Survival or Passion

as she was panicking, the entity would suddenly take a good hold of her, pulling Liz into a deep embrace.
as he rested his chin on her head. before his soft hissing voice echoed in her mind.

"You did no harm, but you seemed to suffer, Apologize, could not protect mate from other realm horror. "
as it spoke, revealing they did not understand the world of dreams like humans did. to them it was a realm of spiritual awareness, and such nightmares
were seen as horrors, and wounds to one soul. however the entity seemed to be happy she was awake, and her mind, and action were still the same liz it knew.
She gasps in surprise as he pulled her into a loving embrace to reassure her and for him to feel her close to him, unaware of her nightmares revealed further how badly her father messed her up while in his care when he kidnapped her from Seth. Nuzzling her face into his chest she smiles a little "I am okay, at this point they were just horrors of the past" reassuring him that it would take time for her to get over what happened.
"want to join for some harvesting of food? or remain here, and rest?"
asking this in a gentle, and caring tone, the entity needed to collect some supplies for the duo, however
the fact remained. the offer was their if she felt up to going out with her mate. or remain hidden in the den. as one believed they would
be well off, and safe from her father. nether knew the horrible truth, that in the coming days, Liz would find herself back in the possession
of her old man. but how, would be the question which would need revealed in the coming days.
Hearing his plan to go harvest food for them made her grateful but also pout at the thought of getting up from this warm position they found themselves in "just a few more minutes" whimpering with a hopeful smile sent his way. She shifts so he laid on his back, crawling on top of him to lay down in a fashion that he was her bed.
chuckling softly, the entity would pull her frame into his once more. as Seth held liz close. sating that he would remain with her for a while longer. before long the time they held together
would pass. as Liz would need to ether submit to the need to go out of the den, and help harvest, in order to stay near her mate. or remain hidden in the den, while he took care of the hunting and harvest.

Nether of them knew, that in her absence, the father, Victor was picking up a few new tricks for himself. ones which would aid the wicked older man in reclaiming his daughter once she was located, even if
not by natural means, like the first time.
Having closed her eyes she rested with him a while longer, more than a few minutes she expected but with a deep breath she decided it best she go with him, learn the trade of hunting and gathering for she will need the skills once the baby comes. She hated the thought at this point beginning to ponder about if the child did not survive the birth or to full term. "Come on, lets go" rolling out of his arms to stretch out before sitting up with a big smile "I shall be coming with you" announcing with confidence.
"Want to help fish, or gather fruits for us?"
asking this the wicked little stud was sounding a bit more playful in the mind of Liz. however the fact remained, they would be together, and more
so she would begin to see this new world for what it was. instead of just the horrors which could be used on her, but with seth, Liz could learn the beauty of her new home.

As the entity would move to get up, offering her his hand. not worried about covering his mate up, as he did not fully understand the concept of clothing or covering up, due t the nature of his species.
yet he would not stop her from doing so if Liz so desired, as it would be just the two of them, as far as they knew. as the only thing this creature was worried about was her comfort, and health needs.
Preferring fruit gathering to fishing as all it did was remind her of her father, she hated how he still haunted her mind. With the aid of her mate she got to her feet, moving about the den to create a loose dress fitting attire mostly to hide her soft skin body and vulnerable pregnant belly. "just tell me what fruits are safe to eat, okay" requesting that he keeps a close on her in an indirect fashion. Last thing she needed was to get hurt again by such messed up wildlife to her father somehow tracking them to this beautiful den Seth made just to keep her safe.
as they left together, once outside the den, Seth would lift liz into his arms, carrying her once more in a bridal style manor. treating liz like a real woman, not some simple stock
or breeder. however as the landed in the actual stream. he would gently lower his mate onto her feet in the cool watery depths, which went up to her ankles. as his one arm pointed to several tree's and bushes.
stating the bright red berries, orange, and purple tree fruits would be the safe ones for them. other then those three, avoid the other fruits, or at least dont eat them, unless he can prepare them properly first.

stating technically all the fruit can be eating but the three he pointed out would be the ones safe to consume while in the raw. once she was ready liz could move on to begin her harvest, however this would
still be a rare chance for the young lady to playfully push her mate into the stream and splash the alien a bit. if she dared to show a bit more of her playful side to her protective mate. however this was up to her.
as the sensation of comfort, and safety was slowly growing around her, but no where near as fast as one would expect, thanks to the horrible memories, and emotion damage her old man had done to her thus far.
Holding onto his neck as they made their way out of the den making her quite uneasy to say the least but she must trust her mate, try to gain her confidence in the world back so she can show her child they can be brave in the face of fear. She looks down as Seth enters the water before setting down her, shivering a little to the fresh coldness it brought upon her feet. Following his guide lines of the safe fruits that did not need prepping she looks around to spot a few trees and bushes that were close to him before wandering to the edge of the stream. "So who taught you how to fish?" wondering if he was self taught, learned in school, or from someone close to him. Reaching out to pluck a few fruits setting them into the basket she brought along after washing them in the stream.
a gentle tone hissing into her mind, as he spoke of being self taught. as most of his kid are. a survival test when they are young, to earn their place in society.
However this would suddenly be ruined by a splash of cold water suddenly hitting Liz. as her mate made an almost childish attack on her. in a more playful manor.
it was becoming obvious he wanted her to have some good memories of their first time near the new den, and learning to harvest the needed goods.

as he wanted to tempt her to splash back, to assault him in the stream some kind of fun interaction. as he would tease her a bit. however the creature was not fully aware if his
desire would work. or if he would anger his mate, trying to be playful which was a bit out of character thus far, but this was a rare chance for the two of them finally able to enjoy their
time together with no known or foreseeable threat.

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