Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

(XD I like to imagine his voice became like an old Microsoft text to Speech when he olgit the insert section)

As the rocks came hurdlinh at her, sure to knock her down at any other moment, but Jason's orders made her jump up. She spun on the air, unleashing a roundhouse kick to break through the line. She flinched as she landed, the shattering penles raining around them.
(Honestly, I just forgot what she knew...)

Jason grinned as she beat back the rocks, before licking his lips "Okay, now use Flamethrower!" He instructed, knowing the move would do little damage, but wanting to keep her at a distance for the moment, knowing that fighting face to face against the Slugma was probably just hurting Bonnie an equal amount.
(XD current move set is Flamethrower, Reversal, Double Kick, and I believe Fire spin)

She looked over at him but didn't resist, she opened her mouth as sge unleashed a line if scorching flames into her opponent, but the Slugma was moving steadly, un fazed by the flames.
"That's my best strategy-" She said to herself. She was born practicing the Reversal Technique after all. Sometimes to win, you had to take the stronger blow for the opening. She however wasn't going to sit and wait, she rushed forward instead, as if acting on her own, spiraling out to kick at the Slugma, but the slower Mon has flared its body heat, and hardened its mass, stones boiling up through its body to hurl them at her again.
As the torrent of stiney missiles unleashed from the Slugma, blasting out like fiery buckshot and sending Bonnie spiraling out of control, her gi catching fire as sge hit the ground, laying still. Flannery cringed on her side of the arena. "Oh! That looks like game to me-" she said as she seemed almost more caught up in watching than commanding. Then again, if Bonnie couldn't clear her Slugma, she had much bigger issues.
Markus almost started forwards, but stopped as Jason held out a hand, shaking his head "Does it? Funny. Cause the Bonnie I know would never stay down to something as pathetic as a Slugma." He called, wanting to anger his Combusken, knowing it would make her get back to her feet as Markus caught on "Yeah. Guess we didn't know her as well as we thought, Boss. After all, if she couldn't beat a Slug, how'd she expect to be a champion?"
Bonnie's has was ringing, her body scorching hot with adrenaline as she listened out, waiting fir her opponent to get closer...but shevheard Jason say something. Her ear twitching as she listened to him talk down on her. She grit her teeth. That fucking-

But then she heard Marcus's voice joining in, her veins rippling along her forehead as the slumga slid closer. As the mon leaned over her inspecting it's foe, there was a brief shimmer of motion, air rushing as the Slugma was struck with a rapidly rising uppercut, so fierce and wild that Bonnie had left an after image on the ground as she ascended to the ceiling. "What was that you fucking fish!" She yelled as she hung on the air her body heat and force making a updraft to hold her for a moment as the Slugma was laying on the ground, nearly crumpled in on itself to keep its mass..
As she hovered on the air, her gi still burning off her skin, making a large hole on along the front. She landed and tore the shirt top away, stalking towards Marcus, her eyes dancing with fiery temper. "Oh yeah, well I guess you're too dumb to see the truth!" She said as Flannery was returning her Slugma. And reached for her next ball.
Marcus met Bonnie's eyes, licking his lips nervously as she ripped her shirt off, moving to stand directly infront of her, baring his teeth "What? That we helped make the Slug think you were actually out? Or that Me speaking seems to have given you a power boost from how pissed off you are?" He asked, even as the water he'd doused himself in began to steam from her temperature "Besides, She's throwing another 'Mon out..." He gestured behind Bonnie, wondering if she'd even look.
She growled at him, her eyes flaring with small flames at him. "I had'em right where I wanted them from the start!" She said as she jabbed her finger at his chest. But she looked over her shoulder at the Magcargo starting to rise up, a massive shell of hardened lava on its back. She clicked her tongue in irritation, turning around as she threw the rest of her burnt shirt aside. Her bandages hanging onto her, but some pretty clear bruises forming from the rocks.
"Hmph. Sure..." Markus rolled his eyes, taking a step back from the edge of the battlefield as the Magcargo formed from the bright light of the ball "How 'bout this. You beat them, we can continue this conversation?" He suggested, even as Jason frowned but gave a soft grin "Hah. Rock Type. That'll make you hit harder..."
"I'll hit you harder-" she grumbled as she shifted and started to stretch her legs out slowly. His barbs only making her more angry, her body pulsing and tensing as the Magcargo rose up higher, its mass converging to unleash a Flamethrower over her first. She leapt aside, blurring as she moved forward to slam into it with her kicks
As the energy backlash jumped back out of the shell, Bonnie instinctively covered her face, and her chest with her arms, get hurled backwards by the Bide. It threw her away , energy rippling iver her as she skipped and rolled along the ground towards her team. She groaned as she tried to stand up, trying to drag herself up.on her knees.
Markus watched, wincing as Bonnie was tossed like a ragdoll back towards him, moving onto the rubble strewn battlefield to sweep her up into his arms, holding her gently as he carried her to the edge by Jason. When they got there, he lay her onto the floor and placed a finger onto her lips before she could speak "I'm gonna break this fucker..." He muttered angrily, turning towards the Magcargo, already preparing a Hydro Pump to put the Rock and Fire type in its place.
As Marcus shished her, she weakly tried to resist him still, trying to grab at him , but Jason's managed to hold her back from trying to throw herself back into the fight. The hydropump unleashed into a jet stream of aquatic force, but the Magma Mon seemed to be ready for such a danger. It's body flaring up hotter abd hotter unloading am Overheat to battle the water wave head on.
Markus kept up his pressure with the Hydro Pump, narrowing his eyes and tensing his muscles to increase the force he was exerting, wanting nothing more than to blow the Magcargo away. How dare this sluggy fuck hurt HIS Bonnie... He could feel the heat, but also could feel the way it was lessening as the fire was slowly, slowly overwhelmed by the water, the stream creeping closer and closer to the Snail 'Mon.
As his hydro pump blasted hardener and harder, drilling against the searing heat, the torrent of water that was fueled by his passion abd righteous outrafe surged closer and closer. The Magcargo holding position as it flared its inner flames higher. "Don't hold back Mag! Show him what you got!" Flannery cheered on.
Unforetunately for Mag, they were against a Markus who wasn't his normal, playful self. Now, they were trying to stop a Markus who was fury filled. They'd touched a nerve he hadn't known about, by hurting Bonnie. His. Bonnie. And from somewhere inside of him, he found even more power, the pressure of the Hydro Pump gaining and gaining in tandem with his boiling rage.
The Torkoal rolled aside tucking up into his shell suddenly, letting Markus swoop on overhead with his Aquajet. It began ti spin on the ground, the heat and mist swirling as it body start to get red hot, unleashing a fireball up from its ports into the air, a eruption if blistering radiant light.

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