She is Forbidden

Having not realized the carriage had stopped he was caught off guard following him out, taking note they were a distance away from any people seeing them. She fixes her dress with a deep breath "I guess that sounds true" admitting she had yet to trust him. "well lead the way to this party" ready to see the talk up about a far better party than the stuck up snobs she has had to witness.
As they start making their way to the party they would see more and more young people around their age who were rather heading to the party as well or hanging out together. There was even the odd couple making out. "Collin you made it!" someone would shout and a shorter man would walk up to them. He had noticeable ears of an ocelot and a thin spotted tail "I was worried you were going to flake again, oh? And who is this foxy fox?" He asks grinning at Sierra. "Oscar my friend, it is good to see you again. I have been dreadfully busy lately with formal business. But this is my new friend and tour guide Sierra"
As they approached Sierra walked slower and slower until she stopped a few feet from the people hanging out the building they were to enter that held most of this party. She realizes out lively it was, free will and mixed species as well. She perked up her hears toward a fellow furry the spoke toward her as a foxy fox which was so basic made her groan internally. "I am no tour guide" she scoffs, slashing her tail as she passed the two to head inside. Snatching herself a cup on her way in, taking int he scene before her, ears flicking back and forth toward the music.
Adding a few sips to her cup she looks over to Collin, her gaze trailing to his hand then over to Oscar the Ocelot that gave her alert vibes. She was uneasy being around fellow furries, unaware if they could sense her mad heat all thanks to Collin. "Show me your moves" taking his hand, leading him to the area of gathered people that danced away to music she never heard of.
Meeting his gaze as she motioned her body in the way of dance, following his lead as his hands graced upon her waist which made her skin shiver in need. She was the first to break the eye lock between them, already she was breathless from forcing her body to keep in control, calm herself and enjoy the day with this new freedom. Then glancing around she started to noticed eyes of other male furries locking with her as though she was a target. Flattening back her ears she focuses back on Collin with a grin "How did you learn such a way of dance?" she questions.
He sees her ears flatten but doesnt mention it yet "Oh i have been sneaking out of the castle to go to these parties since i was young. That is how i met oscar. He makes a small forturn organizing these" he says his hands moving back to her ass wondering how she would react. "So what do you think about this style of dancing so far miss tour guide?"
Such a movement resulted in her body pressing up against him further, her tail fluffing out in excitement as her body screamed warning signs of what he may trigger if this kept up. "I...I quite like it" admitting with a big smile, ignoring these red flags as she was enjoying herself for once. Yet a fellow party member closed in on her, a tiger who held hunger in his eyes "Mind if I step in?" he requests, licking his lips clearly able to smell her sweet scent.
Clearly it was a side effect of her presence he may have to grow accustomed to but she was quick to follow after him when he stepped away from her to offer choice. "Did I say you could go?" giggling as though the other was not even there which clearly pissed of the Tiger who growled in answer. No way would she allow another male near her after experiencing what Collin caused within her. She reaches her arms up to place her hands on his shoulders, standing onto tippy toes for he was tall but least she was closer to his face, closer to his body and his scent was driving her mad. Blushing red on her cheeks, her tail fluffed out and ticking side to side with the beat, her ears going from flat to more relaxed.
He smiles at the sudden intimacy that she was portraying to him now. "well there you have it, she is busy dancing with me, sorry pal.: He looks down at her with her being closer to eye level now and smiles at her "You smell nice today" he says as he starts to move closer to her. He was not practically grinding his pelvis on her as they danced. :let me know if this is too much"
Staring into his eyes, her heart was racing in her chest that pressed up against his own while they continued to dance in a rather intimate and close manner revealing they were in their own world least in her mind. Sierra bites her lower lip trying to suppress a moan just by feeling his hips mash into hers as they moved together finding herself getting lost in the motion and music while her hips swayed against him. Finally her body broke free from her controlling mind, crashing her lips against his in a rather breathless and almost desperate motion as though she had been holding back for some time.
He was starting to breath heaving as they grind and swayed together in this intimate embrace. He could feel himself getting turned on as his cock stiffened and grew a bit but he didnt want to spoil the moment so would avoid moving to fast. Or at least that was his plan until her lips hastily met his. He was surprised by this but would reutnr the erratic kiss, his hands moving up and down her body now, carressing it.
Her arms tightened around his broad shoulders to keep her close to him once he returned such a sudden action of a kiss on a prince's lips, it was only a slip up even though she could tell with ease he was interested. Breaking the kiss she pulls away from him, covering her mouth with a shaking hand, her eyes dilated with need knowing he held no clue what she was going through. She needed to clam down or may ask him to take it further which would result in grand trouble for her. "Sorry about that" forcing a laugh as she lowers her hand "This music really can make one get carried away" snatching another cup, downing it down to refresh herself.
