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Roleplays Ideas and Links to Open Threads

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Local Time:
7:55 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Hey! Craze here, looking for any new rp partners :3 - I have a lot of threads right now but I wouldn't mind coming up with a few more. I really don't have any real ideas, just some starters:

(I'm cool with rp'ing any gender)
  • Elven/Magical Roleplay
  • Vampire x Witch/Warlock Roleplay
  • Animal based roleplay (something like Lions or anything Cat atm)
  • Siren x Pirate?
Lol I have no clue but I'm up for anything tbh, just trying to get my muse back up atm!

Edit: Took one idea out because I have so many similar threads lol XD
Last edited:
Local Time:
7:55 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Okay, just binged the fuck out of Fairytail and now I need to satiate my desire.. also trying to fill an empty feeling I have T-T but idk if that's my muse speaking up or just a general feeling I got from finishing the series.
Anyways the pairings I'm willing to do are as follows:
  • Natsu x Lucy (obviously)
  • Gray x Juvia
  • Gajeel x Levy (my most wanted of the three tbh)
It doesn't have to be traditional canon or universe, we can always do an AU like a dragon x princess (classic for Natus / Gajeel) or a knight x princess or maybe more yandere type for Juvia now that I think about it.. I just love these characters and want to expand on them :3

Also I think I'd actually prefer to rp the female roles on this one, but oddly enough I wouldn't mind rp'ing my favorite stripping wizard so if that helps idk
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