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Survival or Passion


Smexy Princess
Staff Member
Nov 18, 2022
Running down the main corridor as the main ship was hovering dead in the middle of space Liza glanced behind her hating to leave the ship she had learned to drive and explore vast space within but they had to hurry before all power shut off. They had run dead into a large meteor that hit a massive hole in the main fuel and energy lines of the ship. Repairing it was impossible so escaping was the only answer but the pods were set to the nearest planet they could target upon, who knows when she will see her mother or friends ever again.

Looking back ahead when she heard the pod doors opening she followed her father inside, taking a seat, quick to put on her belts as the voice of the pod spoke they were departing in a count down of five. After five the pod released from the ship barely missing the blast of the ship going up in flames. "Where are we going, daddy?" questioning her father as she looks out the glass for near by planets. Once they were on a course for a planet thriving with air they could breath she began checking all the supplies and materials they had Ready set one bedroom house with a functioning kitchen, portable bathroom, kitchen ware, utensils, toilet paper, clothe, blankets, and a few fruits and veggies" listing out what they had. Not even occurring to her what living in one bedroom with her father would be like.

@Lord Sesshoumaru






" Were going for the near by wild planet. the one marked 4546A, it will not be an easy world for us, but we have enough supplies to get a nice little home started darling. "

as he spoke, with the two side by side in the pod. His arms would move to hold her as close as he could. Liz would find her father trying his best to shield and comfort her, or so it would appear. However little did his daughter realise,
he specifically chose this planet, as it was the furthest from the rescue area, the pods could reach. thus giving him the ideal world to do what he wanted with his girl, as their would be no one to stop him. However the possessive, and protective
father would become something much worse, once they were on this planet.

Below them the bright flaming light engulfing the pod began to grow, as the warning alarms began to blare. placing his chin on her head, as he spoke to his little girl.
"Sweat heart, were almost their, close your eyes, and don't look, until were on the ground. " saying this, he had his eyes closed as well, due to the nature of the bright light from the entry being able to cause harm to the eyes of those who looked into it
long enough. However the landing itself would be rougher then planned, due to the nature of this planet. and how the pod would end up bouncing and damaging some of their supplies, before finally landing with a painful thud.

Once the damaged pod was successfully landed, and the door hissing open. the two could step out, as the old man would stand and take a deep breath of the Oxygen enriched air of this planet.

"Liz, let's check and see what all survived our landing." saying this, as he knelt back into the hatch of the pod, offering his daughter his hand. with a warm, and inviting smile, this would be the beginning of their new life,
more then that. the wicked world of her father's dominating and cruel dreams, as well as her nightmare if the young lady knew it or not. as their entry to this planet, had been seen by the locals of the planet like a falling star.

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His reassurance of a new home did not offer her hope, she desired to go to their real home with mother and their friends, unaware that father picked this planet purposely to create a world of his home to do as he wished. Tightly shutting her eyes as she hid into her fathers frame, the alarming blaring and the landing being a rocky one she slowly reopened her eyes when the door of the pod opened. Staying seated she watches her father get out first revealing the air was fresh and so far safe. She reached in to gather their bags and supplies before joining him outside, taking in the fresh air as well. Moving a few feet away she presses a button before setting a box down, rejoining her father's side as the tiny house unfolded from the box, furnished just as she said. Inside was a king sized mattress in the bedroom and a kitchen with a working stove and table to eat upon. Liza would turn to look up at the sky before asking "How long until a rescue ship will find us?" taking out a device to setup as to send a help warning out into space.
"Once were set up, On this planet, shouldn't be to long. after all were on the closest planet for rescue pick up. however regardless, They will most likely pick up the signals with the most life signs. so can't say. But I am sure we will not be here for to long. "
saying this to her, to assure Liz that they were safe, and would be picked up, to give his daughter false hope. However planning to ruin her himself, as the situation will begin to play out and allow for it.

