Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

Twelve grinned as he listened to her voice, his hands on her breasts squeezing the globes tighter as he held her back to his chest to keep her close in for his thrusts. He could tell she was squirting, and he loved the way she sounded as he continued his heavy pounding of her rear "That's it Tammy... Keep moaning... I love how it sounds!"
Twelve grinned as he moved a hand down to her legs, moaning softly into her ear as he checked down there "My My, Tammy... Are you an Android or a Fire Hydrant?" He teased her gently, even as he reached up to place his fingers into her mouth, making her lick them clean as she'd feel him swelling up, ready to blow his load inside her rear.
Tamara couldn’t help but blush deeply at his comment, and she bit her lip a little before sucking on his fingers, moaning as she did so. She could feel him begin to swell and she encouraged it, pushing her ass back against him, forcing Twelve to push even deeper inside of her- if that was even possible.
Twelve grunted as she pushed back harder, feeling her sucking on his fingers only made him hotter for her as he continued to busy himself with his task, to fuck her as she wanted. Soon she'd feel his release, dumped deep inside of her rear and filling it, all the way until it began to leak out around his length as he held himself inside her.
Twelve panted heavily, leaning over her shoulder to plant a kiss onto her lips as he heard her cry out in pleasure, felt her release spattering down over their legs "That... Is my good girl..." He murmured into her ear, before gently picking her up "Now... does my Good girl want to be cleaned off, or do you want to go to bed still sticky from how I make you feel?"
"I know..." He replied softly as she fell asleep, falling asleep with her. The next morning, she'd awaken to find herself being carried into the shower by Twelve, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he held her rear to carry her "Ah, good morning... I thought you might appreciate not being quite as sticky..." He murmured into her ear.
He smiled back to her, leaning in to kiss her as she teased him "Mmm, well you deserve it... So pretty, and warm... soft to hug and snuggle with..." He murmured into the kiss, even as his hands continued to clean her off, making sure to give her ass and breasts extra attention "And you make such lovely messes when I want you too..." He finished teasingly, wanting to make her blush.

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