Summoning of the littlest dragon. (Lord Sesshomaru)

"Maria! Are you okay?" She said moving to hold her friend and calm her down. "Ian! You didn't warn her!" She said giving him a smack on the chest armor. It was slightly unbecoming of her, she knew, she composed herself quickly. "You should have been more careful..." she said stroking her friends back.
" Yes your highness, I apologize, I did as you requested though. "
as he spoke like this, the girl was now here, as the princess would need to bring her down to meet Vanessa, the witch which
was seen as a nightmare or monster by the villagers who never even met her. the horror stories did not have true basis behind them,
just one sided bias.
She sighed abd took her friend to the witch. "This woman is going to help me Maria with a sensitive thing...I am carrying a child but It would be a stain in the eyes of my people. My family....bit I believe it should live. I wish for it to be in your would be close to me, but most of all I know you have tried in the past." She said gently to her friend, explaining herself, hoping she would take her idea well.
"I see, if that is the case I will have you two ladies lay on the spell enchanted circles on the floor. we will cut the palms of your hands, and have you hold them, so the blood will mix.
this will make the process much easier, and less painful. " as she spoke snapping her finger, and prepping the room in an instant before the eyes of the girls. then proceeded to generate a
ritualistic dagger out of thin air. and offered it to the princess, to cut her palm, and her friend's palm. this would be alot for Marie to take, but at the same time it would give them both something
truly blessing to have.
The princess sliced her palm and handed her friend the Dagger slowly, guiding her a soft look for a moment before starting to lay down. Once her friend did the same, the laid down side by side. They held hands, their blood mixing together, binding the two young women, knowing they would be closer than ever before.
now taking the moment to kneel between the two women, as the witch placed her palms on both their bellies, before closing her eyes, and beginning to do a strange other worldly chant.
the powerful magic could soon be felt pushing through them.

the process would be alien for both women, however it would be a kind of empty sensation for the princess as a fulfilling sensation for her friend. however a side effect of this would cause
the belly of her friend to expand a bit. as the magic infused with the fetus would cause the baby to grow a slight bit more during the process. once the deed was done, the witch would look on
with a smile. thinking this was a better choice then the original one the princess made.
(XD her friend: whose the father

Princess: your brother ofcourse!)

The Princess stood up slowly. Touching her belly, noting hos empty it felt. Then again she remembered how full she felt that night. Her face flushed slightly for a moment at the memory. "Thank you...both of you, you've saved baby." She said as she hugged her friend then looked to the witch. "I will bring you a great feast for this."
"we will be looking forward to it, and and make sure to have your medical expert check on the baby in the next three weeks. it might have gained a blessing from this process. so keep an eye for a special marking on it's body as it develops."
the witch telling them this, as the ladies would both quickly realize this unborn child would become like a grand or arch mage in the future, a blessing for both family, and friends of such a child. however this was also the last thing which would be
granted. as the witch would snap her fingers suddenly teleporting the three out side, where the two guards inside with Yrud would see, but more then that, the rest sitting outside would see the three like this. as it would appear as if
the witch was trying to do something to the princess, and her friend, unaware that it was already done.
as this was done, the witch would come up behind her little drake, scooping yrud up with a gentle smile, and spinning around with him like some kind of
little stuffed toy. " you hear that, my big bad drake is gonna get a feast, and we even helped a girl with a baby. it was a good day, so what you say we let them go in peace."
as she told the drake this, it was directly in his mind, despite the cute act of affection the knights would see. thus the mental words would be enough for Yrud to keep quiet about
the baby, however it was unknown if he would understand the reason for telepathy.

as this was going on, the rare chance to give the poisoned wine to them would show itself, even though it was only enough for one person, yet would the princess be able to do it.
making this task of hers all the harder now to commit, at this point in time, due to how this witched helped her, and went beyond simple abortion but to saving her baby, blessing it, and
giving it a chance at life with her best friend.
hearing this with the little drake in one of her arms, the witch would move the other hand to snap her fingers. suddenly all their guests the princess, her friend and knights would all begin to glow.
as magic circles began to form under them all. at first one might think they would be killed, but the witch would wish them safe travels, before suddenly they were all teleported right outside the castle walls
safely and quickly. saving them over a day worth of traveling like this. due to the risks of traveling through the woods.

