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Sword art online The adventures of guild daggerfall

Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The sun, despite the truth of things felt so real in the summer locked middle floors. Heat shimmered down from on high, cruel ticking modifiers pinging in any players conditions lists. Without water or some kind of drink, eventually the Heat Exhaustion debuff would set in. A nasty one thar lowered your speed stats and made your Stamina lower too. The only hope was a drink or to hide in the shade of over head trees or in any shade you could get. In these times, guilds like Dagger Fall would take to loading up new Myers with drinks in their inventory and using them as the dedicated drink dispenser. The warriors in the adventuring party would be defensive, watching for theived or monsters. Few casters and support builds tagged along the middle.

They were walking to the next waypoint on their map, ranging a long journey just from the lowest floor since the game came out a trapped them inside. The leader from that day on had chased any rumor of a way out, setting up hunting parties, that eventually became known as the guild, united by the desire of freedom, and the bravery to Adventure far and wide.

That bravery right now was the reason Kiba was roasting away in his leather armor, a cloak of wolf skins, and was lugging all the liquids to keep his guild from getting hit by Heat Exhaustion. His dark brown hair was tied back, keeping his eyes open for danger as usual.
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Akira sat there with her ambush group near a large clump of trees as they waited for their prey to arrive. "They should arrive soon, i saw them heading this way. Hit their support classes first and then pick off their warriors from afar with our archers and other support classes. We shall have plenty of loot to go back to town with after this." Akira laughed quietly to herself as she looked around the area for their prey and saw their group they were supposed to be targeting coming. "Here they come, prepare the first wave. First volley archers prepare to fire on my command, 3,2,1 fire.

The archers fired on the enemy group as your guild scattered from the arrows that were heading towards them. Akira watched as she began to enjoy the thrill of picking off another group of players to take their loot back to the city to sell. "Rest of you, with me, just as we planned, we pick off their warriors on levels 5,9 and 6. Then we should have no one else to deal with. If the archers do their job that is, if so the rest of the class should already be dead and maybe since i don't expect them to do everything we possibly pick off a few ourselves and then maybe the only problem we will have is how we are going to lug all this loot back to town tonight. " Akira said to them as they moved out and began their attack on the enemy group.
Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The party started to spread out as Arrows rained down over head, the warriors doing their best to protect their supports. Kiba dodged out of the way on-coming arrows, but was pushed away from his team as they divided themselves up and took off. "No no! Dammit!" He hissed as he sat behind a small cluster of stones for cover. He held out a hand, his knives appearing in his hands. 'We need to get clear of the archers before someone comes to mop up.' He though as he took off his pack and started rummaging around inside.
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika laughed as she saw them dividing up and taking off. "All the easier to destroy you all once your seperated, now move in and lets clean up this mess of a guild." Arika said before forgetting to check all of her sides and left her left flank wide open as her overconfidence had taken over her logic at this point. Arika always had a problem with letting herself get too cocky near what she thought was the end of a fight. "Now, who is left to finish off before we drag their loot off to town?" Arika wondered not noticing the player behind the set of small stones as they walked around looking for players to finish off as they prepared to take their loot back to town, already excitedly talking about how they were going to spend their cut of the money.
Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kiba peeked over the stones as he pulled out two small orbs, smokescreen orbs. It would at least provide himself the opportunity to make some trouble of his own. He looked to the girl that seemed to be calling the shots. If she was the leader, he'd fix her himself. He tapped the orb, make it glow faintly as he set the colors for his guild to act on. Blue to mark a flank to charge, and black to obscure the enemies vision. He rose up , flinging the black first, the smoke erupting as the theives came in, locking them up in sulfur and blindness effects. Kiba hopped iver the rocks as he hurled the other, far into the open flank as he could.

"Huh-we have an opening!" A warrior called, starting to rally and charge. Kiba woven into the smoke, his knives in hand as he made a B line to attack their shotcaller.
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika looked over at the black orb and yelled "I want their leader alive everyone!" Akira yelled as her shining armor shone in the sunlight. Her bright, beautiful silver hair shining brilliantly in the sunlight as she gave orders to everyone around her. Akira then turned to continue looking for enemies before tripping over a group of rocks and falling over and hitting the ground with a thud, her hands flying up as one of them got caught behind her back and landed with a sickening thud as she managed to sprain one of her ankles as well around a crevice in the small group of rocks as she fell.

