Fantasy RP The Enigma Class Beast's Hunt for an Ideal Mate, and Domain

Nov 19, 2022
@Lord Sesshoumaru

Name: Kira Starling
Age: 26 years
Gender: female
Species: has draconian bloodline but is unaware of this fact (perhaps why our enigma is so drawn to her as a powerful mate) I plan on her to eventually have her own dragon form eventually
Name: Lord Conflagration
nickname / Pet Name : ( To be given by Selected Mate, and partner )
Age: 2632
Gender: Male
Species: A very rare, and Believed to be mythical Enigma Class beast, one which is able to over whelm, and Dominate the Apex class of Alpha beasts with ease.
Molten, Infernal Mithril Dragon


Hidden on an unmarked island, from the main continent, a land which housed one of the strongest, and most dangerous dungeon existed. rumored to be the one realm, which the so called hero party would avoid, despite their mission to slay the world's well renown demon lord, and evil king of the dark continent. However it would be on this small land mass hidden from the main world, but close enough that any one with some knowledge of topography, and geography could easily find, teleport, fly, or even take a ship to and from. In the heart of this land the small entrance, located in the side of a mountain, which had been claimed to be an abandoned and dangerous mine was the dungeon which had not been tested or cleared for many years. with the past few months, several smaller, and weaker hordes of monsters came from it, being easily slain by the local adventurers, even the weaker novice ones. however this was but a warning, a calm before the storm. as such, goblins, kobolds, and yes even some mimics, and slimes were now on the list of creature's to be hunted, and farms to be protected.

in the local guild, a special mission request by the guild was placed upon the board. as it was one which would request any who were brave enough, or perhaps better to say foolish enough to take it. to scout, and dive into said dungeon, to see what reason had arisen, which would be causing the weaker upper floor beasts to flee the dungeon, and attack the local live stock, and wild life. as this went on, there were also several higher, and lower rank individuals crossing blades, training, and testing each other's skills. as they sought out the most suitable companions for this high risk, extremely high rewarding, scouting quest. Yet little did any know, that the truth of this soon to be revealed nightmare would soon come to their door step in the coming hours.
Kira Starling was one of the top members of her guild, easily outranking the strongest of men- simply for her cunningness and use of the blade that she carried on her hip. She was always decked out in some form of armor, although this armor was..barely just covering at most. Either way, those in the guild never questioned her, for despite how she looked, she was insanely strong and very adept to magic.

When she took that request off of the board, she turned to her guild master and waved it in the air for him to see. “I’m taking this one old man!” She called over and he just sighed and shook his head, knowing that she would be fine on that particular request..but the next time he would see her in his guildhall..he didn’t know when that would be.

Either way, Kira had set out that next morning- soon approaching the dungeon and easily slaying anything that came out of it. But before she got too deep into the abandoned mine, she could tell something—or someone was watching her.

So she readied her sword and looked around at any possible areas someone could jump her at, wondering exactly who this so called demon lord was.
Having ventured deep into the den of the beast, A dungeon now coated with blood. the powerful and skillful adventurer would take notice to the sensation of being watched. the unique and appealing look to this deadly beauty would soon become her own curse so to speak. as the heavy sounds of armored foot steps began to echo in the tunnel of blood stained earth and pulsating flesh. a spark of red energy periodically flared as if a single glowing orb in the distance could be seen only for moments at a time. the massive frame slowly coming into view with each step. the right hand dragging a massive hammer, which left an indent along the path, while the other arm had a shield which was easily the size of Kira's body, which had a strange almost demonic face design on the end of it, which was able to be pointed. If one looked close enough the fangs on this design were obviously blades, most likely meant to extend at a moment's notice for surprise attacks.