"So tell me, do we want to scout out, near by water source for fishing, and washing, or would you like to do a bit of set up in our new little house, while papa finds us some meat?" saying this as he fleshed his arm playfully, being the over protective, and goofy
father she knew so well. However little did Liz know, that this planet was the one planet that their signal would never be able to get picked up from, due to the unnaturally thick magnetic field they pierced through with the pod. which was a part of why he had her close those pretty eyes. as to avoid the damaging light such an act created.
Liza turns toward the tiny house knowing her skills were lacking in the field of scouting and hunting but for now she would dwell more in what she knew. It was already exhausting how they were crashed into, escaped and currently on another planet with whose knows what inhabited it. "I will prep the house so tonight we can rest easy" smiling to her suggestion before walking away to pick up two more bags. Once inside she set out the kitchen ware, placing it where she saw fit, next was the bedroom where she put away her clothes then her fathers before setting up the bed with covers and blankets. All that being done she would take a look outside to notice the sun was setting, hopefully father was back by now. Already she prepared skinning tools and knives for whatever meat he was able to find.
As many hours passed, finally she would see the image of her father returning as the sun was setting. With what looked to be a large boar of some kind being dragged behind him. however the older man was roughed up, and bleeding. as he was soon nearing the front of their little house. his hand would release the corpse, as he continued tours the house. dropping his damaged clothing onto the ground, with a strange look in his eyes. Little did Liz know, her old man would be coming for her next. as he would soon be in the nude, and moving to find Liz, once in the house. unless she rushed out to see him.

on the crook of his neck was a strange puncture mark like bite. as it would appear as though he had been hurt or poisoned by some wild life. however she would not be able to notice this until close enough to see it. as her old man was in a state of mind where he was going to take what he desired one way or another.
All was ready for the prep for their dinner tonight, just in time as well when she heard the lumbering footsteps and dragging of a corpse coming up to the tiny house. She smiles coming to open the door to find her father completely nude and bleeding upon some spots, he seemed quite off making her step back as her gaze darted for the closest weapon. "daddy, everything okay? Where are your clothes?" questioning as she turns her back toward him to fetch a blanket. The usual attire for travel was a one piece space suit but since arriving she returned into a button up shirt and jeans for comfort. "lets get you a blanket, settled in the shower while I prepare dinner, fresh clothes are already stored on your side of the bedroom" informing as she leans down to pick up a blanket to cover him within. Unaware his intentions, reason he was undressed and she would soon be joining him in such appearance.
an oddly faint growling mumble came from her father's lips. as he did not hesitate for a moment to grasp his daughter. forcing her onto the ground, so he could begin to tear off what clothing she had on with impressive force, and
aggression. However once she would be in the nude, the wicked man planned to drag his little girl to the shower with him. Yet the more she would struggle, the rougher, he would get with her well built, and seductively ideal body for breeding.

"Mine, No One may have, Obey. " grumbling this like some kind of predatorial machine. his words, and actions were not those of her loving and protective father, but those of a sexual predator, and her the prey. However once he was close enough and upon
her. the scent of the odd venom, and poison would come off the wound. which would hint to him being under some influence, but at this moment her own safety would become the question. Even under this state, Liz would discover her old man wanted to
love her, not hurt her, even if it was in the wrong way, so to speak.

Running in the back of his mind. Victor was thinking of how to be more aggressive, and dominating with out hurting Liz. using the harmless venom, which only caused him to become horny, as a disguise to live out his wicked dreams of ruining his daughter with out
remorse, or concern.
Squealing out in surprise as she was pushed onto the floor, hands tearing away her clothing as she struggled underneath him to free herself "What are you doing!?' crying out during her struggled to get him off her. She was no match, a full grown man that worked hard his entire life while she was a young petite gal following her father's order. In the end he released her once nude, dragging her toward the shower as she held the blanket she grabbed over her body to hide her from his gaze "I am a little too old to share a shower with you, daddy" giggling nervously. Then he grumbled words she could not understand, were quite confusing to her as they entered the bathroom where a strange smell hit her. She would glance over his body spotting a wound that seemed laced with something, a bite of some sort that could be causing this. "How about I clean up your wounds and I get started on dinner, uh?" forcing a smile to make him stop.
As she said this, he would suddenly press Liz into the shower, as the water would automatically start. shutting her up with a forced kiss.