This would have resulted in a broken arm in real life or at least a dislocated shoulder, but this wasn't real life though, but thanks to a recent update that just dropped less than a week ago at the time to make the world "more realistic to real life pain and suffering in actual situations" in the exact words of the game master. Thanks to new detailed way of how effects and injures work in the update that just dropped what would normally have been just lost health resulted in her being out cold instead as the rock impacting with her head caused her to have an unconscious affect from the impact of the rock hitting the back of her head placed on her instead of just losing a little bit of health off her health bar.
Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kiba saw the leader hit the ground, with how swift it was, he would have winced if allowed himself to take such a pity on her. He kept moving, using the smoke to his advantage to slip between the confused groups that were trying to follow orders. Kiba's own guild were charging, but they had the luck to buffed up by their supports from their cover.

The two sides collided, but Kiba burst from the otherside of the smokescreen to grab their unconscious leader amd started to bind her for hostage taking.
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika woke later after a few hours in a unknown environment and started to groan in pain as she woke up from the battle that happened earlier that day. Arika did not remeber her wrists being tied behind her back and her ankles being tied together on the battlefield or being kidnapped and taken to a unknown location because she was unconscious the whole time as her weapons were taken from her except for one of her daggers which was left laying on the ground. "Where am i and what happened to the rest of my guild?" Arika thought as she strained to open her eyes and realized her wrists were bound behind her back and her arm being broken, well that caused a world of pain for her.

The pain from the broken limb status on her character in fact so terrible that it was almost blinding as she made a loud noise of discomfort from her obvious now fully realized injuries as she fully came back to reality. The young commander then looked around and realized it was definitely the middle of the summer nights on this level now and wasn't even aware if they were even on that level anymore as night now was a permanent additon to some levels and it was a hot, humid, sticky night and it drove her crazy as she was covered in her own sweat from hair to toes as her clothing was dripping with sweat. "Do you any of you mind handing me a bottle of water or since I can't drink it myself right now. Maybe, putting the bottle close to my mouth and pouring it down my throat for me? I'm very thirsty and I'm sure for whatever reason I'm not dead right now, you went through way too much trouble to have me die of dehydration on you." Arika said to them half coherently but it actually just came out as mumbling and gibberish as she was severely dehydrated and she wasn't actually aware if she was talking to anyone really as her vision was so bad from the fall she took. It hurt like a million knives to just open her eyes, much less move or talk as she began to bleed from her injured arm again as it was getting worse from the way it was being held behind her back.
Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Kiba, she's awake!" A healer said, a young man wrapped in a green cloak, with brunette hair and sun kissed skin. He was standing by to fix her arm. Kiba however leapt over the rocks to approach, he pulled out a bottle of wate pouring it over her head to clean up the Heat Exhaustion condition.

"Gile, fix that arm" he said as her vision and senses started to clear up. She could see her men, what was left of them were tied down, bound together. Others had no such luck. The Daggerfall guild had pulled their counter attack off, and fought back with all their fire. The healer started to casting his spells to mend up her arm.
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
"Alright, your going to explain to me a few things. Then i will tell you who hired us to take you out. Deal?" Akira said as she winced again in pain again from her injury as she started to talk more coherently as her arm was fixed. "I am loyal to my clients to a fault, but it only goes so far as to not put my own life at risk." Akira said as she explained everything the mercenary waited for a response from the group. "My business is ruined, you know that?" Akira thought angrily as they stared at everyone. "Why couldn't you archers just run? Have you no common sense? Who's going to get reinforcements to get me out of this now?" Akira continued to think as she stared at everyone and noticed everyone wasn't all there and a small smile came to her face. "Maybe someone would be getting reinforcements from her client or her friends from the place all the mercs usually gathered at." A loud sigh escaped her mouth as the commander of the mercenary squad laid out on the ground and relaxed a little more. "Just got to wait this out until reinforcements arrive." Akira thought as she thought of her friends at the mercenary guild and how they wouldn't just let her sit out here like this for long." Akira continued thinking to herself as someone must have escaped right?
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Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"What do you need to know? We're the ones with a hand on things I'd say" Kiba said with a smirk. Gile have their scout a look, disapproving of him. "Kiba." The healer said simply.

