Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

He grinned as he watched her nod, realising she couldn't form coherent words any more "Ha... Pathetic slut... Can't even deal with a gentle fuck?" He teased, before dragging his length out and flipping her over so he could see her face and the expressions she made whilst he buried his cock inside of her "So, Slut, beg for more... well, if you can make any noise but moans!"
As she had her arms trapped above her head, he would be able to see how her breasts bounced up and down from the way he was fucking her. He definitely was making her cum more times than she had thought possible, but the way he mentioned he would fill her again and again- she nodded as her mouth was still opened in an o shape and her cheeks a blushing deep red as she moaned out sweetly and loudly for him.
He felt her shifting as she took those breaths, his eyes watching her large breasts bouncing around like mad as his hips rammed into hers over and over again "Take it like the whore you are!" He told her, the mixture of their cum spurting out of her as he pounded her deeper and deeper, making space in her depths for his next load that followed not long after. This cycle would continue for around 20 minutes, Seith lying on her back as her brutal master fucked her silly, over and over.
Seith was practically comatose from this, sprawled out on the bed and leaking both of their cum out of her ruined slit. She was staring up at the ceiling, feeling her body ache in a way she’d never thought it would— and she expected the switch for her master to happen soon, but it didn’t…and she was very worried.
Seith groaned softly as he pulled from her and she managed to turn her head towards him, "I-I'm sorry master," she managed to get out, but then again, she wasn't fully upgraded yet, and he did buy her off the black market so to speak. Perhaps those upgrades would be necessary for his enjoyment.
"Grah... Pathetic." He muttered before giving her ass another half hearted slap "Still... Guess some upgrades might not go... unappreciated... even if you were meant to look more like that whore Tamara..." He shrugged to himself, before wobbling slightly "Fu... Damn... Remember... you need... upgrades..." He growled, before blacking out.
He'd see his sex doll lying there still, her battered and bruised body curled up, the messy results of their previous coupling still dribbling out of her. Of course, he'd remember nothing. The only reason he'd know was that he'd done it was the dull ache he felt in his groin, even as he'd hear a soft groan coming from her lips as she tried to sit up.
Fuck- he sighed and looked around. He went ahead and dialed up that shop’s number he had received and called in, requesting these upgrades were of no worry to him, for the cost wasn’t the issue. When he heard back that these upgrades were ‘impossible’ he threatened that he could close them down if he didn’t get what he wanted—

And so he transported Seith’s damaged form later to that same facility to get her required upgrades.
When they got there, the man working there had done his best to prepare the upgrades, even knowing they were only ever previously theoretical. Meanwhile, Seith clung to her masters arm, her grip squeezing him a little tighter before she was switched off for the procedure. Once she was out, the man started by opening her up and repairing the damaged components he wouldn't be replacing.
When all was done, she had been reinforced in some way, to take his ‘damaging actions’ a lot less now, and preserve her body for longer. He eventually decided to make another appointment over at a better facility- even if it did mean for her to look more like his ex. He gave a soft sigh as she was transported to that other facility next, going through her final upgrades.
When the upgrades finished, she was a near perfect duplicate of Tamara, the only differences being her slightly increased height and curves. All in all, she was the perfect representation of his bitch of an Ex, and now... well, now he'd feel a lot more like his other side when he used her. But for the moment he just needed to get his newly perfected sex doll home.

Meanwhile, Twelve was making food, knowing his Tamara would be hungry when she awoke herself, so he'd decided to make her breakfast in bed. Well, if she was still there by the time he finished cooking.
He made sure to do just that, and as he arrived home, his other side was itching to resurface and test out his newly improved sex doll.

The original Tamara was in bed still, she was cuddled up in the blankets. Twelve and her had spent the night previously…well..sleeping around pretty much everywhere in the house. She was exhausted still from their adventures and was still recovering from it.
Of course, perhaps he shouldn't let his other side have all the fun... after all, he'd gone through all the boring aspects of getting her upgraded... And now was his chance to get back at Tamara, in a way at least.

Twelve hummed softly to himself as he finished cooking, plating up Tamara's favourite breakfast pancakes and taking them to their room, making sure the bottle of syrup was present on the tray, incase she wanted to play like that again...
(What exactly would he do? XD)

Tamara stirred as Twelve entered the room and as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, she saw the pancakes and the syrup bottle. “Mm..good morning,” he would hear her murmur out, blushing slightly at the thought of the syrup running down her pussy again, with him eating her out and moaning at that combined taste..
(Dunno XD. Guess just fuck her whilst envisioning her to actually be Tamara?)

Twelve smiled back as she blushed when she saw the syrup bottle "Good Morning, Tammy." He replied, sitting next to her and placing the tray on her lap "I hope you like it, Honey. I know you love pancakes and syrup..." He teased softly, already knowing the image that was probably running through her head as he lifted the bottle to drizzle it over the pancakes.
(XD I guess? Perhaps we just..fade em off for now lol)

Her blush only deepened further as he teased her, and she grabbed the fork after he drizzled the syrup over the pancakes. “Mhm, that I do..I especially love the syrup..” she began shyly. She started to eat, but couldn’t deny how hot she began to feel from the idea still..
(For now, at least.)

He still had the bottle in his hand as she started to eat, but he placed it down a few moments later and moved behind her, where she couldn't see what he was doing. If she tried to turn her head, she'd find him moving it back so she was focused on her food, even as she would then feel his hands moving around her body to gently tease her breasts, pinching her nipples and giving them a tug, wanting to hear her moan.

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