Summoning of the littlest dragon. (Lord Sesshomaru)

Yrud looked up as she asked her questions. The drake sniffs as he though on her question. "Yrud is...not full sized, but Yrud will grow up. Bigger and bigger." Yrud said. Whatever his species was, had long life spans, and apparently could keep growing with time. With his pint sized stature, he had to be young, but he had a high Affinity with Mana quite naturally to command it.
"I see, well then, we will make sure you eat well, and play hard to earn a bigger body, and become my big strong drake then, or would my little Yrud leave his big sis when the chance comes?"
asking this in a playful tone. she wanted to try and tease the little stud a bit. However the fact remained, she had stolen him from his brood. but seemingly to enjoy his companionship, and even
would introduce the little drake to many more enjoyable things in this world, or so she planned. The meal would soon be read, as the witch planned to feed her little companion, even holding him in her lap
like a stuffed animal to do so, unless Yrud would stop her from such an act.
As she picked him up, Yrud would wriggle a bit, but the fact was, she was larger and could simply hold him. He stopped squirming once he realized her intentions were simply to hold him close to her, probably used to such acts from his clutch of drakes. "Yrud will grow bigger than you!"
"OOh, I cant wait to see you all big, strong, and see what kind of handsome beast my little Yrud will become. "
as she spoke in such a cute and oddly excitable way. Vanessa would move to cut a piece of meat from the plate. and present it to Yrud to enjoy
and taste the fruit of their labor in cooking. as she smirked, thinking this should excite the playful beast now in her lap. with one arm around
his little body, the other moving to feed him in a gentle manor.
As the meal went on with out a hitch, the enjoyment shared by the duo was quiet something. what felt like moments passed, as the duo ate their fill, Little Yrud was soon
able to feel his belly was filled with good food. the playful witch would carry her little drake like a child carries, a cuddly stuffed animal, her arms around his frame, under Yrud's arm.
however the witch would be moving to take her little companion to the bath with her, saying they had a nice meal, now to get washed up, and enjoy a nice warm bed time cuddle.

it was becoming very obvious his so called big sis, and playful mistress was in a mood, a good one at that. however little Yrud would be introduced to parts of a woman's body from sight alone which
his species females did not have. as it would be more innocent then anything, but at the same time. this could lead to unfamiliar feelings, or sensations in little Yrud which could help push his body tours an unprecedented
route of evolution. one which could be ether more humanoid in the long run, or one which could allow for shape shifting as it grows. this would be but the first step, with them just growing closer, and spending time together.
As she prepared the tub and Yrud waited, the gaurdian summon was placed in the water. His eyes searched his big sis, confused still of the pink skins and their odd bodies. "What are those?" He said eventually as he sat up in the tub, pointing a claw to her chest. "Are they your flame sacks?"
"no, no, silly for us, these will become milk sacks, I think would be best to describe. but until then, their just flesh. " as she said this, while blushing and being a bit red.
However Vanessa would soon look over her little drake, as she smiled. before asking how much he knew about making babies with his kind? and about how mama's fed
new borns, let alone with other species? asking this while blushing and stuttering a bit, not able to believe herself for thinking of teaching this little drake such a thing. however
felt it would be better for him to know what he needed to. However little did this witch know, she was gonna end up feeding information, which could potentially aid the tiny warrior
to become a more humanoid form when he finally evolved from growth, compared to the more bestial form his kind were known to take.
As she asked her questions, and taught Yrud in return, learning that Drakes of his plane were hatched from eggs, naturally enough, but once they were born they were fully equipped to hunt with harsh bites and claw. Fed from their mother and fathers hunts, they would learn their magics and their territories.

