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Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Opening her eyes, Tamara took in a deep breath. Her eyes focused in on the hospital room surrounding her and a doctor peered over her. "I see that you're awake," he spoke, writing down some notes while he was at it. "The transfer process went smoothly, you should feel some numbness in your fingers but that is normal." the doctor mentioned next, and Tamara wanted to speak but the breathing tube that was attached to her mouth. . She motioned to it and the doctor noticed. "Ah that. Right, It's meant for your lungs to properly adjust. This new body of yours, although synthetic, will function like your old human one." he said and Tamara laid back on the pillow.

Her old human one.

That's right, Tamara had undergone a transfer from her human body to this synthetic one. Her human body had been weak and prone to diseases- she knew that she wouldn't, no, couldn't survive much longer. So, one brain scan later and here she was. But the real question that bugged her, was she still considered human? Everything about her was artificial now, but her memories- her identity.. she still saw herself as human.

Nowadays everyone was undergoing these 'transfers' it was rare to see an actual human body amongst society. It just wasn't the norm. Unless of course, you were too poor to afford the transfer process, then you had no other choice than to remain in your old, disease prone body.

Becoming synthroid was the way to go. And depending on your your money status, decided what kind of synthetic parts were available to you. Some were more fitted like their human counterparts, and others- well, lacked that which could give them simple human pleasures.

And with modern technology, man made synthroids (ones who do not have a human conscience transferred to them) were able to carry out human like functions, such as to think independently, feel independently- and to even have intimate relationships with one another.

So, Tamara figured that it wouldn't quite matter if she worried about still being 'human'. She had finally gotten the body of her dreams, all with the functions of her old one, but 10 times better- and at least, she didn't have to worry about having her woman 'problems' anymore-- unless she wanted to, all within a switch - one to make her body able to reproduce and all of that.

When the doctor left, she was able to have visitors, and to her surprise, one did- a close friend of hers, he was a man made synthroid. He had actually was relieved that she had undergone the transfer as he could not see his friend suffer anymore.. and he didn't want her to succumb to death. But he knew that now with her new body- it still could be damaged, and Tamara's current boyfriend needed to be watched out for.

  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5'6
  • Gender: Anatomically correct female
  • Race: Synthroid (Transferred Human Consciousness)
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: Deceased
  • Background: Tamara had it easy as a child, but as she grew up she contracted more and more health issues- eventually leading to a very sickly life. She had undergone human transfer of consciousness to a synthetic body, not wanting to be sick like this all the time anymore. Unfortunately she also has an abusive boyfriend, who personally hates man made synthroids.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: The smell of bookstores, leather and coffee -- prefers stormy weather and early fall weather.
    • Dislikes: The hate that man made synthroids receive, feeling like they've been mistreated by those who still claim that they're 'human'.
  • Kinks: being loved and appreciated

(Will be on hiatus till further notice, sorry for the inconvenience-- if anyone still wants to rp this just pm me!)


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Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
XII, or Thirteen as he was known, gently took her hand and squeezed it "Hey there." He smiled, a holographic matrix flashing up temporarily before fading. His voice was a buzzing echo, giving away his non-human origin, even as she'd see him stood there, the lighting across his form a concerned blue colour "I... Was worried for a moment there." As she looked on him, she'd remember exactly what XII was, where he'd come from. He'd been a default Synthetic, his only task whatever his orders were, until he'd been upgraded with a new brain, designed to mimic a humans. He was the Thirteenth model of Replicant, and the only one who hadn't remodeled himself to match humanity. He was also incredibly caring for Tamara, the only thing stopping him striking her 'boyfriend' being Asimov's first law.

