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Fantasy RP Sweet Attentions (Schoeche)

Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she ventured into the gloomy woods, the sense of danger prickled at her from the reaches of darkness. The woods weren't inherently deadly, but they hid quite a good deal of things. Luring bandits? Goblin hotels? Beasts that were prowling in them, willing to chase anything put of ors territories if you wandered too far in.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The winds in the woods made the trees creak and branches waved slowly, the eerie sensation of eyes on her. The shadows felt like they were reaching out to her. The deeper she walked, the more it nagged upon her senses little by little. Something snapped behind her, a twig crunching out in the brush, breaking the eerie silence.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Something moved in the darkness Something crept out of the shadows, a green skinned Goblin lurking from the dreadful darkness. Another and another , a small pack of the 4 foot terrors lined up before her. They were spindly, hideous things, with large bulging eyes, long ears, and twisted pointed teeth they glowered st her, each carrying blades.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The Goblins watched her take her, jabbering briefly in their dialect as they took off after her. They screeched and growled, as feral and wild in their hungers for Goddess only could hope was the coin in her purse. She heard them sprinting after her, getting deeper into the forest.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
She fled on still, branches slapping against her face. She wasn't gaining on them, and it was only a matter of time. That matter of time was considerably shortened when her foot caught a root and she sprawled flat on the ground. She groaned, the breath knocked from her as she tried to rise, failing as she slipped back down to the ground gasping for breath.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She saw a Goblin, the beady eyed Greenskin rushing in for her as it lifted its flint blade to threaten her, or cut into her. But as she braced for the attack, she heard a snap of a crossbow, a bolt making the Goblin go tumbling aside as it clutched the bolt in its side. The Goblins hunkered and hissed. Another voice barked out in the Goblin tongue, a man's voice, a familiar one. Whatever they said the Goblins seemed twitchier than before, looking around faster as some rustling came out the brush. A young man with a rapier, dressed in light leather armor. He struck a stance. But the Goblins seemed still willing to battle him. Aethel saw something in the trees above her, the Monkey lurking in the branches.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The swordsman rushed in, his rapier flashing and glittering in the evening light, he engaged the Goblins, forcing their attention upon him. "Briggs! Go!" Aethel heard the call of Vander from behind her, the crossbow fired again, catching another Goblin, this time in the neck. The monkey whirled down, jumping off the branches as they landed beside Aethel, the Monkey starting to shift forms, transforming before her eyes into a Young Half-Elf boy that had bright blue eyes, and a bald, tattooed head. He wore the green cloak of a Druid, over simplistic robes. "This way!" He said as he touched her arm, starting to pull her up and and further from the fight, though both still would have a clear line of sight. Vander was loading his crossbow. "Where's Everett!" Vander called over to Briggs.

"Not in his position yet!" The Druid called back.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Never having seen this sort of transformation happen before, Aethel was more than a little startled at the sudden change. She scrambled up, gripping his hand to speed her flight from the scene of battle. A moment later, the leaves and bushes hid the gruesome scene from view, although the swish of swords and the calls of the men were still clearly audible. A short way into the forest, Aethel stumbled and dropped to her knees, panting. "I... thanks. I thought you were just a monkey"
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I try to stay low profile." Briggs said as he peaked over the brush as the fighting continues. The clash of steel and shouts of Goblin abd common tongue carried on, something joined inti the din, some tune fast and Dire, the quick and intense strumming of a Mandolin. A song? Was that Everett, the man that had invited her to find them again? The Song seemed to make her feel at ease, emboldening her heart and the Stingers that were battling on her behalf as the inspiring song flowed.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel smiled at Briggs. The effect of the lute served to assuage her embarrassment that she had been wanting to pet and feed nuts to was actually an elf (a fairly attractive one at that, she was noticing.) She smiled and looked over to him. "Thanks for saving me. I'm ever so grateful. I don't want to know what exactly those creatures had in mind for me." A shudder ran through her despite the courage she had from the lute music. She stood to her feet, curiosity drawing her to know what was happening with the fighting.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Briggs put a hand on her should gently, keeping her a bit lower , she saw that the swordsmen was in the midst of running through a Goblin with his Rapier as Vander put down another with a precise bolt to the head. The final Goblin started to run. Scrambling for the brush as the song picked up. But the musician stopped as a twangy thud sounded off and the Goblin was rolled back out of the bushes, Everett presumably, slinking out from them. He was a purple skinned, devilish looking young man, his hair was long and silky white, a pair of rounding horns curled up from his temples, like a Ram. He was dressed into bright, flashy clothes, a flowing orange coat with ornate bobbles and finerys along the fringes. "Ah-A wonderful ruse! Very good boys!" The devil man said as Vander came over, putting a foot on the Goblins back. "You came in late!" The human accused.

"Oh but I hadn't, you see, I came right on time while Gage distracted the lot and Briggs saved the girl, we must work on our entrances as well-" he said alwith a laugh but he was cut off when the other human, Gage, flicked the telling on the back of the head with his palm. "Eh- rude!"
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel’s eyes darted from one new figure to the next. She inched closer to the elf at her side as she took it in. She was obviously in complete awe of all of them. She stepped forward, trembling slightly. “I… thank you so much.” She looked at each of them in turn. “Y-you saved my life. I’m sorry I can’t repay you.”

