Fantasy RP Take Him, Then the World (Firestarter)

Az shakes his head, sitting up and pressing his hand to his face. He glares at Marco through his fingers, shaking his head, “I don’t care. Don’t compare your problems to mine and say your life is worse.” He gets off the bed, shaking his head and dropping his gaze.

Az watches Marco, his gaze distrusting and dark with fear. He stays silent, not really caring about the other’s words, just wanting to be left alone at this point and get away from everyone. He needed space to calm down.

“I’m not telling you shit. It’s none of your damn business. If you really wanna know so bad though, look up my own damn name.” He turns away, his back to the other man. While Az has constantly struggled with his eating throughout high school, it hadn’t gotten this bad until that one night a year and a half ago that it got out of control. His father didn’t care and no one else bothered to either. He was used to it, and he wasn’t gonna let some stranger make him feel worse.
"You think I didn't have my boys dog up everything they could on you?" Marco crosses his arms over his chest." I have a file on my desk with everything there is to know about you, but I'd rather give you the respect of telling yours ideas of the story instead of reading what other wrote." Marco steps a little closer to Az and relaxes his arms. "I don't like to only base things off of what some random third party prick has to say about a situation. It's better to hear it from the source." Marco pushes his fingers thriugh his hair before gently placing his finger under Az's chin to make the young boy look up at him. "And I'm not comparing our lives Az. I'm saying that I will tell you my life so you don't feel like you are the only one having to air our their dirty laundry." Marco's voice holds a deep sincerity as he speaks while his eyes fill with compassion and understanding for Az's attitude.

"I'm not a therapist, but getting shit off your chest is sometimes the best way to help yourself."
“I don’t care where you learn it from, the information is the same.” He snaps, glaring at Marco. “I don’t care if you read the new articles, I’m not telling you. If you wanna know, then read it. Read mutiple different articles and fact check, I don’t care. But leave me the fuck alone.”

He swats Marco’s hand away, “And nor do I care what you think of me. Keep your hands off of me.

“I honestly don’t care what you do, so long as it’s not touching me and minding your own damn business. I don’t care about your life, and I frankly don’t wanna know. I want you to shut up and get the fuck luttas this room.”

Az did not want to talk, he didn’t want to do anything but lay in bed all day and maybe get out of it tomorrow if he feels better. His head was still pounding, and his limbs felt to light. He felt too light to himself. He shakes his head slightly, sitting back down on the bed.
Marco sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose as he looks down. "Thus is exactly while I say you're still a kid. Fine, suffer throughout the night, but whether you like it or not a doctor is coming by tomorrow and is checking you out even if I have to tie you to that fucking bed." Marco walks put of Az's room with a huff and damn near slams the door behind himself. He's biggest pet peeve was people wallowing in their own self loathing. They were nothing but pathetic wastes of time to him. So why did he care so much about Az? He had only known the boy for a short period of time.

Marco pushed back his thoughts and tasks one of his thugs to keep an eye on Az's bedroom door. He was too tired for the brats bullshit and still had so much planning to do.

Once Marco reaches his office, he slumps down into his chair and scrubs a hand over his face as he growls. Not only did he need to find a way to get Az to stop his bullshit, he needed to find a way to get one of his men inside the white house for more Intel. He figured he would have to find someone who looked the part of a current CIA agent and take their identity. However, most of his men were all Italian and were obviously thugs who belonged to the mafia. "Fuck...."
Az flinches, his eyes narrowing at the other. You didn’t call someone a kid for having a traumatic response to something. Az had no trust in anyone else these days, and being touched by anyone always awakened a burning sensation in his skin and the panic to rise in his chest. He couldn’t help the feeling, and he’d tried. It wasn;t that he enjoyed the pain, but the physical pain of being hungry was better than the images flashing in his head and his skin burning.

“No one is touching me.” He snaps, his arms crossed over his chest. He would not sway on that, and if someone touched him, he died;t know what he would do. He presses a hand to his face again, biting down on his lip. His hand shook, and he wanted to scream.

He’d almost lost it when that man had lowered his jeans the slightest bit, and he didn’t want to think what would happen if he actually had to remove any clothing. The first time he’d been attacked, it had been just one boy, a year older. Az had just been walking down the when the boy had yanked him into the closet. He’d wondered how a school could just leave supply closest like that unlocked. It had been that day forward Az had kept his nails longer. His father had refused to listen or press charges, and when Az told a teacher, they couldn’t do anything without Az’s father’s support. Which Az had found fucked up.

