Fantasy RP The Cute Slave, and Her abusive Master's Rule

managing to slice through several tendrils. the part which was severed would turn into a puddle of goo. revealing to Azra what she was up against. However to make matter's worse, as some of the creature's fluids spewed upon her. it could be felt sizzling, and burning slightly. not enough to hurt, but enough to begin to ruin, and eat away at her clothing and armor. something her master would not be happy about seeing destroyed. yet as she dealt with this. several more of the fluid like gel tendrils shot out tours her. each time she cut one off, another would form from the body to try and snatch her up. making it harder to get close to the main body, but not impossible.
He groans, shoving the good off her and shakes her head. A real nuisance. She just had to get the stupid thing's core, get she really didn't want to get any closer to that thing.

She stops slicing the tendrils off, the process and end result of the action just making life harder for her.

She takes a few steps forward, ducking and weaving through the tendrils.
managing to get close enough to visibly see the glowing core in the creature's gelatinous flesh. once Azra was with in reach, it would finally make an erratic kind of movement.
several tendrils launching tours her arms, and legs, while a blade of gel shot from it's main body tours her. trying to force the wolf maiden to dodge into it's grasp, or get hit by the gel blade to knock her onto
the ground. this odd and hard to deal with attack, was only being used in close range. as this attack would shrink down it's main body, showing the weakness of this wicked looking creature.

the more of it's mass is used for attacks and lost the smaller it would become, yet even as a smaller beast, it still posed quiet the danger.
Azra watches the attack and moves forward, slicing her blade through the reaching tendrils and then past the blade, not caring if the gel landed on her armor at this point.

Reaching the slime, she reaches forward, reaching into the remaining mass and grasping the core in her hand, pulling.
Dealing with the pressure, and pain from the slimy impact. however Azra's speed, and determination allowed the wolf maiden to pierce into the king slime's body with her powerful thrust. her hand pressing the palm against the magical core, her fingers wrapping swiftly and snuggling around it. with one equally fierce, and swift yank, the core tore free of it's host. the glowing gem pulsating like a heart beat in her palm. yet more then that, the troublesome king slime melted before her, yet so did her armor. the gel which covered it, had melted enough of her gear to cause it to fall onto the ground with a splat, and clanging mixture.

now mostly exposed, Azra had completed her mission in this hellish little dungeon, all that was left was to get her exposed body out of the den. for now with her like this, the hybrid, demi human slave would become all the more alluring to any monster in the den. all they had to do was catch wind of her scent, and then it would become a race to escape before being over run. however once she would escape, then her master could protect his precious pet, as well as discover what kind of reward she might have earned from this ordeal.
Azra shivers slightly, tail flicking as she darts from the chamber, gem clutched tightly in her hand. She looks around the first chamber, looking for the the way she came in.

She sucks in a breath as she hears the sound of movement behind her, only what she could assume to be more monsters
Azra would be moving swiftly, as she soon found a bola hitting her ankels. tripping the wolf maiden up, only to have several short humanoid monsters rushing tours her. long tongues dangling out of their maws. as they moved tours her on all four. despite how they were bipedal, moving like this. the beast's would move to close the distance, aiming to pounce upon her, if they got to azra quick enough. however these Kobolts were only the beginning. for slower, but slightly larger goblins would soon arrive as well. More then that, Azra had already ran into several living traps on her way in, but now with out her armor, if she stepped into one, it would be harder to escape. as such the skillful, and well trained slave maiden could find herself in for some lewd trouble very soon.

Azra stumbles, her breath leaving her body with an "oomph". She rolls, getting back onto her feet, tail shifting for balance. She watches the Kobolds, her jaw tight as she backs away. All she had to do was get back outside, and with the fragile gem in hand, it wasn't going to be easy. Especially if she had to fight her way out.

She glances over her shoulder, and then back at the swiftly moving creatures. She grits her teeth and then licks one in the snout, knowing from person experience that a blow like that hurt like a son or a bitch.