Once the massive frame finally came into full view, a sensation of over whelming power, and hunger pulsated from the core of this tall figure. rippling out through the den almost like an unheard wail of an apex predator about to cut lose in a starving frenzy of violent. it would be once this unexpected aura was felt, that the very path which Kira had come from began to crack, the path way changing, the vibrations and sounds not hidden at all. as what appeared like scale covered tendrils formed to block the path. swaying and wiggling about, with ends shaped like clawed hooks. their would be no mistaking it, this massive humanoid figure was not what it appeared, even using subterranean mimics to create a means to prevent escape.

once this hand been completed, the figure would once more begin to steadily and slow walk tours it's target, under the armored visage of a dragon, the figure's one glowing red orb appeared once more, it was his eye, more so the right eye. the armor now in full view, from head to toe in a thick plate armor, the design like that of a black or crimson dragon, but on the head, the upper part of the help, a dragon skull, but the mouth housed the face, well what should be a face, but had grates made of teeth in design which kept the face from full view for now. the way his arm lifted and swung the massive war hammer with one hand, created impressive shock waves of air pressure, before pointing tours Kira as the figured continued it's slow methodical march, as if tempting her to attack first, or face it's onslaught upon reaching the warrior's location.

a faint, almost whisper like growl would be heard from the figure for but only a moment,
" Can't have laughter with out Slaughter, let the feast of flesh begin anew "
Kira realized how things moved and manipulated around her, and she also realized that she was so so fucked. But she decided to calm herself as the figure moved once more- and she touched her blade- reaching out and lifting it towards the figure who kept approaching her.

Hearing its words she hissed lightly, and she suddenly backed up, trying to form a plan.

It didn’t seem like the figure had any weak points that she could think of, and soon she decided to filter her magic into her blade, making the metal a deep blood red- the blade was strong enough to cut through anything- with this blood magic she had used.

She wasn’t going to attack first- she knew that would be foolish, given as she was not familiar with her surroundings, the mysterious figure definitely had the upper hand in this. It was only a matter of time before she moved and watched how he would attack her next.
It was not long before the colossal frame was with in striking range of Kira, as the bestial warrior soon lifted and swung his mighty war hammer down. even if dodged, the shock wave would be enough to send any with in a foot or two of the impact site sliding from the spot, into the wall with impressive force. as it would not just indent the impact point, but leave a small crater with countless cracks spreading out. such an attack could be parried but would risk the weapon use to defend, However Kira would be unaware that the unique force behind the hammer. it would cause incredible damage yes, however the impact would heal the victim as quickly as it hit, as to only shatter any armor and clothing, while winding, and bruising the victim. this beast had no intention of ruining it's toy, roughing a toy up a bit sure, but nothing to severe, at least as of yet.

the glow of the red eye would following kira's movements, be them her own, or her being tossed about like a toy from impact, and shock waves. the fact remained, the first strike would happen quick enough to be a shock for the size of the arm, and weapon. not impossible to follow and react, but very hard to do so.

as the attacks would be nightmarishly powerful, they would also be linear, and easy to read, thus one figures out the range of the impact shock waves, it would be easy to dodge or parry properly, however it did not change the difference in size, and raw power.
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The split second Kira saw his hammer raise up, she launched herself into the air, feeling like she had just missed a deathly shockwave- even as the remnants still unfortunately sent her flying. But she reacted quickly and landed on both of her feet, sliding quite a bit of ways away from the figure.

She spat out some blood from her pretty face, and wiped her mouth. Some force that prick had.

She then decided to look around at her surroundings, wondering what she could use to her advantage in here. Her eyes searched for an answer, and even as it might have seemed she seemed distracted for just a moment, she was still on her guard. She would cut through his armor.

She readied her blade regardless, and before the mysterious figure could blink, Kira had flashed forwards and aimed at striking his helmet.

Her blood magicked weapon should be able to cut through any metal.. through anything really. She hoped it was enough to at least expose his face and split his helmet in two.