In a few years, she would have known exactly how to repay them. Even now, the thought hovered around the edges of her conscious thought. The light glinted in her eyes suggesting it to them, even if it didn’t occur to her.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(Lol Aethel meeting the stingers again....hm)

Everett's eye glinted as he looked at Aethel, starting to walk towards her. He swept some of his long hair aside, licking his lips.
"Well im.sure we can work out a deal-ah- not the ear!" Everett yelped as Gage suddenly grabbed the Devil by the tip of his pointed ear.

"Lets get her to camp guys" Briggs said shaking his head as Gage dragged Everett away. Vander heaved a sigh. "You're right, Briggs. I'll walk with her. You keep an eye out for any more Goblins."

Briggs winked at the girl. "Don't go charming her Vander! She'll follow you home!" He teased as he stepped back and whirled up , his body shifting and folding, becoming a owl as he flew up inti tye trees.

"Haha. So Funny." Vander grunted dryly.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel giggled at the interactions between the two. She was a bit charmed by the devil’s demeanor. She had seen many types even in her short life, but he was something she hadn’t run into before. She moved over to Vander to follow wherever the band was going.

Her eyes followed the owl as it disappeared above, her mouth dropping open in undisguised wonder. She soon recovered herself and moved off with the troop.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Don't daudle." Vander said as he lead the way, his crossbow in hand. The trek to the camp was perhaps 15 minutes further, as she saw a camp fire lit and winking , the purple skinned devil was raising it with magic, making flames stir higher and brighter. The caravan was parked nearby, but they had 4 tents laid out and ready. Gage was out of sight for the moment, though with the lamp light in his tent, Aethel could see the fighter was inside....his shadow was seemingly in the midst of stripping off its armor.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
She watched the silhouette. She was a little too naive to hide the admiration on her face, although she did catch herself after a bit. She gazed again at the demon magically raising the fire. Excitement surged through her at the new and strange environment. She looked from character to character, trying to set the names straight in her mind. They were still somewhat of a blur to her, even though she had been introduced to most. She moved toward the fire, looking to find a seat next to the warm blaze.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Its rude to stare." Vander said as he sat on the other side of the flame.

"Vander, let her oogle all she likes, she should learn to appreciate all shapes, especially the ones she likes." Everett said as he glanced to the girl, flashing a smile at her that the handsome devil probably could use to melt a Frost Giantess. The Owl that was Briggs landed on a green tent , setting on a perch with a brief call. "Good to hear Briggs!" Vander said over his shoulder. "No Goblins around. Should be safe to take you home after we rest up some." The human said.

"Ahh, but does sge have to go so soon? We can entertain a lovely guest! " Everett said as he moved a hand in the air, she saw a glittering hand, constructed of the raw stuff of mage, appear and touch her cheek while the Devil stood aside still.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
It definitely melted her, melted her like room temperature butter on a frying pan. She shook her head at the mention of going home. “No, let me stay. I wanna spend the night out here like a real adventurer. Besides, it’s a long way back to town and you’d have to walk all the way back. My da won’t care. He’ll just think I’m working at the tavern or something. He won’t even notice.” Her glittering eyes flitted from person to person, finally centering on Vander, who she took to be most in charge at the moment.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel smiled broadly when he acquiesced. She scooted a little closer to the fire to enjoy the warmth. Bright eyes still darted around to follow the activity, but she remained silent for the time being. Had she known the implications of "camp bunny," she may have been a little embarrassed. Happily ignorant, she wasn't phased and accepted the term with a laugh.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Gage and Briggs joined the group, the latter taking up their proper form. "Whats for dinner Vander?" Gage said. The leader pulling himself up. "Probably have some dried beef left. Let me see what I can make." He said with a grunt as he walked inti his tent.

"so Camp Bunny, your a tavern girl hm?" The devil said as she warmed herself up, sliding around towards her.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel turned toward the devil who addressed her. “Not really. I serve tables sometimes. I don’t work there full time like some of the girls. I don’t cook food, if that’s what you’re hoping for.” She laughed and shrugged. She studied Everett, obviously intrigued by his horns, skin and outfit. Her bold gaze traveled up and down him slowly.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel shook her head. “Honestly, this feels like the place to make stories, not tell them.” She blushed a little, remembering a few of the tales she had heard just recently of people bragging about things done around campfires. Her curiosity was sparked, but she wasn’t sure how to proceed to what she was actually wanting now. “No. No you haven’t. I’m enjoying every moment of it now. I feel like it’ll be a night I’ll remember forever.” Her eyes fixed on his as she said this.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Everett smirked slightly. "A night you were saved by a handful of dashing heroes?" He said as he met her eyes, something about this man, it was like he could sense her every feeling. The desire she was feeling, but couldn't express. "Hmm...or maybe a more scandalous story of how you repaid us?" He whispered in her ear as Vander set up the cooking supplies.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel flushed brightly at his suggestion, but her eyes glowed with pent up excitement. She nodded eagerly. “I… I’d be happy to repay you like that.” She hesitated. “I… I’ve never done anything like it though…” Her gaze dropped, a little ashamed of the admission. “Would you all like that?” Her voice was low enough that Everett was almost certainly the only one who overheard, although if one of the others was attentive, they might be able to discern the direction of the conversation.
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