General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Fucking hell. Was that some loophole? Getting him to consent by forcing him to say it. Typical. He flinched as the hot ash landed on his thigh, wincing at the short-lived pain. "Admit it?" He shook his head, preparing himself for another bit of hot ash to fall, or worse. Ishida shifted and Lee tested his strength again, trying to shift back in the booth, to give him space from the other. Just as he managed to slightly move back, Ishida tapped something on his phone and the toy inside of him changed, buzzing and grinding against his prostate. The difference gave him a stronger jolt of pleasure, Lee lost his grip and fell back. "Fuck!" He cried out, tossing his head back. Looks like he got some movement back in his neck. Slowly, but surely, his strength would return and he could go back to physically fighting back against his owner, much like he wanted to right now.

"Fuck, Master...!"
Ishida grinned, wild, hungry as ever. "I don't recommend trying to fight it." He said as he put his hand on him, holding him down , the cigarette angling near the slaves shoulder, the heat smoldering , nearly kissing his skin. "Maybe I'll be nice and take it out." He said as he tilted his head, pressing the cigarette into his skin.
He barely got far when Ishida stopped him and held him down. At the prospect of pain, coming ever so close to him, the panic started to rise. As the panic rose, so did the adrenaline in his body, fighting against the paralytic. "Nn, please--" He started to beg, crying out as the burning end pressed into his skin, his other arm coming up to shove him away. It did rise higher, much higher this time, actually coming up to Ishida's shoulder. He was still weak, unable to actually push him away. As predictable as his body always was, the pain mingled with pleasure, making him shudder and melt. His hand lowered, grasping his owner's wrist, the one that burned him.

He couldn't be completely mad, not when whatever the hell he was doing was helping him. He was pissed at that.

"God damn it, you fucking, mmm..." he couldn't finish, the toy doing its thing mixing with the pain he had just experienced. The grip around that wrist was light, lessening as he gave into the feelings. "You're terrible," he got out, light sarcasm hinted in his voice.
As Lee failed to fight, Ishida pushed his hand aside, slapping Lee's cheek. "Was that supposed to stop me?" He teased as he pulled out the cigarette, grabbing the offending arm and pinned it. "I like hurting you." He said as he put the cigarette out on Lee's arm, digging the burning wick into his wrist. "I want to torture you until you can't live without my hands smothering you." He whispered in Lee's ear. The nightmarish dream that dwelled inside Ishida's soul.
Lee cried out in surprise at the sudden slap to his cheek, his head turning from the force. He hesitated to look back, slowly turning his head, another yelp leaving his lips at the next burn, this time in his pinned wrist. "Ah! Fuck, Master!" he gasped, shuddering under that whispered voice in his ear. He already couldn't--

"Please--" He didn't know what he wanted at that point. For him to keep going? ...Definitely not to stop. He loved the pain. He loved what Ishida did to him. His body obviously did, his cock already getting excited again. He couldn't deny it with such an obvious clue.

"Please... hurt me." He could feel small beads of tears welling up in the corner of his eyes. Another possible effect of the drug? They were still learning its effects, after all. He turned his head away, not wanting him to see the tears or take it the wrong way.
Ishida pulled the cigarette back as Lee whispered his desire, his desperate need to feel more pain, to be hurt. Ishida was almost taken aback...not by the request, Lee's erections and masochism ...and Ishida's lack of a conscience in general, didn't mind this job. It was the intimacy in Lee's voice. Ishida stepped back. "How bad?" He said eyeing him over. "Cut you? Hit you? Burn you some more? A little beating?" He offered as he pulled one tool after another from the box. A pair of butterfly knives, a lighter, a padded stick that definitely was a repurposed baton...perhaps made for fun times...or to keep someone alive while Ishida would ask them repeatedly for his money. He even took out a whip, though it rattled with something underneath the leather.
He worried when Ishida stepped back, had he seen? With his wrist freed and with a little more room to move, to brought his hand up to his face, wiping the tears away as quickly as he could. He began to sit up, still wanting to test his strength at that moment. He was sitting up halfway when the question was posed, relief setting in that he didn't freak him out. "Huh..." He whispered out, surprised as he pulled various tools out. All of this was in the box? The thing he asked his other gang members to bring to test out the drug?

