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Fantasy RP The Lost Ark of Clones, and Domains Reborn

Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the horrible show came to an end, The wicked lord of this little clan ordered the women to clean up, and toss the injured beast into a cage. at which point he would take one of the busty clones by the hair, dragging her off tours his ungodly and horridly decorated tent. leaving the rest to take care of the cleaning, and maintaining the beast's needs be it feeding or cleaning. given enough patience, and time, Kari would eventually see how the clones moved about and even the periods when each area are left unattended between shifts. meaning she could make plans to beline for the fluff ball of a beast or work to slowly take the tames from them one playmate at a time. converting the tames with her body to her own.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Beats a beast abd drags a poor woman by her hair...scum." She hissed. Though...Kari knew that dragging a dine busty woman into her hut would not have been on her mind until sge plundered Evie that night in her scorpion venom induced haze. She probably wouldn't hesitate to get her paws of one of those clones after a good taming. But rather than let herself lament on...the lack of woman she had to stick it in, she startedvto climb out of her hide hole slowly. She would lure their tames away...and convert them to her much more gentle way of living,.or give these mobsters a taste for human sex. Getting them to horn in on her clones definitely still would get them distracted.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now out and sneaking about, Kari would see two of the larger raptors, as they were being cared for by another clone. one with the code Everlyne, or 3v3Lyn3, as this tattoo ran along her one thigh, wearing only beaten rags to cover her body. As this abused clone would be caring for the dino's, it would paint a unique scenario, for Kari to ether lure the raptors away to take them right away, or to kidnap this clone and convert her like she did the prior lily. Ether way it could be a stepping stone for kari.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari looked between the clone and the raptors, briefly unable to really consider her options. Afterall...her addiction and her interests bounced against eachother. To convert the clones might let them do the hard work for her without having to suck her way through their stable of dinos...fir now. Kari started to pick through some stones and grabbing up plants start weaving them together ti make a set of bolas.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with a few bola's crafted, Kari would see how another clone would come in to check on her rah wearing sister. unlike the one which was already here. the one which was now visiting was well dressed in comparison. all the while, showing that not all the clones were treated equally, more so it seemed those the man favored were of the higher class in this clan, while other's were below dirt so to speak. as she was kicked by the crueler clone, and mocked, for not cleaning the tames stable quick enough. before this higher up clone would leave calling the one caring for the dino's trash and useless.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari narrowed her eyes at the clone that was abusing her own clan member. She would fix that behavior. She started to sneak into the stables, the scent of Thylo was all over her, masking her human scent from the dinos, so she focused on staying out of sight. She drew out her bolas as she got closer to the stable girl.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she got closer, Kari would begin to hear some spite mumbles from the stable girl. More so about how her sister was now a bed maiden against her will. Stating how she would eventually get back at those ass holes who ruined her home. Unaware that the chance for her own vengeance and justice would soon n claim the cloned maiden by force.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she was quickly pinned and silenced, The clone which was the stable girl muffled, and squirmed under Kari. However everlyne would struggle in vein, as she seemed to weak to break free on her own. which only showed K4R1 how mistreated this clone really was. Yet her body was still quiet the alluring bomb shell of breeding desire. however it was clear this clone was still completely loyal to her abusive master of this clan. Yet this was a chance for revenge, which she did not seem to be interested in at the moment.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mm! Or keep struggling-hah- you want to be loyal to a cock, you can be loyal to mine-" she hissed as she moved her hand, ripping her loincloth aude as she rolled around with her, pinning her on her side and starting to force her legs apart , Kari's cock was already at attention, her hips rolling and pushing up against the stable girls slit. "You want to work a stable, I'll make you mine~"
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she managed to roll the abused, and broken cloned, stable girl onto her side. for a brief moment, Kari would find herself kicked off of the younger weak cloned. as she panicked, and began to try and crawl away from kari. giving the predatorial, futa survivor a golden chance to show this younger looking clone who was boss, and who she belonged to now. as the attempt did nothing more then get maybe a few feet from Kari before all she would need to do was pull the panicked girl back under her by limb or hair. however this would also the moment she would discover this clone was actually damaged goods. she could not properly speak or make proper sounds. if one looked closely they would see scar tissue around the throat, and mouth, which would be easily missed, but showed the extent of abuse she endured, showing it was not loyalty to the cock of her master but fear.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she crawled away, Kari grabbed her by the ankle, dragging the mute girl closer to her savagely and latching onto her from behind. She made to silence her against, to grab her neck, but noticed the scarrs by ther throat. Her stomach tirned...her bones however was unswayed. "Bastard, he silenced you so?" She said as she held her diwn, wrapping her in a head lock.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the clone in a head lock, her body pinned under Kari, the futa maiden's erect member could feel the moist puffy lips of the victim under her. this also would reveal how her body got excited by being handled like this, which only led to more knowledge about the crude man she had to deal with. however this mute maiden would be her first stepping stone in a prehistoric harem of maidens and beasts all for Kari to indulge herself with sooner or later.