As she regained her footing from her counter attack, she turned on her heel and looked to him, wondering if she hit.
standing their due to her speed, appearing to be looking away from Kira, as the powerful adventurer made her move. lightning speed, and reflexes, her blades sizzling with the potent crimson energy. enhancing the razor sharp fine point edge, to a level of vibrating edge, a sharpness only very few could get to, and her magic replicated this unique cutting ability of the shadow assassins', with out the actual vibrations. her magically enhanced blade to Kira's horror would not hit the helmet, but instead stab into the thick bulking shield which covered the entire forearm of the one arm. the massive beast of a man, made very little movements, but they were precise. as the warrior could finally see a glimpse of his wicked eyes. the whites with red veins cutting through them, the red pupils slit like those of a felines. his teeth sharp, and edged like those of a shark, as the skin almost seemed like a soft hide covering scales, however this could be seen as a trick from his armor to make the warrior appear like this.

it would only be a few moments, upon her blades biting into the shield with incredible force, and impressive, yet deadly accuracy, that her entire body would begin to feel the over whelming strength. as the brute began to bulge his muscles, and swing the entire arm tours the wall. planning to smash Kira between the wall and his shield, which was large enough that her knees, and elbow would be all that stuck out from behind the shield if she was caught in this swing. however to avoid it, would be forcing her to abandon at least one of the daggers, however perhaps this action would leave him open for a counter strike, if she tanked the impending impact shock wave, now knowing the kind of raw power this colossal figure had behind his every movement.

little did Kira realize, the more skilled she was, and the longer she could fend him off, the more excited this beast would grow. the one thing to truly mark her as an ideal plaything to keep for the long run, instead of just a one night toy, which she was now being seen as, instead of a simple meal. would be the ability to inflict any kind of injury upon his body. However here it was, the true definition of a slow, raw powered tank, versus the exact opposite, a very agile, quick, and deadly warrior. the two opposites now locked in a battle, which would not end in the way one of them was expecting.
Kira examined the cut she inflicted on his shield, and she had frozen in place- only a moment had she caught what was underneath his helmet- and it shocked her to her very core.

Never had shed seen something or someone so monstrous that it made her want to viscerally vomit- and she only held back the moment sh sewing at her and almost effectively pinning her against the wall.

As he had seen before, she had been quick to react- and she crouched herself down, swinging her blade around to slash at his ankles, hoping to knock him back slightly with a swing of her legs as well.

Although she seemed agile and slender- the figure would definitely feel her power shining through, especially when she had made a cut on his shield- which had never endured such a thing before.
Finally seeming to make contact, Kira's blade hit the the ankle of the massive fiend. the blade making an impressive impact, however unlike how it slide through the shield like a hot knife through butter. The magically enhanced blade seemed to hit the plated greave with so much force. the red sparks came from her own blade, the teeth of the edge almost sparking from the impact, as the magic was being repelled back into the very blade itself. it would be quiet the sight, the red, and orange flashes. the sparks of steel, the blade itself suddenly losing bits of itself, as if being cut apart by the back lash of the impact. however if she pushed through this, sacrificing the very weapon, the blade would taste some flesh, and allow a tiny trickle of molten blood to come from the spot. however if she pulled away, the blade would be half destroyed, and the ankle she impacted, having only been granted a dent.

the massive figure did not move to stop her attack or even dodge it. Instead, rearing his shield back up, as the front of it, soon protruded two powerful looking saw like hook shaped blades. with the other hand his hammer would hit the ground behind him. as the massive hand dropped it, only to begin to reach for Kira's head. in two consecutive motions, the shield with it's blade would be ideally positioned to stab into the wall or ground, and pin Kira with her hips between the sharped jaws of this shield. as the other hand aimed to grasp her hair or any part of the agile death dealer he could grab. Still moving rather calmly and slowly, as if taking her assault like an adult tanked the antics of a harmless child, yet it would be this last attack which showed that this warrior was powerful enough to be kept. if for nothing else to bear a seed of his. as the wicked reptilian eyes sparked with excitement. as he made his motions, a dark rumbling, and over powering voice would hit her ears, even if distracted by the ordeal of her blade meeting his armor.