Lee didn't quite understand, the thought disappearing as Ishida listed all the ways he could harm him. "Ahh... You're letting me choose?" He asked, unsure of what to do. He had gathered enough courage to blurt out he wanted to be hurt, but now he had to choose what he wanted to be hurt with. He felt shy at the question. It was enough his body was telling on him, letting his captor know what turned him on whenever he harmed him, but actually having to voice it?

There was a chance Lee would pick one thing and Ishida would end up using something else. Mm, was it a trick? He wouldn't know with the yakuza, always playing a different game than his enemies - always keeping them guessing. He shifted and the toy struck him in a new but just as pleasurable spot, his head tilting back and he shivered. "Nnn... Ah~" he moaned, glancing back down at the table, lidded eyes scanning over the items. A shaky hand reached for the knives, picking them up. His eyes fell back on Ishida before he handed them over to him, fully consenting to getting cut by him. The exchange was powerful, at least to Lee.
As Lee handed over the knives, Ishida flicked them around in his hands, his skillfull hands spinning the blades loose and brought one up , pressing the flat to Lee's throat, using the flat of the knife to lat him down, the other cutting shallower at his burned arm, teasing him with one etch after the other. " like this?" He teased, drip feeding him his beloved pain.
Lee enjoyed watching the little show, his master easily opening the knives, ready to use them on him. As he initially aimed for his throat, his eyes widened. He didn't resist as he was made to lay down, the fun all in the major risk. At this point, Lee was just happy to know he had more range in motion. As he was distracted by the knife on his throat, Lee tilted his head back, surprised by the other making those shallow but just as painful cuts. "Mn! Ahh..." He moaned, showing his appreciation. "Yes, just like that, Master~" he purred.

"Please~ hurt me, Master." God, it felt so good. So, so good, the toy going on and on inside of him, buzzing and rutting against his prostate. The addition of the masochist's favorite - pain, already nearly tossing him over the edge. He felt like he was getting close.
"Good boy-" he purred as he ran the 'safely ' blade around, his hand flipping it, hooking it around against Lee's jneck, the side pressing again his jugular . He ran the cutting blade over, the tip kissing his unmarked peck..then digging in carving slowly, marking a word into him again. Simple and to the point perhaps. 'PAIN' but he moved it lower to keep writing. S.L.U.T. while Lee's peak was raising the toy inside, the lube on him enhancing everything. Lee didn't know the other effect, that aa good as he felt, he wouldn't be able to get the full orgasm, forcibly edged by the swelling. Well...he'd just need a good push to get anything to jump out.
Lee trembled under his touches; from the praise to the knife being pressed against such a vital part of him. His voice got louder, moaning out as he carved words into his skin again. If he knew what he was writing he would honestly end up agreeing. There he was, begging his captor - his owner to purposefully hurt him. Just because his fucked up body loved it. The more Ishida hurt him, the closer he felt to his climax.

He could feel it building, more and more, until... Nothing. The feeling just continued to build, Lee knowing himself enough to know something wasn't right.

"Mnnn, you bastard. Ah~ I can't cum," he complained, panting heavily. He missed the feeling of tipping right over the edge and crashing into his orgasm. It just never came! He reached a hand out, looking to grasp his wrist. "What experiment are you running now~?" Bastard! He could feel his hips jerking from another jolt of pleasure, but no relief.
"Oh just a special one. That lubricant on your egg and on your cock, when applied it heightened your sense of touch...but I'm afraid it temporarily causes swelling, it's currently restricting your prostate glands." He flicked Lee's arm ff his wrist, slicing his forearm. "In short. I'm going to edge the living shit out you." He said with a wild gleam in his eyes. "Theres only one thing that can slam your button properly and make you launch it all out at once!
"Mnn, egg?" Was that the toy inside of him? It was pretty nice... "Fucking hell, what other crazy lubes do you have?" He really had to ask. He had just set himself up for hell. He yelped to the cut on his forearm, bringing his other up to cover it, instinctively protecting the area. Feeling something wet, he already knew it was bleeding. "Fuck! E-Edge?" Oh, fuck. Another spike of pain and pleasure, yet the crash didn't come. He felt himself going crazy, the constant tipping over the edge to never actually reach it.