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Age: Psychologically 20, Physically 1 year Post-Upgrade.
Gender: Unknowingly Anatomically correct Male.
Race: Replicant, Non Human Appearance
Height: 7'0
Likes: The Smell of Machine Oil, Fixing Clockwork Mechanisms, Leaves blowing in the wind
Dislikes: 'Luddites' or Machine Smashes, Grinding Gears, Machine Superiority proponents
Background: XII was a regular Mechanoid who was later upgraded into a Replicant, as Dr Inerton's first steps into Human Conciousness Uploads. Unlike his 19 Siblings, XII remained in a non-human appearance. Dr Inerton still performed a few upgrades XII isn't aware of though.
Kinks: He hasn't explored anything like that at this point...
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(no worries lol)

Tamara gazed upon XII, the breathing tube still restricting her new vocal cords from being used. Thankfully, she knew sign language, and knew it was programmed in XII to respond back, as his digital scanners could translate any form of language.

"Hey," she signed back, "Didn't expect to see you here, but I appreciate it more than you realize.."

The woman sighed and laid back against the pillow, the monitors beeping around her. She had yet to adjust to her new synthetic body- get used to these movements, but that would come with the physical therapy she would receive as a part of Dr Inerton's regimen - 'integrating your new self back into society' he would say. Some of XII's siblings were apart of that physical therapy and helped new human consciousness transfers as they were programmed and designed to.

Her phone that she had soon buzzed and lit up in her coat pocket- the coat was neatly folded across one of the visitor's chairs - and it kept buzzing, as if receiving multiple texts in a row. All from her boyfriend, no doubt. Whatever the contents contained, Tamara did not wish to know quite yet.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
(... I just realised. XII is Twelve, not Thirteen... I'm dumb sometimes.)

XII tilted his head as she signed, sitting in a chair and glancing to the coat as it buzzed "Would you like me to fetch that?" He asked softly, but considering how she normally was... He turned his head away and back to her "Actually, nevermind. How are you doing? I know it can be... shocking, to be suddenly so different to before... But I promise, you will be okay." He gave another smile, the hologram flashing up to convey it as she'd see the concerned blue lights fade softly to a neutral white "Dr Inerton said you'll be able to remove that tube soon. It's a good thing you can sign though, most people have panic attacks. Ten is normally the first one of us people see..." He paused, a flash of orange in his eyes "Ah, no... Not Ten. Her name is Penelope now. I must do better, remembering their new designations..." Even through the flat buzz of his voice, she'd be able to tell he was irritated with himself.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I didn’t notice it either lol)

Tamara listens to XII and she shakes her head in response signing, “Artificial lungs seem unnecessary, but I guess it’s to feel the most ‘human’ possible..”

Ten.. Penelope. Right. His siblings had undergone more cosmetic surgeries to appear more human.. so they weren’t as different as Tamara anymore.

Transferring human consciousness was a big step in changing the human race forever. These synthetic bodies- how they mimicked human flesh, functions- it was just everything was better, disease resistant—

But that didn’t mean synthetics couldn’t be trashed and ‘killed’ either. Tamara had to remember those who hated man made synthroids- those like her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend was like her, human consciousness transferred into a synthetic body- seeing himself as superior to the man made synthroids although it was the other way around. Well, until a synthroids decided to genetically modify itself to appear more ‘human like’. But then again, what did it mean to be human? Was humanity really a thing still? She knew that even when animals went extinct Dr. Inerton himself and a team of scientists and researches made synthroids of any animal, reintroducing them back into society—all within reason of course, no animal had to rely on food unless it was programmed to. Those synthetics actually looked so lifelike with actual blood running through them- it was hard to decipher later down the line which was ‘real’ and which was ‘synthetic’.

Tamara liked to not think about such things. All she wanted to focus on now was the present.

