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She is Forbidden

Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Set upon her position along the outline of the dance floor the rare Red Fox from Asia stood wearing the usual beige colored dress with a skit ending just at her knees, her hair tied into a braid so all could see she was not merely a servant but also owned. She wore a beautiful red leather collar with a tag naming the Lord Featherington whom allowed her to roam these royal halls and aid these grand events to earn himself even more money to line his pocket. Sierra was her name and quite the penny she cost him for she was not only rare but illegal to purchase, yet he got his hands on her and brought her back to his home where he grew popular among the men raising his status with ease in the council as well. He kept a tight leash on her not allowing anyone to touch her though she had quite the sharp tongue and some how evaded him every time he attempted advances. Currently Lord Featherington was dancing with a few maidens never searching for a wife but fun really so she was paying little attention to his pet that seemed quite bored at the moment. Her ears were down, her tail idly swayed behind her while her hands were folded before her while she watched everyone dance. Everyone in the area other than a few higher up families and the royals knew Sierra was off limits, so the Prince would have no clue that she was not to be teased with.


Species: Red Fox
Age: 20
Status: owned and a maiden
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Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Collin was currently on his third glass of wine, finding it the only wait to entertain himself so far. He found these formal parties to be quite stuffy and not at all to his liking. He preferred something a bit more festive that made a loud raucous. Not something that was just pretty maidens and gents too afraid to get their clothes dirty. He was accosted all night by these gents and maidens who flocked to him only because he was a prince of the neighboring kingdom that had close bonds to this one. In fact he was to be engaged to the princess of this land soon which was why he was invited to this party. But of course he did not see her once this entire festivities.

But his eyes would spot something that could wet his appetite for fun. A red hair fox who seemed to be all by herself. He would observe and admire her body before walking up to her with a second glass of wine offering it to her "It is nice to see someone as bored as i am at this sham of a party."

Collin, 23, Prince of neighboring country and known party boy
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Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Noticing a motion coming her way she attempted to seem uninterested as they drew closer but the voice of a charming man offering her a drink was currently at her side. She glances his direction before quickly looking toward her owner to ensure he was entertained giving her a chance to let go just a little. "Yes well been to many of these, seems like the same attire, music, drinks and food every time" she admits as she plucked the wine glass from his hand. No one has dared approach her so she must find out more "Who are you exactly?" turning toward him a little to get a better look of who she was speaking with, daring to interact with another man. He must not be from around him, everyone knows her and her owner. She flicks her tail with interest, her ears pointed toward him, the white tips easily seen against her deep red fur and hair.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
"Oh i am of no one important in this country and I have one of those really long names that only stiff shirts remember. But you can just call me Collin." he bows to her before giving her a wink and downing his glass of wine. "I agree on your sentiment of parties. After being to all of these day after day it gets dreadful, not that they werent the first time around. This is pretty forward of me but how about we go and find a real party and not something so stuffy"
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
At first to find a man not willing to reveal his title or true name to her simply leaving it up to Collin which was quite the twist, so use to any man attempting to wow her with their title and benefits though she had no say. Felt like a long breathed question of whisking her away to a party that could be better than this, she had no idea of other parties or gatherings that would meet her age much better. She sips her wine, tasting it was moment in thought, a glance over to where she last saw her owner to find him no longer there. Tensing up she clears her throat "Quite forward of you" she admits just as a click sounded and a light tug was given to her collar from the leash Lord Featherington held in hand. "Prince Collin" bowing to the man while Sierra moved behind the lord, her ears pinned back as she looked down. "Sorry to cut your conversation short but Sierra and I must return home, I have done my rounds for the evening" attempting to not sound pissed off that he caught Sierra speaking with not just a man but a Prince. "Let us go" leading Sierra away which caught attention of most of the ball room, women envied her while men wanted her yet no one would have her. "Nice meeting you, Collin" Sierra whispers with a small smile.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Collin could see her deep in thought, perhaps like many here she had never been to a party that wasnt held by the noble class. He was eager to hear what she would say, not surprised that she said it was forward of him, that he was used to. What surprised him was the lord who had interrupted their conversation. He hid his annoyance well from the man as he smiles and nods his head in return "Ah you must be the famous Lord Featherington I have heard so much about. You are quite wealthy and famous from what i have heard, even the nobles in my land speak highly of you. I know you seem to be in a hurry but i would love to discuss business with you one day soon that would benefit us both." As the man takes Sierra away he would smile as he knew her name, "sierra," he whispers in reply to her as if it was the loveliest name he has heard.
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Of course he was a sweet talker, oh and how Lord loved being spoken to his status and popularity which had him pause in his departure "If that is true, come by my estate tomorrow morning" he spoke which seemed to surprise Sierra for he rarely invited others to the estate. She continued after her owner, holding her head high on their way out. The ride home was horrid as she was scolded and would be removed from future events to prevent it from happening again. Even though they were boring she did enjoy dressing up and watching the dances but now that was snatched away from her. Now all she had to look forward to was this possible meeting with Collin, what business would a Prince have with a Lord of a kingdom that was not his own? She shook her head not dwelling on it as she needed to bathe and head to bed, tomorrow was her only day off and she would take advantage.