"Now you have done it. I have not felt this Excited in a very long time. Woman You will take responsibility for this Thrill I now feel. "
She had abandoned the dagger she had used in the moment, and had switched to her sword once again, trying to cut through to the flesh- and effectively so, she pulled back, only for a moment to realize she had been brutally pinned against the wall.

She hissed out at the pain his shield inflicted on her, letting her dark crimson blood drip down on the sides of her hip, to the black hardened molten ground and her head lifted by him- Kira had dropped her damaged blade in the process and her eyes were full of fear as she gazed upon the figure who spoke.


This was the first job she had went on that she wouldn’t be coming back from. She hated to admit it, but- at least other adventurers would be safe for the time being.

Hearing his words she looked at him in defiance, but barely struggled. What exactly would he do to her? She only shuddered at the thought.
Now with this prideful looking beauty weakened and vulnerable, the massive framed behemoth would move it's powerful palm tours her. easily engulfing Kira's entire head in his palm, wrapping his massive fingers around to grasp her skull. lifting the beautiful yet bloodied warrior up like this, so her body dangled in his grasp. the sound of the shield suddenly falling and hitting the ground could be heard. as the second hand moved to grasp what ever garments, and armor she had. tearing them off Kira, much like one could easily tear wet tissue paper with a mere tug. His cold, reptilian eyes seemed to almost light up in excitement. the thick, long tongue slipping from his lips, only to visibly and slowly lick around his lips, from one end to the other, to only then be pulled back into his maw. breathing growing a bit heavier for a few moments of excitement. it would almost feel as if each growing, and excited breath from this beast heated the air around the two of them.

as this was going on, it could easily be missed, as his discarded hammer, and shield seemed to sink into the molten floor and vanish with in the depths of the dungeon magically living walls. Move to calmly carry the dangling and powerless, albeit it strong willed new toy to be claimed. the beast smirked to himself, as they would slowly move ever closer to a wall of thrashing and fleshy tendrils. At first one might think this brute was about to watch her be violated by the dungeon itself, when in truth, he was going to have the fleshy material bind and drag her through the slime covered, fleshy material between floors, to spit her out into the final boss chamber, his chamber. as the brute would still need to do some more unpleasant work, before indulging in this delicious morsel. however he would enjoy every moment of her struggle, be it from the time he grabbed her to the horrible sensation of being bound and dragged into a fleshy abyss, leading to only the depths of this beast's domain. Now with a prize to enjoy, he would seal off the deeper chambers, and floor entrances, before moving to the chamber to indulge in claiming his prize.
She certainly didn’t go down without a struggle, even though her attempts were futile. The moment she had seen the fleshy tendrils of the wall she couldn’t help but let out a squeak of terror, and as she was flung towards it, being pulled down into the depths- she could feel her own heart race further and further.

She didn’t care that she was stripped of her armor, she just wanted out. She stood and looked around the chamber, wondering exactly how many more moments she had before that thing would come for her.

Kira didn’t notice, but her skin was hardening slightly with draconic scales of her own, almost as if it was a defense mechanism- and her bleeding had stopped because of it.
as time passed, the opening slowly began to tear in the wall as two black gauntlet like hands tore it open. allowing the massive over shadowing figure to cleanly step in, as the wound sealed back up behind his entrance. once in the den, the true size difference could be seen and felt, however now with the newly formed glistening scales at key spots on Kira's body. it only excited the behemoth of a brute all the more. moving tours her once more, each menacing aura felled step. the power seeping from it's being, as the eyes flared, his armor beginning to crack, as the damage glowed like molten magma breaking from from a hard containing surface. his frame did not increase in size by much, however his gauntlets would begin to fall apart, as claws broke through them.