"Fuck, fuck... Help me, you bastard!" he cried out, the tears returning, only from frustration. He was begging for help from the one person that caused his major issue. He almost wanted to go back to getting drugged and asking his master for help then. At least then he felt like he was actually doing something... at first.
Ishida's evil grin didn't falter, his hand pushing umout and dforcing his fingers until the cut , gathering the blood and reached between his legs, grabbing the slaves raging hard on, stroking his hard and fast, blood and lube merging together. "The only thing I can do to help you, is push full pressure on your prostate to drain your balls...or else they'll just get more and more full. But how can I do that!" He teased as he shifted the softly knife, nipping his neck with the blade edge playfully, but kept it light in that particular area.
Lee whined as fingers dug into the cut, dirtying his master's hand with his blood. It disappeared from his side, moving between his legs, smearing the blood mixed with lube. A hand came up to his mouth, shock spread through him at such an act. Despite the craziness of his actions, Lee's body refused to lose his hard-on, his hips jerking into the hand that stroked him. "Oh my god..."

Damn. Why did he have to go and use that lube? To torture him, of course. Ishida's specialty. "F-Fucking me... with the toy inside?" He moved his hand to speak. He couldn't believe it. "W-Whatever, do it! ...Please!" He added, remembering to be polite about the whole thing. Small whimpers left him as the knife nicked him on his neck, so close to such a dangerous area. "Master~" he quietly begged.
"I'm starting to think Lee- that your dick can't go soft in my control!" His master teased savagely as his hand pumped him so hard, so readily.every jerk of Lee's hips, every seize of the slaves cock, trying to pump something that couldn't be moved. "Oh don't worry, I can remove that toy- you just need your master!" He whispered in Lee's ear. "But that'll only happen when you scream for it!"
He shook his head, Lee beginning to believe that very thing himself. No matter how much his master jerked him off, he still couldn't tip over that damn edge. His frustration grew, the tears threatening to fall. He covered his face with his hands for a short moment, wiping at his eyes again.

Well, sure, that made things better. The fucker making him beg for it. As Lee felt desperation to cum, he couldn't help but scream, "P-Please, Master! Let me cum! Please," he whimpered.
As Lee raised his voice, baring out his plea for pleasure to his master ,Ishida based in it, hitching Le onto his side again, though the paralysis was faltering off, he didn't much care. He dropped the knives, using his phone to force the floundering toy to lfreeze up, he pushed his fingers into Lee, fingers wiggling, searching, hooking onto a small silicone rimg attached to the egg to drag it from the whimpering slave and dropped it. Ishidas body didn't need convincing, throwing around and torturing Lee was it's own reward for him, keeping him up and ready. He grabbed Lee's cock again using the other hand tonspread him while he slowly drilled into the desperate slave, taking his sweet time.
Luckily it didn't take much begging for his master to show him some mercy. He was rolled over onto his side where his owner fiddled with turning the toy off with his phone. He then easily slipped fingers inside and not too long after pulled the toy out of him. He gasped aloud as it slid out, Lee's body begging for something to fill him again. He got his wish a second later, Ishida wasting no time in resuming jerking him off as he slowly, torturously slid into him.

"Master! Master, please," he begged as he realized he wasn't picking up the pace. "...torture!" He whined aloud, his hand coming up to cover his face, hiding the tears. The only way he would get his way in the end was, well, begging for it, Ishida making that very clear with his painfully slow pace.

"Please," he started, "please, Master! Fuck me!"
Ishida grinned wider, baring her teeth like a wolf as his hips began to move just a bit faster, taking up his slow pace, letting Lee feel the masters hard member drive into his swollen tunnel. His hips ramping up, thrusting into him hamster as he listened to begging tones as sweet music. He raised Lee's leg, holding it as he hammered into him harder, drilling into him with more and more force.
The pace quickened and Lee cried out as he finally struck his prostate. The swelling made him much tighter around Ishida, something he would no doubt enjoy, even as Lee began tightening his muscles further. He was finally getting what he wanted, but if Ishida really enjoyed begging...

"Ahnn! Please! Don't stop!" With his leg raised the angle was much more delicious, the pounding harder, the aim just perfect. He could feel himself getting closer and with a few more pounds into that bundle of nerves, he was finally able to release everything that had been building up. He screamed, unable to hold it back, a hand slapping against his mouth to quiet himself. "Master! Mmm, Master~" he groaned as he continued, reaching his own climax using his body.

