Fantasy RP Sweet Attentions (Schoeche)


Master of Dungeons, Femboy Tamer
Staff Member
Top Monthly Poster
Nov 9, 2022
The village was lively, abuzz with the summer festivities just around the corner. The local church was preparing to venerate the gods, and the farmers preparing to send offerings to the local lord. The Summer Solstice was bringing in travelers, small time adventers, passing through to the distant capital of Aurora. The inn was bustling, the mill was teaming with new blood, the Owner raking in money hand over fist, Aethel's father absorbing business left and right, amassing a fresh dowry.
The Aethel heading towards town from her fathers mill is a younger one than you may be familiar with. She was more lithe and still had more of a girlish charm to her. She didn’t have the reputation that she would gain down at the tavern later in her illustrious career. In fact, it was unusual to see her there. She was pretty. Her pleasant face, slight figure, and still developing womanhood caught the attention of many a man young and old, but she had her to give them any attention. I’m fact, she had her not just begun to notice that she attracted such attention and didn’t completely understand what all it entailed. She did like it thoigh… At the moment, she was heading into the village with a couple of smaller bags of extra fine flour that the baker needed special for some pastries for the upcoming festivities.
The trek into the village was short, familiar, some of the local towns gaurd had been enlisted to help build up tents and stands in the center of town. A tall boy lumbered by her, carrying some wood planks into the work space. A horse neighed out from behind her, trotting woth a wagon. It had a well dressed figure holding the reigns, wearing round glasses, and short black hair. The wagon had a blackened top, the walls of it painted bright yellow and with red letters that spelled 'Stingers'. It had small windows, but she couldn't see who was inside. Getting to the bakers, she saw their son perk up at her appearance, rushing around the counter for the flour. His name was Jack, he had chestnut brown hair, a brilliant smile, and often wore a flour and spice stained uniform...or perhaps he was just that busy lately.
Aethel watched the wagon pass,peering at it curiously. She wondered what it was about, but since she had a delivery and the bags were kind of heavy, she moved on. “Hey.” She flashed a cheerful smile at the bakers boy. “Here’s the flour. Did you see that cart go past here? What is it, I wonder?”

She peered out the window, hoping for a glimpse of where it was going. She was hoping to go check it out when she was done here.
"Cart uhh, yeah. It might be some more travelers or something" He said as she flashed a smile at him, Jack instinctively smiled back broadly, but she turned away towards the window and he looked down along her curves, biting his lip. He would glaze the hell out of this particular donut. "Maybe its a uh transport"
Jack leaned forward slightly. God's why were you so cruel to make him feel so conflicted. He jumped slightly as she turned around to him and nodded. "Well I can go with you." He said but she was already put the door. "Dammit." He mumbled to himself as he looked at the bags but went to set them up and get back to work.
As she trotted after it, she saw it pulling slowly to the gate. It stopped briefly and she saw something strange, a small creature, furry, crawled out of one of the windows. It had a small pouch in his hands and a long tail. A monkey? It swung around the side to hand the haurd the gate toll for parking and camping fees.
The man eyed her briefly, before taking her hand to shake it, she felt something cool press on her palm a moment. Circular, metallic, but when he let go she did see anything in between their hands. "I'm Vander, I'm a adventurer. And yes that was a monkey." He said as the monkey in question peaked over the top the the wagon, looking at her like it was suspicious of her.
"No." Vander said rather flatly. "My team aren't exactly ones for careful planning so I tend to do that."

"Now Vander, that isn't fair. I tried to do the thinking and you refused my plans." A voice said from inside the walls of the wagon. "Briggs and Syrus aren't at fault either, they just have their roles!"

"Thank you Everret. " Vander said. The voice paused.

"...this is why you aren't a hit with the ladies Vander, you're too stiff!" The voice teased
"No peeking, its rude." Vander said as she craned her neck, she glimpsed something, something red through the curtains inside. It shifted to the side slightly and she saw another figure, laying on a seat, someone resting. "Don't you have a place to be?" Vander said, Briggs chattered at him and he looked up at the monkey, scowling at it.
"Briggs, that's enough." Vanderbsaid simply, the monkey letting go of her with a squeak. "Look, we've got a camp to set,why don't you head on back to your work before you father gets worried." Vander said stiffly. "We aren't going anywhere, so how about you come back later hm?" Everett spoke up. Perhaps throwing hee a bone, she seemed so curious, he figured that she'd have a better time once Vanders little mood had took its course.
"Okay. Maybe I'll come back later then. Thanks for letting em see the monkey." She waved to Briggs, then bounced away to head back to the mill. On the way, she swung in by the bakery to tell the bakers boy all about it. She gave all the details about the monkey and said she was probably going to try to see it later. "It's sooo cute. I have to be best friends with it. Can you give me some of the nuts and stuff you use in baking? I bet he'd like it."
Aethel offered him a bright smile and produced some coins. The transaction done, she took her bag and, with a final farewell, she was out the door and on her way home. Throughout the rest of the day, which consisted of doin some chores for her dad, she kept thinking about the mercenary troop. When evening finally came, she made her way back to the field, bearing her bag of fruits and nuts.
As the sun was setting on the tent sites, she saw the Stingers carriage had opened up, the doors were open, and it seemed they had pulled everything out of it. Had they left? been robbed? kidnapped? She didn't even see a campfire nearby it...out further was the woods? perhaps they moved out there?
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