"Oh, this will be so much more fun now, we have enough room for a real romp little sow, Do show me that alluring will you had prior. "

with his choice of words, their would be very little left to the imagination of his plans for Kira, with the words rom and sow in his statement. however as he moved steadily tours her, as if wanting to see if she would let him continue shifting into a more intimidating hybrid form before her, or if she would strike first.
Kira instinctively went to grab her sword on her hip as he approached but had nothing- that’s right— she had dropped it when..

She fell back on her ass, and looked up in horror as he approached. She truly was defenseless- or so it would seem. The enigma would notice as those scales formed, her fingernails had grown to sharp, black claws, digging into the molten rock behind her.

This definitely was interesting to say the least, where at first she was a powerful warrior to begin with but to have these qualities.

She let out a soft growl- which shocked her to say the least.

“You touch me and I will do everything in my power to kill you..” she warned, and somehow he would know those words to be true, for one to be on par with him as much as she had.. it wouldn’t be far off.
now the cracking armored brute would land a powerful and calm step, as a stunning shockwave of pure air pressure would be felt. right when the pressure released from this step was felt. the massive figure would vanish from sight, only to be right before Kira the next moment. his powerful palm suddenly thrusting tours her belly to knock the wind out of the changing maiden. Little did she know, that this was what the beast wanted. the stronger the mate, the stronger the off spring it desired. however also the harder she fought the more excited it grew.

for the first time showing off some real speed. it was not impossible to block, dodge or parry, however it would also leave her more vulnerable to a follow up, depending on the position she put herself into, from the action of choice to deal with this brute's sudden palm strike, if she did not want to endure the impact.
Kira went to grab his hand to block his blow as he flashed forward, and she was knocked back effectively- gasping for her air. She hated this. She felt so powerless without her weapon, that was an extension of her. But she also knew how to fight with her hands- and now her new found claws-

She was still holding onto his arm, and before he could even think she curled around him like a serpent would, before gaining some air and aiming to kick in his head towards the ground, using that roundhouse kick to knock him down a few levels so she could regain her own composure.

Her kick would be more powerful than it previously would have because she had that transformation going, to which she didn’t fully understand herself.

When she landed back down on her feet she looked to her hands and touched the sides of her hips, where she felt the scales. “What the fuck have you done to me?!” She cried out, figuring this was something of his doing.
Managing to get her first good blow in, onto this brute. slipping off, and regaining her stance, and position. Kira would see how the body twisted slightly from the hips up, the face turned as if forced to move from the impact. but slowly the body repositioned itself to be standing straight up, once more. his eyes now looking even more excited, as he smirked. a tiny trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, as the beast would move once more. this time aiming to try and grab an arm or leg. wanting to grasp a limb, and slam this woman into a wall with force. however his movements were not as fast as his prior blow. however now his body would be even harder if hit, as if adapting to absorb stronger blows. as it moved tours her, speaking calmly yet moving excitedly with deadly precision and speed with each motion.

" Oh, You will me ideal for my use, adapting to the form needed to endure our shared needs. "
Still, he was able to grab her and slam her against the wall- making her gasp out with air- he could feel how cold she was to the touch- her icy gaze forming more like his- except that which she touched was icing over.

She looked at his gaze as he spoke and she spat out in reply, “I’m nothing like you!” They didn’t have shared needs, they didn’t at all. She hated this, but she knew she had to endure. She would let him. Even if the idea sickened her- something in her was telling her this was okay, this was how dragons became mates- they power played.