After using the Kobold to throw into the other's as a temporary obstacle, she turns and runs, back towards the entry tunnel. She wasn't too worried about the living traps, painful as they would be, she could easily get out of them.
Managing to take out one of the Kobolt's completely, leaving it's body to begin to melt into the ground. the remaining two would swiftly recover. as they began to dart for Azra once more, as her legs kept stepping into shallow slime pits. slowing her down, as the slave forcefully tore her feet free from the grasping puddles. all the while, long thin tendrils began to sprout out of the wall's, made of thicker red gel. these ones aiming to grasp not at her, but the gem. as if wanting to consume the rare monster material, and evolve itself into a new small dungeon boss.

while this was going on, the two remaining Kobolt's released odd, and ear hurting scree's. this cry only called in more help, as several goblins soon began to join in. However even if Azra failed to get out of the dungeon. If she got close enough to shout for her master. if he heard her, even if angered, the slave knew her master treasured her enough to protect what was his, even if he punishes her for such needs of actions. however would she struggle through for a reward, or protect herself, and the desired prize, calling for aid, and thus getting a punishment instead of the rarely given reward?
Azra holds the gem close to her chest, shaking his head and lowering her head. Ducking and weaving, she avoids the red gel as much as she can. Her ears ringing, tripping and stumbling as she went, acquiring a couple bumps and scrapes.

She looks up, seeing the exit and reaches tripping and stumbling to her knees. She hisses in pain and twists, pressing back against the steep slope and kicking the closest Kobold in the snout. Drawing her blade, she swipes at the second Kobold, slashing through its face.
Managing to escape the den, and kicking back one of the Kobolds, just in time to see her master moving tours her. Azra would have a moment of peace, before suddenly feeling a tight grasp around one of her ankles. as the demi human slave was soon yanked down. her body hitting the ground, as she would begin to get quickly dragged into the den. However before she was out of view, her master's magic would be felt. as painful as it was, as the lightning engulfed Azra's body. the voltage would hurt, but leave no marks or permanent damage, but more so. the powerful jolt would free her from the now retreating denizen's of the pit she had just escaped.

"So then, my pretty little thing, How did your mission go?"

As he would be kneeling before her now, asking this, Malcolm would move to take hold of Azra by one of her arms. Moving to help his pet out of the den, and check her over for any kind of injuries which would need to be healed. However disappointed in how sloppy she was looking from her ordeal. Expecting his good little pet to be able to get in and out, with much less damage, let alone the armor and clothing she had, now being destroyed and ruined. for now he would give her his alchemist vest, which doubled as an over coat to wrap around herself, if she completed the mission, for if she failed, he would send her back in.
She doesn't call for help, knowing that sign of weakness would only anger her Master. Instead, she kept fighting until the moment her master took things into his own hands. She scampers away and up, letting her master pull her to her feet.

Her tail hangs limply, and she ducks her head, holding up the sparkling and shiny gem. She'd used her own body to protect it, knowing her master would be pissed if the gem came to harm.
Presenting the gem, Malcom would take it with a gentle smile creeping across his face. as he moved to place his one hand on top of Azra's head. running his fingers through her hair, and gently petting and patting her head in an oddly soothing manor, which was very rare from this man. After which he would take off his coat, and wrap it around her, to cover his pet up, so other's could not get free looks at her goods, which were his alone to abuse.

"You did very good, as such, I believe some one earned a proper reward, I shall grant you one request, ontop of what I already have in mind. so feel free to ask, and if it is acceptable, I shall grant it this one time. "

saying this to her, once he had the precious monster core in his possession. tonight the next stage of his experiment would finally be able to proceed, however this was not something Azra had to be made aware of, for now.
Her tail swishes side to side at the pets and she smiles proudly of her achievement and glad to have pleased her master. She leans into the touch slightly, closing her eyes the think of something she would want.

All the things that came instantly to mind were temporary, a delicious meal, a new book, an advanced lesson.

After a moment, she whispers, "A. . . Friend?" She mumbles.