The second time, Az was on his way home from work when three thugs cornered him in an alley. Az had knowen their intentions the moment the leader looked Az up and down and grinned. He hadn’t hesitated to go on the defensive and slash his nails down the face of the closest and grab his pocket knife. Death is a strange thing, and to be the handler of it even stranger. He hadn;t meant to kill the men, only defend himself. But somehow he’d stabbed one in the gut and another in jugular. The learner hadn’t gone down so easily, and Az had ended up with a broken arm and bruised face before he’d managed to get the knife between his eyes.

He drops his hand and stares at it, watching the shaking and then tucking it under his thigh and stares at the wall, silent.
Marco looks at the file that hid boys put together with everything on Az's past and sighs heavily. He had figured something had happened to the boy that involved an attack, but he didn't expect it to be sexual assault. "Alfonso...I have a small job I need done..." Marco tosses the information to Alfonso about the boy who attacked Az with a nod. A simple gesture that meant to leave the boy bloodied but alive. Even though Az may never find out about it, Marco wasn't going to let the prick get away with what he had done to Az. Sexyal assault was one thing that send Marco into a blind rage."

In the meantime, a younger and less obedient servant named James, stalks the halls of the mansion. He had seen Az with Marco a few times and had felt a strong attraction to the frail boy. Slowly and quietly, James approaches Az's door pretending to bring over a new set of towels for the bathroom.
Az flicks his gaze to the smoothie left on the nightstand, swallowing once and reaching out for it. He shivers slightly at the slight chill from the cup and pucks it up, staring at the slurry liquid inside and makes a face. He taps the straw slightly and takes a small sip. While his body doesn’t recoil or react negatively to the smoothie, Az makes a face and sticks his tongue out, not liking the flavor.

He huffs and takes two more sips before setting the cup down and crossing his legs, rocking slightly on the bed. He’ll see how the smoothie settle and if he ends up puking hisn guts out later, he’ll make sure to do it all over Marco.
While Marco remained in his office, James gently knocks on the door before opening it and walking in with the towels. "Hello, I figured you could use some towels. Don't want you to deal with old, used towels." James puts on a fake smile and walks into Az's bathroom, putting the towels away while devious thoughts run through his head. The door was already closed and the thug outside was busy on his phone, surely he would be able to have some fun with this frail boy right?

James turns to look at Az with a slightly more devious smile. While sneakily taking out a pair of cuffs from his back pocket. "You know, I have to say you are rather handsome, young sir. However, you look as though you could use someone to show you just how attractive you are." James quickly pounced on top of Az and wrestled the boys hands above his head, cuffing them to the bed frame. While straddling Az's lap, James bites his lip and giggles softly. He soon places a firm hand over Az's mouth just before he coukd scream. "Oh, I've been wanting to have some fun. Now just relax and let me welcome you to the mansion."
Az looks up, waving his hand slightly and watches to other male for a moment before looking back to the bed, rubbing his face. He was tired and wanted some sleep. He felt sore and maybe a nap would help remedy that soreness. He looks up towards the bathroom again, watching the other’s positon for a moment before looking away again. He closes his eyes for a moment, listening to the other move quietly about the room.

He blinks, looking up at the male and shifts uncomfortably, “Um—“ His mind catches up and he squeaks, scooting back and away from the other. Or trying to, he fell backwards slightly and he felt his wrists grabbed and something— He sucks in a breath, squirming and pulling. He looks up at the other, his eyes wide and fearful. He growls and bites down on the hand ver his mouth, his teeth grazing flesh.
James yelps and pulls his hand back to look at the bite mark on his palm. "Oh you little shit...I was gonna be gentle with you but now, I think I might make you tear on purpose." James starts trying to rip at Az's clothes, namely his pants. James gets Az's oants almost comoletely off when there's a sudden banging on the door behind them.

Suddenly door flings open as Marco stands in the door way. His eyes are dark and his breathing his heavy. "What in the FUCK is going on in here?!" Marco walks in and quickly grabs James by the throat, lifting the male high up into the air before slamming him against the wall. "I warned you, you insignificant maggot! You keep those grubby hands to yourself, or you'll suffer." Marco throws James to the floor before stepping on his head. "You will regret the day you were born." He swiftly kicks the prick in the mouth before motioning for two thugs to grab James. "Take him outside and end him slowly."

As the thugs drag the scream male away, Marco quickly turns to face Az with a worried expression. "I'm sorry Az. He will be dealt with accordingly, just hold still." Marco turns his face away while lifting Az's pants back up before uncuffing his wrists.
Az growls, his teeth baring and eyes flashing. “I’ll tear your face off, prick.” He hisses, and tries to knee at James, squirming.