The small dragon nodded along to her, looking at her closely. "Yrud will adapt." He said as he looked at her milk sacks to be , his claws retracted as he prodded the soft flesh.
Now touching, and poking at her impressive. albeit smaller breast, the witch could do nothing much other then giggle. as she gently patted Yrud's head, calling him a silly child.
"Your to young to help with that. Even if your age is right, your body isn't as of yet. Perhaps one your big and strong enough. We can help you adapt to the needs of us pink fleshy playmates hmm?"
saying this in a more enticing yet teasing, and playful way. the playful witch, and mistress would begin to wash her little guardian, and tease him herself. even allowing her softer delicate fingers to run along
his scaled body, feeling every inch, as she explored, and teased him playfully. more like a mother would a child, in a bath, while at the same time her eyes showed excitement in possible future forms her little summon
could grow into. having no idea that she would never truly get the chance to see such forms, however her influence would help this tiny drake be set on the path to a life well worth any being of power in this world.
As she washed him, Yrud tilted her head at her teases, not completely sure what she meant by that. But he enjoyed her attention and care as he considered the possibilities. A Summon like himself, one that could adapt to a whole new plane and its Mana was rare. It would take time to adapt freely, but with the right care, he could do it almost seamlessly.
as the bath went on enjoyably, more then that, Little Yrud would soon feel how he was turned around and hugged. the little drake might not realize it at this moment. but this would be a chance for a discovery
for both him, and his summoner, vanessa. more then that, as she hugged the wicked little reptilian, he would get a rare chance to clamp upon her so called milk sacks, as she explained the soft breast purpose of
her species to Yrud, if he did so, the little drake would find he could suckle mana from this witch, like a child would suckle milk from a mother. however it was unknown if this rare discovery would be found by them, as
nether of them were attempting anything more then just enjoy the bath together, as the witch could not help but want to hug, and cuddle her summon all the more.
Yrud's snout pushed between the summers milk sacks, typically he would not have done such a thing, but he was picking up on something. The Mana she had, or perhaps was channeling through her on this world. It was new and strange, but he could sense it like meat on a cooking fire, it tantalize him. His mouth shifted, opening and gently clamped on the pink buds of her breast,his fangs pulling inward and changing as his tongue brushed over them, suckling her Mana.
now latched onto his mistress, the little drake's body would begin to grow warm, and oddly feeling both lighter and stronger. little did he know that suckling the mana from the playful witch would allow this little drake's body to mature
to some degree before the bath was over. however as he did this, she couldn't do much more then giggle, and hug him closer. stroking his back, and head like a mother would in many aspects.

"so little Yrud, needs a mama to feed him. Drink up, big sis might not have milk, but lots of mana, sis is a witch after all. "
playfully saying this, as images of him as a giant dragon with her riding ontop of his head filled her mind. which was farthest from the truth of what his species could become, as far as she knew.
As she dreamed of riding atop a massive drake, her grand dragon so powerful and large that none would threaten her, her suckling summon started to glow little by little, Yuri internalizing her Mana. She fekt him growing, getting taller and broader the more she feed her mana to him
as some time passed the enjoyable bath time was over, as the witch would move to handle her little drake like a toddler. in a gentle and playful manor. even moving to burp him a bit. as his body had grown an impressive bit. however it was now bed time as she said this. moving to carry her little guardian and summon to bed with her. wanting to rest. however little did Vanessa know that her summon would be able to easily explore her while asleep. as her body would need a deeper sleep thanks to the mana having been suckled from her. it was nothing to severe, but still tiring for a witch like herself to have mana drained from her body directly.
As she prepared for bed, Yeud was looking at himself, feeling the difference inside and out. He had been little, perhaps the size of a human child, but with her Mana flowing through him, he was already growing. The witches Mana had shifted his nature, his aging, the centuries that dragons could take to grow had started to shorten. It wouldn't make him age to death, but he was reaching some nature of young adolescence all the faster. He could feel it, his body changing bit by bit. If he supped more of her Mana, he could adapt to a humanoids form.

Yrud climbed into bed with her, but his fingers reached to explore the soft form, his reptile like body enjoying her warmth.
as he explored her slumbering and apparently vulnerable frame. it would not take long before the little drake, now in a slightly more humanoid form, albeit small child like size. would suddenly feel her soft dainty fingers grasping him, and pulling the drake into her embrace. rolling onto her side, the witch would snuggle her summon into her warm soft embrace. almost suffocating his little snout with her soft fleshy mounds. however getting comfortable, the little drake would be able to sleep in a much more enjoyable, and sound slumber then ever before. one which would make his mind think back to how his parent's always snuggled together, and never let the hatchlings in their sleeping time. as it would begin to make more sense thanks to the new experiences shared with this soft skin. it would become quiet the enjoyable scenario, as the more mana he fed on, the more powerful and humanoid the little drake became. even if at a slow rate, but for his kind it would be a truly alarming and impressive speed of growth.
Ad she snuggled into him, holding him in her arms, his body relaxing more and more as the comforting heat surrounded him. He held onto her in return, his tail flicking around slightly as he fell asleep in her arms. his thoughts of the past, the hatchling were to rest together, the parents enjoying some isolation.
As the night passed peacefully, and uneventfully, The next morning would come, as the warm light of the sun shined through the tiny window. the beam of warmth hitting both the witch, and her tiny summon, who was no longer as small
as he was the night prior. However still small compared to her bodily size. As the two laid their, with the little drake in her warm embrace still. the two would be unaware that several men would be marching tours their little humble abode.
as one of them would soon step into the property line, which would be able to be sensed by little Yrud, if he was able to pull out from his slumber, however it would be unknown if the little drake would awaken first, or if the knock on the door would happen
before ether of them awoke.
waking the witch, she would rub her eyes, as the pink skin would sit. up, as she snapped her finger, creating a mirror of what looked like water before their eyes. before an image began to form.
outfront the young knight from before was walking tours the door. as a small platoon remained out side of her fence, with horses, and even some with torches. as the lead knight would soon reach the door.
this would be a moment where the witch had a playful idea. whispering to Yrud if he would like to greed their unplanned guest, which would allow him to stick his head in the pool, thus making a massive
illusion out front of his head, to speak with the humans before him. as the witch would explain this, thinking it would be innocent fun.