"Someone I can spend my free time with?" She tilts her head slightly, a cute gesture.
"I will tell you what, the Only limitation I will place on your friend, is the same gender. I won't have another stud ruining my precious pet after all. So what you say once we get cleaned up, I will take you down to the local slave trader, and let you pick out a companion. hmm?"

as he spoke sounding calm, yet gentle for a change, however Azra if she realized it or not. what ever friend she chose would become more like a sister in suffering with her, or perhaps something lesser? however the fact remained, the only limitation her master gave for this new slave which would become her companion, and friend, would be the same gender as her. However if she were to find a futa, it would not go against his wishes, yet would give her something of potential interest.

Regardless, now she would be treated to a proper washing, and bit of pampering from her master, before being taken out to the slave market.
"Well then, let us head home, some one earned a proper meal, and a warm washing off. "

as he said this, the master would move from gently scratching behind her ear, and petting her head, to pulling Azra into his arm against his frame. the man, as abusive as he was, did take care of his property, and protect it. Azra being his prize possesion, despite how he abused her body to toughen it up with both beatings, and poisoning. Yet now she stood, as one of the most durable slave's known in the land. more then that one which offers were often sent to her master to buy, despite the high offered value, he had never even given it a second thought.

"So tell your master one thing, Did you find those monster's interesting? I read they can mutate, and evolve mid battle. "

asking this, with a bit of a playfully dark tone, this would hint towards a future job he would have for her. but with out details it would be left to her imagination, if she thought about it, however right now her mind could easily focus on her reward, and the very small amount of pampering she would get. well what she could call pampering from her master, which would be him making her a non poisoned meal, and using her while washing her in a shower. at least these actions only gave a form of pleasure for her.
"Well then, shall we enjoy a nice warm bath for two, together, or a hot meal for your work well done first?"

asking this, the normally abusive, and cold man would act in a rare manor. as he moved to lift his slave up, tossing her over his shoulder. her ass, and legs dangling, facing the direction he was walking, as her upper body was against his back. this would look as if he was kidnapping her, however this would be the closest thing to a gentle ride, or bridal carry, she would get. unless it was a night where he was feeling oddly playful, and horny, but for now, this was like an awkward reward in it's own. for if she could make herself comfortable enough, then Azra could rest on her master's shoulder, while he carried her back to their little hide away of a home, which would be quiet the enjoyable sight, compared to the dungeon she had just come out of.
Once they were home, Azra found herself, laid on the nice soft sofa, which was normally off limits for her. however as she laid their, naked, and vulnerable, yet able to relax and regain her strength slowly. The wicked man she knew as master, and in some twisted reality, lover. would now be walking off, with his prize in hand, as he placed it on the small table right before the entrance to the kitcen.

"Rest up for now, I will bring a proper meal you have earned once done. "

saying this in a serious yet oddly caring tone. Azra could now relax, she could easily choose to have her own fun if she wanted, be it to watch her master work, slip into a bath or shower. remain right where she was until he came to feed and slightly pamper her. as azra knew well, her master rewarded her very well for work completely. the more dangerous the task the better the reward, and with this one. she would know well this was one of the more dangerous tasks he had her take on, despite being able to do it himself with much less effort. as if watching her struggle and suffer, only to return to him was part of his sick desires. however the fact she managed to avoid being violated by those monsters, with all her own strength most likely played a role in this reward, even if he did not state it himself.
Azra felt her tail thump slightly at the mention of a proper meal, knowing a proper meal from her master meant a meal without pain. Her ears perked, and she sits up slightly, resting back on her elbows.

After a few moments, she laid back, pressing her face into the soft sofa and reveling in the feeling, quiet.
Time passed, as azra finally would get her reward, a meal with no poison, no painful spices, or any experiments. a purely blissful meal to enjoy. however the tiny woman would discover her master moving to sit at her dinner plate. only to have his slave sit on his lap. as he would be feeding her. it would come off as both affectionate, and passionate in such an odd way. reaching around her frame, so he could properly cut small bite size pieces and feed her. taking the time to properly pamper, and reward his loyal pet. as she would get another more lewd reward if she requested it. however if she did not. then the night would end up going into something more akin to him using her as he often did.
Azra squeaks, getting pulled into her master's lap, and enjoying the warmth provided. She eagerly eats the food, closing her eyes. She relaxes slowly, letting him feed the meal to her.