He gasps, his gaze flying to the door. He tenses, seeing Marco at the door and whines softly. He looks away, closing his eyes and shuddering. He feels the male lifted off him and hears the crash of the males body slamming against the wall. He looks back at the two men, his breath ragged and pulls slightly on the cuffs, hissing in pain slightly. He took strange satisfaction in watching Marco bat on the other, though he would have preferred to do it himself.

Az growls at Marco, “Don’t touch me. You could just undo the cuffs. Dick.” He glares and then turns his face away, huffing.
"A little late to be complaining about me 'touching' you since your oants are already pulled up." Marco finishes removing the cuff from Az's wrists and sits on the edge of the bed. "Az, I'm sorry that James almost...." Marco clenches his fists and let's out a low growl. "I'm sorry...I'm just glad I got here before he did anything further." Marco's hands shake as he reaches up to push his hands through his hair. "I'll have Alfonso change the doorknob on your door so it can lock...." marco hangs his head slightly as he sighs heavily. He had always made sure that everyone in his home was safe, but James somehow managed to get in under his radar.

"Just...try to get some rest...I'll make sure no one comes near your room while you are hear ever again." Marco stands and slowly walks out of Az's room with slightly slumped shoulders.
Az sighs and sits up, rubbing his wrists and watching Marco for a long moment. “It’s fine. I don’t really care.” He looks away towards the bathroom. He blows out a soft breath, shuddering slightly and gripping the blanket in his fists. He closes his eyes and tries to breathes, He could still feel the other on top of him. He takes a shuddering breath and presses his hand to his mouth.

“I don’t need a lock. . . It’s fine. If there was a lock, it would take longer for someone else to get in and save me again.” He rolls his eyes. “Locks are only for the honest people of the world.”

He gets up, swaying. He could feel the bile rising up his throat. And it was just that, stomach bile, and small chunks of the smoothie he had sipped at before. He bends over, retching and coughing as the bile leaves his body, his back heaving. He coughs again, pressing his hand to his mouth again and looking at the mess on the floor.
Marco quickly turns and has Az sot back down on the bed while calling for a maid. "Just sit down and relax, okay?" Marco places himself in front of the mess on the floor to keep Az from seeing it while crouching down in front of Az and looking up into his eyes. "There is something seriously wrong and you need to get it looked at okay? This isn't how you should be reacting to food." Marco reaches into his pocket and pulls put a handkerchief and hands it to Az to wipe his mouth. "How long has this been going on for?" Marco's voice remains soft and full or concern as he continues to look up at Az.

A maid soon rushes into the room and cleans the mess quickly, making it appear as if nothing had ever happened. Even the smell had disappeared just as quickly as it had come.
Az looks at Marco, still covering his mouth. He swallows once and then closes his eyes, “I dunno. . . I’ve always had a hard tim eating, but it got worse about a year and a half ago.” He looks down at his lap, biting his lower lip and shaking his head. He runs his fingers through his hair and shudders. He clearly remembered the first night he’d eaten all his food no problem and then spent the night in the bathroom. He’d been scared, but had managed to hide it from his father and friends. Though they did start to notice his body thinning out.

He [ushes his foot into Marco’s shoulder, “But it’s whatever. I’m still alive, so eh-“ He shrugs slightly.

“Go away.” He huffs.
Marco huffs a small laugh and pushes Az's foot off of his shoulder. "You really are a stubborn brat you know that? You've balls though, I'll give you that. Not many people who have gone through what you've gone through would be able to act so nonchalantly to almost being attacked again." Marco stands and stuffs his hands into his pockets while still looking down at Az. The boy was becoming more and more interesting as the hours passed.

Marco huffed another small laugh and shook his head as he turned and started to walk out of the room. Before leaving entirely, Marco turned and looked at Az on more time. "Hey, you want to deal the finishing blow to that bitch James? My boys no better than to end someone without me there and I figured you might want to get in some of your own revenge on the bastard."
Az smirks, “Some things are inevitable, and something’s can be prevented. Me getting attacked is inevitable, but I can prevent most harm to myself with careful precautions.” He rolls his eyes, “It’s not nonchalance. It’s feigned calm. The panic and fear will always be there.”

He watches Marco, his brown eyes curious for a short moment before he huffs and scoots back along the bed. He freezes, his gaze snapping to MArco, “What? No! Never.” He whispers, “Never again. . .”