"How would you like to give them a little scare? If you use your head in our mirrior, I can have it manifest a giant illusion of your head, and jaw where our door is. you can be the big bad drake you will eventually grow up to be. "
saying this in a playful tone. little did Vanessa know, her familiar could easily turn things far worse for them if he wanted to come off more threatening then he actually was.
"Only a scare?" Yrud said as he put his head into the mirror. The witch had no clear what her drake truly was capable of while he leeched her Mana. He was much more capable than even a day ago. As the knight reached for the doors, Yrud's maw opened up and snapped downwards, the Illusion she spawned somehow akimbo a buffet if heat and air as the drakes massive head formed. "Leave this place!" Yrud demanded, his voice deep, booming like distant thunder in his enlarged form.
As this happened the young knight would jump back with a face looking grin. as he now had trembling voice, the knight would stand back up, dusting himself off, and speaking out loud.
"I am here to see the witch of the woods, we are on official business, as the royal princess is requesting some medical aid. please give us some time. "
as he would speak up, the young witch would smirk with an evil smile. as she whispered to her cute little familiar.

"say if they need my attention why not see what they can off you. a mighty drake should be paid for valuable visits no?"
saying this, it would become obvious she was wanting Yrud to learn how to help others but for payments, or when to make exceptions.
as he would need to understand these two things to make a good life in this world with her. yet for now, she was loving how protective her little drake was of his small territory.
"You wish to pass for a great cause, but you must pay a fair cost to step on my grounds and see the witch!" Yrud said with her gentle urgings, tributes to greater, stronger beings, was not uncommon to him. Elder Drakes often demanded such things...tho in his world that was more food and less gold. "What shall you offer to me!" He said, rearing up, the illusion towering higher.
"What per tell would be the price for such a task. " the knight asked, as his voice seemed to tremble a bit.
however as this would be asked, Vanessa would look to her tiny drake, and ask what would he wish to have in compensation would it be riches or perhaps rare food?

asking this, she would smirk, knowing well her little drake was appearing to be adapting to this very quickly, and enjoying the show.
"we can arrange for that, please allow one of us, and the princess in. we will make arrangements for your desire, so please help our princess. "
as he spoke up, saying this, with a strange tone in his voice one of fear, and panic while trying to remain calm, and collected.

with this said, the witch, vanessa would smile, running her hand along yruds head. asking if he wanted to make arrangement and get some yummy payment,
or should they have them go away and return with said desires. with a playful smile she would let yrud decide. however this course of action would be a new experience for little yrud.

( care to be our royal princess, and one to poison our witch? )

Yrud hissed to himself as she pet him, thinking. "You shall be seen now." Yrud said figuring these humans were not going to be wiser than his summoner. "You may enter but I expect my prize soon!" He growled looking down at that knight sharply. Another towards the back nudging him ti speak. "Quickly!" They hissed, as they held up the princess who had been veiled and wrapped in commoners clothing to protect her identity.
once the queen would be presented to the door way, the one knight would move to hand her a special drink. one which was for adults only, however secretly it had the most potent poison that one could use.
the lethal gorgon venom. which had no scent or flavor, but mixed with the wine, as it was unknown what her real reason to be here was. the witch, Vanessa had no idea that the issues prior with the knights had come to
create this scenario playing out now. however the fact remained, she would seem to expect proper behavior from one who looked so young.

"well then my little guardian, shall we go and invite our guest into the house?"
asking this she would move to pull out some clothing, albeit it rather lewd clothing still, as she motion for the little drake to help her if he so desired or he could go and allow
their guest into the house while she got herself decent.

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