The following morning The lord was awaiting to see if the Prince spoke truth in desiring conversation while Sierra was still curled up in her bed, sleeping in for once in quite some time. She had her own rooms where she could be herself which took a long time to obtain.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Collin would smile as the lord took the bait. He had no desired plans to have business with Featherington but it was true that he had heard about him before and that he was someone his family wanted to connect with. But this gave him another chance to meet this girl whose name he just learned. He was excited to see her again if there was even a small chance at doing so.

The next morning a carriage would pull up bearing the royal blue and orange of Collin's kingdom. He would step out and have a guard knock loudly on the door as trumpets blared. He hated the entourage and fanfare but wanted to keep up appearances
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Spooking awake Sierra heard the trumpets of such an important arrival signaling her to scramble from bed and hurry to the nearest window. A sight of blue and orange the Collin stepped out from the carriage as the front doors were opened by two male servants to reveal the Lord "Welcome, Prince Collin" greeting him with a big smile. "I have us set up in my office" leading the man inside.

Sierra watched this man actually enter her home, he dared to come here, an invitations that Lord rarely sent out. She then felt a heat between her legs making her pant a silent moan, catching her off guard to hurry and get dressed. Just as Collin was entering the house she made her way up the stairs wearing a simple dress and a smile, her body screaming at her to launch herself his way. She barely knew him though which was quite embarrassing.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
The prince would smile at the Lord and shake his hand "You have such a lovely home Lord Featherington. I must say it puts the castle that i am currently living in to shame. You must tell me who built it." He follows the lord in hoping to see the woman who caught his attention and sure enough He would see her shortly. He smiles at her but doesnt say a word as it would be unbecoming to address the lords servent just yet. He nods at her before following the lord "I must say, the interior is even more exquisite than the exterior!" He says, the last bit more about Sierra than the house
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"Ah yes, my designer joined me on my way around the world to aid in picking out perfect furniture, painting and other, as the the master of building this I do not know, I earned this estate in my early twenties. My wealth did not follow for some time but once it did I filled this place with all things beautiful" he admits as he took a seat at his desk. "Now, what business are we discussing on such a fine morning?" he would question before clearing his throat. "Also, I apologize about Sierra last night, she knows speaking to guests is not allowed" adding on quickly.

Sierra would seat herself outside the room, listening in of course which resulted in an eye roll of her owner's comment of her, more like it was the other way around. She was curious as to why Collin was here, he seemed quite interested in her but only way he could even spend time with her was if Lord sold her which was doubtful, no one can match the price he paid for her.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
"Yes i have heard you are a hard worker of great stature. I wish i was able to work up my way in the world such as yourself. This is why I have come to see you. As you have heard I am to be living in this country for quite a while as my parents want me to learn about our neighbors. And father suggested i go see you about learning and seeing this country." I say which part of it was t ru but part of it was a lie "Which i can see from last night that you are a busy man so perhaps one of your servants can show me around. Such as the red hair fox i met last night. I hear foxes are quite strong so she could serve as a guard while i lay low, away from my people. I am willing to pay you handsomely for this and I will put in a good word with my parents for you"
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sitting back in his chair listening to this Prince talk him up, admit he needed aid, offering a servant he always has met along with money and furthering his status in another Kingdom. He lets out a hum seeing no reason of not allowing his help but was not certain of having Sierra mixed up in this though he would make more off her touring the Prince than her working in the castle. Lord nods his head "very well, I will help you in your journey of our Kingdom, just be sure to return Sierra home every day by sun down, she needs her beauty rest" accepting this crazy offer.

Sierra outside the room, covering her mouth with awe to hear she had the chance to aid this Prince though had a feeling he hated it here as much as she does. Quickly she scurries away from the room, hurrying back to her own to calm the hell down.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
He would smile as a man brings him a large case of money "This is for being so courteous in helping me so far my lord. I appreciate your assistance and would like to start right away. I will make sure she is home promptly as you request." with this he gets up and walks out of the room happy that his excuse, flattery and money was enough to get him a chance to talk to her more.
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Happily standing to take the case Lord would hum ready to count it out "her rooms are down the left staircase, she is probably still asleep" he calls out seeming more concerned with counting currently. Of course it would only entertain him for some time as he would keep an eye on the sun and probably have a guard or two either for follow them or keep observation upon them encase of any funny business. He trained Sierra quite well, she was trust worthy but so easily his trust can be broken.