He blushes when she breaks away and appoloizes. It was clear to the prince that she didnt like what was happening and wanted to stop, he made her uncomfortable he thought. "I am sorry about that, I moved much too fast and shouldnt have." he says going to get a drink as well. Now he was keeping his distance from her not wanting to do anything to further make her uncomfortable
Pinning back her ears to see him distance himself, he was respectful which was kind of a surprise after such a move she just pulled. But it pained her to be just a few mere feet from him, how has he made her imprint on him in such a way that was driving her crazy. She steps closer his way "It's no-not that..." reassuring him "How much do you know about my kind? Like...the intimate side?" hoping to dig deeper, hoping he could help her. Closing in she reaches his hand just to be able to touch him even if he wished to remain distant, her body urged to at least feel his touch.
His answer was not pleasing but the reminder of his Ocelot friend may help though hinted the male may not be interested "" she glances off in search of his friend that organized such a party. "Lets just say your charming presence has started a fire in me" answering his wondering question as to why she was curious of his ventures with her kind. "Possibly, your friend Oscar may be more willing to share what he knows, mm?" returning her gaze to him, even a human male should be able to take in the subtle hints of a female in great need but he may keep more restrainted with her for some reason.
How he worded it really made her blood boil but eh was not wrong as using the word heat in such a public area to a human would make her a target and feel foolish "sure, you can say that, never experienced such a thing" admitting to him. "The moment I saw you this morning I just...felt this urge, this need, and I dunno what do to" shrugging as she lets go of his hand. Her heat was getting worse by the moment, more attention was striking on her as males would part from dancing and drinking to zone in on the pretty Red Fox.
"Well maybe the best way to take care of this urge is to give in. This may sound crass but if its something potent for furries it could cause the males to pounce and take advantage of you. I being a gentleman would not want that" he says meaning his words but also he was turned on by her, maybe not as strong as heat but he was definitely horny for her
Sierra steps closer to him, biting on her lips "Show me how to give in" requesting his aid, he was more knowledgeable though she was a maiden having never experienced a heat. She was ripe and new, fresh meat in this room that technically was not claimed for her collar held no scent marker like a male or mate would give her. "Please" grasping his hand once more to not allow him in pulling away from her.
"Just trust your instincts." with this her would pull her into another passionate kiss. He pushes her into a wall and starts to grind against her again, practically dry fucking her by this point as he thrusts his pelvis against her. he didnt have heat but he was getting caught up in lust just as much as she was. He loved the taste of her lips and wanted to taste more of her body
His word of advice only gave her a second to reveal confusion before he pulled her into a rather passionate kiss that left her breathless in attempts to keep up with him. She gasps a soft moan when pressed into the wall finding him grinding against her once her legs wrapped around his waist with ease. Every male in the room paused their advance seeing the human male clearly lay claim in a fashion to her. "Collin" whining out his name in need between kisses, her hands grasping onto his shirt as her legs tighten feeling her virgin folds grow wet with arousal just by the pressure of his cock grinding against her within his pants.
His cock stiffens and grows to its full size, not throbbing and straining in his pants as he grinds it against her pussy, only a few layers of clothes separating them. He loves the sounds of her moans and his name in her voice. He slides his tongue into her mouth, his hands raching into her dress and copping a feel of her tits now, not caring that they were being watched.
Her moans grew muffled by his tongue entering her mouth, dancing around as they deeply kiss. This position making it hard for her to have any control of what he does but she does nothing to stop him as his hand grace upon her breasts that were perky for attention. She could feel his man hood throbbing in his clothing demanding to be set free to pleasure himself and her having forgotten they were in a room filled with others that either watched or continued drinking and dancing. The furries in the room could tell she was a virgin, this was her first time which is ideal for breeding probably why her lord always had her on such a tight leash, never fully telling her his plans for her future.
Sierra gasps, eyes widening to such an action causing her to squirm due to the spiking sensations he created before her attention was back on his face when their kiss broke. She lets out heated pants to catch her breath, moving her head to release her lip from his teeth "My, a dominant man you are" not expecting this from him. But this break allowed her to realize she was half naked in a room of strangers drawing her to clear her throat lucky his hands were covering and pinching her breasts. "I need more..." returning attention back to Collin, her eyes trailing from his gaze down to his lips then his neck back to his eyes.

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