Soon someone came in and thankfully removed the breathing tube that she had and she took in a breath of relief, using those new artificial lungs that were given to her. “You know,” she spoke hoarsely, going for some ice chips she was given to hydrate herself- “I’d almost think I’m still 100% human” she said as she munched on the ice, the pain in her throat subsided but she figured she could turn off her pain receptors if she really wanted to.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
"Yes. The Dr says it helps for the transition period. And it functions as additional cooling, incase of heat buildup." XII explained, even as he glanced to the door, watching the nurse walk in and begin to remove the breathing apparatus. XII waited there, nodding his thanks as the woman left before hearing Tamara speak "You are. Dr Inerton explained it to me, when I first came online. The Flesh doesn't make humanity humanity. Its their mind and soul." He gently reached out and brushed his fingers out against her throat as he noted her wincing, his fingertips depressing something with a click, the pain vanishing "But now you are Human+. You can turn off the pain."
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Turn off the pain..” she echoed as he essentially ‘flipped the switch’ to those specific pain receptors.

To have no more pain was..wonderful- and both a curse at the same time. That meant her boyfriend could do more horrendous things to her now, and if he so chose- to turn those receptors back on his his sick enjoyment.

This uncertainty flashed in Tamara’s eyes and she looked to XII. “Twelve..you don’t think..” she trailed off as another ‘person’ came in with a clipboard and a pen. They came over to record her vitals and switched out the ‘artificial’ blood that gleamed a deep rich royal blue and then put in real, human blood. Transferred humans always had purple blood and man made synthroids had a deep royal blue type of blood. The purple blood was so that their body could adjust properly to the human like features and functions but it still distinguished them from actual humans.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
XII was about to respond when the next nurse entered, to replace the fluid in her bloodstream. He remained silent for a while, waiting until they left before speaking again "I know, Tamara... I know what you are thinking." He reached out again, gently flicking the switches "But they are... personal. The Dr allows me and my siblings to manipulate them, because he trusts us. Any other would be unable to do so." He gently squeezed her hand "If you are worried, perhaps speaking to the Dr himself would help? If I said something, I'm sure he could find the time..."
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“No.. I’m-“ she sighed as the other ‘person’ left and she shook her head. “I trust you,” she confirmed. She heard her phone buzz again and she glanced to it.

“I have plans, Twelve. I want to move out of my apartment— preferably without…him knowing” she tells him next, swallowing slowly.

XII could see that she was nervous about this plan—especially with the threat her boyfriend imposed. Sure, at first he had never been like this but over time more and more red flags had appeared and she understood just how dire this situation was.

He could have blamed her injuries on the man made synthetics at first, and to be honest he did but now.. he was getting more creative with it- and god knows what will happen when she sees him next.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
XII's visor blinked once, a sign of shock she very rarely ever saw from him, even as he leant closer "You plan to... leave him?" He asked, seeking confirmation "If you require, The Dr would welcome you, I am sure." He told her softly, even as the buzzing would change to a ringtone, her 'boyfriend' clearly sick of her silence... Last time he'd called her, he'd spent half an hour hitting her in retaliation for making him do so.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“He might even be waiting for me.. he doesn’t even know that I was getting this surgery—“ her voice trailed off in a hushed whisper.

If she could have escaped him earlier, she would have— but it was hard to get help from any authorities when your boyfriend was the commissioner of the city they lived in.

Sure he dressed nice, talked eloquently and was seen as a very well respected authority figure but Tamara’s blood was on his hands and so was many many others.

She had only been weak and prone to illness due to his ministrations. And of course XII only knew half of the story..at least, that’s what Tamara believed.

So she had this surgery done in secret and knew she had to get this done so she could be powerful and healthy enough to get away. She had planned this.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
XII's colour changed back to the concerned blue it had been before she'd woken up, taking her hand "I... I do not know what to say. You... Wish to escape this man? To... run away?" He asked, even as she'd remember XII had no idea who she was so scared of "I can... I will help you, Tamara." He promised, even as she'd wonder... exactly how to do so? She'd need a new home, to start... outside the city, for certain... but then, how would she get there?
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He was also incredibly caring for Tamara, the only thing stopping him striking her 'boyfriend' being Asimov's first law.
(Wait. How can he not know who her boyfriend is if this what was mentioned at first XD I was suggesting that XII is incredibly intelligent and figured out long ago where Tamara’s ‘illness’ came from)

Ideas began to run through her now genetically altered mind- the images flashing here and there. How exactly would she figure this out?