She wasn't in the mood for any sex, or anything else of the sort, already being exhausted and wanting snuggles more than anything else. She wouldn't ask, or even mention it to her master, focused on the food.
taking their time, so as to let Azra enjoy the meal. slow juicy bites, one at a time. however a slave she was, but his precious daughter she had been called, and protected as. this man's twisted, and corrupted relationship with a woman who was really nothing more then his personal plaything would be unique. yet he gave such warm rewards to her, despite the cruelty she lived with.

as the meal began to come to an end. if azra did not speak up to anything else she desired while he was in such a gentle and rewarding mood. she would end up being used through out the night again for his needs alone. yet for right now she was enjoying the rare sensation of his warm and caring side, pampering her.
Azra was quiet for the most part, her tail occasionally thumping along the sofa. She enjoys the pain free meal, her ears flicking slightly. After she finishes the last bite, she closes her eyes, slumping back. "Sleep. . ." She mumbles, a request, and an admission of her wants. She wanted a night of peaceful sleep, and nothing else
Moving to lift his loyal slave, and bestial daughter, the brute would carry her oddly light frame in a bridal style. moving to lay Azra on his extra large, and fluffy bed. moving to strip her of all clothing and even anything else which might be on her body. However the master would only strip her down, and tuck her into the bed, with a gentle kiss on her before wishing her sweet dreams.

once the room would be left, Azra would finally be able to rest peacefully for a night, but would her mind be able to rest. or would she see, or releve any prior events in her mind, be them good or bad? be them events which proved that her abusive treatment, was actually a good thing, which prepped her for survival? or would she relive some of her more nightmarish experiences, as it was. Her mind would allow for the naked, maiden to walk in darkness, with several doors appearing before her. In Azra's mind, she could now choose one of three doors, all of which were linked to prior experiences, and revelations which came to her, as she grew.

( feel free to decide if she choose a door of carnal delight, mental trauma, or even the Door of realization wink wink. )
Azra fell into her sleep, warmly welcoming it as the peaceful black abyss welcome her. She floated in the darkness, mind and body resting for a period of time before a hallway emerged, one that was vaguely familiar to her. The wall paper old and pealing. It took her a moment to realize that it was the main ball in her birth home.

As she wandered, three doors appeared, all different. One was beautifully carved, with ornate designs, a carving of a man and woman on it. The next door was made of bars, like the ones of the cages she'd been held in multiple times in her life. The last door was simple, plain except for the painting of an eye on the center.

She stood, her tail tucking close, ears pressing flat as she looks between the doors. She instinctively stayed away from the bars, her mind torn between the beautiful door and the plain one. After a few moments, she steps forward, pushing her hand against the plain door with the eye painted on it.

(If it's too obscure, she chose revelation.)
Having made her choice, the door began to open before her, the blinding light soon engulfing the luscious wolf kin slave. as she would soon see, images of herself at a very young age. before her master began his experiments. how he took care and protected her. even though he would still be distant. more then that, she would see glimpses of him taking her from the slave trade, not just buying her, but the fact he actually killed others for touching her before they could do anything to her. the reveal of how he did not just train and groom her to be his ideal companion. the images would flash, showing her, that her master did have a true weakness, she was his true weak spot.

However as this went on, images of how he waited till she was of age, and even more so how he was the one to take her innocence. the way he refused even the highest amount of gold for a one night of use for her body. despite how any other slave would have been rented out for that much gold in a heart beat. the horrible abuse she endure only made her stronger. however the scenes and even the memories which should have been blocked by her subconscious being shown were not just to show her how she was treasured, and cared for, despite his cold and abusive nature tours her. but also to help the slave realize her own feelings tours her fatherly figure, and owner, who enjoyed her body and company alike, even if did not show it outwardly tours her.

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