The Mon walked forward, leering at Intranel. "We got history, and I don't answer to you either." He said as he narrowed his eyes. Intranel's growling clearly only making him even more ready to clash up.
Intranel raised a hand, a wall of psychic force shunting the Mon back “Well. I’ll tell her you visited. Unless you want to try and burn this place down too.”
The Mon held still, Sliding back a few inches as the psychic energy buffeted over him. "Ergh! Who do you think you are!" He said as he started to smoke slightly.
Zerek blinked in mild shock as the pair argued "Uh... what the fuck is happening?" He mumbled, even as Intranel upped the force he was pushing with "Someone who knows the truth! She showed me her memories, of you and your buddies trying to drive her away! Burning her home!"
"Nellie?" Mimi mumbled as she hearer yelling....the Mimikyu shuffling out around the stairs well, rubbing her face with a tentacle as she was loosely dressed...she was wearing her robe but it was simply wide open. "Whose her-" she said then gasped as she saw the mon. His skin thickened, growing coarse orange fur. His teeth bared as he saw Mimi, heat singing off him. "There's the little witch!"
Zerek blinked and yelped, shifting away from the suddenly igniting fire type "What the hell?!" He muttered, even as Intranel stepped between the fire type and Mimi "You don't touch her! You don't touch her ever again!" He snarled, his hair beginning to float as he channelled his powers to push the fire type away again, this time using much more force.
As the mon was lifted, his mass shifting as he was transforming, he was thrown out the doorway...taking a good chunk of the wood and wall with him as he crashed outside. "My door!" Mimi whined as she pushed by Intranel, her heart was fluttering at her valiant masters defense...but her beloved teahouse was as precious to her as her last home. The Emboar dragging himself up , his fighting form hulking out as he inhaled , his flames magnifying as he started to unleash a wave of flame.
Intranel gently nudged her back inside "We can fix the door..." He promised, even as he moved to step outside, clapping his hands together before taking a deep breath "One last chance. Walk away, leave Mimi alone." Meanwhile, Zerek was muttering to himself "Always me, ALWAYS me getting stuck in this bullshit..."
(XD should have gotten his nut and let this happen anyway)
Mimi whimpered but grabbed Intranels arm with a tentacle, pulling him backwards as Intranel saw the Emboar jump forward, it's knee harding, lining with metal . Just where Intranel was standing a second ago, the Emboar slammed into the ground with Heavy Slam, making the ground shake.
Intranel gasped as he was pulled backwards, before snarling "Alright then, we're playing this way..." at the Boar, bringing his hands together, before extending them out in a Psywave.
His psychic force slammed against the Emboar, making him bounce backwards somewhat from the psionic waves. But he pushed through it, his Flamethrower raising through him to unleash it over them both.
Mimi yelped as she was pushed, the flames making her scream in fear briefly. "Master! No!" She said as she charged ahead at the sight, grabbing the Emboar with her tentacles, throwing the Mon Around as sge shrieked in a rage, slamming and grinding him into the dirt with play rough.
Intranel gave a slow nod "I... I'm fine, Mimi... Finish that trash off!" He ordered, even as Zerek shook his head and walked away. Not his problem, how those two wanted to be...
(XD Zerek: ....whatever freaky shit yall do, it ain't in my mind-)
Mimi looked over as she smiled widely wrapping her tentacles around the dazzled Mon's neck and starting to tighten her hold slowly. Full prepared to outright kill tye Emboar for harming her dear Intranel.
Intranel smirked darkly, licking his lips "Good, Mimi... Goood... Keep going... Take your revenge on this pathetic boar..." He moved to embrace her, his hands rubbing her belly and lower breasts "Punish him with the eternal black of death..."
As she was embraced from behind she gave a soft whine and moans as her master fondled onti her breasts and mrubbed her belly under her robes. His words enough for her as her tentacles started to flex again, making a sickening crunch as she jerked his neck in one swift motion, snapping his neck like it was peice of dead bamboo.
Intranel smiled as she snapped the Emboars neck, his hands getting grabbier on her in response "Oh, who's a good girl, hmm?" He asked, squeezing her breasts more as he 'rewarded' her for what she'd done "Is it you? It is..."
As he praised her and rubbed on her, prttunf and gripping along her hit, soft body, Mimi moaned and squirmed, her body leaning into masters. "M-me- i-I-Im a good girl-"
He reached up and pet her head, smiling to her words "That's right... You are a good girl..." He agreed, before placing a kiss onto her lips "Now, lets go back upstairs, hmm?"
As Intranel bid his wish to return upstairs, she stepped close to him arlgain, hugging his arm...the upper portion vanishing under her heaving breasts. "Yes master! I must tend to your burns!" She said as sge looking at the scorch marks on hid sides.
"Mmm..." He winced slightly as the adrenaline started to wear off, leaving him feeling the burns now "W... Wait, lock the door first" He hissed, even as he leant on her shoulder, wishing she was slightly taller so he could rest his head on her breasts.
She paused as an sextra arm reached back, flicking the latch on to lock the door as he asked if her. "There we go master!" She said smiling at him as she took him upstairs and then began to reorganize her bedding, making Intranel a nice cozy spot to lay a cozy cushy ring of plushies to try to make him feel happy. But while he took it in fir a moment, he heard Mimis ribe drop on the floor behind him as she held up the burn heal ointment. "Okay master- show me where it hurts-"
He lay himself back as she readied the bedding, sighing softly, before watching her drop her robe and take up the ointment "Mmm, well, here..." He murmured, reaching down to gesture towards his ribcage "A little here..." He pointed to another livid red mark down by his legs "And... well, there's another spot that needs attention, but not from burn heals..."
"Masters burns come first!" She said pursing her lips as sge waved the ointment container atvhim...then she unscrewed the lid and scooped some up...beginning to pour the healing jelly between her tits, and along her belly.
He nodded to her words, before watching as she poured it between her tits "Oh? I thought my burns came first?" He asked, even as he had a feeling he knew what she was up too.
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