as he pressed his body into hers. forcing his daughter's legs apart, so his thick wicked love log was pressing right against her tender innocent folds.
or at least, as innocent as he believed her to be. forcing himself into Liz with out care for her own well being. as this would seem like her father was some kind of
monster now. acting out on desires, and impulse upon her. Surely this was the effect of some alien venom, as such if she wanted to get her loving old man back
she would need to get the venom out of his wound. yet how to position herself for such an act would also be as painfully pleasing for him as it would hurt for her, or
so it seemed. as pleasure would not be felt right away, more so pain from his invasive, and over stretching size with in her tight frame.
Screaming out in surprise as she was shoved into the shower, her blanket falling just outside as her body was pinned against the wall and her cries silence by a heavy kiss that was accompanied by his thick meat pressing between her legs that were forced apart. Of course she would struggle against him, pushing her hands on his chest and trying to shove his face away from hers until he filled her with his monster of a cock. Her eyes tightly shut from the painful force making her whole body tense up, blood tickling from her entrance for he broke through her hymen in one go as tears streamed down her face. Soon biting her teeth onto his lip to force him in moving so she could lean down to suck upon the wound that was causing this madness. In effect the venom entering her orally simply aided in numbing the pain into a more pleasurable feeling.
as he began to get rougher, and faster, with out remorse, as Liz bit her lip. it would take until she tasted a bit of blood before her old man released her of this kiss. as the motion had begun to make her smaller frame bounce already.
her father using and abusing her as a simple fuck doll in the shower. however as she began to suck the odd venom out of him. her own body began to fall into a much more pleasuring state. as it would grow with in her, by the time her body
would be feeling amazing, her old man suddenly stopped with the assault. as her body was in the state of desiring and needing it all the more. needing to finish up.

as he spoke softly apologizing, and moving to remove himself from her. unaware if his wicked planned worked properly. if it did, Liz would be the one to stop her old man from pulling out, and wanting to finish up so they both could feel great in the shower.
if not, then he would end up taking her out hunting with him another night and getting her and himself bit by the exotic wild life he discovered while hunting.
Enduring this pain as she attempted in saving her father from whatever afflicted him was now coursing through her veins, down her womanhood that was being taken by a dominate alpha that was using her like a breeding bitch. When he stopped, mumbling apologizes she barely accepted from how he forced himself upon her but he could not finish half way through now that she was enjoying the high. Wrapping her legs around his waist, pressing her back against the wall to force him to remain connected with her "Shut up and finish" she whines out needing to at last orgasm once before letting him go.
With her legs suddenly and tightly locking around him. Victor would move away from the wall, as his own hands slid around her smaller frame. grasping his daughter by the ass, and back of the head. which he began to lift and drop her against each thrust. as her body was being used. he would move to kiss her once more. this time it would be more welcoming, and enjoyable.

However Liz would find that once her body had it's release, her old man would pull out of her, still in need of his own. However it was unknown if she was in a state to let him off or leave him in need, with her own body sated. but until then, he would be rocking her body. the difference in an experienced partner abusing an inexperienced partner was very vivid, and the pleasure flooding and spoiling her body in more ways then one.

