Fantasy RP Pleasure of midnight (FaeWhisperer)

Avery looked over at Xavier when he said that one of his plans was to take her out to dinner and a soft blush came over her cheeks, she had never thought he would ask her out to dinner at all. Letting him tilt her chin up she study his face before she smiled into the slow kiss he pressed to her lips and she returned him happily, "I would like that" she whispered back to him with a gentle smile. It had been years since she had gone on a date but Avery was excited and nervous about the idea of going on a date with Xavier.

"Would I need a nice dress for this date?" Avery asked softly as she mentally went through all of the dresses she owned, she didn't own a single 'date' dress but she was sure any of the summer dresses that she did own would be alright for a simple date. If he did plan to take her somewhere that she needed a dress that was more fancy Avery knew she would be able to go and get one, "Because, depending on where you want to take me, I don't think any of my normal dresses would be a good choice" she laughed softly.
Listening to her speak about what wanting to wear, he said, “Just wear whatever you’d like, he spoke and thought about more where he could take her. “Because I think taking you shopping first would be a great way to start, that way I can help pick you an outfit.” He added in, grinning as he did. “Then we can head for lunch, and after, I can pick you up for dinner.” So he totally had this planned out, which was no surprise.

“But I’m not entirely sure on where to take you for dinner,” he admitted now. “But I was kind of thinking of this place at the Sea Life Aquarium,” he mentioned, hoping she would like to go on an aquarium date with him. He wondered if she had mentioned something about this before, as in— she had wanted to go but just had never found the time.
Avery nodded her head a little when he said that he could help her pick out an outfit, "I'd like that" she said honestly, as he continued talking she couldn't help but give a soft laugh as she moved away from him and got out of the shower. Grabbing one of the towels he had brought in she dried herself off before wrapping it firmly around herself as she looked at Xavier, "You seem to have given this a lot of thought" Avery said with a small shake of her head.

When he mentioned taking her to the Sea Life Aquarium she tilted her head slightly, "I'd love that, actually" she said softly sounding a little confused as she spoke. Avery had always planned to go to the aquarium but something always seemed to come up which made her have to put the plan off, "I mean, I've been trying to get there for months, but something always came up" Avery explained a little with a small shrug of her shoulders. For some reason, going to the aquarium with Xavier seemed like the perfect thing to do and she couldn't help but feel excited that she was actually going on a date with him.
Xavier got out of the shower as well, and took a towel before drying himself. Listening to her further, he was happy she was excited about the aquarium and he gave a small sheepish laugh at her ‘you have thought this through’ moment. And he confessed, “Well.. what can I say but tell you that yes, I have thought it out and..I’m not going to tell you how long it’s been since I’ve thought it out,” his cheeks stained lightly with a dusting of pink.

Shaking his head, he wrapped the towel around his waist before walking to the bedroom with her. When she had mentioned her lack of time on going to the aquarium he glanced over at her. “Well, now you won’t have to wait that much longer,” he says with a small smile. He moved to get clothes to dress into, wondering if she would find clothes to wear currently, and he knew something in that box he had shown earlier would fit her.

A bit later, they were walking around the mall, and Xavier had took her hand, holding it lightly. They had taken his car to get there, and it hadn’t exactly been ‘low profile’ but at this point Avery already knew he had money. With his outfit though, it didn’t help. He currently was wearing a dark brown dress sweater, with his black dress pants and black dress shoes. He had chose this knowing the outside temperature was ‘cold’ but he didn’t feel cold. It was mostly to blend in better. As a vampire, he didn’t want to stand out but he definitely wasn’t helping his case. And being so tall didn’t help either.

Either way, stares were unavoidable at his point but one look to them with a cold glance made onlookers look away.

At their first stop in the mall he walked in with Avery, watching her eyes light up at all of the possibilities in this store. He had told her don’t worry about the price, and that he would cover it.
(I'm going to reply as much as I can, but things are still very touch and go here >.<)

Avery gave a soft laugh as Xavier told her that he had indeed thought all of this through but wasn't going to tell her how long, she liked seeing the light dusting of pink on his cheeks. Being embarrassed suited him and Avery wanted to see more of him blushing if she could make him do such a thing.