once that was done the witch would look to her little companion.
" well that was a head ache, shall we take a lunch break? I am sure tonight we can enjoy their tributes for dinner. "
as she spoke gently and energetically, it would be odd, yet enjoyable, however was Yrud truly getting use to this odd pink skin sister of his, or was
she starting to come off as something more to him?
asking this, the witch would smile.
"of course we can't waste such good meat, unless of course you want us to get a different meat, and we can make a mix pot
later. " as she spoke up in a playful and carefree tune. the witch would move tours the kitchen, as she would ether let him help her cook
or play while she cooked. however the request to finish with the meat, or to hunt for a new meat source to do a mix pot for dinner.
"Very well, we can go hunting for a second meat, then we can mix it with the bear, and make a nice meat pot. "
as she said this, carrying the little drake outside. as she would smile asking what kind of meat would he like to mix
with their bear meat. reminding the little drake, it is not good to over hunt, only hunt what they would eat, and use.
in a gentle tone, the way this pink skin spoke, it was like a big sister teaching her little drake how to properly live off the
land in this world. only revealing how delicate the balance was due to stupid royals over hunting and destroying the balance.
"hmm, we could do a large boar? perhaps some Bicorns? or would you like a few rabbid rabbits? they have very tender meat, and the horns on them can be used for a fine spread,
and ground up, and cooked with some butter, and cream. " as she spoke up like this. giving a few larger targets for prey, or even some smaller ones. yet the fact little did she know
the little drake had become addicted to her mana at this point so to speak. due to how it naturally boost his health, strength, and growth. the two had become far more ideal for
one another then ether of them knew. yet the horrors of the truth would come to them later this night, when the royal feast would be delivered.
"well yes, bigger then you, but smaller then bear. Bicorn larger then boar, and smaller then bear. "
as she referred to the sizes, noting the rabbits were the smallest, but they moved in packs, thus they could offer as much
meat as larger beasts or more, however she smiled, asking which one sounded more fun for her little Yrud.
laughing as she saw this reaction.
"in individual strength, yes, but the Bicorn is more of a coward, the boar more aggressive, but weaker. then if you want a challenge the rabbits attack in groups. as they
use their numbers as a means to out do stronger foes. however if Bicorn is your choose, I am sure we can find one for our meal. "

as she spoke gently and playfully, revealing the difference in their powers, strengths, and behaviors. the witch would move to scry, and locate the prey's generation location from their home.
as she would let Yrud head out first, as she would follow, not planning to help unless he wanted it.
"very well, so you want many versus one. "
as she said this playfully, before patting his head gently. the witch would then scry for the rabbits. before
she finally located them. pointing tours the stream, and telling Yrud best to move in the trees if possible, as the rabbits will hear any twigs,
or leafs being stepped on from afar. " as she said this, a gentle smile on her face, as she would let her little drake hunt to his heart content with this.
it would be a bit of a distance, however the field of rabbits with sparkling horns could be seen. each horn sparkled with the color of the
element they used to attack. yet more then that, the sheer number of them showed Yrud he could have a field day, but would also need to
be careful not to get over whelmed, unless he calls for help from his big sis.
Yrud hummed as he watched them roam around. His wings hadn't grown yet, so he had no advantage from flight yet. He jumped from tree to tree carefully, his tail flickering around as he thought. The had elemental magics, but perhaps he could absorb their latent Mana as well. He started to channel his Mana, tye reserve bigger now that her has supper some of his sis's own. The energy flowed through him, he started to exhale, to unleash his Mana bubble breathe.
releasing the blast of bubbles. suddenly he would capture a few of them. as the critters were trapped in the bubbles. kicking and drowning slowly in the floating bubbles.
however as he captured a few like this, more of them moved quickly to try and free their brethren's until Yrud would be spotted. causing the rabbits to charge their horns, and
rush him. aiming to gore the predator, and release their magic to attack the foe from the inside.
Yrud saw the rabbits charging at him, their horns at the ready. "Uh oh!" He muttered as charged another bubble attack, gathering tye Mana up inside him again. But as they came closer he shot the ground, boosting himself up in the air to get back into a tree to dodge their charge.
as he dodge, it was almost comical as several of the little rabbits slid to a stop, as others ended up getting their horns stuck in
the tree trunk. struggling to free themselves. the ones which managed to avoid this would hop off the ones stuck in the tree to try and get
to Yrud. still fully intent on attacking their attack. Yrud was getting the challenge he wanted, perhaps a bit more then he planned.

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