting it, not with those guys. If only he just asked Ishida, none of this would have happened. There was something about how the other was acting. He seemed to fall into some sort of chemist mode, the other familiar with creating drugs. First the lube, now this?! The realization of what could have happened horrified him - mainly the paralyzing effect. God knows what those men wanted to do to him once paralyzed also freaked him out. But, already, it was scaring him how little control he had over his body. To be completely aware of everything happening around him but not being able to do anything about it.

He flinched as the baggie was snatched from his hand, his muscles burning as he held it up, it eventually falling to his side. "A-Are you seriously going to experiment on me... again?" Rather, he had planned on doing it again. He shuddered thinking of the other taking advantage of him like this. "Master, please..." he reverted to using that title for the other. He felt totally helpless.

He wanted to move so badly, but as time went on, he barely could.
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"I'll experiment on you because clearly you are more than willing to throw anything in your mouth...and luckily, it would be me paralyzing you. Not those-"He paused as his phone buzzed. He drew it up briefly, then hit a single button and put it away. His eyes gleamed briefly with dark pleasure. "Ah...where was I. Ah yes. At least your master would be your chemist." He said as he prodded the limp slave. "Mm. You can't move at all?" He tested as he pinched and prodded, testing his ability.
Ugh, he hated it when he was right. He could protest all he wanted but it would only warrant a slap to the face or worse. Heavy eyes watched as the other pulled his phone out, Lee nearly missing that devious look in his eyes. "H-Hey, wait, what happened?" He asked, worry spreading through him. If Ishida wanted those men killed, then that would end up happening. He didn't want that to sit on his conscience. Though, he was sure Ishida would keep him plenty busy to think of such things.

He gently bit his lower lip, just about the only thing he could do, besides kind of move his head around. It felt so heavy that Lee feared that would end up going on him, too. He could feel all of the prodding which had him feeling dread thinking that those monsters could have done whatever with him and he would feel everything. He shook his head the more he prodded, clearly testing him. "No, no..." As much as he may want an escape, he didn't want this. "Please, help..." There had to be something he could do. He worked on creating drugs, didn't he? He must have something to reverse it...!

He wasn't going to. He was clearly having too much fun knowing he couldn't fight back and fully submit to him.
"I could see what I could do for you, but if it is a paralytic, chances are it will be time and letting the body filter it out." He said as he hefted Lee up, heaving the immobilized man onto his shoulders. Lee felt his master steady him...putting a firm hand on his ass. "We could play with this. Maybe I'll use it to keep you still and make you into a dress up doll-" Ishida teased, clearly amused by this finding. He lugged Lee away to set him somewhere safer for his condition, taking him to the VIP booths, where only Ishida and select members could enter. The gangster had no sympathy for Lee, clearly, even if he could see his desperation. He laying him on the table of the booth, Ishida would be texting again, likely to gather up supplies to investigate the drug that was flowing in his slave. Lee finding his master lifting his shirt and poling, prodding at him, examining the rigidity of muscles and the tension Lee could muster. A muscle relaxer Maybe? A tranquilizer?
He could appreciate the sadist’s attempt at trying to help him. If they had to wait, then so be it. Although, it allowed for his master to play with him. Oof, a dress up doll? He could only imagine the outfits the other could put on him, mostly feminine, things he definitely wouldn’t wear. “Mm… mean.” He mumbled close to his ear as he was hauled up and carried.

He knew of the VIP area, where only Ishida and a few others could enter. As it was empty he felt safer. He was set on top of the table, Lee feeling the rigidness of it underneath him. The other was texting again, Lee could hear those thumbs pressing on the screen, even though he couldn’t see. As he returned to his side, he felt better. Those emotions would twist as his master tested him.

He felt like an experiment - a test subject, as Ishida poked and prodded. He had to remind himself he was doing it only to help.

“I can feel everything… but I can’t move.” He told him, hoping to help in some way.
"Sounds like fun." Ishida said smirking to himself as he listened to the information. "You're under my complete care." He purred as shis fingers ran along his chest. Thought Lee knew that is Ishida was a doctor...the only check ups that he'd be getting would require a sponge bath afterwards. He turned Lee on hus side using his shirt to slide him rather than flipping him by hand. With Lee facing only the booth, he felt his masters probing fingers on his back...something wet licking his neck briefly. Definitely not standard testing practices. But Ishida simply couldn't help but find it so fun. Normally he'd have to restrain someone to have them helpless before him- and this little pill granted him so much more. Ishida's lips, his mouth tickled along Lee's neck, his hands sliding over his pants. "Well if you're going to need to wait, what kind of master would I be if I didn't take the time to make sure this drug doesn't make other problems. I should test your heart rate-"

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