He looks away, closing his eyes and hiding his face, his shoulders trembling.
Marco slowly walks back towards Az and sits on the foot on the bed with a sorrowful expression. "Hey,'s okay. You did what you had to do back then Az. No one would blame you for what happened. Those assholes got what they deserved." He held uo a hand to place on Az's shoulder, but pulled it away and rested it on the bed instead. "I'll be honest, you're very strong for being able to still fight as much as you do after everything. You are very brave and strong for being able to push past everything and still try in life." Marco looked down for a second and sighed.

"Az, what would you like to help you feel better right now? A blanket, some music, something hold on to like another pillow? I don't want you to feel like you have to struggle through this without any support. I know you say you don't want it, but just give it a try for once."
Az looks at Marco, watching him quietly, “I still didn’t want to. I— I hated it.” He whispers, closing his eyes for a moment and then looking back to Marco.

“Oh. . .” He mumbles, chewing on his lip, “I. . . I just know I want something better.” He looks away, fidgeting with the blanket. He had known that he had wanted a better life than starving, no money and being a target for others. But it was increasingly harder to fight when you were starving and getting sick from eating. He runs his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes.

“I’m fine. I just need to be alone.”
Marco sighs softly and moves his hand just a touch closer to Az. He wanted to cradle the boy and shield him from the hell he was afraid of, but he also didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Az, I know sometimes, being alone might feel like the best option, and in all honesty im not one to talk. I constantly secluded myself from everyone, but right now I don't want to leave you alone after just finding out one of my servants was able to get in under my radar and almost attack you." Marco had always held his staff to an extremely high standard. He had always made sure that his most trusted memebers dug up any dirt on his staff before allowing them into his home, but it seemed the James was better at remaining hidden than the others. Marco lifts his hand to touch Az's shoulder but hesitates, leaving his hand lifted between the two of them.
Az stares at Marco, his dark eyes wide and slightly fearful. “Well, I want to be alone.” He whispers, “I don’t care what you think or feel about it. I don’t like being around pricks, especially when I’m like this.” He hides his face again.

He never liked feeling vulnerable, even more so around people he didn’t like. He tended to think that’s how most people felt. Who would want to feel vulnerable around someone who could hurt them, or they felt threatened by? He felt Marco move, and he tenses slightly, peering back out at him over the folds of the blanket he was curled up around. He just watches Marco, not moving or making a sound, though tensed and prepared in case the other decided to try and grab him.
Marco sighs softly and reaches around Az instead and pulls down another pillow to help support the boy's back. He figured Az wasn't going to be willing to at least press his hand against Marco's, but he figured it was worth a shot. "Don't worry, I wont touch you again unless its something serious." Marco stands from the bed and pushes his hands into his pockets while looking down at the frail boy. If only Az knew just how much Marco was willing to do to keep him safe. "The doctor will still be coming by tomorrow, but I'll make sure he knows not to touch you are anything. He will just perform distanced examinations and ask you some questions." Marco smiles softly at Az and nods his head. "Just try to get some rest and call for me if you end up needing anything.

Without waiting for a response, Marco turns and walks out of the room as he closes the door gently. The sound of his footsteps on the stone tile floor were quiet and held an ominous feeling to them. He still had unfinished business to take care of with James. The little rat was being kept alive just enough for Marco to confront the bastard. He had made a vow that anyone in his crew who dared to commit any form of sexual assault would suffer the worse pain imaginable.
(Sorry, my brain was melting earlier- XD)

Az watches Marco for long moments before his eyes close and he nestles more into his little nest. It was warm and comfortable, something he had long since lacked in a bed. He relaxes slowly, a slight smile on his lips as he rests quietly. Maybe an hour later, Az woke up and stretches slightly, sliding from the bed. He looks over at the smoothie for a moment, brushing his knuckles along the side of the cup. It was room temperature, and he peers into the cup, sighing heavily.

He swirls the straw in the melted liquid, humming. He didn’t know if it looked more or less appetizing than it had before. He takes a sip and then gags. It still tasted like shit. He takes another sip, closing his eyes. He takes a deep breath before tipping his head back and downing the rest of the cup. After setting it back down, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He bites down on his lip, his shoulders heaving. He takes a deep breath and then walks from the room, his hands in his pockets.