No idea the task was beginning right now Sierra was struggling to calm herself as her body was a total mess with hormones all because of some guy. She had interacted with men before and never felt this way before, threw her for a loop.
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A knock sounded at her door, she froze on the spot hearing it was collin requesting her presence she made her heart leap. Swallowing down her nerves she take a deep breath before approaching the door "I am not a Lady" she correct as she opens the door with a grin. Her gaze sweeps over him before focusing on his face "And how did you get past my owner?" she questions as she messes with her collar a little
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
"You are a lady in my eyes Lady Sierra. And lets just say that I made an arrangement with your master. You are to guide me around your city and accompany me every day into dusk" He smiles moving closer to her before taking her hand in his and kissing it. But not before making sure no one was watching "now lets hurry and leave before he is done counting is new money
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Surprise in her gaze to find he admired her in a way that of a lady, a woman with title and status which was an honor along with him outsmarting her owner to have time with her in a fashion that was thought to benefit Lord more than herself. Then she gasps, blushing deeply by his gesture of taking her head to kiss upon it which did not help the heated sensation coursing through her body "um..." reluctant about this idea, felt to good to be true. "What do you actually intend on doing with me until dusk?" she questions keeping herself in her door way as though he needed to convince her.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
"Well i want to continue our talk, your master so rudely interrupted us last time that i had to learn your name from him. So i want to learn more about this pretty red head i met at a ball" He says taking her hand and pushing past her. HE takes her outside and to his carraige eager to get away from her "So stop thinking so much and just have fun. I promised you a party and if we dont hurry we will be late!"
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Such a small conversation lead him to go this far just to spend more time with her, has he never met a red fox before or was it just her that interested him. Either way she had little say as she was whisked outside to his carriage before Lord could intervene. Sierra glances back to her home, this being the first venture ever with someone other than Lord, how exciting but made her reluctant as she steps into his carriage. "Okay, okay, where is this party you speak pf" settling into the seat opposite of him, she had to keep her cool and some distance between them since he triggered such a natural heat within her.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Once in the carraige would start moving, heading hastily to their fist destination of many. Collin would smile at her, observing her almost before responding, "Well it is in one of the poorer parts of the city. Definitely not a party for the fancy nobles that only care about money. It will be full of young people our age just dancing, drinking and having a good time. But that being said i cannot show up dressing like this so please excuse me while i change." The prince would get up and without hesitation began to strip his clothing in front of her. This was not to seduce her or anything but solely to wear more appropriate clothing for the party. As he stripped she would see his well toned body and while he did not strip completely she would be able to see the outline of his cock which appeared to be 9inches soft. It would only be a few minutes till he was in more modest clothes of muted colors
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She faltered in her ears with uncertainty by the knowledge of going into the commoners area, even with a change of clothes he reeked money though some people their age may not care all to much just yet. What made her flustered was him changing almost his entire outfit right before her eyes that she quickly adverted to the open window of the carriage as they made their way off the estate. "Seeing how you lack modesty, you are no virgin I would gather" she voices with a hum, trying er best to keep her sane mind in check than her animal instincts.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
"Hey its not so much cause i have had sex but more so just because why would i care who sees my body and who doesnt? Its not like you are going to pounce on me just more being almost naked" he did not know how wrong he was, that she was fighting the urge to do just that. He would sit back down once dressed and look up at her "So tell me about yourself, what do you like, favorite color, body measurements those sort of things"
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She blinks her attention back to him as her assumption was right and his further lack in knowledge of her kind, could not help rolling her eyes as she scoots herself to press against the wall of the carriage. "body measurements" laughing such a suggestions "All you must know of me is I am a rare Red Fox from Asia, my lord bought me for a price I doubt a prince can match, your coins will only entertain him for so long" shaking her head. "I am sworn to a life as a pet, a pretty object on a leash" looking back out the window, pinning back her ears as she was reminded of horrid memories from her training days.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
He frowns at this solemn change of conversation. He had already been doing research since last night and knew these few things about her already. He did not like that people could be bought and sold like accessories but there was currently nothing he could do about it. "I am sorry about that. if there was something i could do i would" he did not want to reveal that he was working on freeing her because he didnt want to give her false hope
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She sits back in her seat with a light hum "I have lived this way for some time so thank you for some taste of short freedom from the estate" she admits with a soft smile his way. "Now my color is red of course, as for body measurements, my tail is super fluffy" giggling as she brings her tail into her lap to pet upon. "Tell me about yourself, Prince Collin" raising a brow toward him. Last night he evaded his title with ease possibly due to a wanting to be treated normally than to his royal title of Prince to a neighboring KIngdom.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
"I think we both know that was not the measurements i wanted" he chuckles before answering her questions "Well as you already know, I am a prince. something i was trying to keep a secret so please do not call me prince at the party. But i am the eldest of the kingdom of Carne to the south of here. I am views as a wild prince that prefers parties and women over politics."
Local Time:
1:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She grins a little as though she may follow that one rule he sets for her, shall see once they arrive. Sierra glances him over in his peasant clothing with more of a smile growing on her features "Then why come to out Kingdom?" she follows up. He was a party boy, eldest of the royalty in his Kingdom and yet he was randomly here? She doubts it was for fun and games with Lord, he was at the ball for a reason.
Local Time:
12:28 AM
Nov 16, 2022
"well I am here to build relations with your kingdom in a manner of fashion nut also to explore your country and learn about it." He saw no reason to tell her about her engagement at the moment. It wasnt for love but there was nothing that he could do to prevent it. So for now it was a secret "Well enough about me, we are already at out destination" he says getting out of the carraige, they were still a good distance away
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