How the fuck did she know anything about that, it didn’t make any sense- but then again everything about her human mind was being taken over bit by bit by her draconic form.
after allowing Kira to slide onto the floor from the impact of his tossing her into the wall, the beast jumped back and smirked, as the steam and glowing crack of his armor finally hit their limit. melting the metal, and shattering chunks in response to the excitement from her unknown and dormant draconic blood having begun to awaken. the influence of the black death tyrant before her would begin to be felt finally. his one hand now a wicked reptilian claw with scythe like nails on his four digit claw three for fingers, and one for a thumb. the other hand more human like, albeit with now spiked armor of scales coming from the skin, almost like a spear for the hand, and a bloom out at the wrist making a smaller organic like shield. his massive frame began to flex finally. as the molten armor fell of in smoldering globs. his feet now like those of a raptor. his tail forming, as he was still in a humanoid form. his head more human, albeit with draconic, or even demonic looking horns beginning to come from the top sides of his head, above the ears. as he licked his lip.

" Yes, this is much more comfortable now, let us continue. the dance of perpetual claiming, and delicious pain. "

as he said this, his leg muscles suddenly bulking out, as he knelt down. visible steam coming from his flesh as the raw power could be both felt and seen. before pushing off, leaving a crater where he stood. aiming to bounce from one wall and ceiling to another, until he was nothing but a blur of blunt force. aiming to strike Kira with each pass, ether with a palm strike or tail whip. the more her draconic blood stirred, the more excited this beast grew, to the point, even her eyes would be able to pick up glances. something under the scaled like pouch of protective armor for the hid. a strange slit in the armor, at first one might think it was a weak spot, but in truth this slit was becoming more visible, due to the growing excitement with in the fiend. as it housed two very unwanted toys, which would desire to find a sheath with in her all to soon, however the longer this dragged on for, the worse off it would be for Kira, despite her strong will, and stubborn warrior persona. the maiden was slowly awakening to the dormant side of her genetics, the draconic side, as it was this dormant blood, the scent of which which caused her to be chosen by this brute in the first place.
Kids definitely was trying her best in avoiding the strikes- but with each passing blow, she faltered more and more- finally forced on her hands and knees- coughing out dark, almost black blood.

She gasped for air, crying out in pain as her body was forced to shift, a silvery white dragon appeared from her flesh-and the enigma would notice how small her form was given at the present moment.. probably because this poor dragon had been starved of human flesh and blood to feed on- the fact that she was still a potential mate for him was absurd.

She shifted and stretched out her wings for the very first time- and at this present moment, Kira- was no long we in her human mind- just her beast one, and all she knew was that this thing, this beast in front of her was trying to get her to submit to him- so he could mate with her.

Something within her bellowed and as she roared, an icy breath was unleashed, freezing everything in its path, even the molten hot lava could not stand a chance- below sub zero temperatures…it was incredible- an ice dragon such as herself had never been seen in over a thousand years.
turning the massive hybrid stud into a standing ice statue, however it would not remain frozen for long. at least now this rarity had a means to fight back albeit a short lived one. if she went to try and shatter the frozen foe, it would only free him all the quicker, his hybrid form still dwarfing this beautiful reptilian beast before him. however this could be fixed with coming time and meals. However as the pillar of ice now holding the brute began to crack and melt as quickly as it formed. his molten exterior could now be prevented, but the constant and continual heat from his core, and body would not be so easily snuffed out.

giving the draconic Kira a very short winder to try and make a move, be it a fruitless attempt to escape the chamber or attack and shatter her foe, which would normally be possible if it was a normal foe. which could be turned to full ice through and through, however now with her ice ability, this foe would be forced to rely on his brute strength for his heat base ability would be useless now with her absolute, or below zero temp abilities.
Kira saw this opportunity to fly up towards the ceiling and claw her way upwards- trying to escape by any means necessary. Her beast form was in panic mode, wanting to fly away as soon as she could.

But she knew it was futile- no matter how many times she clawed and roared at the ceiling.