Unknown to Liz, she had fallen into her father's trap. once her body was introduced to such pleasure he could force her into such acts all the easier now. even punishing and rewarding her in more lewd, and enjoyable ways.
however for right now, he was going to break her, with out giving any of his seed to her depths for this session. wanting to give the false option to his daughter. so that she could decide to feel him fill her, unaware that once he felt her
body was ready he would breed her properly regardless of her decision.
Once he began moving her to his pace, thrusting up as she was forced down upon him she would moan into his mouth, her tongue reaching past his lips to entangle with his own. She knew once this was done that lines had been crossed and nothing would be the same but it was happening and it felt good, she was actually enjoying it being with someone who loves her and was experienced. It was not long with his positioning and hitting her deep was quick to create an orgasm from her. Guessing he just wanted to get her off when he pulled out of her once she came heavily all over his cock. Having hugged herself onto his frame as she settled down, releasing her legs from his waist so her toes barely touched the floor just so she could slip from his hold. A quick rinse off from the water and she was out, sitting on the floor with a towel around her as her body trembled and she caught her breath.
"So are you feeling satisfied?" saying this, as he began to clean Liz off as a caring father or partner. However as he did this, moving to clean her up and wrap his daughter with the blanket. it would give liz a chance to use her small frame, to trip
her father and land ontop of him. so she could try and get him to finish with her as well. if she wanted to experience the unique sensation of properly satisfying a male lover. however if she did not think of this yet. once she was cleaned up, and wrapped.
he would pick Liz up as if she was a princess, to carrying her back to the bed, or more so the futon so he could lay her on it. moving to take care of his little girl, it would appear to Liz that her loving father was back.

but the line was crossed now, he had taken, her, thus one could say she was his responsibility in more ways then one. even if it was only to keep her satisfied with this new hunger introduced to her once innocent body.
little did Liz know, that the entire time she was being raised, even when their whole family was together, she had been raised to become her father's play thing from the get go, thus the way she would see it was love.
Quiet as she was still speechless of what all occurred between them, she could not fathom to look his direction as he cleaned her up after what he started, it only felt right for his hands to be upon her skin. Once laying down she could feel the soreness settling in, a soft groan sounding from her as she curls up a little "I feel satisfied, yes" at last answering his previous question. "best to not run into whatever bit you again" pointing out that fact, still thinking that was why her father took her virginity, had his way with her. She had never noticed how she was raised to be his play thing whether as a doll, a fuck toy, or a breeding bitch. All she knew is he loves her and cares for her, she must do so in return.
"Don't worry babe, next time we can go out together. Now i know what to look for, I can make sure to show you as well. but we will know to avoid such things in the future. "
saying this, he would move to finish fixing a meal for them to share. even moving to touch her leg, as he sat next to Liz. apologizing for being to rough, and more so for hurting her.
he never meant to hurt her, nor would he ever want to. However the way he said it could be misinterpreted as an apology for falling victim and assaulting her. when in truth it was more so
for being to forceful, instead of gentle like he originally planned. but regardless she was now his, and before this night was over, the brute Victor would finish breaking his cute princess in their new
home on this alien world. albeit it, a set up to make her feel as if she was the one who needed it, when in truth it would be his own doing. due to how he would carefully lace both their meals
with the same concoction made back before the shuttle went dead. due to preplanning this on his end, the fact they ended up needing to use an escape pod, and as result alone on this planet, just
made his prior plans all the easier. due to having planned this to be done around and in secret with the rest of the family around.

his body could control and handle what these odd seasons would do over the course of the next few hours. hers would fall prey, to the growing heat, need, and eventual drive to be bred once more.
however the alternative to these odd drugs, would be how they created such a mouth watering flavor to be enjoyed. as such it was like heaven in the mouth, but at a cost. as he would even move to offer
to feed liz, in a show of both care, and apology to forcing her to endure such an assault.
She may act a tad stubborn for a short time thinking she was independent and able to fend for herself when her father over powered her and forced himself upon her, knocked her pride down a few knots. Hearing him going on and on about falling victim to such a beast or plant that he would show her later on so she also knew to be on guard and weary of such. When dinner was ready she sat up joining her father for dinner having put the prior incident behind her, new life on a new planet until they go home, completely in the dark of her fathers horrid plans for her. No even concerned of laced food thinking it was yummy she ate every bite allowing what he created to begin its work almost instantly. Simply wrapped in a towel she could feel her body getting quiet hot and bothered, her folds soaking like when she orgasmed earlier. Still she forced herself to clean up the kitchen that left her breathless trying to force herself through this sensation. Leaning upon the counter before making her way to the bathroom to splash cold water upon her face hoping to cool off.
Now as time passed, the kitchen all cleaned up. While trying to keep herself cooled off. Liz would find her mind racing, and desiring the sensation from the shower prior.
however if she looked for her old man. Liz would find Victor out carving, and skinning their prize. as to make use of it's remaining meat, skin, and bones. However seeing him like this, having only placed
on a pair of shorts before getting to work.

