She is Forbidden

She smirks hearing such an answer, he was giving her more and more reasons to like him "very well, lay me on a bed instead of a wall and I shall decide when it is my turn" licking her lips with such a seductive smile. This was a side of her no one saw, a heated desire charging her right to Collin almost as though her Fox inside her.
A moan follows his teasing on her soaking wet slit, she squirms in his hold, tilting her head as he presses kisses to her neck " would" she whines out. She glances around guessing this was either common or quite the show but she did not want him to stop what he has started. "Keep going, dammit" she pants out, biting onto her lips to halt herself from sounding like a mewling whore before he has done anything.
"mmm i love that you are open to this." he teases a bit more beofre he unbuttons his pants and pulls out his cock, unfazed by all the watches, all the women now drooling in his direction. His cock was now 11 inches fully erect. He lifts up the skirt of her dress and rubs his tip against her slit "mmm moan for me my little fox"
She falters a little hearing his buttons open to release his monster of a cock that kissed her entrance causing her to gasp with excitement, shivers running down her spine while her grip on his shirt tightened. Licking her lips to meet his eye she grins a little "I am a virgin, may be a tight fit" she pants out knowing she won't be the only one moaning. Sure, they had an audience at this moment but she was so heat driven that she did not currently care.
"mmm i will make sure to be careful then" he says pulling her panties to the side before sliding his tip, which was already coated in her juices, into her pussy. he would kiss her once more to distract her a bit from the pain that was sure to follow. He did not care that they were being watched either as if he had done this before
A reassurance that was indeed until the last barrier was slid aside to allow entry, she lets out a sharp gasp. Her eyes widen to the pressure of his stretching her out to fit his length and girth inside her slick virgin walls. His kiss was wise to distract and muffle her cries that were short lived. Legs tightening around his waist while her claws created holds within his shirt. Her eyes fell closed as she grew lost in his kiss needing it to distract her as he popped her cherry and stretched her out.
Sharp grunt rose from her as he would ease himself inside her, taking himself to the base. She could not help a smile against his lips when he finally moans for her. Her hands reach up into his hair gripping into his locks once she felt more comfortable. Breaking his deep kiss she rests her head against the wall taking a few breathes “you are huge, fuck me” smiling toward him.
She gasps a soft moan as he came with her, inside her which was a sensation of its own. A few pants as she held herself to him, closing her eyes as her body shivered with pleasure and exhaustion. She rests her head down upon his shoulder “wow…amazing” she breathes out. “I think, I need a lie down” she murmurs softly.
She smiles to his tender care of seeking a couch that was quite comfy as she curled up. Once he left a female coyote joined her with a giggle “my pretty one, being bred by a human least he seems charming” admitting as she helps adjust her clothes. “Bred?” Sierra would question in a slurred fashion “we didnt…I…” she pauses with thought as the female whisked away by Collins returning.
She pins back her ears at his point of returning with him “I have no use for money, I have no right to it with a collar in my neck” pointing out. “I Am owned, you asked permission of my time and guidance. Instead you started my first heat and I am terrified that coyote is right” pausing as she waits for him to lead her to the carriage. She couldn’t imagine Lords reaction to her being with child of a Prince.
Even flaming mad she could not blame him as she pushed him further as he was quite the gentlemen. She hurries to take his hand “no, I am sorry for snapping” reassuring him. “But…I am attracted to you, my fox specifically chose you and I know…knew you like me” smiling a little. She just has cool down and wait a few weeks to find out, by then lord will be worried as pregnancy signs may be seen as sickness. He had no wife or children so he cared for her greatly.
She offered him a smile knowing that would be almost impossible "for now lets get me home, my Lord may invite you for dinner as well" adding on as the carriage came into sight. Climbing inside she settles in her seat, rubbing her sleepy eyes as this day took alot out of her. "What would happen if your freed me?" she questions softly.

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