She eventually came down and was panting hard, the stud would see she was at her wits end- practically primed for the mating session at this point- she couldn’t fight back at all, as her body was now exhausted and her spirit broken- she seemed so pitiful for him, but her beast form knew that she had to let this stud in front of her claim her- as was his right.
Now with the small draconic maiden in a bestial form, exhausting herself and failing to escape. would notice the pillar had shattered during her failed attempts. as the massive brute stood their with his arms crossed, until she exhausted herself. an evil smirk across his face, before moving tours the smaller dragon once more. his clawed hand moving to grasp her by the tail, and one of her wings. aiming to pin, and press the beautiful reptilian maiden against the wall. to allow his twin spears from their sheath, and claim her with a double penetration in her female entrance. leaving little to be revealed as the fiend moved to try and do this in one fluid, yet violent, and penetrating motion.
She let out a cry of discomfort as he grabbed her tail- which was sensitive for dragons- and her wing, pinning her up against the wall. She clawed at the stone with her front paws, as if to brace herself for what she knew what was coming. She then gave a growl out towards him as his twin spears penetrated her for the first time, making her hiss sharply. He took no time in breaking her hymen, causing a wave of pain to radiate throughout her body.
Now with the rare, and impressively beautiful yet smaller ice dragoness pinned, the hybrid fiend pushed not one, but both his twisted, ridged, and slightly barbed cocks deep into her. violating Kira, and claiming her, as one hole was not meant to endure two healthy, meaty pricks in the same hole. yet here it was happening to her, more then that, this beast handling her would feel oddly right? was it a kind of dormant instinct? was it something more, something even she did not understand, or perhaps something her primal side would realize for her more human brain to be made aware of in due time. for now her body could feel each powerful thrust, causing her tiny pinned frame under the much larger hybrid. his powerful strikes going as deep as he could, even pushing her body against the harder dungeon floor with each powerful penetrating push. this would only lead on to more pain it seemed, yet some how, beyond one's proper reasoning, Kira would slowly begin to feel pleasure over riding pain, was it due to something his body was secreting, and thus contaminating her inner flesh with? or perhaps something more natural, however the fact remained, the pleasure would slowly build, and blend with the pain which was dominant at first. his claws grasping and holding tightly to her shoulder joint where the one wing protruded from, the other the sensitive yet sturdy part of the tail, closest to her body. as to avoid the risk of the tail breaking off where it became thinner.
Kira at first was not enjoying herself, she was in great pain as his twin spears stretched her out in ways she shouldn’t have been able to be stretched out. But as the hybrid man behind her continued to fuck her- she began to feel a mix of pain and pleasure, growling out as he continued to hold her sensitive tail, making her finally secrete the milky liquid of her arousal. Her primal instincts were making her submit to him, and actually enjoy being dominated over- to the point where he could feel her body reciprocating his much better than before.
Now with her body betraying her Kira, would feel the growing pleasure in the pinned state of her position. the bestial partner in his hybrid form panting as his body slammed into her faster, and harder with out remorse. keeping the ice dragon pinned, the black fiend would begin to swell quickly, with how great, and tight her depths felt, their was no mistaking how great it would be for the dungeon lord to breed such a rare beauty. more then just that.

growling out as he took her with out remorse.
"Feels great, make you a perfect breeder partner in my new domain. "
Now with the powerful fiend grasping and controlling the smaller ice dragon's very body, she would soon feel herself being lifted enough that all four claws scraped the hard rocky surface, or fleshy surface, depending on where they touched. her very frame being pulled into the powerful thrusts. making the impact very lewd, and wet sounding. as the wicked thing took great care to fill her to the brim with his draconic seed. not one, but several loads would be pumped relentlessly into her, to the point, each thrust would allow for the sensation of escaping seed to run down her inner legs, and into a puddle under Kira.

Little did the dragon know, this session would not be the last, any time soon. for once her body reverted, this draconic lord would claim her other forms as well. wanting to enjoy all shapes, and sizes of it's new mate. their would be no escape from the curse of breeding in this dungeon, however if she endured long enough perhaps, when the beast took a nap, she could sneak out of the small opening his body blocked, however if she ended up passing out first. then Kira would awaken in a new chamber, one which would be crafted purely for her.
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