“You said..the doctor would help?" she asked, her hand squeezing the one he used to grab hers. The doctor was an incredibly nice and understanding man— she knew if she had just asked…

Tamara, after all had been his assistant. She was there when XII was created, and his siblings after that.

Since her family had died several years prior, Tamara had tried to find work to put her skills to use- she was incredibly gifted and helped 'nurse' new synthetics to become accustomed to the new world around them.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
(Uh... She told him what he was doing, but now who he was, I guess? Uhh...)

XII Nodded to her "I'm certain he would... And even if he cannot, I shall do all I can." He turned to look at her jacket, before reaching over, removing her phone and... crushing it, taking care not to damage the storage device as he removed it "Oh dear. Your phone appears to have broken. How clumsy of me." He shook his head, tutting softly "I must work on that..." Soon he was leaving, heading to speak to the Doctor, even as someone had told Tamara's Boyfriend where she'd been...
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Ohhhh XD so he’s never seen him yet? I’d assume he has given his history between him and Tamara lol and tsk telling the boyfriend where she was is a patient’s right’s violation here in the US but I guess if he’s an important public figure…)

Tamara watched and listened to what he said and did- the phone ‘breaking’.. and at his words she couldn’t help but snort a little in amusement.

It was then when he left she decided to lean back on the pillow and a new nurse she hadn’t seen before came in. She seemed a bit nervous but perhaps it was her first time on the job.

She began to take things up and unlock the wheels to Tamara’s hospital bed, and Tamara was confused.

“Wait..where are we going?” She asked worriedly and the woman simply said “Oh..to the recovery room..”

But..wasn’t she already in the recovery room?
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
(Ahh, that good ol Government corruption. Does it all, doesn't it?)

She was, but lying in that bed... she couldn't stop the nurse from moving her, to a new room, where the curtains were all drawn, and someone was sat on a chair in the darkness. As the nurse left, she'd flick the switch and lock the door, the lights snapping on to reveal her boyfriend sat on the chair, his eyes full of anger "You... Little... Bitch. You think you can just ignore me? Get upgraded in secret? What did you think you'd do next, huh? Run away? Don't fucking lie to me, Tamara... You know that'll only make this hurt more..."
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
If her heart monitor had still be attached- it would rapidly beating as Tamara was faced with her abuser.

He didn’t even have to be intoxicated to harm her- he just did it because it gave him a sense of control, power over her- this ‘woman’.

“I-I- I was going to surprise you!” She said nervously and quickly, weighing her options. As both of them were now synthetics she could easily gain some ground, but she was unaccustomed to her new legs yet.

Shit. And there was no likely way that XII would hear her cries for help- this hospital had soundproofed rooms. Fucking fantastic.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He moved across as she spoke, a growl forming in his throat "You wanted to surprise me? With what? A different, mechanical body? I told you not to lie to me, you bitch." He was now looming over her, reaching down "But fine, let's pretend that's the truth... Suppose I should unwrap the surprise, huh?" He stripped the covers from her, leaving her in just the gown beneath, but that lasted mere moments as he ripped it from her form "Hmph... Barely bigger than the old... least your not so fat."
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She recoiled when he removed the sheets from her body, the hospital gown hanging on barely- and then he ripped it off of her.

The cold sensors made her body react and her skin littered with goosebumps. She shivered mostly out of fright as she was examined by him.

“A-h- I would..I would have gotten something…better but..this..this..th-this was all..I..could..c-could afford” she stuttered out, her body sending those panic signals to her brain. She had to fight. No, she must.