however as it was currently, her mission was to break, subdue, and tame this stable girl, some of the tames, and perhaps take the injured alpha thylo back to the den hidden in the actual camp if she could get it all done with the limited time she had available.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Pushing her impressive girthy rod into the tight depths of the moist puffy lower lips. K4R1 would discover that this mute toy had yet to be violated properly. as she could feel the other worldly tightness, along with the unique resistance which would soon be destroyed by the futa dominatrix herself. as this began to go on, Kari would easily begin to lose herself, taking a clone's virginity for a second time thus far, however unlike the past ones, this one was a victim which her treatment, if gentle, and passionate enough to win over the victim with out needing to be as brutal as she was with her prior victims. as the process of her unique influence had already begun. more then that, the scent her body releases while in the lewd act aroused, and excited many more of the times around them. yet they had little time to enjoy all the potential fun to be had. thus Kari would need to choose to spend all her time only with this mute maiden, or to subdue her, and take her back to the den of the Thylo's for proper and longer breaking and taming so to speak.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Mute: internal screams turn to Internal moans)

Kari muffled herself, pressing her face to her clones neck as sgecfelt hoe tight she was, her girth hard on pulsed hungrily, as the pleasure shot through her mind. She wanted to take her now...but Kari looked up at the tames...abd figured getting this stable too excited all at once would probably get messy and loud. She kept her control of the Mute, drawing herself up and holding her on her hips as she walked and hustled back for the thylo den, her steps and sneaky shuffles bouncing her captive on her spear more abd more.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the clone in her embrace, while it was difficult, the smaller build of Kari's abused clone was very apparent. despite looking like a perfect copy in appearance, with out the man meat between the legs. the busty clone was actually only half as tall as Kari herself. however Everylne was now being bounced with each step. as Kari slowly moved tours the thylo's hidden den. yet the sensation of how she grew tighter with each step, and the movement would seem to cause Kari to struggle to not just give into the pleasure, and ruin her chance to slip into the den with her prize.

wrapping her arms around kari's neck, the clone moved to bite into her neck crook, and shoulder. trying to silence herself, despite not needing to. as the only real sounds were faint, and more then that, the louder sounds would be muffled naturally in this unique scenario.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
'Oh god-she's a horny mute-'Kari thought as she felt her biting on her and tightening, her hands grabbing on her ass as she pushed herself to keep walking...though a bit faster to move her harder as they move to the den and started to pull her off to bend her over and push her into the den...thrustig into her the whole way back into their safety.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now pushing her new toy into the den, as she fucked the mute with every inch they moved. It would not be long before Kari suddenly felt her new piece of ass being ripped away from her,
as this stable girl was pulled harshly into the den. By the time K4R1 got into the den. she would see the smaller Thylo pinning her n ew fuck doll, and growling while bearing it's fangs.