With the drugs in her system, and how she felt, and thought currently. It would seem to Liz as if that assault awoken something with in her. something forbidden, and both enjoyable, and desired even if she knew it was wrong.
was this the sensation her mother had, every time she over heard her parents making love, which echoed so loudly. did her father have this effect on her mother? now things would flood her mind, all the while, her own growing
desires began to slowly over whelm her common senses. as this was as her father secretly planned. turning his daughter into an ideal needy toy for his desires.
Stepping out of the bathroom she would seek out her father to find him skinning and carving the boar he killed earlier, before the chaos that clearer awakened something forbidden inside her. She remained in a towel until in his sight and dropped it to the floor since he already has seen her nude "I feel...a need for you, Daddy that I do not fully understand" admitting to him. Looking down to her feet, fiddling with her toes before taking a breath "Can you teach me how to control this?" questioning him since she could clearly see the erection in his shorts while her juices glistened between her thighs. Her words could come off as a desire to halt these feelings or her requesting he takes her and teaches him all he knows, with her being nude and vulnerable before him, probably be ladder.
Walking up to her, as the older man would place his blade in the near by log. using the shirt he had on a branch to wipe the blood from his hands. before his eyes looked over his beautiful little girl with her impressive, and well developed curves, and assets.

"Well then, I will have to take responsibility for making you into a real woman now wont I. First of all baby girl, I need you to answer one thing. Do you want to feel satisfied? or do you want to feel real passion, and love making? their is a big difference between mindless sex, and love making." telling her this, as he painted a picture of just lewd, carnal satisfaction, and sharing actual passion while in the act. as the prior assault could be seen as just the act of fucking not love making. but this time it was her choice, ether way she would be sated, and more then that. her fate was now determined by her old man. the option she was given, was a lie, one which would seem real to her, and full of actual care for her own well being and desires.

however as he moved ever closer to Liz, the way his monstrous little love spear swayed, almost seemed like each step his body was teasing, and tempting her to jump him, much like he did to her prior.
A question she had to answer before beginning her lesson was expected but him further explaining made her wonder his true intentions of her when speaking of love making, sex, and just meaningless sex. She would glance off to the side as he would approach her his erection making a show of itself while his torso was glistening with sweat from previous labor of working on the boar. She folded her hands in front of her, fiddling with her fingers "I mean..." she began unable to currently look at him. "I want love, I want passion of course but that means i must be open and vulnerable, right?" finally allowing her gaze upon him.
"of course, if we do this with passion, then their will be no turning back. if it is meaningless sex like the shower then we can walk away from it. if you want papa to make love to you, and teach his little girl how to be a proper lover, and woman. then you will become my lover, and I yours."

saying this, as his hands would soon come to rest gently on her shoulders. causing a strange and overwhelming need to pulse through her very core and body. as if just the skin contact made her feel the over whelming need. however this would be the final line to cross, however little did Liz know. their was no real line to cross any more. as her final training would soon begin. after this night she would be her father's personal fuck toy, and plaything on this planet. more then that, they would no longer be what they were, however the fact remained he painted this as her own personal choice despite the truth being their was no choice.
A frown formed hearing his answer of being correct on opening herself to him in a way that felt wrong and yet when he touched her shoulders she would a spike in her chest as lightning course through her veins. She tenses up a little but remained where she stood "I...I dunno" looking down with a shrug feeling inexperienced in all this "I...I want it to be more special, is that an answer?" glancing up a little. She did not want to right out say for her daddy to make love with her, become one with her since it felt so wrong but she needed it. What was wrong with her? Was all this okay? She needed his reassurances, his truths even if they were lies.
hear her say this, with needing to be special. That would be when Victor moved his one hand to take hold of her chin gently. moving her to look into his eyes. before speaking softly to his little angel.