She had been so excited to go out with Xavier, she held onto his hand happily not caring at how they might have looked with their height difference. Avery wasn't worried about the glanced and looks people were giving them because of the man beside her, she was simply enjoying his company. Even though she was happy wearing her simple little pastel pink sundress with a lavender cardigan over the top and her simple white sandals she couldn't help but feel underdressed walking beside Xavier.

He always looked as if he was ready to go to a business meeting or some high fashion event, looking at the shop that they walked into her eyes widened slightly. She had walked past the high fashion store she now found herself in often, sometimes she would stop and admire the beautiful dresses and clothes in the windows before moving on as they were all out of her price range. Even though Xavier had told her not to worry about the price Avery couldn't help but feel bad that he would cover buying her a dress.

Letting go of his hand as she walked around the shop Avery couldn't help but find herself looking at some dresses on clearance, even though they were marked down in price Avery couldn't help but be shocked at how expensive everything still was. "Xavier...These are too much" she said with a small shake of her head, "Even though you said not to worry about the price, I can't help but worry about it" Avery confessed. She had always worried about money as her family had always struggled with it, but they made do with what they had and that had followed her into her adult life making her very conscious of how much money she spent on things.

Flicking through the dresses on the rack Avery pulled out a mini cream coloured strapless corset styled dress with beautiful light gold filigree embroidery on it, holding it up against her body she turned to face Xavier with a raised brow, "Yes or no?" she asked casually.

Xavier couldn’t understand how she could dress as she did, worried that she might have been too cold, he had offered her his coat at one point but she had refused.

When he wanted to spoil her- he hadn’t been surprised at the moment she told him these clothing items were too expensive. Although a little hesitant at first, he saw that she was reluctantly agreeing, or willing to pick out an outfit for him.

He gave a soft sigh and closed his eyes, he knew money really wasn’t an issue, and he truly did want to spoil her, but when she asked him for his opinion on the dress, he knew it was an immediate no.

Humming a little, he reopened his eyes, and then asked her, “Where would you like to go shopping at?” He waited for her response, Xavier closely watching her reaction. He figured it wasn’t here, but he also figured she wouldn’t be that open to him just yet on what she liked, so he wanted to learn more about her.

He didn’t care how she dressed, as long as she felt comfortable in her own body while doing so, that was all that mattered. “But if you want my full opinion, I think that dress is beautiful, but I’d much rather want you to wear something you’d feel comfortable in,” he tells her now, moving his hand and pushing the hanger down gently, the dress was now out of her view.

“Don’t make me use compulsion on you..” he started, and Xavier knew she was uncomfortable spending this much money, even if he had said he would cover it, “please, Avery, take me to your favorite stores,” he softly begged of her.
Avery waited for him to speak and when he asked where she would like to go shopping she breathed out a small sigh of relief happy that he didn't agree to the dress, sure she did like it but Avery wasn't use to fancy shops and she felt so out of place there. Letting him push the hanger down out of her view she tilted her head to the side a little as she looked up at him when he spoke about using compulsion on her, "You wouldn't" she said with a shake of her head.

She had no doubt that if push came to shove Xavier would probably use compulsion on her but Avery didn't want to test that, making sure the dress was back on the rack properly she reached out and grabbed his right hand gently. "This is going to be very underwhelming for you" Avery chuckled as she started to lead Xavier out of the store they were currently in, keeping a hold of his hand as she walked Avery couldn't help but wonder what he would think of the small boutique she liked to go too when she wanted to spoil herself a little, it had much more reasonable prices that she was more willing to let Xavier pay for.

Reaching the store Avery glanced at him a little before she lead him into the store, seeing some of the workers she knew she smiled and waved at them, she had gotten to know the workers rather well over the time she had been going there. "This is where I come, when I want to buy myself something nice" Avery said shyly, walking over to one of the clothings racks that had quite a few dresses that weren't summer styled dresses on them she flicked through them for a moment.