the beast seemed to be ready to rip this mute girl apart, if Kari did not step in quick enough, however perhaps she could teach this mute the pleasure of the feline loving as well. perhaps even a threesome once she got her fluffy cuddle partner to calm down a bit. but for right now their was a risk of her new piece of ass being ripped to shred by her over protective little kitten.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Managing to pull the smaller fluff ball of a beast from her mute fuck doll of a new servant to be claimed. K4R1 would find the beast still growling as it stared at the now trembling mute girl. moving tours kari and snuggling into her frame. licking the cloned mistress in a sign of affection, while still not liking this victim. However it would change it's tune once the stable girl became part of it's mistress's pack so to speak, as it meant this beast would also get it's chance to have some much needed fun as well. yet for now, the damage could be seen. the mute scarred beauty had some fresh bite, and claw marks on her body. which bled slightly. yet it was nothing dangerous or life threatening, as these marks would hear quickly thanks to how shallow they were, but the real issue would be the sudden mental trauma this assault had caused the already damaged girl.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Karo put her hand on the Thylo's head, gently petting it but then pushed its head, booping it on the nose. "You can't attack my girls if I'm stuffing them." She grumbles as she moved down to the mute and started to check her new marks. Starting to look over the damage. She wouldn't have much need for medicine in her life.
.her healing techniques making it very tough for her to get things like and infection. She shifted the girls legs apart as she hovered over her Starting to pick uo herbs sgecsaw some of her clones gather up in the past for solving cuts and burns , especially burns.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she went to work, the mute stable girl looked on, her eyes locked on the dangerous size thylo, having no idea this massive feline was actually small compared to the one which Kari would be reclaiming all to soon. yet for right now, the beast growled tours the new woman, as it did an odd mixture of growling at the new woman, and purring at the side of K4R1. yet it was obedient to Kari, despite how it did not seem to like this mute woman, at least for right now. However once Kari added some salve, and herbs to the clone's wounds. she would discover this shorter busty clone's exterior wounds healed almost as quick as her own, albeit needing a catalyst to jump start the healing, via the medical mixture she would use. yet showing this girl was a kinda mutant like Kari herself, but not to the same extent, but one which could be enjoyed more in the coming days.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mm...We are sisters in more ways than one." She noted as she saw her wounds slowly healing. It was a bit cruder, slower, no wonder she scarred like she did. Kari cupped her head, making her turn her head to her. "He will join later." Kari said with a wink as she leaned in and kissed her mute copy, her meat spear thrusting into her slowly to get her back into the moment.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she did this, the mute maiden would attempt to make a scream, as her one hand grasped what ever it could. the other moving to try and push Kari away.
still having a bit of fight in her, albeit like a cute display of resistance. it would not be much longer to make this clone all hers. as kari had a good head start, thanks to
her prior assault. albeit interrupted with the protective little thylo. however now the time to take what was hers, had finally come. the rougher she got, the quicker this would
seem to go. as if the mute had a fetish, or perhaps had been trained to enjoy rougher treatment, however gentle treatment, might not be as fast, however could be seen as a much
more enjoyable experience for the stable girl.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari let her struggle, but slammed her hand back down to pin her again, her thrust getting rougher. For the moment, it was simply to try to force her to give up, her cock bulging and reshaping her inside. "Mme-ah-no fighting-mmm- I'm going to make sure you're taken care of~even if I have to force it in a few more times!" She said as she lurched her up, holding her legs up to rut into her. "Then I'll find-Evie- and thank her for showing me how nice ladies feel!"
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Taking her time to roll the young mute up, into an impressive, and pinning breeding press. The futa could enjoy the tight sensation of this womanly entrance around her bulging cock. as she slammed it into her victim over, and over again. each time feeling how her victim grew tighter, and her body seemed to entice Kari's body to be milked for all it was worth. as this struggling and pinned short stack under her was half of kari's size, she had breast, and ass size which rivaled the seductive fute, no perhaps some what surpasses her own charm in a lewd manor, and now this short beauty was all hers, well would be once she finally broke completely.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ha~mmm~you little runt~you git a good set of~fucking holes~ngh!" Kari grunted and growled as she battered down on her short captives baby maker, her cock plunging in and put, bulging and tapping in her womb roughly. "Mm~who would make you a stable girl~mm~Oh well maybe I'll come through mine and fuck you just- like this every night !"
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the feet dangling over Kari's shoulder, the toes curling, and stretching in opposition of each foot. her hands pressing into Kari's shoulder, and breast. the tiny woman under her squirmed and struggled, however it would soon become known why she had become even more rebellious with this overwhelming pleasure. as Kari soon found the feline mounting her while she was mounting Everlyne, however this soon caused the feline's own thrust to make her thrust dig so deep it was as if it was helping it's mistress to stir their new toy's guts around and filling the womb to the extreme. the pleasure racking up, now, as it seemed her fluffy guardian could not wait any longer for it's fun. thus sandwiching it's mistress between itself and the new toy to be claimed all to soon.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Yeah~I'm going to breed you~oof!" Kari gasped as her thylo jumped into the party, feeling its prick already hunting firba place to stick itself in. She flushed. "Impatient boy! What do you think you're-" she hissed and then moaned faintlybas it forced its way inside of her slowly, sinking herself deeper. Her captive felt her new defining mistress get even bigger inside of hervas fresh blood jumped inti her cock.
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