He wanders around the seven room mansion, familiarizing himself with the layout. He slides his hands into his back pockets, humming softly as he walked. He seemed completly recovered from the day’s events, without the slightest glimmer of fear, pain or trauma on his face.
(No worries! I'm running on fumes at this point! XDD)

Marco stands in the kitchen washing off the last bits of dried blood from his knuckles with an exhausted expression. He still hadn't even had some coffee after his long, sleepless night and now he was even more tired after finishing off James. Marco sighs and dries off his hands before removing his button up shirt, revealing all of his tattoos and toned body. Blood had covered the entire front of the shirt and he didn't want Az to see it. After stuffing the shirt into the trash bin, Marco walked out to the main living room and flopped down on to the couch. He could feel his eyes burning and his head pounding due to his lack of sleep. Marco just wanted a few minutes of rest. That's all he needed, just a few minutes and then he would be back in his office making all the necessary calls and demands to start things off for his plan.

Marco had been struggling with sleeping for weeks now and it was finally catching up to him. As he laid out on the couch in nothing but his black slacks and dress shoes, Marco finally fell asleep. His face was so relaxed and looked so innocent and peaceful minus the scar through his eyebrow. His chest rose and fell softly as he slept while Marco's body finally relaxed completely, something that he hadn't been able to experience in a long time.
Az wanders the halls for a few moment and then goes to the main room, looking around and noticing Marco sprawled on the couch. Shirtless. He blinks once and his gaze runs over the mans’s tattoos. He lets out a soft sound, something he decides not to define and keeps walking through the room. Her stops in front of a bookshelf,, lookin at the items on it and then turns to face the shirtless man.

He head tilts to the side, slowly making out the words scrawled on his chest. If he was honest, he’d say the man was a work of art, maybe in more than one way. But Az was not going to be honest and told himself that the tattoos were just nice. Nice little decorations. He rubs his face and walks back towards the hallway.
Marco shifts slightly in his sleep and lets out a small sound which could almost by described as a whining sound. His eyebrows twitched slightly and his head ever so slightly turned back and forth. He almost sounds as if he was crying out to someone as he whined. In fact, Marco was crying out. He was having a dream of his mother. Everything was so vivid in Marco's mind. He could see his younger self crying in the corner of the room while his mom lay out on the bed covered in her own vomit with a lifeless expression on her face. Marco's older self was trying to run to the bed and shake his mom awake so she could comfort the child version of himself, but no matter hard hard he shook his mother, she wouldn't move.

While still on the couch Marco starts to twitch more and his whines turn into soft cries. "No,!...Please!"
Az’s gaze flicks back to Marco, his body tensing for a moment before relaxing. He blows out a slow breath and walks back over to the man, looking down at him with narrowed eyes before looking around and grabbing what he assumes to be a decorative blanket neatly folded into a triangle and resting in a chair at an upright angle. He shakes it out, tossing it over the man and wishing good bye to his abs.

He lightly presses two fingers to the restless man’s brow, his skin sizzling at the contact and everything in him telling him to pull away and leave the room. But something made him stay and lightly brish his two fingers gently down his face and then back up, moving his hair from his eyes, “Shh. . .”
Marco slowly stops twitching and his whining eventually stops once Az covers him with the blanket and gently caresses his face. Marco was normally such a light sleeper. Az's action's would've woken Marco up in seconds if it had been anyone else, but for some reason it didn't happen. It was as if Marco's body could sense that it was Az and allowed the boy to do what he wanted. Even Marco's face relaxes, making him appear harmless.

Marco's dream soon turns to one of lounging on the beach with a drink in one hand while holding someone precious to him while that sat in his lap. However, Marco couldn't see who it was in his lap, just that it was someone who was younger and smaller. Marco gave a small smile while he slept and relaxed further into the couch with a content hum while Az's presence kept him calm.
Az watches as Marco slowly calms down, still brushing his fingers over the other’s face. He moves back to the bookshelf, grabs a book that looked mildly interesting and sits on the floor in front of the couch. He opens the book and settles down to read, slowly flipping through the pages. He stays like that for a while, hunched over the book and reading quietly as the other Man slept, ready to calm him if he started fussing again.

Az guessed this was making himself useful without using the little energy he had gained from his nap and that dreadful smoothie. He looks back up at Marco for a long moment. He wondered hpwhat the man’s dream had shifted to if he’d gone from crying out in his sleep to smiling like that. Soft, tender and happy.

He blows out a breath and looks back down to his book.
Marco shifts on the couch to lay on his side and accidently making the blanket fall on top of Az's head. With his side now visible with Marco's new position, a scar the was at last 5 inches long and about an inch wide coukd be seen trailing up Marco's side just by his ribs. It was the only area that Marco's tattoos had failed to hide. It wasn't a clean scar. It wasn't smooth with easily defined edges, no. This scare was jagged and appeared to come from something serrated.

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