Glancing at Xavier slightly she pulled out a pastel blue long sleeved knit dress that would hit her mid thigh, "It'll keep me warm so I won't have to wear a jacket and I'll wear boots with it" Avery said casually with a small smile. She knew she had a pair of black over the knee boots she could wear with the dress so she would be able to keep her legs nice and warm, "And, it's a price I am willing to let you pay" she laughed softly as she turned the price tag towards him so he could see it was only fifty dollars.

"After all, you've already spent enough money on me" Avery said softly referring to how much money he had sent her for being a meal at his party.
Xavier let her take his hand and drag him out of the store, but he didn’t mind at all. When she took him around a few other shops and suddenly he found himself on the second floor.

They soon came to a little independent shop that had high fashioned clothes at reasonable prices. Once inside he looked over at the staff Avery waved at and he noticed that, he could instantly tell this shop belonged to werewolves. But the employee that caught his attention first didn’t say anything to him, yet gave a silent, unnoticeable glare over to him— one Avery couldn’t pick up on— one that told Xavier to ‘you either treat our girl here right or my pack and I will have you for our dinner’.

Xavier stiffened up slightly but gave a slight nod as he wasn’t making enemies of Avery’s favorite shop. The employee in question didn’t care who this vampire was, royalty or not— she would kill him if Avery ever gets hurt because of this oversized Ken doll.

When Avery brought his attention back to her, he saw the dress and looked back to her, briefly imagining her in the outfit. He then gave a nod of approval with a smile that followed, “I think you’ll look beautiful in it,” he spoke and gave a slight embarrassed glance to her when she said he already spent enough money on her. “Well, first off..” he trailed off and could feel eyes burning a hole into the back of his head.

Nope, he’ll keep his mouth shut and just agree with Avery. “Sure thing love, whatever you want,” he said now, slightly panicked. But of course Avery wouldn’t be aware of this, thankfully.
When Xavier gave a nod of approval she smiled happily, "Good, because we can't have two of us walking around looking as if we have just stepped off of a runway" she teased him playfully taking a light jab at his choice of clothing. She didn't believe that the man in front of her even owned a casual set of clothes but it didn't matter to her, Avery liked seeing him all dressed up. When he trailed off speaking she frowned at him a little but didn't try to get him to finish what he wanted to say. As soon as he called her love Avery blushed lightly, she liked hearing him call her love.

Walking up to the counter with the dress Avery smiled happily at the woman behind the counter as she put it down, "He'll be paying" Avery said sweetly with a small nod of her head towards Xavier. Avery knew that the girls who worked in the store were werewolves as they had helped her with her younger sister after Avery moved to the city, when she had left home she had taken her sister with her after she had been attacked by a werewolf in their hometown. It had taken a bit of work and a lot of threats of violence towards her but Avery had managed to find a pack that was willing to take her sister in and help her learn how to handle being a werewolf.

Once the dress was paid for and placed in a bag Avery took it happily, "Thank you, and please tell Lena to remember to call dad. She hasn't spoken to him for a little while and he gets worried" Avery said to the woman with a soft laugh. She had no doubt that Xavier would be curious but she knew if he asked she would tell him about her sister, it wasn't a closely guarded secret in her family what had happened so Avery felt comfortable talking about it.

"Where should we go for lunch?" Avery asked as she grabbed Xavier's hand lightly with her free one as she began to walk towards the entrance of the store, she wanted to let him decide where the best place for lunch would be.
Xavier felt a little shy from her teasing but nevertheless he knew he would surprise her in his dress soon enough, as this was his causal. But either way, once up to the counter to pay, he did so, and the lady at the counter looked to Avery as they walked away. Hearing about Avery speak of a mysterious woman, once the words ‘dad’ came into play, he knew who she was talking about.

He had never asked personally before, but he had caught tidbits here and there every now again while in the coffee shop. But as they walked out of the store and the bag in his hand he glanced to her. “ know I’m not too partial to food, so perhaps anywhere you wish to go?” He suggests, idly squeezing her hand every now and then as they walked with one another. He then takes another look at her face before asking, “So..I’m assuming back there.. you knew they were werewolves?” He waited for her response although he knew where this might end up going.

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