Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

Unfortunately, by the time they reached Lavaridge the sun was already dipping below the mountains, whilst the only places open were the Hot Springs for an evening session and the local Hotel. Jason headed for the Hotel, but Markus looked towards the springs and gestured to Bonnie, indicating he wanted to go there with her.
"I know the hotel! I lived here longer than you remember!" She said waving Jason off without turning around, as they came into the hotspring, the entrance was a nice traditional bath house, a place for them to rest and set up, pay for their entrance for a pass. But the clerk spotted Bonnie, recognizing her and starting to pull out a tag for her.
Bonnie looked at him. "The springs are segregated unless it for pairs." She said simply. Figuring he would have gotten nosy or curious if he was left alone. As they came through the entrance hall, a worker was examining tags, sending people or guiding them to their paths for the spring they had access to.
The hotsprings was a natural pool, flattened out stone plates framing the Groto, small smoothed round stones used to make the path to the pools. The deep red stones that were taken from the mountains and arid, sturdy brush would protect them from prying eyes. Bonnie walked to the pool side, letting her towel fall to lower herself into the pool with a sigh of relief.

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