“Will..will you damage it so soon?” She asked worriedly, already knowing the answer. How will she defend herself? She..Really didn’t know what to do.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
"Hmph. This is exactly why you should've done this my way... You would have been perfect..." He grumbled, before reaching to grab her neck, squeezing it slightly "Damage it? I thought you understood how this works? Now you have this, It'll be much harder to damage you... So I can be as rough as I want, without any concerns." He leant in and whispered into her ear "After all, I thought that was why you wanted this? Or are we done pretending?"
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Tamara winced as he went to grab her neck and her eyes widened at his words- and then her heart skipped a few beats.

Fuck. She knew there was no escape, and with her new body now- he was right.. but that didn’t mean he couldn’t harm it..he definitely could harm it.

And that’s what terrified her.

She squeezed her legs together, her new untouched area of hers he was about to taint once more made her start to tear up- and she tried to look away, but his hands were tightening and her oxygen levels were decreasing.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Tamara’s vision blurred with tears and she merely nodded to him. She went still this time, knowing now it was better not to fight.

To be honest she was too weak to do so anyways, she hasn’t gotten a proper chance to recover- fresh out of the transfer, her new body was all still too foreign to her.

She felt his cock against her slit, the same one that had abused her last time was now about to soil her new form. She truly couldn’t escape him, could she?
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
At the last possible moment before he pushed in, the door unlocked and XII barged in, his lighting the bright red of anger "GET OFF HER!" He snarled, dragging her attempted rapist back and off her, tossing him to the ground and standing between them, as the Doctor froze in the doorway "Administrator Yerin, what are you... Were you doing?!" He asked, his voice a soft tone compared to the enraged tones of XII
"Ain't it obvious? She's my girlfriend, I was just testing the new body!"
"She requires Rest, not coitus!"
"Whatever! Don't let that fuckin machine touch me again or I'll have every last one you built scrapped!" With that, her 'boyfriend' left the room, resituating his pants as he did so.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The rage in XII’s voice and the sound of the door slamming open made Tamara jolt out of fright.

She was already traumatized from how her ‘boyfriend’ had previously treated her and the next few words of conversation filled her ears with just incoherent sentences.

When he left she began to sob, break down and just try to cover herself with the sheets. “No..no no..home..I want..I want to be safe..go..be safe..” she repeated, clearly trying to calm herself down but her attempts were..unsuccessful.

Her sensors were clearly ringing alarm bells and perhaps if they put the trauma behind her, switch those feelings off..it might be better for her own sake.

But that..tampering with her emotions directly..

Tamara gasped as she sobbed, “Off.. off! I want it off!” She cried, begged- her tear filled eyes looking towards Twelve and the Doctor. She was hyperventilating. “No- no more I.. I-I can’t..”

(In your profile will you change his name to Twelve or XD)
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
(I mean, I probably should buuuut I think it's funnier this way)

XII moved closer and grabbed Tamara, holding her close and humming softly "It's okay, It's okay... He's gone, he's gone..." even as the Doctor moved across and pressed a switch, just behind her ear, which slowed her heart rate and cleared her mind "I'm sorry, my dear... but for now..." He murmured, turning to XII "You. You must take her from this place, and hide. There is a house, I own it." He tapped on a tablet, signalling one of XII's siblings to bring some things "Take her there. Her abuser will not find you."
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Okay fair enough lol)

Tamara felt him pull her into his arms and as Twelve comforted her, the switch the doctor pressed made her catch her breath and calm down.

At the sound of a hidden place where they could hide, she perked up. "You..You promise that he wont be able to find me?" she wanted the reassurance but now she was thinking more level headed than before. She trusted the doctor's words and wanted to leave as soon as possible.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
XII nodded to the Doctor, even as Penelope walked in with a set of keys. The Doctor took them, even as he spoke "Yes. But you must leave in secrecy... I do hope you aren't claustrophobic, as the only way is... well, to pack you into a box, and send you in the arms of a regular old service droid. Twelve here." He gestured, handing XII the keys as two more replicants entered, with a crate she'd fit inside, but it would be rather snug.
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