"You want to be special, you want to feel proper loving. Let papa make you a real woman, and teach his little angel how special she is to him, and him alone. no one will ever be able to make love to you like this, once we
make you my special little angel. " saying this to her, sounding as though he chose for her, from hearing the words. having chosen to make her into his lover, and give his little girl passion and care versus rough pleasure and nothing else.

after telling her this, the kiss which would entice even stronger feelings, made all the worse from her current state would be given. a kiss which would allow for Liz's legs to suddenly weaken, and her old man to easily push her onto the very towel she had
just dropped. However more then that., this time she would feel how his one hand moved to tease her tender lower region. his impressively large fingers invading her. as the kiss would break, and his other hand moved to caress her frame.

" Make sure to tell papa if this begins to hurt to much at any point. " saying this, as he sounded concern for her well being. unlike Liz, victor knew all to well she would only feel pleasure once again painting a scenario where it would seem as though
his care for her was what was making this forbidden act so much more enjoyable, as it appeared to be her choosing from this point, despite the first time having been due to some alien venom, or so she would believe.
Her head tilted upwards by his guidance upon her chin, her eyes meets his gaze as he spoke so soft and meaningful towards her that he wanted her to be special, his special angel that he would make her to be once teaching her all he knows. She felt her mouth go dry with nerves that this was actually going to happen but not with a boy but with a man. Not a word was uttered from her before he brought her in for a kiss, her body instantly at his mercy in guiding her down upon the towel so he could have full control of her as a hovered above her. She was entranced by his lips, soft gasps sounding from her as his hand would caress and tease between her legs making her softly whine in great need. When his kiss broke she would lean her head up trying to catch him back but he spoke important words to be honest and communicate with him. So he would continue she quickly nodded in agreement.
moving from one finger, to two at once. all the while the other hand slid along her arm, then to Liz's side. her old man would begin to pepper her with kisses. slowly moving from her lips, down her neck, assaulting her breast, teasing her belly. eventually getting to the point where he would force her legs onto his shoulders. so the older man could begin to slowly, and playfully lick along her folds, after having fingered her a bit. he would teach his little girl the joy of being eaten out. as his hands moved to tease her body right here and now.


unaware of the world inhabitants. two stud like alien life forms both stealth, as if chameleons, had found the camp sight. and now watched the two in their actions. the scent from the female drew these two to the area.
one of them taking great interest with the young pink haired beauty. as it would secretly watch her for the days to come, and decide if she was worth stealing from this male of the same species or not.
Gasping out a moan by finger number two being added she was a mewling mess under his peppering kisses, his lips even teasing her untouched breasts making her shiver from the sensation. Her hips would buck into his fingers until she would squeak as her legs were lifted over his shoulders to allow him easy access to her with his mouth. At first his tongue chilling to the touch but soon grew warm with her body temperature while she allowed herself to enjoy his giving of pleasure, teaching her how oral upon her works. "Th-that feels weird...bu-but good" she pants out unaware they had an audience.
Now licking along her tender folds, moving to nip, and tease Liz's clit before moving to lick, and force his tongue into her tender entrance. moving between the two tender spots. all the while his rough massive hand slid along her frame. as the one moved to grasp her breast. fondling, teasing and playing with Liz like this. wanting to make her squirm in pleasure. unaware the more he enjoyed his little girl, the better show he generated for their hidden audience. However Victor was enjoying his little girl with out remorse. more then that, he planned to teas her with foreplay until Liz wanted to have him fill her properly. wanting to hear her cute voice request or beg for this.

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