Kiba sighed with a shrug. "She attacked us and I can't gloat a little?...fine. First things first. Your men are either scattered, arrested, or dead. And we have some people that are going to be sniffing around to bring them to justice. And you? Well we're going to probably going to figure out what we should do with you pretty soon." He said crouching a bit, his knife flipping around in his hand. "Now, your going to tell us why you attacked us unprovoked."
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
She looked at them with a glare that cold freeze molten rock into icicles and said. "I was hired by a client at the mercenaries guild and told to take you out and the pay would be quite good if we completed our mission." Akira said painfully as she had to stop every few words as if it hurt to talk. Akira continued to talk to them and mentioned mutiple things around who she usually worked for but refused to give up any personel information. "I don't rat out my clients. Also i couldn't if i wanted to the guild has a special policy on mercs never meeting their clients in person." Akira said as she refused to give up any more information. "I will not be telling about the location of the mercenary guild or anyone else who i know works there or any of my other friends in it. I can only say that when they find out about my disappearance, The guild will come looking for me." Akira said as they began to bleed pretty badly onto the ground through a injury on her abdominal area near her left hip. Akira's last thoughts before passing out again was this. "If my liutenant or my 3rd in command is dead, then so are you."
Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she blacked out again Gilevturned ger overr,letting himself inspect the wound abd start to healing her there next. "I say we toss her into the grave!" Kiba said knowing that this type of contract wasn't fir nothing.

"We are explorers. Not executioners. " Gilecremind, patting his shoulder. "Let us take her into town for the gaurd to handle."
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika woke up later in a old tavern that smelled like a cave but when she opened her eyes. She saw she was in a wooden room with the party she was with. They appeared to be in a lodgining area. She could smell the alcohol smell coming from downstiars as well as the smell of food. Arika noticed she had new clothes on and had been bandaged properly. She also felt as if she had been here for a while as her muscles ached. She noticed that she was still bound as her wrists were still behind her back and her ankles were still tied together. But her men were gone and nowehre to be seen as the party members seemed to be planning something as one of them noticed she was awake. "Hi, I'm awake and i didn't attack you unprovoked earlier. If i haven't told you already as i remeber nothing from how i got here. I was hired by a mercanry guild to take you out as you were causing a lot of trouble for a client. Aparently someone wanted you dead and at the guild if the money is good we don't ask much questions about it and why they want you dead. I can give you the money i was paid to do the job if you want." Arika said as she talked to the guild members after they noticed she was awake.
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika looked at them with a pained expression on her face as she gathered the strength to speak to to them. "Yes, i have a bounty on you and if you could do something for me. I will do something for you as in tell you how much the bounty is for and why the guild was hired to kill you." Arika said as they did not like the position they were in right now. It was shown on her face that she was getting very nervous but was doing a decent job at hiding it as you would have to be fairly adept with reading peoples expressions on their faces to see through what she was doing.
Local Time:
12:18 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"You're not in the position to be giving deals I think" Kiba said leaning forward. "We could toss you in a hole in the ground out in the sun and see how long it takesforyouto changeyour tune." he added, clearly holding a grudge for the attack on his friends. "Kiba. Let's hear her out" the healer cut in yet again, trying to siimmer his companion down.
Local Time:
1:18 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika shivered as she was obviously nervous now as she squirmed a little on the floor in anxiety at the other members words. "My offer is to you is that you don't throw me to the guards and let me walk away with some of your hair. Just enough to prove that your dead. I get paid and then when the guild finds out i lied we are rich. Maybe i can split it with you as it was money that i was being paid to kill you and your group or maybe i can join up with you as we will all be hunted at that point. You will need my expertise in how the guild operates and does things." Arika said as her voice went hoarse.
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