By the time they were finished, Lee lay there, panting heavily. "Please... let me rest," he pleaded softly. He was so tired, so finished with the night.
As the climax stripped Lee's energy away, his masters hungry eyes raking along his face as he begged for rest. But he wouldn't find it yet, the man slamming into him again. "You don't rest until I've finished, who do you think you are-" he said as he dragged his ragged doll into his rough thrusts. Ishida's attentions drilled into the slave, his climax the only thing that would save Lee from the onslaught.
The overstimulation was too much, Lee squirming underneath his master as he kept pounding away inside of him. “Ahh! No! It’s too much~” he whined. True, he had no say. Only Ishida would let him rest when he was through with him. He could only stop when ordered to.

His cock twitched, not in a way to get excited, but it was just too good, it felt incredible. Just being used, just a hole for his master to finish inside. That alone would toss him right over the edge again. Both hands were in his face now, covering his eyes, wiping away any tears that gathered in the corner of his eyes.
Ishida rutted against the slave as they yelped pit their protests...not that they could resist the feel or his master. Atleast not without drawbacks. He sucked on Lee's neck, pushing up into his nerve cluster as eventually the pleasure rushed through through him and his load was sunk into the slave for his tightening hole.
Lee let out little groans and moans, mewling out for his master as the overstimulation felt amazing as he kept going. He could feel it, his master getting close. Not too long after he felt that warmth spread inside of him, his master marking him from the inside.

He melted, in love with the feeling. He enjoyed his master riding out his orgasm in him before he would pull out, his seed leaving him. He would lay there, chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. His range of motion was much better compared to earlier. He would let Ishida hold onto the drugs, despite knowing at any point he could use them on him to paralyze him.

The risk was fun though! He was tired. Very tired. Ready to pass out at any moment.
Ishida set his 'tools' away, the paralyzing drugs sliding into the box, who knew what his master would do with them, beyond just drugging Lee over and over. While Lee was weakened, Ishida lckily didn't just abandon him ,having Taka come go the grant work to carry him off. Though he was set in a different room, it was nicer actually than the cell he was in, it almost was easy to imagine it to be a nice little singles hotel room. The floor even had a carpet, a nice cushy bed to lay on...a bathroom, not just a toilet, and even furniture. kitchen though, and the door locked from the outside. Lee was laid in the bedding first, given time to simply black out.

In the coming day, Lee would be roused awake and set to new work...most of it didn't even involve guzzling Ishida's cum. He was brought a new task even, waking to the thumping on his door. Then it being unlocked. Takahashi sliding in with a tray, but not to give Lee breakfast, it was a tea pot.
Before he knew it, he was out, fast asleep in the booth. He didn't stir as Taka came around to carry him off somewhere else to properly get some rest.

The next day, Lee groaned as he heard knocking on a door. Blinking, he found himself in some room - a hotel maybe? It looked a lot like it, it even had a bathroom! He could get clean! He sat up, not wanting to leave the bed, yet the door opened and he spotted Taka entering with... A teapot?

He winced as his backside hurt. Not from all the sex they had, although sure, he was sore from that. But from that burn he received. The branding, Ishida's gang symbol. The sheet fell from his chest, reminding him of the markings there - supposedly spelling out he was Ishida's property. He would never not be reminded, a permanent mark that this was real and not just a dream. At least he wasn't paralyzed anymore, the memory vague but there.

He didn't bother asking how he got into the room, Taka's presence alone explained everything to him. Well, he was still in Ishida's territory. The other didn't get rid of him since he passed out last night. That thought alone comforted him...

Anyway. "What's with the teapot?"
"Your master has decided it is time for your traing as a Tea Boy to begin. I'm to show you the position." Takahashi said as he looked to Lee, folding his arms behind his back with a cool, collected, almost class to his stance. "Your master is currently indisposed or he would have likely done this himself."
Training? ...Hey! "Wha-- Wait, that's what he calls me... This is a role?" He asked, his mind whirling. All this time... all this time Ishida had a job for him. Well, the other had to have him do something while stuck there, he supposed. "Oh, um... Can I get washed up and dressed first?" He asked, glancing over to the bathroom that was in the room. "I'll be quick," he added, hoping for a yes. The other looked so stoic, so serious. Formal? His eyes lingered on the other for a moment longer.
"Yes- please go get cleaned! This position is highly social. I'll set out your uniform Lee." Takahashi said as he gave a slight nod. The Yakuza was in a bright red suit, like the devil cloaked him. It probably was to draw some ficus from Ishida from the ignorant...or maybe to show off. It was clearly high end work. "If you need it, I've brought your burn cream."

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